1、.说明:根据题目要求编写下列题目的代码,运行代码得出正确结果后把代码复制到题号的下面,最后在文件名前加上学号和姓名(例:2013111055+张三+查询操作练习题6-子查询、集合查询),并提交文件到教师机。(各数据表参考教材中的教务管理数据库)一、以下题目要求使用子查询实现:1.查询任教01002课程的教师的姓名和性别。(分别用IN和EXISTS实现)/* IN 方法*/select tname,tsex from Teacherwhere tno IN (select tno from teaching where cno = 01002)/* EXISTS 方法*/select tname
2、,tsex from Teacherwhere EXISTS(select * from teaching where cno = 01002 and teacher.tno=teaching.tno)2.查询“08软件”班的学生信息。(分别用IN和EXISTS实现)/* IN 方法*/select * from studentwhere clno IN (select clno from class where clname = 08软件)/* EXISTS 方法*/select * from studentwhere EXISTS (select * from class where cl
3、name = 08软件 and student.clno = class.clno)3.查询“计算机系”男教师的姓名和职称。select tname,tsex,ttitle from teacherwhere tsex=男 and dno IN(select dno from department where dname = 计算机系)4.查询任教“计算机网络”课程的教师的姓名、性别和职称。select tname,tsex,ttitle from teacherwhere EXISTS(select * from teaching where EXISTS(select * from cou
4、rse where cname = 计算机网络 and o=o)and teacher.tno=teaching.tno)5查询“计算机系”教师所教的课程名。select cname from course where cno in (select cno from teaching where tno in(select tno from teacher where dno in(select dno from department where dname = 计算机系)6查询哪些教师没有授课任务,显示其姓名、性别和职称。select tname,tsex,ttitle from teach
5、er where tno not in(select tno from teaching)7查询基本工资大于所有岗位津贴的教师的姓名、职称和基本工资select tname,ttitle,jbgz from teacher where jbgz all (select jt from teacher )二、以下题目要求使用集合查询实现:1查询职称是“教授”或“副教授”的教师的姓名和职称。select tname,ttitle from teacher where ttitle = 教授unionselect tname,ttitle from teacher where ttitle = 副教授2查询职称是“教授”且是“计算机系”的教师的姓名。select tname,ttitle from teacher where tname= 教授intersectselect tname,ttitle from teacher where dno in (select dname from department where dname = 计算机系)3查询哪些课程没有任课教师,显示其课程号。select cno from courseexceptselect tno from teaching.