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希尔顿酒店集团 红酒服务标准与产品标准手册(英)P42.pdf

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1、Hilton Wine by the glassContents:Introduction1. Hilton Wine by the glass Features1.1. Product Standards1.1.1. Hilton Wine Trolley1.1.2. Glassware1.1.3. Vacuum Wine Saver1.1.4. Wine Tasting 1.1.5. Wine Serving Temperatures1.1.6. Food & Wine Pairing1.1.7. Hilton World Wines1.2. Service Standards1.2.1.

2、 Minimum Service Standards1.2.2. Selling Wine1.2.3. Wine Service2. Building the Brand2.1. Brand Identity2.2. In-house Merchandising & CollateralIntroductionDear Colleague,The purpose of this toolkit is to provide an effective reference that will enable you to understandand consistently deliver agree

3、d standards for “Hilton Wine by the glass”.These standards have been divided into product and service minimum standards and must befully implemented in all hotels.Today wine production and consumption is increasing worldwide and our guests are eager todiscover new wines and new tastes. “Hilton Wine

4、by the glass” offers guests the opportunity toexperiment and with this concept they can be assured of quality at an affordable price.The key objective is to increase wine sales and to maximise profitability. I believe we have all theright ingredients in place and if “Hilton Wine by the glass” can be

5、 established rapidly the successwill be enormous.The “Hilton Wine Trolley”, “Hilton Wine by the glass” and “Taste Before You Buy” are the iconson which to build our success. The pilot tests have shown the positive reaction from team mem-bers and guests alike. I count on you to put the necessary trai

6、ning in place to make it happen atyour hotel.You can count on my support and please do not hesitate to contact me on any points that requirefurther clarification.Sant!Donald MorrisonVice President, Food & Beverage Europe & Africa1.1.1. Hilton Wine Trolley1.1.1. Hilton Wine TrolleyThe Hilton Wine Tro

7、lley has been designed topromote and maximise wine sales in our F&Boutlets. The trolley is custom-made and designedto our specifications.Chapter 1 Hilton Wine by the glass Features1.1. Product Standards22155463441.1.1. Hilton Wine TrolleyThe ambient section is for the display ofopened bottles of red

8、 wine at room temperature(three bottles on each side).Upper shelf This shelf includes a chilled section for whiteand/or ros wines, an ambient section for redwines and a working space.The chilled section offers six (6) inserts tokeep wine chilled and at the right serving tem-perature. To achieve this

9、, it is imperative that thewines are chilled before being placed in the coldinserts. The freezer packs within the stainlesssteel cylinders will keep the wines at the righttemperature for 4 to 5 hours. Two sets of six (6)inserts have been delivered with the trolley toenable you to keep one set in the

10、 freezer and oneset for service.In between the ambient and chilled sections,there is a working space for instance to open abottle of wine, check if the wine is not corked,etc. 1321.1.1. Hilton Wine TrolleyMiddle shelf There is a display capacity for 10 sealed bottles of wine, 5 bottles on each side

11、of the trolley. As the trolley is two-sided, it is recommended to display different wine labels tothe opened bottles of wines on the top shelf.Underneath the chilled section, a pull outshelf (on a wheel mechanism) is available asworking space for instance to serve the orderedglasses of wine, etc. Th

12、e pull out shelf can beused from both sides.The wine list and/or merchandising materialrelated to wines can be placed underneath thepull out shelf, but please make sure you keep ittidy.Chapter 1 Hilton Wine by the glass Features451.1.1. Hilton Wine TrolleyLower shelf This area is used to keep the po

13、lished wineglasses. There is sufficient space for 32 glasses.The wine glass will be standing upright with itsstem inserted into the chrome holder, avoidingthat the glasses come into contact, as well asnoise, when moving the trolley around. This racksystem offers you the flexibility to use differentw

14、ine glasses (e.g. some larger glasses to servepremium wines).The Hilton Wine Trolley is the perfect vehicle topromote Hilton Wine by the glass. If the trolleyhas not already been purchased, please contactthe European Procurement Office.Additionally to keep the Hilton Wine Trolley inexcellent conditi

15、on, we suggest: Not to display opened bottles of wine outside the provided space allocations. To use a damp cloth to clean the woodenframe, and use a dry cloth to absorb watercondensation in the chilled section insertsafter service. Please do not use any napkins, paperdoilies and/or coasters on the

16、trolley, this is not in keeping with the trolley design.61.1.2. GlasswareChapter 1 Hilton Wine by the glass Features1.1.2. GlasswareServing wine in suitable glassware can make ahuge difference. The basic requirements are verysimple. The glass should taper towards the top, sothat the aromas are trapp

17、ed in the glass.The bowl should be large enough to allow youto swirl the contents.The glass must have a stem so that the heat from your hand does not transfer to the wine.The glass should be plain and clear so you cansee the colour of the wine.The smaller mouth of the glass concentrates theensuing a

18、roma sometimes referred to as thebouquet - so that the nose can readily appreciatethe wines aroma.As a minimum standard, the glass Classico (reference 8213/2) from the Schott Zwiesel range,will be used for the service of white, ros and redwines.Check that the glasses are clean, polished andfree of l

19、ipstick, finger or other marks. Check thatthe glasses are not chipped or cracked. If youfind damaged glasses, remove and deposit themin the broken glass” bin for safe disposal.Always handle glasses by the stem or base only.Never grip a glass by its rim.The racking system of the trolley is designed t

20、oaccommodate a wide range of glassware. Larger wine glasses can be used for the serviceof premium wines.14321234Recommendedserving (15 cl)1.1.3. Vacuum Wine Saver1.1.3. Vacuum Wine SaverThe great enemies of wine are oxygen and heat.A half finished bottle of wine left uncorked in awarm room overnight

21、 will almost certainly havelost its freshness and flavour by the morning.The wine will have reacted to the air and heatand have started to oxidise, taking on a stale, flatcharacter.Oxygen is both the friend and enemy of the wine.A little helps the development of aromas, but alot can kill it off pret

22、ty quickly. Oxygen can triggerchemical reactions that lead to flavour losses andcolour changes. After the cork is pulled, a winehas a limited life span. Wines last best if bottledwith little or no air space in the bottle. Withoutspecial precautions, simply putting the cork backin the bottles and sto

23、ring it in a fridge will notextend a white wines life beyond a day at bestand a red no longer than two or three days.The Vacuum Wine Saver enables you to keepopened bottles of wine in perfect serving condi-tions for a longer period and reduce the wastage.VacuVin technique enables opened white winest

24、o last for two to three days and red wines up toa week.VacuVin works with a small pump and a collec-tion of rubber stoppers. A stopper is placed ontop of the opened bottle, the pump is placed overthe rubber stoppers and the air is drawn from thebottle until the stopper seals.Step by step: Rinse the

25、plastic stopper.Squeeze the stopper to insert into the bottleneck.Fix the VacuVin pump onto the stopper toextract the air. It is recommended pumping 4 times for a full bottle of 75cl, 6 times for 1/2 full bottle of 75cl and 8 times for a 1/4 full bottle of 75cl.Once the vacuum is created, store the

26、bottleof wines upright in the wine fridge.Squeeze the stopper to release the vacuumand remove the stopper to pour the wine.The bottle of wine is ready to be displayed onthe Hilton Wine Trolley.A VacuVin pack including 2 pumps and 12 plasticcorks was sent to all hotels in December 2002 bythe European

27、 Procurement Office. Top-up and/ornew orders should be made directly withVacuVin. 123 4561234561.1.4. Wine TastingChapter 1 Hilton Wine by the glass Features1.1.4. Wine TastingWine tasting is surrounded by mystery and mys-tique but it shouldnt be.Wine tasting technique is actually based on com-mon s

28、ense. Its simply a way to pause for amoment, to stop and think, and pay attention tothe ways that wine impacts all our senses, fromsight and scent to taste, aftertaste, and the over-all impression that the wine leaves behind afteryou have tasted.Tasting wine is an inspiration to the senses.Sight, sm

29、ell, taste but also the feeling or thetouch. Our poor taste buds can discern only fourflavours, sweet, sour, salt and bitter while ournoses are capable of distinguishing thousands ofsubtle variations.The process of tasting wine is divided into fivesteps of evaluation and description:SightAroma Taste

30、 Touch Overall impression SightThe look of a wine can tell you a lot, it will revealthe age of the wine and hint at the grape(s) andorigin.Pick up the glass by the stem and hold the glassup to a white light or against a white back-ground. You will be able to identify the colourand the clarity.Colour

31、The intensity of a wines colour can convey someidea of its character.A light pale white wine will likely have less bodyand flavour than a golden yellow wine. A palered wine will likely have less body and flavourthan a dark deeply red coloured wine.ClarityThe clarity of the wine refers to the presenc

32、e orabsence of suspended particles or sediments inthe wine. A wine can range in clarity from:Brilliant absolutely free of sediment, crystal clearClear free of sediment, but not brilliantCloudy visible sediment or a muddy lookIt is possible to judge the age, flavour concentra-tion and alcoholic conte

33、nt levels in wine. For red wines, the more watery and brown it is,the older the wine.123451.1.4. Wine TastingAromaSwirl the wine to release the aromas, by doing so it will:aerate the wine and prematurely oxidise itbring forth, develop and amplify the flavoursrarefy and supercharge the atmosphereThen

34、 hold the glass up to your nose and inhale.The smell can tell you more about the wine than anything else. 80 % of our sense of taste is actually through our nose.The smell of the wine is described in terms ofaroma and bouquet:Aroma smells that are directly related to theodour of the fresh wine grape

35、.Bouquet smells that result from the fermentation or ageing process. Bouquet canalso be used to describe a wines overall smell.A complex wine can have many different flavoursand aromas produced by the character of thegrape itself, how the wine was fermented, how itwas aged and many other factors.Pro

36、fessor Ann Noble of the University ofCalifornia at Davis conducted extensive researchin an effort to identify and standardise thedescriptions used in the evaluation of wine.Through her research, she isolated over 100 aro-mas and flavours commonly found in wine anddeveloped a Wine Aroma Wheel (see be

37、low).Further details can be found on Internet athttp:/wineserver.ucdavis.edu/Acnoble/home.html1231.1.4. Wine TastingChapter 1 Hilton Wine by the glass FeaturesTasteSip a small amount of wine into your mouth,draw in some air, letting the inhalation aerate thewine and swallow. By drawing in air, you u

38、tiliseyour rear nasal passage to detect more character.Note any impressions of saltiness (rare in wines),sweetness, bitterness and acidity flavours thatyour mouth, tongue and rear nasal passagedetect in the wine.Saliva breaks down compounds, softens acids,catalyses and develops secondary flavours.Ou

39、r tongue can only differentiate four tastes (bitterness, saltiness, acidity and sweetness) via definite regions of the tongue. The tip detects the sweetness.The outer sides of the tongue and just behindthe tip detect saltiness.The inner sides of the tongue detect the acidity.Finally, the back of the

40、 tongue detects bitter-ness.But our tongue also detects other qualities suchas astringency (bitterness), roughness, smooth-ness, weight, overall balance, length and theaftertaste.112223334421.1.4. Wine TastingTouchTake a sip of wine and focus on how it feels inyour mouth or how the touch of the wine

41、 affectsyour mouth, tongue and throat as you swallow.The body is how a wine feels in your mouth, itcan be:Light thin or slightly watery in texture (likeskimmed milk)Medium fuller than light, but not too heavy intexture (like regular milk)Full very robust, rich and mouth coating in tex-ture (like cre

42、am)A wines finish, or aftertaste, can be:Short very little aftertaste, the wines flavoursgo away quicklyLong lingering taste, the wines flavour isnoticeable for a length of timeClean pleasing finish, free of defects orunpleasant tastes. Can be either short or long innatureUnpleasant caused by excess

43、ive bitterness,sweetness, excessive tartness or off flavours“Giuliano was awarded the title MeilleurSommelier de Belgique in 1982 and was afinalist in the contest for the worlds bestsommelier wine waiter the following year.The awards were just the beginning of asteady broadening and deepening ofGiul

44、ianos knowledge and passion for winewhich in recent years has taken him all overthe world as the art of fine wine making has spread. He is an advisor to HiltonInternational to select growers and wine merchants for the European WineProgramme. He has created the exceptionalMaison du Buf wine list, ove

45、r the years”.Giuliano Gianotti, Matre dhtel, Maison du Buf, Hilton Brussels.1.1.4. Wine TastingChapter 1 Hilton Wine by the glass FeaturesOverall impressionCombine the impression from evaluating thewines appearance, nose, taste and touch. An outstanding wine will have all these elementsin balance, b

46、ecause all of the individual impres-sions are consistent in character.Wines are subject to all kinds of visual and aro-matic faults such as vinegary odour and taste,sulphur odour, crystals visible, cloudy look, bittertaste etc the most common negative factor iswhen its corked.Ignore any cork dust yo

47、u may find floating on the surface of a wine, but do remove any largerpieces elegantly, with a clean, small servicespoon. Corked wines can have a musty smell andflavour that is produced by mouldy corks. Allcorked wines become less agreeable with expo-sure to air. Around 8 % of wines irrespective oft

48、heir price are corked. Make sure you returnthem to the supplier for free replacement.Many of our suppliers have informed us that inthe future traditional cork will be replaced bysynthetic cork, which have no affect on quality ofthe wine.Should you not feel confident leading a winetasting with your t

49、eam members, please do nothesitate to contact the wine suppliers they willbe happy to provide you assistance.1.1.5. Wine Serving Temperatures1.1.5. Wine Serving TemperaturesTemperature can make or break a wine.Wines can be ruined by being served too warm.A wine that is served too cold is easily mana

50、ge-able, but a wine served too warm can be difficultto chill. Therefore, when in doubt, serve it colderthan you might think necessary.Chilling a wine will tone down its bouquet, thinout its textures and accentuate acids and/or tan-nins. Warming up a wine will soften it, make itfatter and rounder, an


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