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1、hen our story begins. His father had died five years before and since then Tom had lived alone. His father had advised him not to get married till he was 35,and Tom intended to follow this advice. 我们讲的故事开头时,汤姆才二十三岁。他父亲五 年前去世了,自那以后他一直过着独生生活。他父亲 劝他到三十五岁时才结婚,而汤姆仍想遵照他父亲的 忠告去做。 15 按先后顺序叙述过去事件,一般可不用过去完 成时

2、,叙述过去某一时刻同时存在的情况,也可不用 过去完成时,只有在强调时间先后顺序时,过去完成 时才是必不可少的.试比较: He heard voices and realized that there were three people in the next room. 他听见人声,知道隔壁有三个人在。(当时人还在 ) He saw empty glasses and cups and realized that three people had been in the room. 他看见了空玻璃杯和其他杯子,知道屋里来过三个 人。(当时人已不在了) 16 Mr Smith arrived a

3、t 5 oclock and was told to wait until 6 oclock. 史密斯先生五点到,有人叫他等到六点钟 。人先到,was told在后) Mr Smith arrived at 5 oclock and had been told to wait until 6 oclock. 史密斯先生五点到,他早已接到通知要等到 六点钟. 17 时间从句和两种时态 我们在这里主要谈when-从句和两种时态的关 系 (1)在有when-从句的主从句中,如果两个过去 动作明显不是同时发生的,而且时间先后顺 序十分清楚,那么,只须用一般过去时.这种 用法,通常还意味着两个动作联系密

4、切,前一 个动作导致了第二个动作: When he came back from India, he was made a member of Parliament. 他从印度回来时,当选为议员. 18 One morning when they woke up, they saw a ship at anchor in the bay. 有一天早晨,他们一觉醒来,就看见港湾里 停泊着一艘轮船. When he opened the window, the bird flew out. 他打开窗门,那只鸟就飞出去了. When the play ended, the audience went

5、 home. 戏一演完,观众就回家去了. 19 (2)如果两个过去的动作用一般过去时会造成同 时发生的假象,或我们要强调二个动作的先后 顺序,那么,就得用过去完成时来连接.试比较 When she had sung she sat down. 她唱完了歌,然后坐下. When she sang she sat down. 她唱着歌坐下. 20 When he had seen all the pictures on show he said he was ready to write a commentary about them. 他看完了所有的展出的图画,说道,他乐意 为此写篇评论. Wh

6、en he saw the pictures on show he expressed amazement that one man should have painted so many. 他看着展出的图画,表示惊讶:一个人竟会 画出那么多的图画来! 21 (3)我们可以用when把两个或两个以上由过去完成时 表示的动作连接起来,但是一般情况下,时间从句里 的过去完成时可以改为一般过去时: He had been to school but he had learnt nothing there, so he was now illiterate. 他上过学,可是在学校里什么也没学会,所以至

7、今 还是个文盲. When he had been at school he had learnt nothing, so he was now illiterate. When he was at school he had learnt nothing, so he was now illiterate. 他在校念书时,什么也没学到,所以现在还是个文 盲. 22 (4)表示认识等心理状态的动词,一般在时间从 句中不能用过去完成时,应用一般过去时,但 如果这类动词和表示时段的状语连用,在时间 从句中也可以用过去完成时.试比较: When I knew the work of one depa

8、rtment thoroughly I was moved to the next department. 我完全熟悉了一个部门的工作之后,就被调到下 一个部门工作了. When I had known him for a year I invited him to tea. 我和他认识一年后,就请他来喝茶了. 23 (5)在after-从句中,由于连词的词汇意义已经明 确表示了时间的先后顺序,一般可以用一般过 去时代替过去完成时,表示先于某一过去时间 的动作,但是,正规的用法,仍得用过去完成 时: After we had had tea, the discussion began. Aft

9、er we had tea, the discussion began. 我们用过茶点之后,就开始讨论了. He stood motionless after she disappeared. He stood motionless after she had disappeared. 他站在那儿一动不动,直到她在眼前消失. 24 (6)在when-从句中,如果它所表示的动作比另一个动 作(在主句中)短暂,通常要用一般过去时,但是, 如果主句和从句是指同一对象,那么先发生的动作 宜用过去完成时. 试比较: When I had washed the cat, it ran off into t

10、he bushes. 我给猫儿洗刷了一下之后,它就跑走了,钻进灌木 丛中去了. When I put the cat out, it ran off into the bushes. 我把猫儿放出去,它就跑走了,钻进了灌木丛中去 了. When I had put the cat out, I locked the door and went to bed. 我把猫放出去,锁上了门,就上床睡觉了. 25 如果我们谈的是人们对从句动作的直接而迅 速的反应,即使主、从句中主语相同,也 可以用一般过去时替代过去完成时。如: When she saw the mouse she screamed. 她

11、一看见那只老鼠,就大声尖叫起来. I got a real shock when I opened the box. 我一打开那只盒子,委实大吃一惊. 26 27 28 29 30 31 35555555$5!575777騐鬀贀鴀輐鼀頀餀訐謀5#鬰鰐亡贀褀鴀33!#蠐餀!袾裯飨颚谠踀飿戡謀!戡贀蠀觫鴐蠀騀瘃氅倠怠恠脰#删剰鄠鄠3醁【7Q獀猀s1111!111【1倰脰堐頁栂谀!踐!踐腀倰倰8倐偀怰 区别一般过去时 过去进行时 形式结构上的区 别 否定句、疑问句 结构上的区别 用法上的区别 一般过去时 VS 过去进行时 1 形式结构上的区别 1一般过去时的形式结构为: 主语动词的过去式其它。如:

12、They were free the day before yesterday, but we were busy 前天他们很闲,而我们却很忙。 I got up at 6:30 yesterday 昨天我是六点半起床的。 2过去进行时的形式结构为: 主语waswere动词的现在分词其它。如: What were you doing this time yesterday 昨天的这个时候你在做什么? He was drawing an elephant on the blackboard when the teacher came in 当老师进来时,他正在黑板上画一头大象。 2 否定句、疑问

13、句结构上的区别 1一般过去时的否定句、疑问句多是借助助动词did来体现的(be的疑问句和否定句除 外),需要注意的是:此时实义动词应用原形。如: He worked in Beijing last year 否定句:He didnt work in Beijing last year 疑问句:Did he work in Beijing last year 反意疑问句:He worked in Beijing last year, didnt he 2过去进行时的否定句、疑问句多是借助系动词was或were来体现的(和动词be一般 过去时的疑问句和否定句一样)。如: He was workin

14、g in the park at eight yesterday morning 否定句:He wasnt working in the park at eight yesterday morning 疑问句:Was he working in the park at eight yesterday morning 反意疑问句:He was working in the park at eight yesterday morning, wasn t he 3 用法上的区别 1过去进行时往往表示动作的未完成性,而一般过去时往往表 示动作已完成。试比较: David wrote a letter

15、to his father last night 大卫昨晚给他父亲写了一封信。(信写完了。) David was writing a letter to his father last night 大卫昨晚正在给他父亲写信。(指信在写的过程中,不一定写 完。) 2过去进行时和always连用,表示赞扬、感叹、厌恶等感情色 彩;而一般过去时和always连用,表示经常或反复发生的动作。 试比较: He was always changing his mind 他总是三心二意。(表示厌恶) He always went to work by bus last year 去年他总是乘坐公共汽车上班。

16、(表示经常性动作) 4 3一般说来,过去进行时侧重动作持续时间的长度;而一般过 去时只说明过去某时发生某事,侧重说明事实。试比较: It was raining heavily last night 昨晚下着大雨。(侧重说明下雨持续的时间长。) It rained heavily last night 昨天下了大雨。(侧重说明下雨这一事实。) 4在带有all night, the whole morning等强调时间长度的状 语时,句中谓语动词用过去进行时更好些。如: He was working all night last Monday 上周一他整整工作了一个晚上。 5 5在when引导的

17、时间状语从句中,当when相当于while时,用 一般过去时与过去进行时差异不大。如: I saw John when I walkedwas walking to the station 我步行去火车站时看见了约翰。 但当when分句中的谓语动词为一般过去,其主句用一般过去 时或过去进行时,有时会引起时间关系的变化。试比较: When we arrived, she was making some fresh coffee 我们到达时,她在调制咖啡。(分句动作发生时,主句动作已 在发生) When we arrived, she made some fresh coffee 我们到达时,她调

18、制了咖啡。(分句动作发生在主句动作之前 。) 6 6.故事的开头常常用过去进行时,来描述一种情 景或提供一个故事的背景。 如:It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily. 7表示方向或位移的动词,如:come, go, leave, start, return, arrive, stay 等,用过去进 行时,以表示按原计划或按原安排即将发生的 某一动作。如: He said he was leaving home for a holiday. I knew she was com

19、ing to our English evening. 7 8. 英语中有四类动词一般不用进行时(不用现在进行时 和过去进行时) 1)表心理状态、情感动词:love ,hate ,like ,care ,respect ,please ,prefer , know 等 若用进行时则词意改变 Im forgetting it . (=beginning to forget ) 2) 表存在、状态appear ,exist ,lie ,remain ,stand ,seem 等 3) 表感觉的动词see ,hear ,feel ,smell ,sound ,taste . 4) 表一时性的动词 a

20、ccept ,allow ,admit ,decide ,end ,refuse ,permit ,promise等。 8 Exercise 1.James has just arrived, but I didnt know heuntil yesterday. A. will come B. was coming C. has been coming D. came 答案:B 解析:本句是在过去时间里(昨天)看将来动作 (詹姆斯要来),应该用过去将来时。因为 come/go/leave一类的进行时可以表将来,was coming 表达的就是过去将来时。 9 2. Its high time

21、 wecutting down the rainforests. A. Stopped B. had to stop C. shall stop D. stop 答案:A 解析:It is (high) time (that)后面的从句谓语动 词要用过去式或“should动词原形”,且should 不能省略 10 He would have finished his college education, but heto quit and find a job to support his family. A. had had B. has C. had D. would have 答案:C

22、解析:他辍学是真,而且已经发生,所以 用过去式。has to过去式是had to, 没有过 去完成时had had to 这种说法,所以选C 11 輀蠀輀鰀鲉!鳫3刢餀鬀踀鰀躜!41!2龍!舡1!1!鐡!裸!裍!裭1袏!飚$颫1飛1!1!3頀餐縃#媡u灰啰儀匰怀灰灰瀳3區3c脰怐灀偰偰恰腰$偀脠煀瀀c瀐脀儀脀!&脀倀怀d鄠脐鄰錀酀腠怠3DThe Simple Future Tense 一般将来时 Bond SIMMY JULY, 23 2010 1 我们除了用“be going to动词原形” 可以表示一般将来时外 ,我们还可以用“will 动词原形”来表示一 般将来时 2 will 引导的一

23、般将来时:表示将来发生的动作或存在的状态 ,最基本的结构:will + 动词原形 “主谓(宾)句型”的一般将来时: 肯定句:主语+ will +动词原形+(宾语)+其他 Some day people will go to the moon . 否定句:在will 的后面加not即可。will not 可缩写为 wont They wont use books . 一般疑问句:把will 提到句子主语之前,结尾变问号。 Will students go to school in the future ? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+will +主语+动词原形+其他? What will your

24、dream school have ? 3 “There be”句型的一般将来时 肯定句: There will be +名词+其他成份 注意:无论后面加单数名词或复数形式,be都必须用原形。 There will be only one country. 否定句:在will后面加not. There wont be only one country. 一般疑问句:把will提到there之前。 Will there be only one country? Yes, there will. / No, there wont. 注意:在口语中,所有人称都可以用 will. 4 一般将来时的主要

25、用法:一般将来时的主要用法: 1、表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态: We will come to see you the day after tomorrow. There will be a wonderful show next week. 2、表示将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态: The students will come and work in the lab once a week. We will come and work in this factory every year. 5 例句: .I will call you this evening. 2.Students w

26、ill use computers to learn in the future. 3.He will help his sister with her lessons. 4.We wont be free(空闲的) this afternoon. 5.She will not listen to me. 6.The birds wont fly away to the south when the weather turns cold. 7.There will be a strong wind soon 8.I will not tell it to him. 9.I think it w

27、ill be very hot in Beijing next summer. 10.He will use his pen and his calculator. 11.Will there be heavy rain and strong winds? 6 肯定肯定否定否定一般疑问一般疑问回答回答 I will have many presents. I wont have many presents. Will I have many presents? Yes,I will. No,I wont. He will do dull jobs. He wont do dull jobs.

28、Will he do dull jobs? Yes, he will. No ,he wont. There will be a computer in it. There wont be a computer in it. Will there be a compuer in it. Yes,there will. No,there wont. They will do heavy work. They wont do heavy work. Will they do heavy work? Yes,they will. No,they wont. will句式总结: 7 一般将来时两种基本

29、句式的区别 : 在初中阶段来讲,”be going to+动词原形 ”和“will+动词原形”这两种表示将来时态的结 构没什么区别。但在现代英语中,特别是在口 语中,表示将来时多用“be going to+动词原形 ”这一形式。另外他们主要区别在于“be going to+动词原形”表示一个事先考虑好的意图事先考虑好的意图,相 当于“打算、计划、准备”,而will则表示未经未经 事先考虑的意图。事先考虑的意图。 8 Functional Practise: .hope that you a good time this evening. A.have B.are having C.will h

30、ave D.has 2.Look at those big black clouds. It rain.Lets hurry. A.must B.will C.would D.is going to 注意:will与be going to的区别,be going to可以表示明显将要发生的情况 3.There a basketball match this afternoon. A.will have B.will be C.has D.have 4. We to the park if it is fine tomorrow. A.will go B.go C.goes D. to go C

31、 D B A 9 1.Students will go to school in the future.(一般疑问句) to school in the future. 2.There will be some robots in our homes.(改为否定句) There robots in our homes. 3.Everyone will have a small car.(划部分提) everyone ? Functional Practise: Will students go wont be any What will have 10 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.There

32、 (be )an American film next week. 2.They (finish)the work this afternoon. 3.Tom (play) football with us tomorrow? 4.Robots (do) lots of work in our homes in the future. 5.There(be)strong winds tonight. 6.Before long,he (forget)all about the matter. 7.He (be)back in three hours. 8.We (send)for a doct

33、or if you (be)not better in the evening. Functional PractiseFunctional Practise: will be will be will play will send will be will forget will do will be will be 11 1、定义:表示在将来时间里打算干的事情。 2、句型结构: 人称主语+ be going to + 动词原形+ (时间) e.g. 1、Im going to buy some gifts tonight. 2、we are going to clean our class

34、room tomorrow. 3、She is going to go shopping . 4、John is going to play chess with Mike. 5、They are going to the cinema this evening. 12 人称主语: 单数 复数 第一人称: I we 第二人称: you you 第三人称: he she they it xxx (人名) be 动词: am (与第一人称搭配) are (与第二人称或所有复数主语) is (与第三人称或者所有单数主语) 13 请大家翻译一下句子: 1、我打算买一本故事书。 2、他打算明天去旅游。

35、3、Amy 打算今晚看电视看电视。 4、John 和Mike 打算周末去种树。 1、Im going to buy a story book. 2、He is going to take a trip tomorrow. 3、Amy is going to watch TV tonight. 4、John and Mike are going to plant trees on the weekend. 14 小作文: 1、周末快到了,你打算干什么呢? 请用英语介绍你周末的计划。 2、下表是Amy周末的计划,请用英语介绍。 Saturday Sunday Read books go shopp

36、ing Watch TVgo to the cinema 15 Im going to have a busy weekend. Im going to do homework on Saturday morning. Im going to buy a book on Saturday after- noon. Im going to read a magazine on Sunday morning. Im going to play football on Sunday afternoon. I will be happy. 16 Amy is going to have a busy

37、weekend. She is going to read books on Saturday morning. She is going to watch TV on Saturday afternoon. She is going to go shopping on Sunday morning. She is going to the cinema on Sunday afternoon. She will be happy. 17 在将来时中,要注意区分几个疑问词 的用法: What 什么 (提问事情) When 什么时候 (提问时间) Where 哪里 (提问地点) How 怎样 (

38、提问方式) 18 What are you going to do tomorrow? What is Jeff going to buy? Where are they going this evening? When is Lily going to the park? How are you going to the Bond? Are you going to do your homework tonight? Is Ivy going to play football after school? 19 总结注意小点: 1、be going to 是将来时的标志,记住别漏掉了! 2、写作文的时候要弄清楚用第几人称去写, 不同的人称用不同的be动词。 3、写问句的时候要注意观察答句的意思, 用相应内容的疑问词去提问。 20 分析可知:该企业的销货通过对会计报表附注的分析可知:该企业的销货 政策是政策是“ “一手交钱,一手交货一手交钱,一手交货” ”。如果是这样,那么该。如果是这样,那么该 企业的收入不应该那么高。企业的收入不应该那么高


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