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1、配北大版 英 必修 5Period FourLesson 4配北大版 英 必修 5.1_nan opinion that you form after thinking carefully2_vto go down to a lower level3_vto use and control a machine or equipment4_adj.full of energy and new ideas5_vto react to somethingjudgementdecreaseoperatedynamic respond 配北大版 英 必修 56_adj.change or be chan

2、ged easily to suit any new situation7_vt.to wish that you had someone elses possessions,abilities etc.8_vt.to make someone feel worried or upset9_na large mass of land surrounded by sea10_na sudden strong feeling of fear or nervousnessflexible envy bother continent panic 配北大版 英 必修 5.短天地1_与并,赶上2_做深呼吸

3、3_毫无疑4_作出回,答复5_独立的,独自地6fall behind_7in great demand_8get on well with_9be bored with_10take advantage of_keep up with take a deep breath without doubt respond to. on ones own 落后 极需要 与相好,展利 利用 配北大版 英 必修 5.句型搜索1Its not about making men more like women,but helping men to communicate as well.信息提取not.but

4、.不是而是,接两个并列构。例句仿写不是我,而是姆喜看。_ _ _ _ _fond of watching TV.【答案】Not I but Tom is配北大版 英 必修 52Work with more than one program in case you have to use them at work.信息提取in case表示“在情况下”、“万一”、“免得”例句仿写坐出租去,以免开会到。Take a taxi_ _ _ _ _for the meeting.【答案】in case you are late配北大版 英 必修 53There is no doubt that all

5、this new technology is changing the way.信息提取There is no doubt that.“毫无疑”,固定句式。例句仿写毫无疑,我班会得比。_ _ _ _ _our class will win the match.【答案】There is no doubt that配北大版 英 必修 5.理解Fast Reading:Read the text quickly and choose the best answer.1Which job will decrease rapidly in the near future?AInformation tec

6、hnology.BCoal mining.CTeaching.2The auther advises us to learn_.AEnglishBFrenchCRussian配北大版 英 必修 53_have advantages over_in communication skills according to the text.AMen;womenBWomen;menCCollege students;farmers4The rapid changes in job areas are due to_.Athe development of industryBchanges of educ

7、ationCnew technologies配北大版 英 必修 55The author hopes that the new situation will_the poor.AbenefitBdiscourage Charm【答案】1.B2.A3.B4.C5.A配北大版 英 必修 5.文写Now,the speed of change is becoming 1._(increase)fast.2._ should we do to keep up with it?Lets take 3._deep breath and try to sense the good things the fu

8、ture offers.配北大版 英 必修 5The job areas will be most affected 4._ technological changes.Jobs in farming and heavy industry 5._(decrease) while the service industry and the media are rising.6._doubt,the number of jobs in IT will multiply.There are also many 7._ important changes taking place.The job is

9、getting more and more 8._(flexibility)In the same way,companies will change to be more various.Good communication skills will be 9._(extreme) important.New technology is the driving force,so dont get 10._(leave) behind.配北大版 英 必修 5【答案】1increasingly2.What3.a4.by5are decreasing6.Without7.other8flexible

10、9.extremely10.left 配北大版 英 必修 51respond vi.回复,回答【搭配】respond to sth.(react to sth.)作出反respond to sth. by doing sth.以方式作出反respond to sb./sth. with sth.用作出反response n回复,回答make a/no response to.(不)做出回答in response to.as a response to.作的回配北大版 英 必修 5He didnt respond to my question.他没有回答我的。Dave never respond

11、ed to her letter.大从不回复她的来信。The government responded to this case by banning all future demonstration.政府个事件的反是今后禁止一切示威活。配北大版 英 必修 5【辨析】respond/answer/replyrespond指某件事情在行上立即做出的反。answer常用,指 的答复。常用作及物,后面跟。reply是正式用,后可接直接引或that 引的从句,但不能直接接名或代作,加介to.配北大版 英 必修 5I asked him his name,but he didnt respond.我他叫

12、什么名字,可他没回答。Who can answer the question?能回答个?He didnt reply to my letter.他没有回复我的信。配北大版 英 必修 5【完成句子】(1)He didnt_(直接回答我的)(2)When I asked him where he stayed last night,he_(没有回答)【填空】(3)Seans strong love for his country is _in his recently published poems.ArelievedBreflectedCrespondedDrecovered配北大版 英 必修

13、5【答案】(1)respond to my question directly(2)made no response(3)B句意:Sean对他的祖国强烈的热爱在他最近出版的诗中反映了出来。relieve “减轻,解除”;reflect “反射;反映;表现”;respond “回答;作出反应”;recover “恢复;痊愈”。配北大版 英 必修 52envy (1)vt.羡慕,妒忌They envied him his success.他羡慕他的成功。He envied Rosalind for her youth and strength.他羡慕莎琳德的青春和活力。Better be envi

14、ed than pitied.宁可被人嫉妒,不可被人怜。配北大版 英 必修 5 (2)n.忌妒,羡慕(不可数);令人羡慕(忌妒)的事物(可数)Britains National Health Service was once the envy of the world.英国的国民保健制度曾一度世人所羡慕。He looked with envy at his neighbors new car.他以羡慕的眼光看着居的新。He was filled with envy at my success.他我的成功羡慕。配北大版 英 必修 5【搭配】be in envy of sb.嫉妒某人feel en

15、vy at感到嫉妒(或羡慕)out of envy出于嫉妒envy sb. sth.忌妒某人某物配北大版 英 必修 5【辨析】There are many paintings to be admired at an art museum.美里有多令人的画作品。I really envy you having five weeks holiday.我真羡慕你有5周的假期。admire/envyadmire“佩”,是因定他人或某物具有卓越的价,而其有慕、尊敬之情。envy“羡慕”,是希望自己有他人的好运、物或,且有“嫉妒”之意。配北大版 英 必修 5【完成句子】(1)We all_(羡慕他的好运)

16、(2)His new car is _(所有人羡慕)【答案】(1)envy him his good luck(2)the envy of all the people配北大版 英 必修 53comfort(1) nU舒适,安逸;安慰,C令人安慰的人或物The hotel offers a high standard of comfort and service.家旅提供高准的舒适享受和服。The old man has retired and lives in comfort in his old age.那位老人已退休,他在舒舒服服地安度晚年。It is a comfort to know

17、 that you are safe.知道你安然无恙是令人欣慰的事。配北大版 英 必修 5 (2)vt.安慰,慰My sister always comforts me when Im unhappy.当我不愉快,我姐姐是安慰我。【搭配】in comfort舒适地turn to sb. for comfort向某人求安慰take/seek comfort in在中得到/求安慰comfortable adj.舒适的,舒服的comfortably adv.舒适地uncomfortable adj.不舒适的配北大版 英 必修 5【完成句子】(1)His kind words_(使我得到安慰)(2)W

18、hen children feel unhappy and uneasy,they often_(向 求安慰)【答案】(1)gave me comfort(2)turn to their mothers for comfort配北大版 英 必修 54panic v&n.U,C恐慌,惊慌(1)v.He panicked and ran as fast as he could to safety.他很惊慌,赶快跑到安全的地方。The gunfire panicked the horses.声惊吓了。(2)n.The audience were thrown into a panic when th

19、e fire started.一起火,众陷入慌乱之中。配北大版 英 必修 5【搭配】in (a) panic惊恐地;感到惊慌panic sb. into doing sth.使某人(因惊慌)促做get into (a) panic陷入恐慌After the explosion,the whole city got into panic.爆炸案生后,整个城市陷入一片恐慌。配北大版 英 必修 5【巧学助】配北大版 英 必修 5【完成句子】(1)She phoned the doctor_(惊慌地)when her husband fell ill.(2)When the building caug

20、ht fire,_(在那儿工作的人慌忙向外冲)【答案】(1)in panic(2)people working there panicked into rushing outside配北大版 英 必修 55doubt (1)v.疑;不相信I dont doubt that hes a brilliant scientist,but can he teach?我不疑他是个出色的科学家,但他会教?You can complain,but I doubt if itll make any difference.你可以抱怨,但是我看抱怨也未必有用。配北大版 英 必修 5(2)n.不确定,疑Hes st

21、ill in some doubt about what to do.他如何行事是犹豫不决。I have (my)doubts about whether he is the best man for the job.我疑他是不是做工作的最佳人。We have no doubt of his ability.我相信他的能力。配北大版 英 必修 5【拓展】doubtful adj.可疑的;不确定的;令人起疑心的doubtless adj.无疑的;确定的doubtfully adv.疑地;含糊地throw doubt upon.表示疑have no doubt about.毫无疑theres no

22、/little doubt that.毫无疑配北大版 英 必修 5注意:Theres no doubt后加从句常用that引。There is some doubt后加从句,常用whether/if引。I have some doubt whether he will come tonight.我疑他今晚是否会来。配北大版 英 必修 5【完成句子】(1)他是不是担任那工作的最佳人,仍是个疑。There _he is the best man for the job.(2)我确信他会通考。I_he will pass the examination.【答案】(1)is some doubt wh

23、ether(2)have no doubt that配北大版 英 必修 51keep up with跟上,赶上Dont runI cant keep up with you.跑了,我赶不上你了。I cant keep up with all the changes.我跟不上一切的化。We have to keep learning new things to keep up with the development of the society.了跟上社会的展,我要不断学。配北大版 英 必修 5My brother ran so quickly that I couldnt keep up w

24、ith him.我弟弟跑得如此快,我不能跟上他。【拓展】keep in mind 住keep on keep an eye on 照料catch up with赶上team up with与合作put up with忍受join up with合配北大版 英 必修 5【英】(1)年人当跟上代。_【完成句子】(2)_(了在学上赶上其他同学),he studied day and night.【答案】(1)Young people should keep up with the times.(2)To keep up with other students in study配北大版 英 必修 52

25、in demand有需求,广受迎It was an unusual hot summer and air conditioners were in great demand.那年夏天非常,因此空机需求量甚大。Her books are in great demand in this area.她的在地区非常。【拓展】meet demand足需求on demand一要求demand sth. of sb.要求某人某物demand that.should do.要求(某人)做(某事)配北大版 英 必修 5Ford has increased production in order to meet

26、demand.福特公司足需求,已提高了量。Feed the baby on demand.宝宝需要再喂食。They demand that we should obey the rules.他要求我遵守定。配北大版 英 必修 5【完成句子】(1)We should produce more products to_(足人的需要)【英】(2)一地区急需品。_【答案】(1)meet peoples demand(2)Medicine is in great demand in this area.配北大版 英 必修 53in case以防,万一in case作短 ,能引状从句。就其和法能来分,可引

27、两种从句。(1)in case/just in case引目的状从句作“以免,以,以防”等解。He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns.他了手筒,以防天黑没回家。配北大版 英 必修 5注意:in case后跟从句,表示将来,从句中不用将来,但可用should,might等情 。Take an umbrella,in case it should rain.把雨以防下雨。配北大版 英 必修 5 (2)in case引条件状从句,意“如果、万一”。从句中用一般在代替将来。In case we fail,we wont lose

28、heart.万一失了,我也不会失去信心。Add more coal in case the weather is cold.如果天气冷,就添些煤吧。(3)in case作副性短,常置于句末,表示事先准或防的措施,作“以防万一”解。The bus is usually on time,but start early,just in case.那班汽通常是准点的,但你是早点身,以防万一。配北大版 英 必修 5【短】in any case无如何in no case决不in this/that case如果是/那in case of假使,以防(复合介短)in case of若,如果,万一配北大版 英

29、必修 5【完成句子】(1)若生火灾按色按。Press the red button _.(2)无如何你都不得撒。_you must not tell a lie.【英】(3)万一生什么重要事情的,打 我。_(4)提前身,免得遇到交通堵。_配北大版 英 必修 5【答案】(1)in case of fire(2)In any case(3)In case something important happens,please call me up.(4)Set off earlier in case you meet with traffic jam.配北大版 英 必修 51(文重)Its not

30、about making men more like women,but helping men to communicate as well.(本)不是关于男性更像女性,而是男性和女性一善于交流。配北大版 英 必修 5【句式分析】(1)not.but.是一个很有用的句型,意思是“不是而是”。not.but.接两个并列的或短,否定前者,肯定后者。He is not American but British.他不是美国人而是英国人。在接两个并列主,根据就近原 。配北大版 英 必修 5Not his classmates but his father helps him to finish the

31、 homework.不是他的同学而是他爸爸帮他完成作。not.but.也能接两个并列的名性从句。Not where he was born but when he joined us makes the difference.关在于不是看他是哪儿出生的,而是他何成我的一。(2)as well在此表示“也”,用在句末,和too用法接近。We will visit Japan this weekend and Philippines as well.本周末我要去日本,要去菲律。配北大版 英 必修 5【填空】(1)Between the two generations,it is often not

32、 their age,_ their education that causes misunderstanding.(2)Frankly, these teachers good suggestions are only helpful to arouse students interest in reading _not helpful to deal with the questions of reading comprehension.【答案】(1)but(2)but配北大版 英 必修 5 2(文重)So begins Alvin Tofflers book Future Shock,w

33、ritten back in 1970.阿尔文托夫勒在1970年所写的未来的冲一是开的。 【句式分析】(1)此句是一个完全倒装句,即整个放在主之前。正常的序“Alvin Tofflers book Future Shock,written back in 1970,begins so”。配北大版 英 必修 5 (2)在英中,了达到某种修辞效果,如平衡句子构、强 、表或状,又或是考上下文接等,往往采用完全倒装形式。本句采用倒装是由于主太而了平衡句子构、强上下文接的需要。Ahead sat the old man who told them an interesting story.在前面坐着的那

34、位老人他了一个有趣的故事。In came our teacher with a letter in his hand.来的是我的老,他手里拿着一封信。配北大版 英 必修 5【完成句子】(1)那儿站着一位 逸的漂亮女孩。There_.(2)地上躺着一个正在哭的男孩。On the ground _,who was crying.【答案】(1)stands a pretty girl with long hair(2)lay a boy配北大版 英 必修 53(文重)Working like this allows you to live where you want,to continue you

35、r studies and to enjoy the comfort of having a lot more free time.的工作方式使你能住在想住的地方,学,并且享受有很多自由的舒适生活。配北大版 英 必修 5【句式分析】(1)本句主干:Working like this allows you to live.,to continue.and to enjoy.由and 接的三个不定式并列构,注意and 后面的不定式的“to”有可以省略。allow sb. to do sth.允某人做某事,使得某人能做某事。A knowledge of English allows you to c

36、ommunicate with many foreigners.掌握英能使你和多外国人交流。(2)句中where 引的是地点状从句,where 表示“在的地方”。Rice grows well where there is enough water.水稻在水充足的地方得好。配北大版 英 必修 5【填空】(1)If you happen to get lost in the wild,youd better stay_you are and wait for help.(2)This kind of birds spent winter _ it was warm enough to find food.配北大版 英 必修 5用括号内的正确形式填空(3)The children are allowed _(watch)TV after school.(4)He wont allow himself _(fail)【答案】(1)where(2)where(3)to watch(4)to fail


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