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外研社版普通高中教科书·英语选择性必修 第四册.pdf

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1、普通高中教科书第四册选择性必修第四册主 编:陈 琳普通高中教科书选择性必修北京主 编:陈 琳副 主 编:张连仲编 者:刘 晓 李陆桂 张京生 钱建源 徐 浩 雷传利 (按照姓氏笔画排序)项目策划:王 芳 王 勇项目负责:张黎新 郎 崧 张 涛基础教育出版分社: 地 址:北京市西三环北路 19 号 外研社大厦 基础教育出版分社 (100089) 咨询电话:(010)88819117/88819688 传 真:(010)88819423本教材是外语教学与研究出版社根据教育部制定的普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) ,在充分调研和科学论证的基础上推出的中小学“一条龙”英语教材英语 (新标准)的高

2、中部分。本教材的主编为北京外国语大学陈琳教授,副主编为张连仲教授,编写团队包括国内高校的知名专家学者、教研人员和一线教师。陈琳教授秉承周恩来总理提出的“一条龙”外语教学理念,总结自己从事外语教育工作 70 年的经验,提出了符合中国外语教育实践的教育理论辩证实践外语教育途径,并在英语 (新标准)教材中贯彻实施。根据教育部 2017 年新课程标准的精神,我们启动了英语 (新标准)高中教材的修订工作。本次修订全面依托新课程标准要求,坚持陈琳教授的特色理论,由陈琳教授、张连仲教授指导编写团队,在充分考虑我国英语教育实际学情和教情的前提下,进行了全面的框架重建和内容设计,保证了理论与实践的紧密结合。英语

3、 (新标准)高中教材共分 10 册:13 册为必修课程教材,47 册为选择性必修课程教材,810 册为选修课程中的提高类教材。选择性必修课程教材与必修课程教材形成递进关系,进一步夯实基础,为学生的深度发展与进阶做好准备,既适应今后高考的普遍要求,也能够适应学生今后人生和职业发展的语言需求。 英语 (新标准)选择性必修课程教材的主要特色如下:一、坚持立德树人根本任务。在教材的选材、内容、语言等各个方面突出学科的育人本质,帮助学生更好地培育中国情怀,坚定文化自信,拓展国际视野,形成正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。二、突出学科核心素养的重要性,全面培养学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力,帮助



6、助教师快速理解教材内容和相关背景知识,明确教学目标,掌握教学节奏;同时开发了配套的网络教材和其他多媒体配套资源,丰富课程资源,拓展教学模式。我们希望, 英语 (新标准)高中选择性必修课程教材能够进一步培养学生的语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养,为他们继续学习英语和终身发展打下坚实的基础。英语 (新标准)系列教材高中阶段编委会前 言Scope and sequenceUnitStarting outUnderstanding ideasUsing languageGrammarIntegrated skills P1Looking forwardsVideo: Lu Xu

7、ns decisionFacing the futureReview: tensesChoices and decisionsFunctions:Asking polite questionsGiving reasonsProject: Making a Wall of Life-changing Choices P73 P13Lessons in lifeVideo: Filling the jarTuesdays with MorrieReview: passive voiceProverbs about lifeFunctions:Talking about experiencesGiv

8、ing adviceProject: Making a speech on the meaning of life P74 P25The world meets ChinaVideo: The Silk RoadWelcome to Dunhuang!Review: adverbial clausesCultural exchangeFunctions:Giving reasonsDrawing conclusionsProject: Interviewing a foreigner in China P75 P37Everyday economics Video: A brief histo

9、ry of currencyBusiness blossomsReview: attributive clausesSocial creditFunctions:Asking for clarificationClarifyingStating advantages Project: Pitching a business plan P76 P49Into the unknownVideo: Ancient mysteriesThe mysteries of the MayaReview: noun clausesFacing the unknownFunctions:Asking for m

10、ore informationExplainingProject: Mapping unsolved natural mysteries P77 P61Space and beyondVideo: The solar systemThe call of the ChallengerReview: modalsLife in spaceFunctions:Expressing opinionsExpressing hopesProject: Planning a space tour P78AppendicesLearning aidP81 VocabularyP122Words and exp

11、ressionsP116Names and placesP129Developing ideasPresentingideasReadingWritingThe road not takenLearning to learn:SymbolismWriting an application letterGiving a speech about your understanding of successThe Blue Bird (adaptation)Learning to learn:Full-length playsWriting a summaryLearning to learn:Ho

12、w to write a summaryGiving a presentation about a literary work and its value Reading ChinaLearning to learn:Answering a big questionRecommending cultural highlightsDesigning an opening ceremony for a cultural exchange exhibitionWhats mine is yours.Learning to learn:Two-sided argumentative essaysWri

13、ting an essay about non-cash paymentsGiving a presentation about suggestions for better economic development in your home townDiving deepLearning to learn:Discourse markersWriting about the unexplainedGiving a speech on the meaning of explorationEyes upon the nightLearning to learn:Time sequencingWr

14、iting a journal entry about living in spaceRecommending three thingsto put on a disc to be sent into spaceReflection同学们,欢迎大家继续英语 (新标准)高中教材的学习!经过必修课程教材的学习,大家已经打下了更为扎实的英语基础,达到了高中英语学业质量水平一的要求。现在大家应根据升学或就业的需要,对自己的学习目标提出更高的要求。由教育部制定并颁布的普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版) 明确规定:普通高中英语课程作为一门学习及运用英语语言的课程,与义务教育阶段的课程相衔接,旨在为学生

15、继续学习英语和终身发展打下良好基础。普通高中英语课程强调对学生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合培养。这就是同学们在高中阶段学习英语的方向和目标。要达到这个目标,需要大家的主观努力,也需要一套适应更高更广的语言学习需求的教材。 英语 (新标准)高中选择性必修课程教材在延续了必修课程教材的基础上,为有升学要求或有个性化发展需求的学生设计,在话题内容、语言理论、语言技能、跨文化意识、思维能力、学习能力等方面,都提出了更高的要求,延伸出了如下特点:一、作为必修课程教材的延续,选择性必修课程教材的话题选择更注意广度和深度,既关注话题的现实意义,又关注语言学习的思想内涵,充分反映语言的发展和社



18、度与意识。七、在单元学习的过程中帮助大家总结学习成果,发现问题并及时解决,最后通过对单元主题、语言、文化思维等多方面提出问题,帮助大家写出自我反思日志,既完成了对学习目标、语言知识和技能、思维品质、文化意识等维度的自我评价和总结,更显性体现了学习和思维的过程,帮助大家进一步培养自主学习和反思总结的能力。我们衷心希望,同学们能够通过学习本教材,了解到更加丰富的信息,在理解祖国文化、坚定文化自信的同时,发展跨文化交流能力,更好地适应宽广的世界。愿英语 (新标准)伴随同学们度过有意义的高中时代!致 同 学1 Watch the video and answer the questions.1 Who

19、 is mentioned in the video? What decisions did he make?2 Why did he change his decision?2 Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 What can you see in the picture?2 What are the differences between the three paths?3 What do you think lifes path looks like?Looking forwardsUNITStarting out 11 C

20、omplete the questionnaire and share your answers with the class.2 Look at the title and predict what the passage is about. Different jobs people might do in the future. Stories about different peoples future. Various possibilities for future development. Fixed future for everyone.Now read the passag

21、e and check your prediction.Understanding ideas1 For many of us, its something we already have experienced. One moment, we are lying comfortably in bed, about to fall into a deep sleep. The next, our eyes are open and we find ourselves wondering or even worrying about possibly the most important iss

22、ue of our lives the future. Will we get into the school of our choice? What will we be doing in ten years time? Can we become the person we really want to be? In the face of such questions, how should we approach the future? Can we take action to shape it, or should we just accept whatever comes our

23、 way?2 As many of us already know, having plans in place for the future is no guarantee that they will become reality. In this respect, some people are more fortunate than others, as can be illustrated by comparing the lives of two famous authors, born 40 years apart. Although they shared the same a

24、mbitious and energetic approach to life, their careers unfolded in contrasting ways.3 The American author, Ernest Hemingway, born in 1899, was from early boyhood single-minded in his ambition to write. On leaving high school, he joined a local Kansas newspaper as a trainee reporter. He went on to be

25、come foreign correspondent Facing the Future How do you feel about your performance over the previous terms? satisfied so-so not satisfiedWhy? What goals have you achieved? What goals have you yet to achieve? What will you do about the goals you want to achieve? How do you plan to achieve these goal

26、s?SENIOR HIGH QUESTIONNAIRENow youve been at senior high for over a year, Id like to know your progress and plans for the future. Thank you!Your Form Teacher2UNIT 1for the Toronto Star and used his extraordinary experiences in Europe and later Cuba to inform his writing. In his words, “I decided tha

27、t I would write one story about each thing that I knew about.” Having set himself this goal, he wrote novels and short stories based on his personal experiences of the First World War, the Spanish Civil War, bullfighting and deep-sea fishing, amongst others. His novel The Old Man and the Sea, about

28、the three-day epic struggle between an elderly fisherman and the biggest fish he had ever caught, won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953. He would later go on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.4 By contrast, the young Arthur Conan Doyle, born in Scotland in 1859, had originally worked as a do

29、ctor. But Doyles main ambition was to become a writer of historical novels. Although some of his historical novels were published, their success was nothing compared to the stories of his fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, which he is still best known for to this day. 5 Interestingly, Doyle wrote

30、 some of his early Holmes stories while he was waiting for patients in his medical practice in London. After Sherlock Holmes made him a household name, Doyle gave up medicine and devoted himself entirely to writing. He still longed to become known for his historical novels amongst other academic wor

31、ks. The public, however, couldnt get enough of Sherlock Holmes. In desperation, Doyle killed off the famous detective in a novel published in 1893 so that he could focus on his “serious” writing. However, fans of Holmes were so angry that Doyle, under immense pressure, was forced to bring Holmes bac

32、k from the dead. Doyles many historical novels, plays, poems and academic papers have remained largely forgotten, but Sherlock Holmes has been entertaining readers for well over a century.6 Though both of these men were ultimately successful, their paths to success were very different, their futures

33、 not necessarily turning out exactly as they planned. So, whatever twists and turns you might encounter, take a leaf out of the books of these two authors and be prepared for the unexpected. As renowned tech innovator Steve Jobs once said, “You cant connect the dots looking forward; you can only con

34、nect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”Looking forwards3Think Share&1 What is your understanding of Steve Jobss words at the end of the passage?2 What can you learn about facing the future from the two authors?3 What will you do to prepar

35、e yourself for the future?4 Do you know any stories about Chinese writers and their plans for the future? What lessons can you learn from their experiences? Share your opinions with the class.3 Match the questions to the paragraphs and find out the answers. a What is possibly the most important conc

36、ern in life? b What was Doyles main writing ambition? c What can you do when faced with uncertainty about the future? d What is the relationship between ones plans and the future? e Why was Doyle disappointed with the success of his Holmes stories? f What did Hemingway do to achieve his ambition to

37、become a writer? 4 Organise information from the passage and complete the chart.Now read the sentence from the passage and answer the questions.So, whatever twists and turns you might encounter, take a leaf out of the books of these two authors and be prepared for the unexpected.1 What is your under

38、standing of “take a leaf out of the books”?2 What effect is the author aiming to achieve by using it?3 What other expressions do you know that share the same meaning?Ernest Hemingway He was born in the US in 1899. He _ since boyhood. He wrote _. He won _.Arthur Conan Doyle He was born in Scotland in

39、 1859. He first worked as _, but _. He created _, Sherlock Holmes. He had wanted to be remembered for _, but _. Similarities They both _. They shared _.4UNIT 1Review: tensesUsing language a For many of us, its something we already have experienced.b What will we be doing in ten years time? c He woul

40、d later go on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.d the young Arthur Conan Doyle, born in Scotland in 1859, had originally worked as a doctor.e Doyle wrote some of his early Holmes stories while he was waiting for patients in his medical practice in London. f but Sherlock Holmes has been entertaini

41、ng readers for well over a century. 1 An action completed in the past before another past action. 2 An action or event taking place over a particular period in the future. 3 An action that happened in a period of time up to the present. 4 An action that started in the past and may still be going on

42、or have just stopped. 5 An intended future action or event as seen from the past. 6 An on-going situation at or around a particular time in the past.Now answer the questions.1 What other tenses have you learnt? Find examples in the reading passage.2 What do these tenses describe?3 Work in pairs. Rea

43、d the profile and talk about Davids life using different tenses where appropriate.4 Work in pairs. Interview each other about your past experience and future plans. Share them with the class using different tenses where appropriate.1 Look at the sentences from the reading passage. Decide which tense

44、 each is in and match the tenses to what they describe.David MasonPERSONAL INFORMATIONDate of Birth 20 June 2001Nationality BritishEDUCATION20072013 Carson Primary School20132019 Wildwood High SchoolEXTRACURRICULAR EXPERIENCESept 2017 first prize for school science projectAprOct 2018 exchange progra

45、mme in ChinaJul 2019present gap year in CambodiaFUTURE PLANS undergraduate study at Newcastle University chemical engineer after graduation voluntary work to help people in need2 Complete the blog with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. I woke at dawn again and already the birds 1_ (sing). I

46、n the coming days, we 2_ (paint) the iron roof of the toilet block that we had been building over the last two months.I 3_ (live) in this Cambodian village for two months. Despite the hard physical work, I 4_ (not regret) for one moment choosing to spend my gap year as a volunteer for the Cambodia F

47、oundation. It is wonderful to meet such friendly local people who are happy to share their lives with us.I 5_ (feel) happy and free of worries. And, of course, I 6_ (become) fitter. This gap year has been a fantastic opportunity for my personal growth, and I surely 7_ (continue) to learn about how o

48、ther people live their lives after it ends.Looking forwards5Choices and decisions6 Read the statements and complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions in Activity 5.Bill: Working as a clerk at my dads insurance firm? Absolutely not! Its too boring!Jane: Can I get back to you by t

49、he end of the week? I need to read the contract properly before making a decision. Amanda: I need to think about the advantages and disadvantages of each option theyve offered.Jia Ying: Ive decided to say no to the chance to work as a sailor after leaving the navy. Paul: The maths club or debating s

50、ociety? The maths club, of course! Im a big fan of geometry.1 May is _ _.2 Jane is _ _.3 Paul finds it easy to _ _.4 Bill is _ _.5 Amanda wants to _ _.6 Jia Ying has decided to _ _.May: I thought quitting my old job to work here was the right decision to make, but now Im not sure the new job seems t


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