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1、的圣诞晚会圣诞节是一个美好的节日,今年的圣诞节对我们来说更有意义,因为今年我们合资企业有了长足的进步,我希望我们能保持务实的合作关系使明年的业绩更加辉煌,让我们在这年终岁末之际共同举杯,为新年再创佳绩干杯On behalf of all the members of my group, I would like to thank you Mr Chairman for your gracious invitation for us to attend your Christmas Party. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year and Chri

2、stmas Party symbolizes warmth, union and dedication of mankind. To every one of us, it is more meaningful this year to celebrate Christmas, for our joint venture has had a remarkable growth in its sales. I hope we can maintain this practical cooperative relations to make the coming new year a more f

3、ruitful year. Please join me inn a toast to greater achievements next year! Cheers!8、各位来宾,我谨代表公司的全体同仁感谢各位光临我们的春节联欢晚会, 我们这家合资企业走过了10年的奋斗历程,这是富有成果的10年,也是各位默默奉献的10年, 我们在这里略备薄酒,庆祝我们的友好合作,并借此机会向公司的各位员工表示诚挚的感谢。同时我也希望这次晚会,能使我们彼此沟通增进友谊,最后我祝各位新年身体健康,事业有成Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of all my colleagues of

4、 the company, I wish to thank all the guests here for their gracious presence at this Spring Festival gathering. Our joint venture has experienced a decade of hard struggle. This is a brilliant decade, a fruitful decade, a decade which has seen our company advance to the world market and a decade of

5、 your dedication without any complaint. We have prepared a humble dinner to celebrate our friendly cooperation. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all my colleagues at the venture. Meanwhile, I hope this party will give us an excellent opportunity to get to kn

6、ow each other and increase our friendship. In closing, Id like to thank you again for your kind presence and wish everyone good health, a successful career and the very best of luck in the new year.英翻中1、Thank you very much for your gracious speech of welcome. China is one of the earliest cradles of

7、civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization has long been my dream. This visit will give me an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and establish new contacts. I wish to say again that I am so delighted and privileged to visit your great county and this lovely town. I am deeply gratef

8、ul for everything you have done for me since my arrival in China.我非常感谢=您热情友好的欢迎词。中国是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问这个文明古国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。这次访问给予我一次极好的机会拜访老朋友,结交新朋友。我为自己能访问伟大的贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之情.我为您对我到达贵国后所做的一切安排深表谢意。2:I am very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in

9、 Chinas automobile industry. I had been looking forward to this job for many years and you have made my dream come true. I appreciate all you have done for me, I really love the new house that you have chosen for me. If you dont mind, I wish to tour around your company properties and meet my Chinese

10、 colleagues and lab assistants tomorrow.我很高兴有此机会来贵公司工作,与中国汽车业的杰出人士合作共事。这是我多年来一直盼望想要做的事,您实现了我的梦想。我很感谢您为我所做的一切。我很喜欢您为我安排的这个新居。您若不在意的话,明天我想去贵公司走走,与我的中国同事和实验室的助手们见面。 3、I wish to take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of all my colleagues for your warm reception and hospitality. The past five days

11、in China have been truly pleasant and enjoyable and memorable. I particularly want to pay tribute to our Chinese partners for their sincere cooperation and support in concluding these agreements. May I ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses, to the lasting friendship and coop

12、eration between our two companies. 我愿借此机会,谨代表我所有的同事们,对你们热情的迎接和宽带表示感谢。在中国度过的这五天,令人愉快,难以忘怀。我特别要称颂我们的中国合作者,他们的真诚合作与支持使这项协议得以签署。我敬请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两家公司的永久友谊和合作而干杯。4、As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years. I have to say that there are differences in business management between Chinese and American. We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese due to our different cultural traditions. I ca


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