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1、that going to a strangers house was a 26 move,but she decided to take the chance.26.A.selfless B.riskyC.slow D.personal分析:本题可以利用逻辑关系解题。根据下文中的转折词but可知,该句和“she decided to take the chance(她还是决定去冒险)”是转折关系。那么该句应指去一个陌生人的家是一个冒险的举动。故B选项正确。risky冒险的。方法4利用语境暗示分析法解题在句组层次题中,有些题目我们往往也需要通过上下文的语境暗示来解题,即根据已知信息,推导出正确

2、答案。典例(2019全国).He had 43.tried to coax(哄)the dog to him but,frightened,it had 44.run off.Back home,Ehlers was troubled by that 45.lost dog.So,four days later,he called his friend Greg,and the two drove 46.back.After a long and careful 47.search,Greg saw,across a field,the dog moving 48 away.Ehlers ev

3、entually succeeded in coaxing the animal to him.Nervousness and fear were replaced with 49.joy.It just started licking(舔) Ehlers face.48.A.cautiously B.casuallyC.skillfully D.angrily分析:本题可以利用语境暗示分析法解题。根据文中提到的frightened,nervousness,fear等词并结合上下文可知,小狗非常地谨慎小心。cautiously谨慎地,小心地。故选A。三、“一原则、三方法”做好语篇层面题语篇层面

4、题的解答必须立足于整个语篇,因此在解题时,对于此类题目要坚持一原则:不急于解答,读完全文综合思维后再定夺。要跨越段落,顺藤摸瓜,仔细对比,最终得出答案。具体来说,可采用以下三法来解题:方法1利用语义复现解题在语篇层面题中,我们同样可以利用语义复现法来解题。典例 (2019天津)I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night,when fear seized me.My wallet was gone.I could only have left it on the G9 bus,which was now speeding

5、in the dark to some 16.unknown station.The 17 moment was quickly followed by mental math.How much time and money would it cost to replace the 18.contents of that little wallet?17.A.face-saving B.brain-washingC.eye-catching D.heart-stopping分析:本题是典型的语篇层次题,只看题目所在的句子我们无法确定答案,此类题目需要综合全篇来找线索。本题可以利用语义复现解题。

6、由第一段中的“fear seized me”可以推知,作者在发现丢了钱包之后的第一感觉是“害怕”。之后,作者开始在内心计算找回钱包里的那些东西所需要的时间和钱数。故该空应和fear表达的意思相近或同义,故D选项切题。heart-stopping令人心悸的。方法2利用首尾呼应关系解题完形填空在许多情况下不仅仅是在讲述一个故事,而是通过故事来升华主题,而升华的内容往往在文章结尾处,与首段内容形成首尾呼应关系。因此,我们做题不是只到最后一空,而是看到最后一个词,而且要学会“回头看”(重点看首段)。不要过早地放松而忽略了首尾呼应关系,在最后一两道题上留下遗憾。 典例 (2019全国)Does Kili

7、manjaro 60 its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace?I found the opposite to be true.60.A.enjoy B.deserveC.save D.acquire分析:本题可以采用首尾呼应关系法来解题。纵观全文,文章开头讲到有报道称乞力马扎罗山受到污染,作者提出了质疑,并发现其环境污染问题已经有了很大改观;随后作者以大段文字描述了乞力马扎罗山奇妙的生态系统,因此作者最后得出结论,乞力马扎罗山应该背负一座被游客毁掉了宁

8、谧意境的拥挤之山的名声吗?答案是否定的。deserve ones reputation 意为“名不虚传,实至名归”。故B选项切题。方法3利用文章发展脉络解题做完形填空题时要合理想象,即合理思考和推理,但绝不能脑洞大开,甚至“胡思乱想”,必须“随文应变”,不可“一意孤行”,要随着文段的发展脉络来调整预测偏差。典例(2019全国).I 56.count twelve shades of green from where I stand.Above 4,000 meters is the highland 57.desert:gravel(砾石),stones and rocks. 58 you c

9、limb into an arctic-like zone with 59.permanent snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.58.A.Obviously B.EasilyC.Consequently D.Finally分析:本段前面的内容已经描述了四种不同的生态系统,此处应该要达到了乞力马扎罗山的最高处了,“最终(finally)”登山者进入了一个类似北极的区域。故D选项切题。第一节记叙文(2018江苏)Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wr

10、ong investment.Their savings had been 36 to pay lawyers fees.To make matters worse,Moth was diagnosed(诊断) with a 37 disease.There was no 38 ,only pain relief.Failing to find any other way out,they decided to make a 39 journey,as they caught sight of an old hikers(徒步旅行者) guide.This was a long journey

11、 of unaccustomed hardship and 40 recovery.When leaving home,Raynor and Moth had just 320 in the bank.They planned to keep the 41 low by living on boiled noodles,with the 42 hamburger shop treat.Wild camping is 43 in England.To avoid being caught,the Winns had to get their tent up 44 and packed it away early in the morning.The Winns soon discovered tha


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