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安徽省经济和信息化委员会 安徽省财政厅 .doc

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1、论文目录(2009) 1. X-ray Astronomy in the Laboratory with a Miniature Compact Object Produced by Laser-Driven Implosion, Shinsuke Fujioka, Hideaki Takabe, Norimasa Yamamoto, David Salzmann, Feilu Wang, Hiroaki Nishimura, Yutong Li, Quanli Dong, Shoujun Wang, Yi Zhang, Yong-Joo Rhee, Yong-Woo Lee, Jae-Min

2、 Han, Minoru Tanabe, Takashi Fujiwara, Yuto Nakabayashi, Gang Zhao, Jie Zhang, Kunioki Mima, Nature Physics 5, 821 ( 2009) . 2. Novel Multifunctional Properties Induced by Interface Effects in Perovskite Oxide Heterostructures, Kui-juan Jin, Hui-bin Lu, Ken Zhao, Chen Ge, Meng He, Guo-Zhen Yang, Adv

3、anced Materials 21, 4636(2009). 3. Metal Nanoparticles with Gain toward Single-Molecule Detection by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, Li Zhiyuan, Xia Younan, Nano Letter 10, 243-249 (2010) 4. Enhanced Collimated GeV Monoenergetic Ion Acceleration from a Shaped Foil Target Irradiated by a Circularl

4、y Polarized Laser Pulse, M Chen, A. Pukhov, TP Yu, and ZM Sheng, Physical Review Letters 103, 024801 (2009). 5. Collimated Proton Beam, from Laser Foil Interaction at 7 1021W/cm2,XQ Yan, HC Wu, ZM Sheng, JE Chen, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, Self-Organizing GeV, Nanocoulomb, Physical Review Letters 103, 13500

5、1 (2009) 6. Reply to the Comment on “Generating High-Current Monoenergetic Proton Beams by a Circularly Polarized Laser Pulse in the Phase-Stable Acceleration Regime, XQ Yan, C Lin, ZM Sheng, ZY Guo, BC Liu, YR Lu, JX Fang, JE Chen, Physical Review Letters 102, 239502 (2009). 7. Etching and Growth:

6、An Intertwined Pathway to Silver Nanocrystals with Exotic Shapes, Cobley C M, Rycenga M, Zhou F, Li Z Y, Xia Y, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48, 4824(2009). 8. Electron injection into laser wakefields by colliding circularly-polarized laser pulses, WM Wang, ZM Sheng, J Zhang, Laser and Pa

7、rticle Beams 27, 3-7 (2009). 9. 10 fs ultrafast all-optical switching in polystyrene nonlinear photonic crystals, Liu Y, Qin F, Wei ZY, Meng QB, Zhang DZ, Li ZY, Applied Physics Letters 95, 131116(2009). 10. The substrate thickness dependence of the photovoltage in LaAlO3 /Si heterostructures, Juan

8、Wen, Kui-Juan Jin, Meng He, Hui-bin Lu, Fang Yang, Guo-Zhen Yang, Applied Physics Letters 94, 61118(2009). 11. Strong terahertz radiation from air plasmas generated by an aperture-limited Gaussian pump laser beam, XY Peng, C Li, M Chen, T Toncian, R Jung, O. Willi, YT Li, WM Wang, SJ Wang, F Liu, A

9、Pukhov, ZM Sheng, and J Zhang, Applied Physics Letters 94, 101502 (2009). 12. Diagnostic of laser contrast using target reflectivity, A. S. Pirozhkov, W. Choi, JH Sung, S K Lee, T J Yu, T M Jeong, J. Kim,N. Hafz,C. M. Kim, K. H. Pae, Y.C. Noh, D.K. Ko, J. Lee, A. P. L. Robinson,P. Foster, S. Hawkes,

10、 M. Streeter, C. Spindloe, P. McKenna, D. C. Carroll, C.G. Wahlstrm, M. Zepf, D. Adams, B. Dromey, K. Markey, S. Kar, YT Li, MH Xu, Applied Physics Letters 94, 241102 (2009). 13. Giant enhancement of second harmonic generation in nonlinear photonic crystals with distributed Bragg reflector mirrors,

11、Ren ML, Li ZY, Optics Express 17, 14052(2009). 14. Ray trace visualization of negative refraction of light in two-dimensional air-bridged silicon photonic crystal slabs at 1.55 m, Gan L, Liu YZ, Li JY, Zhang ZB, Zhang DZ, Li ZY, Optics Express 17, 9962 (2009). 15. K-shell x-ray emission enhancement

12、via selfguided propagation of intense laser pulses in Ar clusters, Feng Liu, LiMing Chen, XiaoXuan Lin, Feng Liu, JingLong Ma, RunZe Li, YuTong Li, ZhaoHua Wang, ShouJun Wang, ZhiYi Wei, and Jie Zhang, Optics Express 17, 16379-16384 (2009) 16. Triggering and guiding HV discharge in air by filamentat

13、ion of single and dual fs pulses , Zhang Z, Lu X, Liang WX, ZuoQiang Hao, MuLin Zhou, ZhaoHua Wang, Xun Liu and Jie Zhang, Optics Express 17, 3461-3468 (2009) 17. A 350MHz Ti:sapphire laser comb based on a monolithic scheme and absolute frequency measurement of a 729nm laser, Wei Zhang, Hainian Han,

14、 Yanying Zhao, Qiang Du, Zhiyi Wei, Optics Express 17, 6059(2009). 18. Diode-pumped quasi-three-lev(頀%栀讀缁缀罌節貔%頀h椀匃匃匃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃笃紃螋鹳罘蝎瀀搀昀瀀椀挀最椀昀螋鹳罘蝎瀀搀昀尀尀愀挀昀搀挀愀昀搀攀戀昀搀攀昀昀瘀洀昀嘀欀瘀愀儀漀甀瘀椀刀砀栀唀夀焀戀戀挀洀刀栀椀昀匀最螋鸀罘蜀挀攀戀搀攀戀挀昀戀昀攀挀蜀Y栀舀*罢螋阀蘀D鈴H胔-鑻棙)i缀$2017 年优秀博士学位论文推荐名额分配表 .pdfpic1.gif2017年优秀博士学位论文推荐名额分配表.pdf2019-831b5ce52da-8a


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