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上传人:李静文 文档编号:12673 上传时间:2018-06-05 格式:PDF 页数:2 大小:450.66KB
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1、中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 第七十七本,第二分 出版日期:民國九十五年六月 -193- 周婚姻關係中的媵與媵器 青銅器銘文中的性別、身分 與角色研究之二 陳昭容*本文從兩周有銘銅器著手,透過對大量青銅器 銘文的過濾與分析,為兩周婚姻關係中的媵,包括異姓媵、同姓 媵與姪娣媵,提出實例與見證。本文並配合文獻記載,對媵制和媵器 的文化內涵作深一層的檢討,豐富先秦婚姻史研究的內容。 本文同時對青銅器銘文研究中所謂的媵器 ,提出方法學上的討論,認為:一般所謂媵器是指銘文中有媵字的 青銅器,稱為狹義的媵器,另有一類銘文中無媵字的青銅器,本文作者提出從作器者和受器者的國與姓作判斷,和從共出器與出土地作判斷

2、兩個標準, 可以作為判斷廣義媵器的操作依據。 關鍵詞:青銅器銘文 媵器 婦 婚姻 先秦史 *中央研究院歷史語言研究所 陳昭容 -278- Marriage Practices (媵 Ying) and Dowry Objects (媵器 Yingqi) in Zhou Dynasty Marriage Relations - Gender, Status, and Role in Bronze Inscriptions (Part Two) Chao-jung Chen Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica This artic

3、le, through a thorough examination of bronze inscriptions, investigates the marriage practices and dowry objects in the Western and Eastern Zhou, including marriages with brides of different clans (姓媵) and of the same clan ( 同姓媵); in latter case sometimes the relationship between brides is sisters o

4、r aunt and niece (姪娣媵). By taking into consideration the records in the transmitted texts, this article further re-examines the cultural connotation of the dowry objects and marriage practices and contributes to the research on the pre-Qin marriages. This study also provides a new methodology regard

5、ing the definition and attribution of the so-called “dowry objects” in bronze inscription research: by narrow definition, “dowry objects” generally refer to bronzes bearing the character “ying 媵 ” in their inscriptions. For the bronzes lacking this character, I propose that whether they are dowry ob

6、jects can be determined by two ways: a) the givers and the recipients state and clan names, and b) the site from which they come and the objects yielded from the same archaeological unit, which constitute the broader definition of “dowry objects” and facilitate the subsequent investigation of marriage practices. Keywords: bronze inscription, dowry objects, women, marriage, pre-Qin history


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