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1、rsdata. 时间特性要求Time Characteristics of Requirements在对数据操作以及流程操作过程中不能出现卡机,系统运行中不能无故出现错误,信息移植不能出现无法响应的情况。响应时间理应在0.86s内;更新处理时间能快速准确地处理,处理时间范围不超过0.81.0s。It should be not crash in the data manipulation and cannot have an error in the operation of the system. Response time requirements of fast resp

2、onse time should be no more than 0.86s and update processing time quickly and accurately, should not exceed 0.8s to 1.0 s. 可靠性Reliability平台本身采用二级安全保障:第一级是依赖于网络本身对用户使用权限的规定;第二级则是在程序模块用使用密码控制功能对用户的使用权限加以限制。因此平台安全级别很好。The platform is be used two securities: The first level is dependent on the n

3、etwork itself, the provisions on user permissions; the second stage in the program modules by using the password control function to restrict user permissions and make sure its security.2.1.3 输入输出要求Input and Output Requirements搜索栏在平台主页面显眼位置,一旦用户输入关键字,包括精确信息,就能迅速以报表形式在新的页面输出,简单明了,清晰速度。 The search bar

4、 in the main location platform so if user print key word which include other information, it will be given the form of a report to have the advantages of clarity. It is so simply and quickly.2.1.4 数据管理能力要求Data Management Capabilities to Requirements数据库的需要巨大的存储容量,可以容纳大量的信息数据。同时也需要强大的数据管理能力,其中更新尤为重要。而

5、且数据库的备份和维护以及管理权限要求也需要有一个合理的分配。The database requires large storage capacity and accommodates the huge information data and also need powerful data management capabilities, including updating is particularly important. In addition, it is important for database to backup and maintenance. 2.1.5 故障处理要求Fa

6、ult Handling Requirements由于系统自己实时备份,所以所有出错都会仍然保留用户的个人信息和操作记录。数据库会对用户的数据存有备份,只有在出错时,这些备份记录被触发,依然可以保存客户的信息安全。在故障处理的速度上来算,平台需要很强的后台监控能力,要做到察知毫微,动之如电。故障发生时也会第一时间被通知管理员。Platform will save the users personal information and operating records whether to error in system because of the backup what is backup

7、all the time.Besides, get failure warning notification administrator the first time and configure it.2.2 运行环境Operating Environment运行环境是指一个平台(网站)所需要正常运转的条件环境,例如鱼需要水才能存活,水在这里就是鱼的条件环境,由此可见运行环境的必要性。Operating environment is a environment to survive for platform. Example the fish needs water to survive, s

8、o the water is the operating environment for fish. It is important to a website. 2.2.1 设备Equipment平台对硬件设备要求较低,可以在Windows的操作系统上正常运行。Platform needs a popular configuration and just work in Windows.处理器(CPU):Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4300 2.10GHz 2.1 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU T5800 2.00GHz 2.0 GHz

9、内存(RAM):512M硬盘大小(Hard disk):5GB2.2.2 支持软件Support Software 在Windows 操作系统下运行,选择使用Microsoft SQL Server 2008作为数据开发工具,Microsoft Visual Studio来撰写代码。Running under the Windows operating system, choose to use the Microsoft SQL Sever 2008 as a data development tools, the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to write

10、code.2.3 基本设计概念和处理流程Basic Design Concepts and Processes2.3.1 基本设计概念The Basic Design Concept平台主要依靠前台显示,也就是面向用户的界面,这些数据主要依靠用户自己的输入和输出。失物招领平台有四个主要模块:丢东西、捡到东西、搜索和留言。一般用户可以根据需要在相应模块完成相应的操作。The platform relies mainly on front display, namely visual interface. The data relies on the users own input and out

11、put data. Lost and Found platform is divided into four main modules: lost, found, search and leave a message. Each type has own specific modules and modules are inseparable.Users just need to login platform and they will be given some permission.2.3.2 处理流程 Processes首先展示的是主页面,而提交信息则需要用户的登陆来才行。登陆后将会得到

12、更多的使用权限。Firstly, users will in the main page, if users want to do something they have to login it.如下流程图(Flow Diagram):是联系人信息是否登录显示联系人信息否否是否是是开始是否登录主界面公告栏搜索查看详情我丢(捡到)东西了提示输入输入物品信息提交发布成功登录页面是否登录输入账号密码登录成功有关键字显示信息息息结束否注册返回前页面图2.3.2流程图Figure2.3.2Flow Diagram2.4 结构 Structure2.4.1 系统总体结构图 失物招领平台Lost and found platform用户管理User Management注册Register登陆Login失物上传Submit information我丢东西了I lost something我捡到东西了I pick up something搜索信息Searching information后台管理Background management留言板Message board密码管理


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