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1、Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page To reinforce the customer-focused mindset and practice the skills of uncovering the customers needs & wants. Session Purpose Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Learning Objectives Take a customer-focused approach t

2、o selling Keep abreast of developments in the account and/or marketplace that may impact the business Identify the clients within a customer organization Write a discussion paper to confirm opportunity At the end of this session you will be able to: Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Our Role

3、 Where Does The Customer Want To Be? Where Is The Customer Today? Understand Customer Needs & Wants Help Customer Define Solution Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page First Steps To help the customer achieve the desired results, we must first understand his needs and wants. Understanding Custom

4、er Needs & Wants Page Understand Customer Needs and Wants: The Process Identify Client Plan & Prepare for the Call Understand Client Needs & Wants Confirm Opportunity with Client Develop a Discussion Paper Identify Account & Marketplace Conditions Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Exercise:

5、How Can You Help? Imagine yourself in the scene that is described to you. You can ask closedquestions and find out more about the situation, to decide how you can help him. Instructions: Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Walk in Your Customers Shoes Go into the engagement with an open mind H

6、ave the best interests of the customer at heart Do not assume that you know what is best for the customer Practice good questioning and listening skills Listen for content as well as feelings and evaluate what you hear from the customers point of view Constantly check with the customer for understan

7、ding Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page The Word Association Game Instructions: 1. We are dividing the class into 2 groups: Apples and Oranges 2. Apples: Imagine you are the customer 3. Oranges: You are the MM client/sales specialist just gone on quota 4. I am going say a list of words. As yo

8、u hear the word, just shout the first words that come to mind Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Bridging The Difference Your customer has different sets of experiences and perceptions They have specific needs & wants depending on their operating environment and their personalities They are i

9、n the best position to communicate these to you Involve them as much as possible in the sales process to deepen your understanding and to gain their buy-in to the eventual solution Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Benefits of the Customer-Focused Approach Your customer will appreciate your

10、sincerity and professional integrity which sets a good basis for a long term relationship Deep understanding of your clients and their organization, equips you with the knowledge to put together a differentiated solution that is truly responsive to the customers needs & wants You will gain industry

11、knowledge and business acumen through these experiences and enhances your competencies and career growth Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Customer Participation In the Sales Process The Sales Process CLIENT/SALES SPECIALIST Participation CUSTOMER Needs Identification Needs Fulfillment Under

12、standing Customer Needs & Wants Page What It Takes Customer Needs & Wants Personal Leadership Competence MM and IT Specific Competence Account & Industry Competence Leadership Values Interpersonal Communication Problem-Solving MM Offerings MM Processes IT Architectures IT Industry Trends Industry Tr

13、ends & Current Issues Major Players Industry Applications Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Relative Importance Of Competencies During the Sales Process The Sales Process Relative Importance Personal Leadership Competence Industry Competence MM & IT Specific Competence Needs IdentificationNe

14、eds Fulfillment Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Identify Your Clients A key step in understanding your customers needs & wants is knowing who your clients are. A client: Must be a person, not a position or entity Is the person(s) who provides direct input on solution needs You may have mul

15、tiple clients within an organization. The most important is to identify your primary client who: Owns the problems and needs help has the authority to make decisions We work with clients within the customer organization Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Clients with Differing Interests Diffe

16、rent clients at different levelsof the organization have different priorities and interests. Think of two interests the clients at each level may have: CEO Senior Management IS Operations End Users Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Making the Call Appointment Identify who you are going to ca

17、ll on in the organization to understand their needs and wants Be pleasant and purposeful in setting the appointment, state clearly, the purpose of the call Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Plan Your Call Keeps your calls focused Makes effective use of time: yours and the clients Communicate

18、s professionalism Plan Factors The call objective Who you are calling on Clients role in the buying process What information do you need to find out Your clients potential expectations and concerns What do you need to bring with you to make your clients comfortable Why Do It Understanding Customer N

19、eeds & Wants Page What Do You Need To Find Out? Current business environment Major initiatives in the organization Key challenges Clients hopes and fears Current systems used and performance Some Suggested Areas Key players and process in IT investment decisions Company background Understanding Cust

20、omer Needs & Wants Page Alternative Sources of Account & Marketplace Information Tap knowledge of colleagues Review existing account plans and update as required Read widely and regularly Conduct research, segment studies to deepen knowledge Expand coverage of account/territory for fresh news Keep a

21、 lookout for new developments in IT Stay Abreast of Developments Stay alert for competitive activity Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Exercise: Questioning to Specific Interests List the questions you can ask clients to determine their needs and wants in the following areas: Remember to foc

22、us on both the content and the feelings! The business need and challenges Choosing the solution provider The technical requirements The approval process and key players Their business goals and objectives Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Call Planning Exercise 1. You are going to call on a

23、client 2. Read the brief on the client and the company 3. Using the call-planning worksheet, and prepare for the call 4. The purpose of your call is to uncover the clients needs and wants Remember to practice your questioning & listening skills! Instructions Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page

24、 Call Planning Worksheet Company Areas of Interest Date Client NameDesignation Information I am interested in:Call objectives Decision-Maker Key Recommender Influencer BusinessTechnical Information client may ask for Follow-up actions Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page What Next? You have got

25、 a lot of information from the client Organize the information in a discussion paper Use the discussion paper to check for understanding and to set clients expectations Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Develop A Discussion Paper A discussion paper documents our understanding of the customer

26、s needs and wants and presents our thoughts and suggested approach to help the client organization achieve their goals The discussion paper serves to gain agreement between the client and MM on: the customers business environment the aspirations & challenges the desired outcome of the business relat

27、ionship Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Contents Of A Discussion Paper A typical discussion paper would include: Introduction Problems/Issues/Opportunity Statement The Discussion Conclusion Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Contents Of A Discussion Paper Introduction Events leading

28、 to the discussion paper People who contributed to the discussion paper Problem/Issue/Opportunity Statement Describes the business problem, issues, and the opportunity Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Contents of A Discussion Paper An overview of our thinking, ideas, suggestions, or options

29、 on how we can approach the problem/issue/opportunity The assumptions we have made Areas where we need more information Our/MM experience in similar situations Invitation for client to give feedback and comments Outline of the next step, or alternatives, for proceeding Note of thanks to client for o

30、pportunity The Discussion Conclusion Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Discussion Paper vs A Proposal Content: Responsibility for suggestions: Legal status: Next step: Response required from client: Assumption: Discussion Paper Between us we know Comment/Feedback Open/tentative Joint Almost

31、never include product. Usually contains problem analysis, ideas, options, etc. Proposal I knows Yes or No Order/Contract Formal document I Includes HW, prices, etc. Proposal Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Suggested Format The following writing format is recommended to facilitate effective

32、 discussions and client communication: The change in XYZs business strategy has resulted to challenges in many areas To address the challenges, there is a need to re-engineer key business processes To support these changes, investing in the right technology platforms is a critical success factor Hor

33、izontal Logic: logic that connects a headline to the one that precedes it and to the one that follows it Vertical Logic: the logic that structures an individual page Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Headlines in Discussion Paper With the phenomenal increase in business volumes due to the ne

34、w product, XYZ needs to upgrade its information systems to support the growth Business Transactions Time The headline conveys the key message You show that you can back up the headline with support details Headline: A full sentence that makes an assertion Support: details to logically support the as

35、sertion in the headline Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Headlines in Discussion Paper The client can understand your message by reading the headlines. The change in XYZs business strategy has resulted to challenges in many areas To address the challenges, there is a need to re-engineer key

36、 business processes To support these changes, investing in the right technology platforms is a critical success factor Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Exercise: Writing A Discussion Paper You have called on your client Review all the information that you have uncovered so far Get into your

37、 assigned groups As a team, develop a discussion paper, to capture your understanding of the customers needs and wants Present the discussion paper to the class Instructions Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page Customer Agreement to Discussion Paper The discussion paper serves as the basis for

38、us to develop and design a solution to meet the customer needs & wants Understanding Customer Needs & Wants Page 学生资助管理制度第一章总则第一条 为了规范学生资助行为,加强学生资助管理,提高资助资金 使用效益,促进学校工作健康发展,根据国家有关学生资助政策,结合学 校实际,制定本制度。第二条学生资助管理的原则是:贯彻执行国家有关法律、法规和学 生资助规章制度;坚持教育公益性和普惠性,不让一个学生因家庭经济困 难而失学的战略目标;正确处理事业发展需要和学生资助行为的关系,社 会效益和

39、经济效益的关系,国家、集体和个人三者利益的关系。第三条学生资助管理的主要任务是:依法多渠道筹集资助资金;加 强核算,提高资金使用效益;加强管理,专款专用;对学校资助金的使用 进行控制和监督第四条 学校学生资助项目包括:国家普通高中家庭经济困难学生资 助、校内资助资金、贫困高一新生慈善爱心捐助等。www. q理体制.com第五条学校成立学生资助工作领导小组,设立学生资助管理中心,负责学生资助工作的开展。第六条校长是学校资助工作第一负责人,学校资助活动在校长的领导下,由学生资助管理中心和教务处统一管理。第三章资金管理第七条 资助经费来源包括财政预算安排、社会捐赠、学校自筹等。 第八条学校要严格按照

40、各资助项目的评审办法,开展申请、评审、 公示和核定工作,做到公平、公正、公开。第九条 学校从有关部门取得的有指定资助项目和用途并且要求单 独核算的资助资金,应当按照要求向上级报送资金使用情况;资助项目完 成后,应当做好资金发放表和使用效果的书面总结,并接受有关部门的检 查、验收。第十条 资助金的支出应当严格执行国家有关资助项目规定的开支 范围及开支标准;国家有关资助政策没有统一规定的,结合学校实际情况 规定,但不得违反法律和国家政策。第十一条学校要加强对资助资金的管理,各项支出应按实际发生数 列支,不得虚列虚报,不得以计划数和预算数代替。第十二条学校必须严格执行国家相关规定,对学生资助资金实行

41、分 账核算,专款专用,不得截留、挤占、挪用,同时应接受财政、审计、纪 检监察、主管机关等部门的检查和监督。第四章资助实施细则第十三条 资助对象为在校各方面表现良好,无不良行为或处分记 录、学习成绩优秀的学生并属以下情况之一的:comW本校家庭困难的在校学生;j c -进入低保线的或有农村贫困证家庭就学的子女三、因特殊情况导致家庭困难的学生;四、父母(双方或一方)丧失劳动能力,无经济来源的;五、因其它特殊原因(如家庭成员因重大疾患、意外事故等)造成经 济困难的;六、没有享受其他类似的助学金资助(享受政策性减免除外),但家 庭特别困难的可以推荐。第十四条各班审送人数:各班资助审送人数根据实际情况控

42、制,因 特殊原因确需增加人数的,应报学校学生资助工作领导小组审核方可。第十五条受助学生审批办法:一、在审送受助学生过程中必须实施“爱心工程”。由学生本人提出 申请,由班主任提名,并附相关证明资料,交学校学生资助工作领导小组 核实。在学校核实的基础上,对符合申报条件的申请人,按照家庭困难 程度进行排序,并如实填写困难家庭学生助学金申请表,上报学校。三、对享受助学金的学生与费用,要实行公开的原则,提高透明度, 力求每个困难家庭的孩子都能享受资助,力求每个困难家庭孩子不辍学。第十六条资助标准:一、减免学费:学校按全年学费的30%、50%、70%. 100%几个等级予 以减免学费。二、定期困难资助:一

43、等资助:每月100元;二等资助:每月80元;三等资助:每月50元。三、临时困难资助:对家庭发生临时性的重大变故导致生活困难的学 生,经申请,并获得学校认可后,视具体情况予以资助。第十七条资助活动内容:一、认真开展“帮扶结对”活动。要求每位教师都要和需要帮助的学 生结对,除了给这些学生以经济上的支持、生活上的帮助外,更要给这些 学生以心灵上的温暖和成长的引导,让这些学生与其他学生一道健康成 长。二、全面开展“众生帮一生,共育友谊花”活动。即要求家庭条件好 的多位学生帮助本班内的一名贫困学生,号召全体学生坚持每天节省积攒 自己的零用钱,然后用来帮助困难学生渡过暂时困难,同时,通过共育友 谊花等活动

44、,在学生心中种下关爱种子,培育关爱情怀,使学生在相互关 爱中,学会节俭,学会珍惜,并帮助贫困学生正视贫困,养成自尊、自强 的意志品质。三、要求受助学生定期向资助人汇报学习、生活情况。四、积极争取社会支援,使困难学生感受到来自方方面面的温暖,更 加坚定求学的信心和毅力。笫五章档案管理第十八条学校学生资助管理中心要做好资助档案管理工作,收集整 理各级各部门相关的文件、通知、制度、方案等.档案材料还包括:一、贫困生建档(一 )XXXXX学校家庭经济困难学生情况调查表(附相关证明材料)(二)XXXXX学校家庭经济困难学生汇总表(三)XXXXX学校家庭经济困难历届学生统计表二、高中国家助学金(一)XX省

45、普通高中国家助学金申请表(附相关证明材料)。(-)XX省普通高中国家助学金受助学生明细表(三)XX省普通高中国家助学金汇总统计表(四)资助对象公示材料、学校认定公示材料。(五)上级下达的银行单(六)学生签领凭证(七)资助对象受助后相关情况反馈三、贫困高一新生慈善爱心捐助(一)受助学生汇总表(二)学生申请材料 (三)签领凭证等四、校内资助资金(一)受助学生申请表(二)公示材料(三)受助学生汇总表(四)发放签领表(五)学生品学兼优相关资料。第六章监督管理第十九条 学校负责核定各资助项目的资助人数和资助标准,报上级 学生资助管理部门审批。每学期结束前,学生资助管理中心和教务处要将 各资助项目的落实情

46、况和资金的下达、发放等情况向学生资助工作领导小 组汇报,接受上级主管部门对资助工作的督查指导。第七章受助学生管理第二十条 关于贫困生的申请条件及申请认定程序均依据本制度的 规定。第二十一条 为贫困生建立档案,由所在班对其进行日常量化管理, 实行学期考核。第二十二条 学生在考核期间,发生以下情形者,给予相应表彰:一、担任学生干部职务,且学期学生干部考核优秀的;二、学习成绩优异,或受到校级以上表彰、荣誉称号的;三、积极参加勤工助学的;四、积极参加社会公益活动,如参加志愿者活动等的;五、积极参加学校或班级组织的各项活动的。第二十三条 学生在考核期间,发生以下情形的,给予相应减分或依 据学校其它有关制度或规定给予相应处罚;一、违反学校规章制度,受到严重警告、警告处分的;二、不积极参加学校、班级安排的志愿者活动,勤工助学活动的;三、学期两门以上(含两门)功课不及格的,或在补考中仍未通过的。 第二十四条 学生在考核期间,如发生以下情形,取消其贫困生资格,并承担其它相应责任:


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