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1、ents performed 11 percent better.We invite you to download a copy of the research results announcement (PDF file) here.ScientificallyBased Research Snapshots (简介)GoKnow has developed snapshots to provide the relevant research details to support educators as they prepare funding requests. Each onepag

2、e overview provides the following information from each study:Administrator and Statistical Analyst; Subject Areas and Skills Tested; Methodology and Results.We invite you to download a copy of the research snapshots (PDF file) here.Ready to learn more?For additional information on how to incorporat

3、e handheld learning into your classroom or suggestions on how to prepare funding requests, please call 8665052074, or email goknow .1This text will probably be found _. Aon the websiteBin a newspaperCin a guidebookDin a textbook答案:A推理判断题。文中几次提到可在这儿下载内容,所以应该是一个网站的网页,所以选A。2The research snapshots dont

4、contain _. ASubject Areas and Skills Tested BAdministrator and Statistical AnalystCMethodology and Results Dthe research results announcement答案:D细节理解题。根据文中ScientificallyBased Research Snapshots中的内容可知,不包括D项。3According to the introduction, handheld computers _. Ahelp all the students to make great ach

5、ievements Bhelp K12 students to improve their studyCimprove seventh grade students in science Dimprove third grade students in math答案:B细节理解题。由GoKnow Learning recently released scientificallybased research可得知答案。4What is the purpose of the text?ATo introduce handheld computers.BTo help children to imp

6、rove their study.CTo explain the course on the Internet.DTo encourage more people to incorporate handheld learning.答案:D主旨归纳题。这是一篇广告,目的是让更多人了解并参与其中,故选D。.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。There are various reasons_1_people write poetry. Some poems tell_2_story or describe something in a way_3

7、_will give the reader a strong 4_try to convey certain emotions. Poets use many different forms of poems_5_(express) themselves. In this text, however, we will look at a few_6_the simpler forms.Some of the first poetry a young child_7_(learn) in English is nursery rhymes. These rhymes like the one o

8、n the right are still a common type of childrens poetry. The language is concrete(实在的) but imaginative, and they delight small children_8_they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of_9_(repeat). The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite. By_10_(pl

9、ay)with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.1_6_答案:1why express8because 木棍,一头靠着病人的胸腔, 另一头凑近自己的耳朵。啊!呼吸声,心跳声,都听到了。 从此,雷奈克每次都用小木棍仔细听病人内脏的声音,然后分析 研究,作出诊断。 后来,雷奈克又发现用空心木管听诊效果更好。于是,他把小木 棍改成了空心木管,两端做成喇叭状,制造出世界上第一个听诊器。 思考: 1听诊器有什么作用? 2雷奈克为什么会制造出世界上第一个听诊器? 一、一,两个句子哪句更好?什么? 这样,二十只左右的蜜蜂,

10、至少有十五只没有迷失方向,准 确无误地回到了家。 这样,二十只蜜蜂,有十五只没有迷失方向,准确无误地回 到了家。 第句更好。第句比第句表达得更准确。第句比第句 多了“左右的”“至少”,意思生了很大的化,第句是虚指, 可能二十只,可能十八九只,也可能是二十一二只,都属于“二十 只左右”的范 ;“至少有十五只”中“十五只”是底,可能十五只 以上,第句是确定的数字,不可能多一只或少一只。 作业布置 二、 文第2 自然段,完成 。 1 段中表示“我”的作的 有_ 。(写出五个即可) 2 用“先接着然后最后”的句式重新写一下个 的程。 3 从段中你能体会出“我”是一个_的 人。 做事有条不紊、 捉、放、

11、叫、着、走 一天,我在我家草料棚的蜂里捉了一些蜜蜂,(先)把它放在袋里。 (接着)我叫小女儿在蜂旁等着,(然后)自己着蜜蜂,走了四公里路,( 最后)打开袋,在它身上做了白色号,然后放了出来。(答案不唯一 ) !苞!偐偐偐灐偠倀偐偐偐偐倀恐怰偐恐偠偰偰偐倀恀偰偀偐倰偐倰酐倀灐偐偐偐偐夰鄰倀偐偐堀鎂谵芾!艁謃受蟥谵膌蝥鎂芮!怀艁謃旗螇脡鰀鎂挽芾!怀艁謃毗蝌挽腣鎂汋偐恠苎1苎1苎1黿苎1謆诗蟍罌葬倀恐頀贀鎂芮!馞芾!謄俚苡艣倀İ頀鎇振芮!趘芾!艁謃寚芞臵鹛鎇芮!謊苝蝤芮!馛芾!芾觝苎!苎恀偀鎇嘶鯪芾!觝苎頡謄勝艧琷芕杒鎇锳芾!芾!謆飝芘荖怀腐题鎇嘭鎂苎!鎇苎!鎂茮偀芮!芮!芾!讟芾!艁謃闢苮臻鎇芮!艁謃若脒


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