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XX酒店员工手册(DOC 17页)_01.doc

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1、Organization: Overview of Core Frameworks Local Training Module For First-year Associates Associate Handbook FOREWORD AND OBJECTIVE This Organization Practice(OP) document provides an overview for use in local training sessions for first-year associates. It is part of a “series on functional areas.”

2、 The objective of the series is to introduce McKinsey practitioners to the basics in each of our functional areas of expertise. All the documents in the series are comprehensive in nature and describe the current tools and frameworks in that functional area At the end of this document, you can find

3、a section describing a selection of the core documents and handbooks that can give you further details on some of the frameworks descried here. All of these documents are now on PDNet; and hard copies of them can be requested from PDNet Express, which will deliver them in 24 hours The contents of th

4、is document have been adapted for local training sessions through “Switching Tracks” OPs first-year module videotape, which communicates the basic concepts in a concise and visual way using an actual client The Scandinavian Railroad Company. It is 40 minutes long and should be presented in 3 short s

5、egments. Between these segments, the faculty member runs the attached exercises, adds any commentary he/she considers necessary to clarify the concepts, and provides personal experience on selected topics. A copy of the videotape and moderators guide with exercises can be requested from the Firm Thi

6、s document seeks to answer 4 questions SECTION 1 Why do associates need to consider organizational issues in every engagement? SECTION 2 What frameworks do we use to help our clients improve organizational performance? SECTION 3 What role does an associate play in organization work? SECTION 4 Where

7、can an associate find out more? McKinseys mission is to have lasting and substantial impact on our clients. To succeed, we need to work all three of the critical elements: choose the best strategy, develop world-class operations, align the organization. These three elements both reinforce and constr

8、ain each other. The best strategy is only relevant if it is operationally and organizationally feasible. The optimal organizational design depends upon the strategic requirement and the operational methods of the client. This document focuses on one vertex of this triangular relationship. It would b

9、e wrong, however, to believe that you can achieve the impact we seek by focusing on one vertex. We need to consider all three in every study. CRITICAL ELEMENTS FOR IMPACT Successful strategy Efficient operations Effective organization We only achieve impact when the organizations we serve are succes

10、sful in implementing the strategies and operational methods we propose. However, a recent survey of engagements in which clients failed to implement proposed strategies found, in three cases out of four, that the client organization was not change-ready or even capable of implementing the strategy w

11、e proposed. To ensure that we have impact, we need to consider organizational issues as we devise strategies. We must choose strategies the clients are ready and able to implement or complement our strategy work with investment in building the organizations skills so that the organization can step u

12、p to the challenge the superior strategy poses. 3 OUT OF 4 STRATEGIES THAT FAIL DO SO BECAUSE OF THE ORGANIZATIONS INABILITY TO EXECUTE 100%=340 responses Percent McKinsey recommendations flawed Client not change-ready or committed Organization lacked the capabilities to execute strategy Other The d

13、emand for organizational work is increasing. Trends in the marketplace and the evolving nature of our clients largely explain this increase in demand. The pace of change in the marketplace is accelerating . A strategic choice or an operational innovation evokes a rapid reaction from competitor. Rare

14、ly can a durable competitive advantage be found in these choices. Rather it is the development of a unique organizational capability with the inherent flexibility and commitment to sustain world-class performance that provides durable competitive advantage in these times of rapid change. The clients

15、 we serve are changing as well. They have increasingly hired in-house strategic capabilities. Most have built strategy shops close to the CEO. Few, however, have the in- house capability and objectivity to do the organizational work required to make change happen. ORGANIZATIONAL WORK GROWING IN IMPO

16、RTANCE Evolving marketplace Quickening pace of strategic adaptation Durable competitive advantage often rooted in unique organizational capabilities Evolving players Many businesses acquiring in-house strategic capability Making change happen remains the “neglected art” McKinseys engagement mix Perc

17、ent of time Increasing demand for help with organization issues and change management Crafting the answer Helping implement change 10 years ago Today Source: Survey of 23 MGMs across the Firm The recent evolution in our clients has not been missed by our competitors. Each of our competitors has rece

18、ntly introduced a branded organizational element to their portfolio. Their organizational expertise figures prominently in their marketing campaigns. COMPETITORS HAVE BRANDED ORGANIZATION TOOLS Consulting firm ProductClient example BCGTime based competitionGE General SystemsProcess redesign UPRR Boo

19、z Allen Continuous improvementExxon United ResearchProcess redesign and facilitationMobil Delta PointTransformational changeSmithKline Beecham McKinseys consulting approach must evolve as our clients evolve. These changes provoke a shift in the nature of our work and an evolution of the role of the

20、associate on engagements. The increased demand for organizational work impacts associates directly. Associates are drawn into leadership roles on larger teams at an earlier point in their careers. This places greater emphasis on the need for associates to develop quite soon after joining McKinsey- s

21、uperb team leadership skills. EVOLUTION IN McKINSEYS APPROACH *Survey of 23 MGMs across the Firm From To “The answer” Solving for the “answer” and the change process Managing client teams Building client capabilities Small, analytically focused teams average client team of 3* Multiple, highly levera

22、ged McKinsey/client teams Average client team of 10* CEO counseling by senior people Coaching and feedback at all levels Before we dive into the organization materials, we should announce one critical caveat: the frameworks you are about to see are only as good as the judgment and insight used to fi

23、ll them out. The frameworks are often mere checklists, useful tools to ensure you do not overlook a key dimension. The OP can provide interview guides and questionnaires that you can use to flesh out the frameworks, as well as applied examples in a range of settings. However, almost all organization

24、al issues are “situation dependent”, and almost all client settings are unique. Your judgment, insight, creativity, and organizational acumen will determine whether you add value in the client setting . A CRITICAL CAVEAT “Garbage in, garbage out” Organizational practice frameworks Checklists Surveys

25、, questionnaires Applied examples Garbage Good judgment, keen insight, creativity, organizational acumen Garbage Client impact CONCEPTUAL A series of frameworks are available to help clients identify and address organizational limits on effectiveness or obstacles to change. They also point toward so

26、lutions. These frameworks help teams answer two fundamental questions: What change is needed? How should the client implement the change? The OP has derived a set of six attributes that characterize high-performing organizations(HPO). By assessing whether your client organization exhibits these six

27、attributes, you can diagnose whether an organizational performance gap exists as well. Additionally, the 7-Ss will help you identify strengths and def鉈鬀堀綿蠀艎纒堀綿讀缁閻H缀窒拤栀彇吀椀椂唄崄崄崄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄缄輄鄆堆堀褀汖塥敝豢倀倀吀甀开瀀瀀琀戀搀愀昀戀愀戀戀戀攀最椀昀堀堀褀汖塥敝豢倀倀吀甀开瀀瀀琀尀尀愀攀攀挀戀攀戀愀攀愀愀愀爀猀夀刀爀甀挀吀昀欀欀戀樀焀爀瀀匀樀砀刀堀栀砀最圀栀漀愀娀漀瘀椀甀瀀焀搀娀猀堀堀褀汖塥敝豢偑倀吀甀徘

28、堀堀褀汖塥豢倀倀吀开挀昀昀戀挀搀挀昀挀愀戀攀昀帀g栀燿燿燿g煺祬瘀蝎刀攀瘀儀猀琀瘀漀爀嘀焀夀戀氀稀刀愀吀爀嘀砀挀堀渀嘀挀漀娀娀焀樀眀刀琀吀爀砀最圀伀漀刀娀眀坭炑褀氀氀耀眀坭炑覞汖蹓琀睾鱥神氀襑獧虣豛葴f譥著襬鬀氰婾乾豶癶葎齶汎襑獧豑罔婎晹蒃鵎塏魣葥襶桛歏豓葎襶桛聑氰琀墈輀琀纓)僠钠胔-磇鈀攀 b_i縀$葁XXXX有限责任公司会计核算办法-第1章资产(DOC 142页).doc8e048c3dc82d45c18aa45b0d4b866964.gifXXXX有限责任公司会计核算办法-第1章资产DOC142页.doc2020-850ce26223-98a2-4841-ac2e-838bd368b4d

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30、责任公司会计核算办法有限责任公司会计核算办法 第第 1 章资产章资产 目目 录录 第 1 章资 产 .1-1 1.1流动资产 1-1 1.1.1 货币资金 1-1 1.1.2 短期投资 1-11 1.1.3 短期投资跌价准备1X腰脐瀐脐鄐脐酰脐鄐脐瀐鄐脐瀐脐鄀脀鄀脐脐煺煺u煺祬瘀蝎漀洀倀挀堀瘀漀甀戀氀唀眀唀昀一儀最唀刀氀砀嘀搀最氀稀嘀唀氀眀瀀最爀昀渀堀砀栀蝙捥儀儀睎偧沖睎偧沖啓敢啓敢睎偧沖馍馍桙儀儀儀馍馍桙儀儀儀RR堀輀琀纓)僠钠胔-磇鈀攀 b_i縀$葁XXXX有限责任公司会计核算办法-第1章资产(DOC 142页).doc8e048c3dc82d45c18aa45b0d4b866964.gi


32、BE6OtAFdbn1DGf+txPDSP8O7VBbI+IUddVvo7fn3sbrSG中国最大的免费课件资源库更多免费资料下载请进: XXXX 有限责任公司会计核算办法有限责任公司会计核算办法 第第 1 章资产章资产 目目 录录 第 1 章资 产 .岄钠鄀(扶鰀稆尀艐纔鰀稆讀缁H缀窒拤唀椀眂奎貚灎晥空暑猀扞蒗搀漀挀愀昀戀昀挀愀昀戀戀攀搀搀挀最椀昀奎貚灎晥空暑猀扞蒗搀漀挀尀尀搀昀攀戀搀愀昀戀愀戀昀唀瀀瀀猀漀夀洀攀礀爀礀一儀愀甀猀瘀漀夀洀一樀甀一搀匀夀渀爀匀儀瘀砀伀奎貚灎晥空暑奎貚瀀晥稀猀扞憗愀戀挀搀挀昀挀戀豛灎晥豏暋讋最蹛轎貚灎晥暋猀扞蒗昀恛窉蒑艶賿穣蒑鞋窉葾昀恛葾貑獔扞蒗芑猀扞蒗蒑昀葎悘葾獎扞蒗骑屔癣靺獑扞蒑葒悘甀豺顎葾竿a慎汾萀湏汵NS渀驸諿婓汾萀v舰葎舀汾汾萀v婓獐扞萃萀悘替豺姿福虥貉揿汾汾萀穷揿挀苿鱙獧扞萀葎偶挀揿挀晘恛屔敟詎獎扞罣穒盿穵虑N魎卺啑颕惿敒卫穒卺啑颕葎屶芏敎晫恛卺啑葎谀癣癣z苿啙詏穢葎猰扞蒗湏梑救颕穗驎谀T驎満驸慎穗蒕湏颕葾慎葾U颕珿扞蒗颕獎扞蒗U苿鱙U菿獎癣豺苿啙獬扞蒗珿扞蔃煎葾苿鱙g獦扞萃颕苿惿蓿偶颕苿鱙葎偶葨獶颕湨颕吀惿葑v百N幎楑奒栀琀琀瀀猀眀眀眀椀渀瘀攀猀琀猀椀稀攀挀漀洀挀渀惿獬扞蒑v匀獬扞萀v苿揿卥挀羏獬扞萀v昀舠鱙g葎魡晎恛灎晥絛虙灦晥驛珿罓f蒐筟e愀搀瀀漀椀攀晎馍戀儀瀀儀椀搀倀


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