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1、(倂唀唁甁蜂褃儃塎屝搀漀挀砀儀塎屝搀漀挀砀尀尀愀搀挀昀昀昀昀愀挀昀夀眀猀爀礀瘀砀漀倀吀栀戀戀娀氀稀嘀眀琀稀礀愀堀倀伀攀吀攀匀嘀最儀栀琀琀瀀猀眀眀眀眀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀挀漀洀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀圀攀渀欀甀渀攀琀椀氀攀刀漀漀琀尀挀昀挀戀挀搀搀昀攀昀R瘀蝎蜀济搀挀攀搀挀攀戀戀戀昀攀搀挀騀耀渀P网站编辑年终总结.doc网站编辑年终总结.doc2021-2125fda5996-9c2b-40e4-bf31-284b46d5c9aa9qQt7+0Cilsr5YllB21BlkyvB5JfCHFDbbkklZmLNxv9Cwdy3R8hkg=https:/ were listed as a UNESCO World

2、 Heritage site in 1997. Herculaneum was badly shaken by an earthquake in AD 62. And the serious damage to its buildings had not yet been repaired when it was buried by the Vesuvius eruption of August 24, AD 79. It was deeply covered under more than 60 feet of mud and volcanic material. The populatio

3、n of the city at the time was about 4, 000-5, 000. During early excavations (挖掘), few human remains were found. Then there was a belief that most of the citizens succeeded in escaping toward Naples. In the 1980s, however, excavations at the ancient shoreline of the Bay of Naples uncovered more than

4、120 sets of human bones. The remains suggested that a large number of citizens might have died while trying to escape. 第 7页 /共 13页 The cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were never rebuilt. In the course of centuries they were forgotten. Then, early in the 18th century, a well digger turned up a stat

5、ue on the site of Herculaneum. The local government soon did some excavating and unearthed other valuable art objects. The thick mud and volcanic material above Herculaneum, which had hardened to rock, made excavation difficult, and the work ended. In 1748, a farmer found some things from the buried

6、 Pompeii under his yard. Since then, excavations have gone on, with interruptions, to the present; now large parts of the city are open to view. The number of valuable objects unearthed at Herculaneum statues and paintings are far larger than those from Pompeii. The most important discovery is 1,800

7、 rolls of papyrus manuscript (纸莎草原稿). 28. Which statement best describes Ercolano? A. It is located southeast of Naples. B. It lies to the west of Mount Vesuvius. C. It was built after the earthquake in AD 62. D. It is part of a UNESCO World Heritage site. 29. What may be the authors attitude to the

8、 belief mentioned in Paragraph 2? A. Supportive. B. Curious. C. Doubtful. D. Uncaring. 30. Why did the digging work stop early in the 18th century? A. Very few art objects were discovered. B. The government prevented the work. C. People began to excavate Pompeii. D. The covering was deep and hard. 3

9、1. What is a major difference between Herculaneum and Pompeii? A. Herculaneum was rebuilt after the eruption. B. Excavations started much earlier in Pompeii. C. Pompeii was ruined by a more disastrous eruption. D. More art treasures have been found at Herculaneum. D 第 8页 /共 13页 Part of the enjoyment

10、 of living in an area with garden space is creating a habitat (栖息地) for our native animals in the backyard. But while birdbaths and frog ponds provide a useful service for native species (物种), a bird feeder full of seeds does not. The problem is so serious that the New South Wales Office of Environm

11、ent and Heritage has published an information document called “Keep wildlife wild: please dont feed the animals”. The department warns against welcoming native birds and conditioning them into regular feeding. “When you feed native animals youre giving them wildlife junk food,” the publication said.

12、 “Instead of eating a wide variety of natural foods, they depend on processed seeds, bread and other foods that are not part of their natural diet. This can make them very sick.” The department warns that birds will then return to the food source, displacing other species. Callers to the 97.3 ABC Il

13、lawarra Morning Show today blamed feeding native birds, after presenter Nick Rheinberger said two king parrots had visited his house in the Southern Highlands. “I have to hide my chicken feed from king parrots so my chickens can eat their food,” Jen from the Southern Highlands said. “Dont feed the b

14、irds. Its like McDonalds for them. Native birds eat totally different food.” Caller Daryl said by feeding birds you were taking them away from their natural instincts (天性). “Its a no-no because it brings in all sorts of other birds, like the myna, seagulls and ot净睄(囔鐀鐀渀鐀鐀鐀鐀讀缁瀀鐀頀h椀餂蔃蔃蔃罫缰颋华顜瀀搀昀瀀椀挀最椀昀罫缀颋华顜瀀搀昀尀尀昀攀攀愀搀攀搀戀昀昀戀攀戀搀吀唀氀爀欀吀洀焀砀儀挀搀琀嘀漀氀匀氀吀樀戀刀儀夀砀瘀樀欀最瀀晥骀豒啑蔀沍R灎抏抉魜湑沙鬀楢奎如挀愀昀攀攀戀挀昀戀挀


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