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1、e you love. Love is so incredibly powerful.24. What can we learn from the passage?A. Michael doesnt love his younger sister because she will share his mothers .love.B. After delivering the baby, Karen was seriously ill.C. Seeing the younger sister in danger, Michael didnt care and still sang happily

2、.D. The head nurse was at last moved by Michaels song and his love for the sister.25. Why did Karen insist on Michaels entering Intensive Care Unit ?A. Because Michael may never have chance to see his younger sister alive.B. Because Karen was driven mad at that time.C. Because Michael was also serio

3、usly ill.D. Because Karen knew Michael would save his younger sister by his singing.26. Who saved the girl in the end?A. The baby B. Karen and her husbandC. The pediatric specialist D. Her brother Michael27. What does the writer want to convey in the passage?A. Love can make miracles. B. Where there

4、 is a will, there is a way.C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.D. Parents are the best teachers in childrens development.CIt is universally accepted that communication media and technologies have contributed to a society that is changing very rapidly. A key issue has arisen in the tide of this ra

5、pid change: individual privacy. New communication and information technologies have enabled many organizations and people to collect, organize, and sell information about other people and organizations, both quickly and cheaply. The easy access to personal information makes banking, education, healt

6、h care, and sales much more convenient for both consumers and sellers. Credit card system would be impossible without large databases of information available on demand. Scanners in the supermarket rapidly and accurately record every item that passes over them, making grocery checkouts(结账) faster an

7、d error free. Companies keep huge mailing lists of customers that record not only their names, addresses, and phone numbers, but also major recent purchases, and demographic(人口统计的) information (such as sex, age, income, and educational level) that helps the companies identify target markets for spec

8、ific products. The negative side to all this shared information is that there is little control over who sees or uses this personal information. Medical records are shared not only by doctors offices and hospitals but are occasionally made available to insurance companies as well. Credit report erro

9、rs occur often and can be very damaging to a persons financial situation. Many people worry that having so much of their personal information available to so many others may hurt their privacy. Consumers report increasing concern over erosion of personal privacy even as they volunteer personal infor

10、mation in exchange for coupons(优惠券) and gifts. After all, the possible consequence endangers the interests of their property rights, the right to work, even the right to life and so on. Then what kind of privacy future are we facing?28.The writer uses the example of “credit card system” in Paragraph

11、 2 to show _.A. new technologies make it very difficult to start credit card systemB. people cant get credit cards without checking out in supermarketsC. quantities of personal information are collected by organizationsD. society changes rapidly because of easy access to peoples privacy29. We may le

12、arn from the passage that _.A. supermarket checkouts make errors easily without credit cardsB. new communication is based entirely on personal informationC. the negative side of shared information endangers peoples privacyD. credit report errors only happen to those with financial problems30. The un

13、derlined word “erosion” probably means _.A. lossB. comfortC. associationD. defense31.What is likely to be talked about after the last paragraph?A. More uses of information technologies.B. Ways to protect the individual information.C. Engines to search for personal information.D. Demand of updating p

14、ersonal information.DAgainst the supposition(假设) that forest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia warm the climate, scientists have discovered that cooling may occur in areas where burnt trees allow more snow to mirror more sunlight into space. This finding suggests that taking steps to prevent north

15、ern forest fires to limit the release of greenhouse gases may warm the climate in northern regions. Usually large fires destroyed forests in these areas over the past decade. Scientists predict that with climate warming, fires may occur more frequently over next several centuries as a result of a lo

16、nger fire season. Sunlight taken in by the earth tends to cause warming, while heat mirrored back into space tends to cause cooling. This is the first study to analyze all aspects of how northern fires influence climate. Earlier studies by other scientists have suggested that fire in northern region

17、s speed up climate warming because greenhouse gases from burning trees and plants are released into the atmosphere and thus trap heat. Scientists found that right after the fire, large amounts of greenhouse gases entered the atmosphere and caused warming. Ozone(臭氧)levels increased, and ash from the

18、fire fell on far-off sea ice, darkening the surface and causing more radiation from the sun to be taken in. The following spring, however, the land within the area of the fire was brighter than before the fire, because fewer trees covered the ground. Snow on the ground mirrored more sunlight back in

19、to space, leading to cooling. “We need to find out all possible ways to reduce the growth of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.” Scientists tracked the change in amount of radiation entering and leaving the climate system as a result of the fire, and found a measurement closely related to the globa

20、l air temperature. Typically, fire in northern regions occurs in the same area every 80 to 150 years. Scientists, however, found that when fire occurs more frequently, more radiation is lost from the earth and cooling results. Specifically, they determined when fire returns 20 years earlier than pre

21、dicated, 0.5 watts per square meter of area burned are soaked up by the earth from greenhouse gases, but 0.9 watts per square meter will be sent back into space. The net effect is cooling. Watts are used to measure the rate at which energy is gained or lost from the earth.32.According to the new fin

22、dings, taking steps to prevent northern forest fires may _.A. result in a warming climateB. lead to a longer fire seasonC. cause the forest fires to occur more frequentlyD. protect the forests and the environment there33.The following are all 帲帲法是对一个产业盈利能力和吸引力的静态断面扫描,说明的是该产业中的企业平均具有的盈利空间,所以这是一个产业形势的


24、惯等因素的变化)时,可能的战略调整及行为变化。行业结构:主要是指外部各种环境的变化对企业所在行业可能产生的影响,包括行业竞争的变化、产品需求的变化、细分市场的变化、营销模型的变化等。企业行为:主要是指企业针对外部的冲击和行业结构的变化,有可能采取的应对措施,包括企业方面对相关业务单元的整合、业务的扩张与收缩、营运方式的转变、管理的变革等一系列变动。经营绩效:主要是指在外部环境发生变化的情况下,企业在经营利润、产品成本、市场份额等方面的变化趋势。 20 / 18 访问网址: /关于* * 加工有限公司之C轮投资协议书2010年6月【30】日于中国.甲方:* 身份证号:*住址:乙方:* 身份证号:

25、*住址:丙方:_(公司名)授权代表:_地址:_丁方:_(公司名) 授权代表:地址:戊方:_(公司名)执行事务合伙人:地址:己方:_(公司名)执行事务合伙人:地址:庚方:_(公司名) 执行事务合伙人:地址:辛方:_(标的企业)加工有限公司(以下简称“_(标的企业)” 或“公司”)法定代表人:地址:壬方:_(公司名) 执行事务合伙人: 地址:癸方:_(公司名) 执行事务合伙人: 地址:子方:_(公司名)限合伙) 执行事务合伙人: 地址:丑方:_(公司名) 执行事务合伙人: 地址:(甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸方、子方、丑方以下合称为“协议各方”;甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚七方以下合称为“

26、_(标的企业)现有股东”;甲方、乙方以下合称为“_(标的企业)创始股东”;丙方、丁方以下合称“_(标的企业)A轮投资者”;戊方、己方、庚方以下合称为“_(标的企业)B轮投资者”;壬方、癸方、子方、丑方以下合称为 “_(标的企业)C轮投资人”、“新股东”或“增资方”。鉴于:1、_(标的企业)为依法成立且有效存续的中外合资有限公司,注册资本为人民币叁仟叁佰陆拾叁万陆仟肆佰零肆元(RMB33,636,404.00)。_(标的企业)现有股东合计持有_(标的企业)100%股权,_(标的企业)现时的股权结构为:股东名称出资额(人民币元)股权比例*18,560,568.0055.18%*1,439,638.

27、004.28%* Venture Limited4,715,824.0014.02%* Company Limited4,715,824.0014.02%*投资中心2,102,275.006.25%*投资企业1,093,183.003.25%*创业投资合伙企业1,009,092.003.00%合计33,636,404.00100%其中*与*为配偶关系,为_(标的企业)的实际控制人。2、壬方、癸方、子方、丑方是依法注册登记并合法存续的合伙企业,具备投资_(标的企业)的主体资格。3、_(标的企业)拟在私募后申请国内证券市场公开发行股票并上市。_(标的企业)现有股东同意在A轮融资、B轮融资基础上,吸

28、纳壬方、癸方、子方、丑方为C轮投资者,新股东以增资扩股方式认购_(标的企业)本次新增注册资本。4、依照中华人民共和国法律、法规,本着平等互利、诚实信用的原则,经协议各方友好协商,就新股东对_(标的企业)增资扩股事宜,达成如下协议条款,供各方共同遵守。第一条 释义本协议内(包括“鉴于”中的内容),除为了配合文义所需要而另作解释或有其他定义外,下列的字句应做以下解释:1、公司:指_(标的企业)加工有限公司。2、增资扩股:指吸收新股东投资入股,增加公司注册资本。3、上市:指依据中华人民共和国法律法规的规定,在证券交易所挂牌交易的行为。4、溢价:指在本次增资扩股中,新股东实际出资额高于其占注册资本中的

29、出资额的部分。5、本协议:指本协议或对本协议进行协商修改、补充或更新的协议或文件,同时包括对本协议或任何其他相关协议的任何条款进行修订、予以放弃、进行补充或更改的任何文件,或根据本协议或任何其他相关协议或文件的条款而签订的任何文件。第二条 增资扩股(一)增资1、协议各方一致同意新股东以增资扩股方式认缴_(标的企业)新增出资额,具体为壬方以人民币货币现金增资5000万元整(RMB50,000,000.00),其中人民币1,592,633.00元计入_(标的企业)的注册资本,溢价出资额人民币48,407,367元计入_(标的企业)的资本公积;癸方以人民币货币现金增资2823.5898万元整(RMB


31、(标的企业)新增出资的优先认缴权。增资扩股后,_(标的企业)的注册资本变更为人民币叁仟捌佰贰拾贰万叁仟壹佰捌拾陆元(RMB38,223,186),_(标的企业)的股东与股权结构变更为:股东名称出资额(人民币元)股权比例* 18,560,568.00 48.56%* 1,439,638.00 3.77%* Venture Limited 4,715,824.00 12.34%* Company Limited 4,715,824.00 12.34%* 投资中心(有限合伙) 2,102,275.00 5.5%* 投资合伙企业(有限合伙) 1,009,092.00 2.86%_(公司名) 1,093

32、,183.00 2.64%_(公司名)1,592,633.004.17%_(公司名)899,388.002.35%_(公司名)820,655.002.15%_(公司名)1,274,106.003.33%合计38,223,186.00 100.00%(二) 增资款的缴纳及合资协议、章程修改1、本协议签订后,协议各方应根据本协议确定的原则对_(标的企业)合资协议、章程进行修订。修订后的章程应明确:_(标的企业)董事会由(9 )名董事构成,具体为甲方、乙方共同委派(4)名董事,丙方、丁方共同委派(1)名董事,戊方、己方共同委派(1)名董事,庚方有权向_(标的企业)委派一名监事,壬方委派(1 )名董事, 癸方和子方共同委派(1 )名董事,丑方委派(1)名董事。2、壬方、癸方和子方及丑方应在本协议生效之日起七(7)个工作日内向_(标的企业)足额缴纳各自增资款。3、新股东按本协议规定缴纳全部投资款后,公司应在办理完毕审批和工商登记后十五(15)个工作日内向投资方出具出资证明书,在签署完毕本协议及本协议所附属相关协议后的四十五(45)个工作日内完成本次增资涉及的股东、投资总额、注册资本、实收资本变更以及合资协议、公司章程修订的商务部门审批及工商变更登记等相关手续。4、新股


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