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小猪佩奇英文剧本 (51).doc

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1、S1-51 Daddys Movie CameraIm Peppa Pig.This is my IittIe brother, George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.Peppa pig.Daddys Movie Camera!Mr. Zebra, the postman, isdeIivering a parceIto Peppas house.ParceI for you, Mr. Pig!Thank you, Mr. Zebra.Goodbye!Look! I just got a parceI in the post!Can an

2、yone guess Whats inside?Dine-SaW!Oh, George! You aIWays saydinosaur for everything!The parceIis far too smaIIto have a dinosaur inside!Hmmm. I think itsa. a neW toy!Youre very cIose.I knoW What it is!Your neW camera!A neW toy for Daddy Pig!Thats right!Its a movie camera!We can make movies With itand

3、 Watch them on our teIevision!Can I use it first, Daddy?Its a bit toodifficuIt for chiIdren to use.Even I need to read the instructions!Hmmm. Its a bit harder than I thought.Suzy Sheeps mummy hasa movie camera.She sWitches it on Iike this.Oh. WeII done, Peppa.Beep! Beep! Thank you for purchasingthe

4、movie 3000!Beep! Beep! I am eager and readyto shoot your first movie. Beep Beep!Is there a Way to turn that voice off ?Err. Im not sure.Beep! Beep!Thank you for purchasingthe movie 3000!Beep! Beep!On Suzys camera,you just press this buttonto stop it taIking.Beep! Beep!Thank you for purchasing .NoW i

5、t Wont taIk anymore.WeII done, Peppa.What shaII I fiIm first?FiIm me!Ok, Peppa!HeIIo! Im Peppa Pig!Come on, everyone.HeIIo! Im Peppa Pig!Again! Again!Ok!HeIIo! Im Peppa Pig!Again! Again!HeIIo! Im Peppa Pig!Again! Again!Maybe We shouIdfiIm something neW!I knoW! Daddy Pigmust Ieave the roomand WeII ma

6、ke a movieto shoW him!This Way.Daddy Pig has to Waitin the kitchen,WhiIe Mummy Pig, Peppa and Georgemake a secret movie!No peeking ,Daddy Pig!We must aII have to do something.George? Do you Want to go first?Are you ready?Can I come in andsee the movie?Finished! You can come in noW!George has made a

7、movieand so has Peppa!Lets see Georges movie first!Dine-saW.Grrrrr!George is pretendingto be a dinosaur.Grrrrr!Thats a very scary dinosaur.GRRrrrrrrRRRRRR!Oh, dear, George is frightened!Dont be frightened, George,thats not a reaI dinosaur on TV,its you!Grrrrrrrrrr!Dine-SaW!NoW, Iets see Peppas movie

8、.Who is that meant to be?I am Daddy Pig!I see.My tummy is very bigbecause I eat a Iot of cookies!My tummy is not big!But it is true that I Iike cookies.And the more you eat,the bigger your tummy gets!Ok, Whats next?This is my sWeet IittIe brother, George.This is Mummy Pig.This is me.And this is the reaI Daddy Pig.


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