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1、新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 0 翻译硕士大纲词汇速记翻译硕士大纲词汇速记 主讲:主讲:曲根曲根 欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 1 神童:child prodigy 词根:ig/ag:agenda agitate cogitate cogent exigent 形近词:prodigy prodigious prodigal 圣火:sacred fire 词根:sanct/scar/holy(sacrifice) 派生:sacrosanct sanctimonious sanction sanctuary

2、生态危机:eco-crisis 词根:eco 派生:ecosystem ecology 审美疲劳:aesthetic fatigue anaesthetic fatigue fatuous fatal 补充:enervate 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 2 debilitate enfeable 市场饱和:market saturation;saturated market 词根:sat=full(satisfy) 派生:satiate sate satire satirical satisfactory 市场波动:market fluctuation 词根:flu=flo

3、w affluent 市场疲软:sluggish market sloth slaik 七宗罪:envy pride lust greed sloth wrath gluttony gluttonous glutinous 词根:wr 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 3 wrangle wreak wriggle writhe 时间是检验真理的唯一标准:Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. 派生:attest contest protest detest testify testimony 世外桃源:a fictit

4、ious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world; 乌托邦:Utopia 词根:turb=stir(disturb) 派生:perturb turbulent turbid(limpid) 食物中毒:food poisoning 词根:tox=poison 派生:detoxify antitoxing intoxicate 试用期:probationary period 市政工程:municipal works;municipal engineering 词根:muni=public 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 4

5、community common munificent communal immune 词根:cap/cip 派生:cape precipice capitulate recapitulate carp captious captivate 市场导向:market orientation oriental orientate origin religious political sexual 实事求是的态度:down-to-earth attitude 实施细则:rules for the implementation 词根:ple=full(plenty) 派生:complement sup

6、plement 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 5 replete deplete replenish plethora 收购兼并:merger and acquisition merge submerge emerge immerse immerge quisit quire quest 补充:sequester inquisitive acquisitive requisite exquisite 首脑会议:summit conference acme crest zenith culmination 酸雨:acid rain 词根:ac 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系

7、列 翻译硕士 6 exacerbate acerbic acrid acrimonious 双刃剑:double-edged sword 近义词:verge rim brink fringe 睡眠障碍:sleep disorder 词根:somn-sleep 派生:insomnia somnolent 词根:hypn=sleep 派生:hypnosis hypnotize hypnotic hypnotist 水下导弹:submarine-based missiles 词根:mari=sea marine maritime 词根:miss/mit=sent transmit 补充:demise

8、 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 7 surmise remit remittance remission 输血:blood transfusion 词根:fus/fud/fut=pour refute fuddle rofuse defuse suffuse infuse effuse 私奔:elope 词根:lope leg gallop 司法解释:judicial interpretation 词根:judic=judge adjudicate judicious 思想僵硬:fossilized concept 词根:oss=bone ossify ossuary 新东方

9、在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 8 思乡:nostalgia 词根:algia=pain analgesia neuralgia 太阳浴:sun bath;insolation solar 摊薄每股收益:diluted earning per share 词根:lu/lau=wash 补充:deluge lavish 弹性工资:flexible pay 同义词;elastic resilience reflect 糖衣炮弹:sugar-coated bullets 词根:bull=ox bully bullish bucolic bugle 唐装:traditional Chines

10、e garments; Tang suit 词根:gar=decorate garlic garnish 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 9 gaudy 词根:audi 逃票者:ticket evader 词根:vade(to go) pervade wade waddle 特技演员:stunt man 词根:stig/stin=stim sting 派生:astound stigma Instigate 补充:stand in 特困地区:destitute areas 词根:stitute=stand prostitute prostitution restitute 词根:

11、sist subsist 近义词:impoverish penury indigent 特警:regimental police 词根:reg regulate regime regimen 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 10 reign rein rigid rigorous regicide 体罚:corporal punishment 词根:corp/corpor=body 派生词:incorporate corpulent corporate corpse coroner 提高系统集成能力:improve systems integration 词根:integr=w

12、hole integer integrity integrate 通才:versatile person 词根:vers/vert(to turn) convert 词根:ile fragile futile ductile agile 形近词:fertile 透明度:transparency transparent oviparous 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 11 viviparous apparition 反义词:opaque 词根:aqua(water) aquarium aquatic aqueous aquifer 补充:sheer diaphanous tr

13、anslucent 形近词:shear 土地承包期:land contract period 词根:tract=draw extract retract protract intractable detract 土地复垦:land reclamation reclaim disclaim declaim acclaim exclaim 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 12 proclaim 土地沙化:desertification of land; desert encroachment Encroach 拖欠工程款:default on construction cost 词

14、根:fall(false) 派生词:fallible Infallibility falsify fallacy falsehood 拖欠工资:arrears of wage 挖墙脚:undermine the foundation of sth. 词根:under underrate underscore underhanded underwrite understate underline 外星人:extraterrestrial being (ET) 词根:terr(earth) 顽疾:recurring illness; chronic disease recur 词根:cur=run

15、 recur concur incur discourse recourse 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 13 intercourse succor 词根:chron=time synchronize chronological anachronism 伪君子:hypocrite 词根:hypo/hyper hypercritical hypocritical hype hypothesis hyperactive 违约罚金:penalty for breach of contracts break penalize impunity repent 近义词:forfeit 词根:feit surfeit counterfeit 伪证:false evidence perjury perjure 文化渗透:cultural infiltration 文凭主义:credentialism credentials diploma 新东方在线 考研网络课堂电子教材系列 翻译硕士 14 词根:cred(to believe) credit credible credulous accredit creed 文明行车:courteous driving civilized


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