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1、eatures in an Abaqus/CAE model and discusses modeling techniques that span multiple Abaqus/CAE modules. Part V, “Viewing results,” discusses the Visualization module (Abaqus/Viewer) in detail Part VI, “Using toolsets,” contains information on the toolsets in all Abaqus/CAE modules except the Visuali

2、zation module (discussed in Part V, “Viewing results”) 11 Abaqus ID: Printed on: BASIC MOUSE ACTIONS Part VII, “Customizing model display,” contains customization information Part VIII, “Using plug-ins,” discusses how you can use plug-ins and the Plug-in toolset to extend the capabilities of Abaqus/

3、CAE. Appendix A, “Keyword support,” provides tables that you can use to determine which Abaqus/CAE module embodies the functionality of a particular Abaqus keyword, as well as whether a particular keyword is supported. Appendix B, “Special element types,” lists element types used in Abaqus for model

4、 features that are not part of the mesh. Appendix C, “Special graphical symbols,” explains how to interpretthespecialgraphicalsymbolsusedbyAbaqus/CAE. AppendixD, “Elementandoutputvariable support,” lists the Abaqus output variables that are not supported by the Visualization module. 1.2Typographical

5、 conventions This manual adheres to a set of typographical conventions so that you can recognize actions and items. The following list illustrates each of the conventions: Textyou enter from the keyboard orthat Abaqus/CAEoutputs: crankshaft_steel, 1.35E10 Labels of items on the screen:Job Manager Ke

6、yboard actions:Shift Keystroke combinations (two keys that must be pressed simultaneously):Alt+F Compound keyboard/mouse actions:Shift+Click Text indicating that the user has a choice: odb_fi le,Optionsplot state Menu selections and tabs within dialog boxes: ViewGraphics OptionsHardware 1.3Basic mou

7、se actions Figure 11 shows the mouse button orientation for a left-handed and a right-handed 3-button mouse.The following terms describe actions you perform using the mouse: Click Press and quickly release the mouse button. Unless otherwise specifi ed, the instruction “click” means that you should c

8、lick mouse button 1. Drag Press and hold down mouse button 1 while moving the mouse. Point Move the mouse until the cursor is over the desired item. 12 Abaqus ID: Printed on: BASIC MOUSE ACTIONS right-handed mouse left-handed mouse 1 2 3 1 2 3 Figure 11Mouse buttons. Select Point to an item and then

9、 click mouse button 1. Shift+Click Press and hold theShiftkey, click mouse button 1, and then release theShiftkey. Ctrl+Click Press and hold theCtrlkey, click mouse button 1, and then release theCtrlkey. Abaqus/CAE is designed for use with a 3-button mouse. Accordingly, this manual refers to mouse b

10、uttons 1, 2, and 3 as shown in Figure 11. However, you can use Abaqus/CAE with a 2-button mouse as follows: The two mouse buttons are equivalent to mouse buttons 1 and 3 on a 3-button mouse. Pressing both mouse buttons simultaneously is equivalent to pressing mouse button 2 on a 3-button mouse. Tip:

11、 You are instructed to click mouse button 2 in procedures throughout this manual. Make sure that you confi gure mouse button 2 (or the wheel button) to act as a middle button click. 13 Abaqus ID: Printed on: STARTING AND EXITING Abaqus/CAE 2.The basics of interacting with Abaqus/CAE Before you can b

12、egin creating and analyzing a model or interpreting analysis results, it is helpful to become familiar with the basics of interacting with Abaqus/CAE. This chapter introduces you to the user interface. The following topics are covered: “Starting and exiting Abaqus/CAE,” Section 2.1 “Overview of the

13、main window,” Section 2.2 “What is a module?,” Section 2.3 “What is a toolset?,” Section 2.4 “Using the mouse with Abaqus/CAE,” Section 2.5 “Getting help,” Section 2.6 2.1Starting and exiting Abaqus/CAE This section explains how to start and how to exit Abaqus/CAE. 2.1.1Starting Abaqus/CAE (or Abaqu

14、s/Viewer) When you create a model and analyze it, Abaqus/CAE generates a set of fi les containing the defi nition of your model, the analysis input, and the results of the analysis.In addition, Abaqus/CAE and Abaqus/Viewer generate replay fi les that refl ect all your interactions with the applicati

15、on. Consequently, before you run either product, you should move to a directory where you have permission to create fi les. You execute Abaqus/CAE (or Abaqus/Viewer) by running the abaqus execution procedure and specifying the cae (or viewer) parameter: abaqus cae or viewer database=database-fi le r

16、eplay=replay-fi le recover=journal-fi le startup=startup-fi le script=script-fi le noGUI=noGUI-fi le noenvstartup noSavedOptions noSavedGuiOptions noStartupDialog custom=script-fi le guiTester=GUI-script guiRecord guiNoRecord You can include the following options on the command line: database This o

17、ption specifi es the name of the model database fi le or output database fi le to open. You can open either type of fi le in Abaqus/CAE; you can open only output database fi les in Abaqus/Viewer. To specify a model database fi le, include either the .cae fi le extension or no fi le extension in your

18、 fi le name. To specify an output database fi le when running Abaqus/CAE, include the .odb 21 Abaqus ID: Printed on: STARTING AND EXITING Abaqus/CAE fi le extension in your fi le name. If you are running Abaqus/Viewer, you can omit the .odb fi le extension. replay This option specifi es the name of

19、the fi le from which Abaqus/CAE commands are to be replayed. The commands in replay-fi le will execute immediately upon startup of Abaqus/CAE. You cannot use the replay option to execute a script with control fl ow statements. For more information, see “Replaying an Abaqus/CAE session,” Section 9.5.

20、1. recover This option specifi es the name of the fi le from which a model database is to be rebuilt; it is not available if you are running Abaqus/Viewer. The commands in journal-fi le (model_database_name.jnl) will execute immediately upon startup of Abaqus/CAE.For more information, see “Recreatin

21、g a saved model database,” Section 9.5.2, and “Recreating an unsaved model database,” Section 9.5.3. startup This option specifi es the name of the fi le containing Python confi guration commands to be run at application startup. Commands in this fi le are run after any confi guration commands that

22、have been set in the environment fi le. Abaqus/CAE does not echo the commands to the replay fi le when they are executed. script This option specifi es the name of the fi le containing Python confi guration commands to be run at application startup. Commands in this fi le are run after any confi gur

23、ation commands that have been set in the environment fi le. Arguments can be passed into the fi le by entering - on the command line, followed by the arguments separated by one or more spaces. These arguments will be ignored by the Abaqus/CAE execution procedure, but they will be accessible within t

24、he script. noGUI进制造业先进制造业 陕西陕西 聚焦重点促投资。聚焦重点促投资。完善稳投资制度,实施稳投资计划,调整优化土地、能耗等政策, 强化要素保障,推行“专项债券+市场化融资”,引导资金投向先进制造、民生建设、先进制造、民生建设、 基础设施短板等领域基础设施短板等领域,全年完成省级重点项目投资 5000 亿元亿元以上。 先进制造、 民先进制造、 民 生建设、 基础生建设、 基础 设施短板设施短板 上海上海 增强投资对经济增长的关键作用。增强投资对经济增长的关键作用。推动达闼机器人、发那科智能工厂、英威达等重 大产业项目开工建设,实施 200 项企业技术改造示范项目。 新型基

25、础设新型基础设 施建设施建设 天津天津 深入实施京津冀协同发展重大国家战略。加快打造世界一流智慧港口、绿色港口; 积极承接北京非首都功能疏解;大力支持雄安新区建设发展。 基础设施 西藏西藏 加强基础设施建设。加大国家投资落实力度,促进民间投资企稳回升,发挥政府债 务资金支持民生项目作用,加强援藏规划和年度计划执行,确保全社会固定资产投 资增长 5%左右。 基础设施 新疆新疆 加大基础设施建设力度,推动经济高质量发展。加快重大交通基础设施建设。加快 推进重大水利设施建设。加快重大能源设施建设。加快重大生态建设。 基础设施 浙江浙江 着力扩大有效投资。更好发挥政府产业基金的导向作用,完善投融资体制

26、改革,引 导社会资金投向具有乘数效应的先进制造、民生建设、基础设施短板先进制造、民生建设、基础设施短板等领域。大力 实施“六个千亿六个千亿”产业投资工程,以高端制造业和高新技术产业为重点,谋划实施一 批数字经济、高端装备、生物医药、新材料等重大产业项目。 新型基础设新型基础设 施建设为主施建设为主 重庆重庆 推动成渝地区双城经济圈建设,努力在西部形成高质量发展的重要增长极。 基础设施 青海青海 切实增加有效投资。切实增加有效投资。持续实施重点项目提速攻坚行动,开工建设西成铁路、西宁机 场三期、共和机场等重大工程, 全力推进玉树机场改扩建、拉西瓦扩机、 高速公路和 国省干线等重点项目。 基础设施

27、 数据来源:各省政府工作报告、国泰君安证券研究 3. 2020 年固定资产投资目标年固定资产投资目标上还是下?上还是下?地方地方两会工作报告两会工作报告 怎么定?怎么定? 第一、第一、29 省(市)中,省(市)中,16 个省市公布个省市公布 2020 年投资目标,平均增泓域咨询MACRO/ 水泥石粉项目可行性研究报告水泥石粉项目可行性研究报告xxx科技发展公司水泥石粉项目可行性研究报告目录第一章 项目概述第二章 项目建设必要性分析第三章 项目市场空间分析第四章 产品规划方案第五章 项目建设地方案第六章 土建工程设计第七章 工艺技术方案第八章 环境保护概述第九章 项目安全管理第十章 风险应对说明

28、第十一章 节能情况分析第十二章 项目实施方案第十三章 投资分析第十四章 经济收益分析第十五章 招标方案第十六章 项目评价第一章 项目概述一、项目承办单位基本情况(一)公司名称xxx科技发展公司(二)公司简介公司全面推行“政府、市场、投资、消费、经营、企业”六位一体合作共赢的市场战略,以高度的社会责任积极响应政府城市发展号召,融入各级城市的建设与发展,在商业模式思路上领先业界,对服务区域经济与社会发展做出了突出贡献。 展望未来,公司将围绕企业发展目标的实现,在“梦想、责任、忠诚、一流”核心价值观的指引下,围绕业务体系、管控体系和人才队伍体系重塑,推动体制机制改革和管理及业务模式的创新,加强团队能







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