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1、等 阐述题 46、审核员在现场审核时发现公司存有一份软件清单,当询问清单上所列的软件是 否都是经过正规途径购买的软件,管理员回答有的是正规商店,有的是通过网络购 8 / 9 买的。如果您是审核员,您会如何审核? 答: 1、查公司有没有相关软件购买的采购程序和软件采购要求,要求是否满足法律法规 的规定。 2、查是否对软件供方进行过合格供方评价,评价供方是否满足要求。 3、查是否有清单上购买软件的采购记录、软件服务合同(协议)等信息,收集购买 授权数量、版本、安装记录、使用人员等信息,按安装设备数量进行抽样检查。 4、检查是否有未经授权安装软件的情况,公司对安装软件是否有相关规定?如有是 否按规定

2、执行?是否有相关软件批准安装的文件信息? 5、 随机询问软件使用人员是否知道公司软件安装使用规定?是否有进行过软件使用 培训? 47、什么是信息安全事态并举例说明。 答:已识别的一种系统、服务或网络状态的发生,指出可能违反信息安全(2.19)方针 (2.28)或控制措施(2.10)失效,或者一种可能与安全相关但以前不为人知的情况。 如把规定不能带出公司特定区域的笔记本电脑带回家工作。 案例分析题(判标) 48、审核员在公司的资产登记表中发现,公司与年初将一批2003年购置的电脑特价 处理给了员工,这些电脑原用于核心业务系统,当询问系统管理员是否在出售前进 行了格式化处理,该系统管理员说:“由于

3、当时新进了许多新的电脑设备,需要安装 调试,没空处理老的电脑,再说这些都是卖给自己员工的,他们本身就接触到这些 信息” 答:附录A11.2.7 49、审核员发现某软件开发公司在暑假期间聘请了三位大学生来做软件测试,但在 人事部门未找到相关的保密协议,也未见有关要求的培训记录,人事经理解释说: “他们在测试期间没有接触到软件的核心机密信息,所以不需要签保密协议,也不需 要进行ISMS的培训” 答:附录A7.2.2 50、某财务外包公司办公作业现场员工正在使用的标准版金蝶财务软件为客户进行 记账服务,其默认账号是manage,不需要每次进行系统时重新输入,业务主管解释 说:“由于没有外人,为了工作

4、方便,所以,我们把登录口令也省掉了,不需要每次 进系统前输入口令” 答:附录A9.4.2 9 / 9 51、XX银行在2008年一季度发生了10起开通网上转账客户的资金损失事故,最后银 行承认密码系统设计太简单,并赔偿客户损失。但在2008年45月又发生7起类似事 故,系统管理说:“我们目前也没有办法,只能赔款了”。 答:附录A9.4.3 52、审查某知名网站的总部时,审核员来到陈列室发现任何客户可以随意进入。并 且该陈列室中有5台演示用的台式电脑可以连接外网和内网。现场有的参观人员正 在上网查询该公司网站的资料。 答:附录A11.1.6 高;企业的销售团队将在有项目产品销售市场的区域,根据当

5、地实际情况,销售适合当地加工企业需要的项目产品。(二)控制指标泓域咨询MACRO/ 关于建设恒温水箱项目实施方案根据测算,投资项目建筑系数符合国土资源部发布的工业项目建设用地控制指标(国土资发【2008】24号)中规定的产品制造行业建筑系数30.00%的规定;同时,满足项目建设地确定的“建筑系数40.00%”的具体要求。(三)用地总体要求本期工程项目建设规划建筑系数71.77%,建筑容积率1.46,建设区域绿化覆盖率5.66%,固定资产投资强度172.85万元/亩。土建工程投资一览表序号 项目占地面积()基底面积()建筑面积()计容面积()投资(万元)1 主体生产工程 6254.47 6254

6、.47 13607.19 13607.19 1223.721.1 主要生产车间 3752.68 3752.68 8164.31 8164.31 758.711.2 辅助生产车间 2001.43 2001.43 4354.30 4354.30 391.591.3 其他生产车间 500.36 500.36 789.22 789.22 73.422 仓储工程 1326.97 1326.97 2852.85 2852.85 186.592.1 成品贮存 331.74 331.74 713.21 713.21 46.652.2 原料仓储 690.02 690.02 1483.48 1483.48 97.

7、032.3 辅助材料仓库 305.20 305.20 656.16 656.16 42.923 供配电工程 70.77 70.77 70.77 70.77 5.213.1 供配电室 70.77 70.77 70.77 70.77 5.214 给排水工程 81.39 81.39 81.39 81.39 4.664.1 给排水 81.39 81.39 81.39 81.39 4.665 服务性工程 840.42 840.42 840.42 840.42 54.975.1 办公用房 429.08 429.08 429.08 429.08 24.68泓域咨询MACRO/ 关于建设恒温水箱项目实施方案5

8、.2 生活服务 411.34 411.34 411.34 411.34 28.656 消防及环保工程 237.09 237.09 237.09 237.09 17.456.1 消防环保工程 237.09 237.09 237.09 237.09 17.457 项目总图工程 35.39 35.39 35.39 35.39 -50.997.1 场地及道路硬化 2295.77 357.85 357.857.2 场区围墙 357.85 2295.77 2295.777.3 安全保卫室 35.39 35.39 35.39 35.398 绿化工程 848.24 29.69合计 8846.49 17996.

9、19 17996.19 1471.30八、人力资源配置项目招聘人员实行全员聘任合同制,生产车间管理工作人员按一班制配置,操作人员按照“四班三运转”配置定员,每班八小时,达产年劳动定员157人。人力资源配置一览表序号 项目 单位 指标1 一线产业工人工资1.1 平均人数 人 1071.2 人均年工资 万元 4.921.3 年工资额 万元 460.712 工程技术人员工资2.1 平均人数 人 242.2 人均年工资 万元 5.60Christopher Hooton, Ph.D.Internet AssociationMeasuring The U.S. Internet Sector: 2019

10、Table of ContentsExecutive Summary 3Introduction 5Overview Of The Internet Sector 6Defining The Internet 6Identifying Internet Industries 6Methodology 7Updating And Converting IAs NAICS Codes 7Growth Scenarios 11Multipliers And Economic Measurements 11Results 12The Economic Footprint Of The Internet

11、 12Internet Sector Growth 13Investment 14Comparing Internet Sector with Other Sectors 15Robustness Tests 16Conclusion 19Understanding The Value Of The Internetwww.internetassociation.orgThe unified voice of the internet economy 21. Executive SummaryIA presents new estimates on the size of the intern

12、et sector in the U.S. economy as of 2018, the most recent year data is available. The results show the internet sector contributed 10.1 percent of U.S. GDP and 4.0 percent of jobs (non-farm employment). IA estimates the internet sector supported another over 13.1 million indirect jobs and that the s

13、ector invested over $60 billion into the economy. The report also lays out a new methodology that IA will use to conduct these estimates on an annual basis going forward. Table 1 provides a summary of key results.Table 1: Summary ResultsNational References Volumes Percent of U.S. Total2018 National

14、GDP (Millions) $20,494,100 100%2018 National Employment 150,275,000 100%Internet Sector Estimates2018 Internet Sector Value-Added (Millions) $2,070,642 10.1%2018 Internet Sector Direct Employment 5,948,115 4.0%2018 Internet Sector Indirect Supported Jobs 13,084,566 8.7%1.1 Finding #1 - The internet

15、sector contributed $2.1 trillion to U.S. GDP.IA estimates the internet sector contributed $2.1 trillion to the U.S. economy in 2018, which equates to 10.1 percent of U.S. GDP. This is more than twice the output volume than the internet contributed to the economy in 2014, which was approximately $966

16、 billion. 1.2 Finding #2 - The internet sector created 6 million direct jobs to the U.S. economy, double the number in 2014.Direct employment levels in the internet sector have grown dramatically since 2014, increasing to 6 million direct jobs in 2018. This is equal to about 4 percent of U.S. employ

17、ment. Output to employment ratios have historically been lower in the industry, given the high productivity and efficiency of the sector (based on its use of cutting-edge technologies). But the internet sector is now maturing and rapidly creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs. 1.3 Finding #3 - T

18、he internet sector supported another 13.1 million indirect jobs in other areas of the economy.Apart from direct jobs, the internet sector supported another 13.1 million jobs in the U.S., the equivalent of roughly 8.7 percent of total U.S. employment. 1.4 Finding #4 - The internet sector supports 2 i

19、ndirect jobs for every 1 direct job it creates.With over 13 million indirect jobs compared to 6 million direct jobs, the internet sector demonstrates strong positive downstream effects for the economy.1.5 Finding #5 - The internet sector has doubled in size twice in the past decade.The internet sect

20、or has undergone staggering growth since 2007. The results of this study show the internet sector has doubled in size (in terms of value-added and employment) since 2014. That builds on the previous growth between 2007 and 2012 when it doubled as well. Total internet sector revenues increased at an

21、annual compound growth rate of 23.4 percent between 2012-2018. Internet sector value-added contributions grew by approximately 470 percent since 2007.Understanding The Value Of The Internetwww.internetassociation.orgThe unified voice of the internet economy 31.6 Finding #6 - The internet sector grew

22、 nine times faster than the U.S. economy as a whole between 2012-2018.The growth of the internet sector far surpasses national growth. The U.S. total GDP grew by 41.8 percent between 2007-2018, from $14.5 trillion to $20.5 trillion. The internet sector grew about 372 percent, from about $438.8 billi

23、on in value-added to about $2.1 trillion, nine times faster than total GDP during that period, For additional comparison, the Information sector and Manufacturing sector grew by 59.3 percent and 26.6 percent, respectively, over the same period. The internet sector, therefore, grew more than six time

24、s faster than the Information sector and 14 times faster than the Manufacturing sector in that period. Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate this growth.1.7 Finding #7 - The internet sector invested over $60 billion into the economy in 2018.U.S. internet sector companies invested $64 billion in the U.S.

25、economy through capital expenditures. IAs members alone invested over $42 billion.1.8 Finding #8 - The internet sector is now the fourth largest sector in the U.S. economy.The internet sectors $2.1 trillion in value-added makes up 10.1 of U.S. GDP. That puts it as the fourth largest economic sector

26、in the country behind only “Real estate, rental, and leasing,” “Public Administration (Government),” and “Manufacturing.”Understanding The Value Of The InternetThe unified voice of the internet economy www.internetassociation.org42. IntroductionInternet Associations founding in 2012 signaled the exp

27、licit recognition of the internets importance for the United States economy. As a trade association serving as the unified voice of the internet economy, IA provided new focus and guidance on how we understand the internets value. IAs 2015 report,1“Measuring the U.S. Internet Sector,”(referred to go

28、ing forward as the “2015 report”) detailed the economic contributions of the internet in the U.S. and demonstrated the internets new (at that time), but established role as an economic sector. It was a novel, but overdue look at the internets economic role and it helped us realize just how far the i

29、nternet had evolved since its infancy in the late 20th century.The 2015 report also showed how far behind we were in terms of accurately measuring the internet. We used data from 2007 and 2012 to develop estimates of the U.S. internet sectors economic footprint for 2014. We were able to use data tha

30、t were several years old to forecast the sectors economic contributions, but the methodology only allowed for accurate updates approximately every five years.2It has consequently been four years since we first released our flagship economic report and seven years since we have had up-to-date data fo

31、r new estimates.To address these challenges, we have developed an adapted approach to its sector measurement methodology that will now allow for annual updates to its U.S. internet sector footprint estimates. The method follows the same principles and basic approach as our 2015 inaugural report, thu

32、s preserving methodological consistency. However, our approach now utilizes big data sources, blending its standard input-output approach with a microeconomic dataset to provide a timelier picture of the internet economy. In short, we can now produce estimates on the size of the internet sector ever

33、y year and with only a delay of approximately six months.The results are exciting and staggering. The internet sector was responsible for approximately $2.1 trillion of value-added, or 10.1 percent of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) in 2018. The value-added 1Stephen Siwek at Economists Incorporate

34、d authored the report on behalf of IA.2This relates to the 2015 reports methodology, which relied on the Bureau of Economic Analysiss (BEA) five-year comprehensive updates to its Benchmark Input-Output Accounts. These occurred in 2007, 2012, and 2017; however, the 2017 data releases lag by one to se

35、veral years.3Behind only “Real estate, rental, and leasing”, “Public Administration (Government)”, and “Manufacturing.”contributions continued the same incredible growth rates of previous years, more than doubling in volume between 2012 and 2018 (similar to its doubling between 2007 to 2012). The in

36、ternet contributed approximately six million jobs to the American economy, about 4.0 percent of total employment in 2018 and more than twice the number in 2014. And internet companies spent over $64 billion on capital investments in the U.S. economy, providing a key source of investment into the eco

37、nomy.These new numbers provide an up-to-date benchmark for the internet sectors economic contributions, but they also tell a more important story. The internet sectors importance to the U.S. economy continues to increase rather than leveling. The growth of new industries typically lessens over time.

38、 They grow rapidly at first, but then move into marginal year-over-year increases as the sector matures. We are not seeing this same pattern with the internet sector. The internet sector has doubled in terms of economic output twice in approximately the last decade alone. This is not a result of our

39、 new measurement approach (the numbers remain consistent between methodologies as we show later). Nor are there signs of it slowing down. Internet sector companies continue to drive economic growth in the U.S. while simultaneously encouraging older industries to innovate and update in order to compe

40、te. The result is that the internet is now the fourth largest economic sector and a central engine of the U.S. economy.3This report, Measuring the U.S. Economic Sector: 2019, provides our newest measurements on the economic contributions of the internet for 2018 and formally kicks off our new and im

41、proved flagship report. We will follow this years report with annual updates going forward to provide crucial information to policymakers, researchers, and the general public about the value and contributions of the internet. We invite you to read the report and look forward to providing regular upd

42、ates in the future. The internet sector was responsible for approximately $2.1 trillion of value-added, or 10.1 percent of U.S. gross domestic product in 2018.Understanding The Value Of The Internetwww.internetassociation.orgThe unified voice of the internet economy 53. Overview Of The Internet Sect

43、or3.1 Defining The InternetThe starting point for understanding the internet sector is to distinguish it from the internet as a technology. The Cambridge Dictionary defines the internet as “the large system of connected computers around the world that allows people to share information and communica

44、te with each other.”4The technology is ubiquitous, with nine out of 10 U.S. adults and 98 percent of those between the ages of 18-50 using the internet and 73 percent of adults with access to high-speed broadband service at home.5Individuals and organizations use the internet to conduct a wide range

45、 of activities that produce value and which comprise the internet economy (or digital economy).6The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development defines the internet economy as “the full range of our economic, social and cultural activities supported by the Internet and related information

46、and communications technologies”7(OECD 2008). The BEA recently estimated that the digital economy accounted for approximately $1.35 trillion (6.9 percent) of GDP and 5.1 million (3.3 percent) of U.S. employment in 2017.8The core of the internet economy is the internet sector, which consists of businesses that utilize 4https:/dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/internet5Pew Research Center. “Internet/Broadband Fact Sheet.” February 5, 2018. Available at: https:/www.pewinternet.org/fact-sheet/internet-broadband/6Researchers and stakeholders o


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