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1、目录2007年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题2008年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题2009年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题2010年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题2011年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题2013年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题2014年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题2015年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题2016年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题2007年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题Part I. English and American literature (50 points)I. Choo

2、se the best answer that completes the question. (20%)1Beowulf is a folk legend brought to England by the _ from theircontinental homes.A. RomansB. CelticC. Anglo-SaxonsD Britons2Utopia was written by _.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Thomas MoreC. Philip SidneyD. Edmund Spenser3Among the following novels whic

3、h is not written by Daniel Defoe?A. Moll FlandersB. Robinson CrusoeC. Captain SingletonD. School for Scandal4Emersons _ was a plea for laying aside European models andconfronting life as free men in a new world, and it was called the “Intellectual更多考研资料 v/q:344647 公众号/小程序:顺通考试资料Declaration of Indepe

4、ndence”.A. NatureB. Self-RelianceC. The Over-SoulD. The American Scholar5The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a piece of literary works by_.A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Henry David ThoreauC. Herman MelvilleD. Mark Twain6Of all F. Scott Fitzgeralds novels, _ is by far the finest.A. The Side of ParadiseB. Th

5、e Great GatsbyC. Last TycoonD. The Beautiful and the Damned7_ are the two most outstanding critical realists in 19th century Britishliterature.A. George Eliot and Thomas HardyB. Charles Dickens and William M. ThackerayC. Virginia WoolfD. James Joyce8_ is, as Dreiser once noted, not only a tragedy, b

6、ut an Americantragedy.A. An American tragedyB. Sister CarrieC. Jennie GerhardtD. The Genius9Jack London is not the author of _.A. The Call of the WildB. The OctopusC. Martin EdenD. White Fang10John Milton wrote the following works except _.A. Paradise LostB. A Red, Red RoseC. Samson AgonistsD. Parad

7、ise RegainedII. Give the author and the genre of the following literary works: (10%)11The Merchant of Venice12Of Studies13The Solitary Reaper14Ode to the Nightingale15An Ideal Husband16Common Sense17The Legend of Sleepy Hollow18The portrait of a lady19Mending Wall20U.S.A.III. Briefly define the lite

8、rary terms listed below: (20%)21Transcendentalism22American Naturalism23Imagism24Renaissance25Romanticism in EnglandPart II. Linguistics (50 points)IV. Term defining(10 points)Directions: Define the following terms, giving examples for illustration ifnecessary.26Phoneme27UG parameters28Sapir-Whorf h

9、ypothesis29Lingua Franca30DiglossiaV. Choose the best answer (20 points)Directions: The following are questions or incomplete sentences with fourpossible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that bestcompletes the sentences or answer the question.31The _ study of language studies the hist

10、orical development oflanguage over a period of time, it is a historical study.A. synchronicB. descriptiveC. prescriptiveD. diachronic32When a speech sound changes and becomes more like another soundwhich follows or precedes it, it is said to be _.A. nasalizedB. assimilatedC. aspiratedD. voiced33_ ca

11、n be used independently without being combined with othermorphemes.A. Free morphemesB. Bound morphemeC. AffixesD. Roots34We can make an infinite number of sentences and sentences with infinitelength. This is due to _.A. combinational rulesB. phrase structure rulesC. recursive property of phrase stru

12、cture rulesD. X-bar theory35The meaning of a language form is as the “situation in which the speakerutters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer” is proposed by _.A. PlatoB. FirthC. ChomskyD. Bloomfield36_ act expresses the intention of the speaker.A. LocutionaryB. IllocutionaryC. Perlocu

13、tionaryD. Speech37The words such as “hi-tech” “zoo” are _.A. acronymsB. clipped wordsC. formed by blendingD. coined by back formation38It is the _ differences that have often been used to illustrate the“illogic” of Black English.A. phonologicalB. morphologicalC. syntacticD. all of the above39Childre

14、ns language acquisition is _ of language.A. the memorization of wordsB. chiefly the internalization of individual sentencesC. primarily the acquisition of the grammar systemD. a bunch of utterances40_ of a sentence depends on the context in which the sentence isuttered.A. Sentence-meaningB. Utteranc

15、e-meaningC. The referenceD. The meaningVI. Questions (20 points)Directions: Answer the following questions, giving examples for illustrationif necessary.41Why is Saussure described as the father of modern linguistics?42How does phonetics differ from phonology?43What is X-bar theory?44What are the ad

16、vantages and disadvantages of semantic triangle?45What are the important causes of regional dialect?Part III. Culture and translation(50 points)VII. Choose the best answer (20 points)46In England, Australia, New Zealand etc. the first week day afterChristmas is _.A. Boxing DayB. Thanksgiving DayC. E

17、asterD. St. Valentines Day47English is often referred to as a _ language because it usesfrequently connectives to indicate the relation between linguistic elements.A. paratacticB. hypotacticC. branchingD. linear48“Good-bye” is derived from the expression _.A. good luck for youB. God be with youC. lo

18、oking forward to seeing you againD. God bless you49“Our garden didnt do very well this year. By contrast, the orchard looksvery healthy” demonstrates _ relation between the two sentences.A. an additiveB. an adversativeC. a causalD. a temporal50The fact that “伯父” 、“舅父” 、“姑父” collectively correspond t

19、o“uncle” implies that the distinction between _ is often ignored in Englishculture.A. paternal and maternal relativesB. male and female relativesC. kinship and spouse relativesD. old and young relatives51The ancestors of the English and the founders of England were _.A. the Anglo-SaxonB. the Normans

20、C. the VikingsD. the Romans52Which of the following did not belong to Romanticism?A. KeatsB. ShelleyC. WordsworthD. E. M Foster53The United States was rated _ in the world in terms of band areaand the size of population.A. secondB. thirdC. fourthD. fifth54“黄色电影” can be translated into _.A. a yellow

21、filmB. a blue filmC. a red filmD. a sexual film55Deductive argumentation has been related to _.A. the circular thinking patternB. the branching thinking patternC. inductive reasoningD. deductive reasoningVIII. Answer the following questions (20 points)56How do you explain the relationship between la

22、nguage and culture?57How can we interpret word meaning? Which part of it is closely relatedto culture?58What is the difference between English and Chinese on the position ofmodifiers? How do you explain this phenomenon from cultural perspective?59What is the relationship between cohesion and coheren

23、ce of text?60Discuss the cross-cultural contrasts between English and Chinesecompliments and responses.IX. Study the following translations of a Chinese poem and make somecomments on it. (10 points)2008年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题I. 英美文学部分(共60分)1Define the following terms (25%)1) Neoclassicism2) Metaphysica

24、l poetry3) Modernism4) American Realism5) The Lost Generation2Give the author and the genre of the following literary works (15%)1) The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock2) Pygmalion3) Because I could not stop for death4) Araby5) My Last Duchess6) Vanity Fair7) To The Lighthouse8) Young Goodman Brown9)

25、 Of Truth10) Waiting for Godot11) The Sound and the Fury12) The Pilgrims Progress13) The Hairy Ape14) She Walks in Beauty15) A Modest Proposal3Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. (20 %)1) The protagonist of “The love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is a kind oftragic figure caught in a sense of de

26、afened idealism and tortured by satisfieddesires. Of the following descriptions of him, which isnt suitable for him?A. He is erotic.B. He is self-important.C. He is illogical.D. He is a man of action.2) _ is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of a modemcivilization in which human life has l

27、ost its meaning, significance andpurpose.A. UlyssesB. The Waste LandC. The Confidential ClerkD. Dubliners3) _ is a story about the three generations of the Brangwen family on theMarsh Farm.A. The RainbowB. Women in LoveC. Sons and LoversD. The Plumed Serpent4) The following comments on George Bernar

28、d Shaw are true except _.A. Shaws career as a dramatist began in 1892, when his first play WidowersHouses was put on by the Independent Theater SocietyB. Shaw began his literary career by writing novels soon after his settlingdown in LondonC. Shaws writing reflect the combination of realism and natu

29、ralismD. Shaws plays can be termed problem play5) John Galsworthys The Forsyte Saga appears in the form of _.A. epicB. trilogyC. collection of short storiesD. ballad6) The sentence “And now he stared at her so earnestly that I thought the veryintensity of his gaze, would bring tears into his eyes; b

30、ut they burned withanguish, they did not melt” are found in _.A. Wuthering HeightsB. Jane EyreC. Gullivers TravelsD. Pride and Prejudice7) Most of Thomas Hardys novels are set in Wessax, _.A. a crude region in EnglandB. a fictional primitive regionC. a remote rural areaD. Hardys hometown8) After rea

31、ding the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice, we may come toknow that Mrs. Bennet is a woman of _.A. simple character and poor understandingB. simple character and quick witC. intricate character and quick witD. intricate character and poor understanding9) The statement “Beauty is truth, truth beau

32、ty” is quoted from _.A. Ode on MelancholyB. To AutumnC. Ode to PsycheD. Ode on a Grecian Urn10) William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following except_.A. the use of everyday language spoken by the common peopleB. the expression of the spontaneous overflowing of powerful feelingsC.

33、the use of humble and rustic life as subject matterD. the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech11) As the representative of the Enlightenment, Pope was one of the first tointroduce _ to England.A. criticismB. romanticismC. rationalismD. realism12) Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels is

34、 the greatest _ work in Englishliterature.A. realisticB. satiricC. romanticD. poetic13) English Renaissance Period was not an age of prose, but Thomas Morewrote his famous prose work _.A. UtopiaB. Songs and SonnetsC. Of StudiesD. The Shepherds Calendar14) Shakespeare has established his giant positi

35、on in world literature with his_ plays.A. 47B. 27C. 37D. 5215) _ holds that the nature of love is the union of soul and body.A. John BunyanB. John DonneC. Samuel JohnsonD. Daniel Defoe16) Most of the poems in Whitmans Leaves of Grass sing of the “en-mass”and the _ as well.A. natureB. lifeC. selfD. s

36、elf-reliance17) _ is a novella about a young American girl who gets “killed” by thewinter in Rome, and it brought Henry James international fame for the foresttime.A. The AmericanB. The EuropeansC. Daisy MillerD. The Portrait of a Lady18) From Eugene ONeills works, we can see he is a man of _.A. opt

37、imismB. pessimismC apathyD. inactivity19) _ wrote about the society in the South of the United States byinventing families which represented different social forces: the old decayingupper class; the rising, ambitious, unscrupulous class of the “poor Whites”,and the Negroes who labored for both of th

38、em.A. FaulknerB. FitzgeraldC. HemingwayD. Steinbeck20) Most of the writers in the modem period were able to probe into the innerworld of human reality oil the base of _.A. William Jamess “stream of consciousness”B. Carl Jungs “collective unconscious” and “archetypal symbol”C. Sigmund Freuds “interpr

39、etation of dreams”D. all of the aboveII. 语言学部分(共60分)1Define the following terms (15%)1) Regressive assimilation2) Free morpheme3) Co-occurrence4) Social dialect5) Spoonerism2Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D. (20%)1) Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?A. treeB. crashC. typewri

40、terD. bang2) An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an unreleased p are _ of the pphoneme.A. analoguesB. tagmemesC. morphemesD. allophones3) What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrating?A. VoicelessB. VoicedC. Glottal stopD. Consonant4) The words like comsat and sitcom are formed

41、 by _.A. blendingB. agreeC. disagreeD. disagreement5) The term _ is used in a narrow sense to conclude only reflexives likemyself and reciprocals like each other.A. pronominalB. anaphorC. r-expressionD. binding6) _ is a type of control over the form of some words by other words incertain syntactic c

42、onstructions and in terms of certain category.A. ConcordB. GovernmentC. BindingD. C-command7) Murder=INTEND (x, (CAUSE(x, (BECOME(y, (alive(y) is anexample of _.A. componential analysisB. predication analysisC. compositionalityD. selection restriction8) _ deals with how language is acquired, underst

43、ood and produced.A. SociolinguisticsB. PsycholinguisticsC. PragmaticsD. Morphology9) _ found that natural language had its own logic and concludecooperative principle.A. John AustinB. John FirthC. Paul GriceD. William Jones10) The language error such as “He has already trunked two packs” is called_.

44、A. spoonerismB. Morpheme-exchange errorC. Exchange errorD. Anticipation error3Answer the following questions briefly (25%):1) Whats the difference between etic and emic?2) What is IC analysis? Draw two types of internal structures of the followingclause with IC analysis: Leave the book on the shelf.

45、3) What are the metafunctions of language?4) How many subtypes of the sense relation of antonymy? Illustrate themwith examples.5) What is Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?III. 文化部分(共30分)1Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. (20%)1) The Britain Empire was replaced by the Britain Commonwealth or th

46、eCommonwealth of Nation in _.A. 1921B. 1931C. 1945D. 19502) Among the following, which did not happen in the year of 1006 inEngland?A. English ceased to function in society.B. The nation was conquered by the Normans.C. William, the Duke of Normandy, was crowned as the king of the country.D. French b

47、ecame the official language.3) Britain was a world leader in shipbuilding during the middle of the _century.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th4) Trinity is the union of the following except _.A. GodB. JesusC. Holy SpiritD. Holy Bible5) British habits of politeness are on the whole very _.A. formalB. infor

48、malC. complicatedD. strict6) Which of the following cities is not located in the Northeast, U.S?A. HustonB. BostonC. BaltimoreD. Philadelphia7) The largest river in the U.S is _.A. the Missouri RiverB. the Mississippi RiverC. the Ohio RiverD. the Colorado River8) Now the largest software company is

49、_.A. IBMB. MicrosoftC. AppleD. Pentium9) The most numerous minority in the US is the _.A. yellow peopleB. Indian peopleC. black peopleD. European people10) The statement “All men are created equal” appears in _.A. I have a DreamB. the ConstitutionC. Bill of RightsD. the Declaration of Independence2A

50、nswer the following questions briefly. (10%)1) What is image transfer? Name some basic methods of image transfer usedin translation and give examples for illustration.2) What is “cultural creativity”?2009年河北大学823英语语言知识综合考研真题I. 英国文学部分(共30分)1Define the following terms (10 points)1) Post-modernism2) So


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