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年度考核个人总结 医生.docx

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1、ntastic balance,one that is getting severely damaged by the rising temperatures which are causing the coral polyps to reject their zooxanthellae friends,removing their color and food source. Scientists estimate the phenomenon of rising temperatures combined with disease has destroyed the coral reef

2、population by more than 80%.It is therefore no wonder that scientists all over the world are looking for solutions to try to restore this all important link to sea life.11However,while human efforts like planting the coral again have been somewhat successful,they are not enough to replace all the co

3、ral that has been dying due to climate change. That is probably why reports by various researchers about certain types of coral being able to not only survive the changing ocean conditions,but also thrive in it,are being met with such enthusiasm.The most recent findings show that despite higher temp

4、eratures the coral reefs seem to be thriving. These findings are 4consistent with the lab research conducted by the scientists who tried growing different 8varieties of coral in waters with higher temperature to see how they would react.They were surprised to discover that most of them survived and

5、some seemed to adapt and grow normally. Encouraged by these and other similar findings,more energetic species have been introduced to see if coral reefs can be restored to their former glory.A program is busy analyzing the worlds oceans to find more varieties that can be used for this same purpose.

6、However,we are not out of the woods yet! Scientists are still not sure how they would introduce these varieties to areas where they are not abundant and more importantly what the consequences would be on the surrounding sea life.Hopefully,the 5combination of new scientific research and fewer human m

7、istakes will allow our beautiful coral to thrive again! 语篇解读这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲了实验表明,通过引入更有活力的 物种,珊瑚礁有望恢复昔日的辉煌。 4.Which word can be used to complete the following relationship? Coral reefs are a bridge between coral polyps and zooxanthellae. Coral polyps and zooxanthellae depend on one another. The betwee

8、n coral polyps and zooxanthellae is suffering from severe damage. A.homeB.structureC.balanceD.color 解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“They support each other in a fantastic balance,one that is getting severely damaged by the rising temperatures which are causing the coral polyps to reject their zooxanthellae friend

9、s,removing their color and food source.”可知,珊瑚虫和黄藻之间的 平衡正遭受严重破坏,故选C。 5.The underlined words in Paragraph 4 mean . A.to allow coral reefs to thrive again B.to find more varieties of coral C.to survive the changing ocean conditions D.to see how coral reacts in higher temperature 解析词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句及其前一句可知

10、,“this same purpose”指的是让珊瑚礁重新繁荣起来,故选A。 6.We can infer from the passage that . A.climate change has the same effect on both ancient trees and coral B.re-planting the coral can solve the problem of coral reefs decrease C.various researchers a香梨品质好,春季至秋季为香梨生长期,其耐低温的品质利于冬季储 存;香梨果实表面的糖醇类天然果胶使其不容易失去水分,保存期

11、限长;当地储存 香梨的土窑和房间空气干燥,气温低,不利于霉菌的繁殖。 5.(2019安徽省淮北市模拟)阅读图文材料,完成下列要求。 12345 荷兰人口约1 726万(2018年),国土面积4.15万平方千米。该国是典型的沿海低地国家 ,历史上深受海潮之害。1920年开始修建的长达30千米的须德海大坝,是荷兰近代最大 的围海工程。近年来,荷兰已减慢围海速度,甚至推倒部分堤坝,让一片围海造地生成 的300公顷“开拓地”被海水淹没。1996年荷 兰在莱茵河河口修建挡潮闸,该闸由两个 庞大的支臂组成,闸体平时停靠在河道两 岸,需要时合龙以关闭河道。 (1)分析荷兰修建须德海大坝的原因。 12345 答案人多地少,土地资源紧张;全年受西风影响,风暴潮多发;围垦区地势低, 防止海水入侵,保护现有土地;减小风浪,利于继续围垦。 (2)须德海大坝上建有泄水闸,透过闸门可调控艾瑟尔湖入海流量。说明须德海大 坝建设后坝内水域水的盐度变化及其原因。 12345 答案变小。原因:大坝阻止海水进入坝内水域;流域内降水丰富,河流注入淡水 量大;湖内咸水通过泄水闸逐渐排出。 (3)分析莱茵河河口不修坝而修闸的原因。 12345 答案莱茵河航运繁忙,闸可打开以保证正常通航;可减小对河口湿地生态环境的 影响;通过关闭闸门可减轻风暴潮的危害。 【第一部分】 知识专题突破 专题十区域生态建设与流域综合开发


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