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1、 Reading Course Book III Unit 31/22Teaching Aimsn1.Develop reading strategies and improve reading speed:Skimming(Unit 1-6);Scanning (Unit 7-12)Drawing inferences(Unit 13-18)n2.Enlarge vocabularyn3.Enrich background information of English culture2/22Teaching Methodsn 1.Lectures and group activities i

2、n classn 2.Reading practice in classn 3.Assigned after-class reading3/22Step 1 Reviewing SkimmingnQ1:What is skimming?nQ2:How do you skim?4/22n1.Eyes floating practice(6 minutes)Letter perception and word perception Ask students to finish those drills in pairs.One counts time,the other does the exer

3、cises.n2.Word pretest(6 minutes)Ask students to choose the best meaning for each word or phrase.n3.Text I:Signals Without WordsStep 2 Section A5/221.Discussion:How long does it take you to make a judgment of a person you are not familiar with?To make it a joke,do you believe what is often described

4、as“love at first sight”or“instant hate”?3.Text I:Signals Without Words6/22For Reference:n According to the research,we judge other people within the first seven seconds of meeting them.But things are not always the same with everybody.As far as I am concerned,I wont make a thorough judgment of other

5、s until Im very familiar with them,so I do not blindly believe in the snap judgments.n However,I must admit that the first impression is really very important.It can greatly affect my judgments on others.n As for“love at first sight”or“instant hate”,I think this varies with the individual.Those who

6、have a dreamy romantic nature always favor this snap judgment of the lover.7/22n2.Self-reading and doing exercises in 6 minutes,then checking the answers.n3.Background information.n4.Language points in Text I.3.Text I:Signals Without Words8/22Background information1.Phi Beta Kappa n.荣誉学会 An American

7、 honorary society,founded in 1776,of college students and graduates whose members are chosen on the basis of high academic standing.在许多院校,学生最高荣誉就是被选人Phi Beta Kappa,它在1776年建立时是一个社交性团体,以后变成纯粹学生荣誉组织,并在200多所院校设有分会。组员评选主要标准是学习成绩,即使也考虑其它条件。9/222.Middle Ages:Period in Western European history that followed

8、 the disintegration of the West Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th century and lasted into the 15th century,i.e.,into the period of the Renaissance.During this period,there is no strong power to rule in Europe.Feudal separatism brought frequent wars,resulting in the stagnation of technology and product

9、ivity,and people living without hope in the sufferings.The Middle Ages is generally referred to the Dark Ages“in Europe and the United States.中世纪是欧洲历史上一个时代,由西罗马帝国灭亡开始,直到文艺复兴之后。这个时期欧洲没有一个强有力政权来统治。封建割据带来频繁战争,造成科技和生产力发展停滞,人民生活在毫无希望痛苦中,所以中世纪或者中世纪早期在欧美普遍称作“黑暗时代”。10/223.维多利亚女王(Alexandrina Victoria)(1819年5

10、月24日1901年1月22日)于1837年继承王位(当初她18岁),英国历史上在位时间最长君主。她在位63年期间,是英国最强盛所谓“日不落帝国”时期。她在位期间直到她逝世后,到第一次世界大战开始1914年,英国都称为维多利亚时代,1914年以后,英国开始走向衰落。维多利亚时期以崇尚道德涵养和谦虚礼貌而著称。维多利亚女王是那个时代道德风尚典范,她是贤妻,又是良母;她自己生活严谨,工作刻苦,对他人又充满责任感。11/22 在建筑上,最直接表现就是历史上各种建筑式样复兴在整个维多利亚时期形成一个风尚。维多利亚式格调喜欢对全部样式装饰元素进行自由组合,包含了各种装饰元素,样式混合和创新装饰利用。Key

11、 words:succeed/accede to the throne“The sun never sets on the British Empire.”A revival of various architectual styles in history,free combination of,conform to high moral standards,image/model/paragon of virtues12/22Languages Points in Text I1.statement:n.something that one says or writes,often off

12、icially 说话,叙述,申明;报表 to issue /make a statement 发表申明 to confirm a statement 证实一项陈说 to withdraw ones statement 收回序言2.instant:adj./n.Immediate/the moment马上/瞬间 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 instant noodles 方便面 the instant/the minute/the moment 一就e.g.I recognized her the instant I saw her.13/223.be fairly sound so

13、und:adj.a.in good condition,not hurt or damaged b.based on reason,sense or judgment c.(sleep or sleeper)deep,peaceful,uninterrupted e.g.have sound teeth 牙齿健康 have a sound mind 心智健全 a sound argument,policy,etc.正确论据,政策等 sound advice 忠言 a sound business firm 一个信誉好企业 a sound sleep/sleeperPhrase:safe and

14、 sound 安然无恙14/224.in relation to:1.with regard to;concerned with 相关,关于;2.与相比 e.g.温度随压力改变而改变。Temperature changes in relation to pressure.与生活费用相比,工资水平低下。Wages are very low in relation to the cost of living.5.assume:v.1.take up,undertake负担,担任 assume office 就职 assume responsibility 负责 assume an obligati

15、on 负担义务 assume a new name 用新名字 assume a leading position 担任领导职务consume 消费,消耗/resume重新开始,继续,恢复15/225.assume:v.2.accept or believe that something is true even though you have no evidence假定,假设,想当然认为同义比较:assume 指将未证实或尚存在分歧事情假定为事实或真理作为自己论断基础,含有较强烈武断成份。assume this to be true/assume that guess 指无甚依据猜测,瞎猜。p

16、resume 指以过去经验作为依据或合乎逻辑“推测”,普通是有较充分理由,即使结论仍可能是错误。e.g.May I presume to advise you?我能够冒昧向你进一言吗?They presume him to be dead.他们认为他死了。I presume youre tired.我想你是累了。presume on upon 指望,过分依靠,滥用 suppose 为口语用词,惯用来陈说自己意见或提议,猜测成份最少,可放在句末,作插入语;也可直接用于句首,表示“假如”;还可用于被动语态。be supposed to(do)被期望或要求 suppose/supposing tha

17、t 假定 16/226.pick up:learn or get unconsciously and without particular effortse.g.我住在中国时学到了一些烹饪知识。When I lived in China,I picked up some ideas for good cooking.7.account for:be the explanation of sth.,explain sth.e.g.他缺席是因为生病了。His absence accounts for the illness.8.resentful(at):adj.feeling annoyed 充

18、满忿恨,怨恨不止 resent vt.后接动名词 9.status:n.social position 地位,身份 status n.statue n.stature n.statute n.statue n.塑像,雕像 stature n.身材,身高;高境界,高水平statute n.章程,规则,条例;法规,法令be small in stature 身材小 a scholar of great stature 一位了不起学者the statute of a university 大学校规17/2210.project oneself:present or show ones qualiti

19、ese.g.那位学生设法表现自己以取得老师好感。The student tries to project himself in order to make a good impression on the new teacher.11.conviction:n.a very strong opinion or belief 坚定信仰;确信 be open to conviction 愿意服理 carry conviction 颇有道理,有说服力 in the full conviction that坚信 shake a conviction 动摇信心 a person of strong co

20、nviction 有坚定信念人12.rigid:adj.strict 严格死板,缺乏变通;刚性同义词:adamant firm hard stiff strict stubborn unyielding 反义词:pliable yielding rigid in ones veiws 意志坚定 rigid discipline 严格训练 rigid adherence to rules 严守规则18/22nThis part aims to further improve students reading speed.1.Ask students to finish those passage

21、s in 15 minutes.2.Check the answers.Step 3 Section B19/22Step 4:Vocabulary building and Cloze 1.Finish blank filling excercises on page 40-41,then check the answers.2.Give students 6 minutes to finish Cloze on page 41,then check the answers.20/22Step 5 Homeworkn1.Read Text II and finish excercises on page 33-34.n2.Remember words in Glossary on page 47-48.n3.Self-study:Language points in Section B and Section C.21/22Thank you!22/22


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