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香格里拉酒店 宴会摆台程序【成都】(中英)P16.xls

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1、中线34米U型型摆摆台台(U Shape)要要求求: (如如图图一一) Request: (Picture one) 1.要用舞台来定位,不得少于3片 2.摆台时要用宽的长方形桌 1.Use dance floor to place position,dance floor 3.定台时先由A 或B点来定 panels should not less than 3pieces 4.前端的桌子和舞台的距离是3-4米 2.Use wide rectangular table when positon table 5.C点桌子和舞台平行并且是在舞台中线对称 3.Position Apoint and

2、B point first before 6.A和B保持平行并和C点连接成U型 position table 7.椅子定位是在U型的外围,并且摆放时都必须 4.The distance between dance floor and the 横竖都要对齐,每张桌子坐3人 forward table is about 3-4metre 5.C point table parallel with dance floor and also symmtry with the middle line of dance floor 注:此会议台型适合20-25人的培训 6.A and B point ke

3、ep align and connected with C point became U shape 7.Position chairs around the Ushape periphery make sure all the chairs in on line ,each table setting up three chairs Note:This conference setup suit for 20-25guestsABC中线3-4米口口 字字型型摆摆台台(Hollow Square)要要求求: (如如图图二二) Request: (Picture two) 1.要用舞台来定位,不

4、得少于3片 1.Use dance floor to place position ,dance floor 2.摆台时要用宽的长方形桌 panels shont not less than 3pieces 3.定台时先由A 或B点来定台 2.Use wide rectangular table when setting up table 4.前端的桌子离舞台大概3-4米 3.Place A and B point position first 5.A和B与舞台平行并在中线上 before place the table 6.桌子连接起来成口字型 4.The distance between

5、the forward table and 7.椅子定位是在U型的外围,并且摆放时都必须 dance floor is aboot 3-4metres 横竖都要对齐,4面做人每张桌子坐3人 5.A and B parallel with dance floor and the middle line of dance floor is the same with AB middle line 注:此台型适用于洽谈或讨论会议30-35人左右A B 中线3-4米口口 字字型型摆摆台台(Hollow Square)要要求求: (如如图图二二) Request: (Picture two) 6.All

6、 table was connected together become 口 shape 7.Position chairs around the 口 shape periphery ensure all the chair in one line ,each table setting up three chairs Note: This 口 shape suit for consult or debate meeting about 30-35personA B 中线4-5米董董事事型型摆摆台台(Board Room Shape)要要求求: (如如图图三三) Request: (Pictu

7、re three) 1.摆台时须用2张宽的长方桌合并起来 1.Use two wide rectangular table combine together 2.需要2张半圆桌拼凑在两边使会议台型成椭 to position table 圆 型(半圆桌突出会议的重要性) 2.Use two pieces half round table set together with 3.此会议桌离舞台4-5米 rectangalar table ,and become oval meeting table , 4.摆放椅子2头椭圆型中间必须各摆一张椅子, (half round table emphas

8、ize the importance of the 而且必须放在中间 meeting ) 5.椅子定位一定要比较宽松 3.The oval table is away from dance floor about 4-5metres 注:a.此会议台型适合高层领导,公司董事开会, 4.Each side of the oval table set up one chair in the 所以摆此台一般都是贵宾,或是谈判. Middle b.此会议一般都是10-12人 5.More spare room between two chairs c.此会议很少用到投影仪 Note: a.This s

9、tyle suit for top management,company director meeting normally for VIPguest b.Suit for 10-12 person c.This meeting hardly use projector中线3-4米A1B11.5米A DE1.83米FC正正鱼鱼骨骨型型摆摆台台(Fish Bone Style Shape)要要求求: (如如图图四四) Request: (Picture four) 1.要用舞台来定位,不得少于3片 1.Use dance floor to place position shoud not les

10、s 2.摆台时要用宽的长方形桌 than 3 pieces 3.前端的桌子和舞台的距离是3-4米 2.Use wide rectangular table when place table 4.A1和B1来定台型,A1和B1中线要对齐,中 3.The distance between dance floor and the forward 间的过道要留1.5米 table is about 3-4metres 5.定台时要像鱼的骨头一样斜着摆,A和C 4.A1 and B1 to position shape ,A1 and B1 the D和E都要在同一平行点上,E和F的距离1.83米 mi

11、ddle line same with dance floor middle line, the middle gap should have 1.5 metre wide 5.Oblique place table ccording fish bone style, 注:a.摆设过程中不断检查过道距离是否一致 Aand C, D and E all in parallel line . The distance b.此台型适合培训上课用,一般30-40人 between E and F is 1.83 metres中线3-4米A1B11.5米A DE1.83米FC正正鱼鱼骨骨型型摆摆台台(F

12、ish Bone Style Shape)要要求求: (如如图图四四) Request: (Picture four) Note: a.Check the middle gap frequently ensure the distance the same b.This style suit for training class, for 30-40 person中线3-4米AB1.5米C 1.83米ED 反反鱼鱼骨骨摆摆台台(Inverse Fish Bone Shape) 要要求求: (如如图图五五) Request: (Picture five) The placing method i

13、s the same with fishbone shape3-4米中线1.83米 A1.83米 C BC1.83米圆圆桌桌分分组组式式摆摆台台(Round Table Group Shape)要要求求: (如如图图六六) Request: (Picture six) 1.此台台型摆时要尽量靠紧点,让人员集中 1.Set the round table closely, in order 2.最前面圆桌离舞台3-4米 to gathing guest 3.椅子定位时前1/4要留空不能坐人,因不好 2.The distance between the forward round table wi

14、th 看 屏幕,而且也挡住对面的人 the dance floor is 3-4 metre ,the distance between each table is 1.83 metre 3.When position chairs, the round table forward 注:此台型适合培训上课或分组讨论等25-30人 part keep clear, in order to see the screen and not block the eyesight which seated in oppsitive side Note: This style suit for trainn

15、ing class or discuss in groups about 25-30 guests一张凳子距离(过道)中线3-4米AB1.5米1.83米教教室室型型摆摆台台(Class Room Style)要要求求: (如如图图七七) Request: (Picture seven) 1.第一排桌子定位,A和B点的过道是1.5米 1.The first line table to place position the gap be 2.教室型摆台要求横平竖直,误差应控制在 tweer A.B is 1.5 metre 1厘米以内 2.Classroom style request later

16、al and vertical in 3.第一张桌子和第二张桌子距离是1.83(看图) one line ,the error shonld be within 1cm 4.第一排桌子距离离舞台3-4米,定台时要注意 3.The distance between first line table and the 中线, second line table is 1.83m(refer to picture) 5.在靠墙的通道宽度不得少于0.5米 4.The distance between the first table and dance 6.摆会议的桌子一般都要IBM桌 floor is

17、3-4metres, when place table need to pay attention the middle line 5.The gap which colse the wall shoncd not less 注:a.每组在取距离之前必须保证第一排基本 than 0.5 metre 一致,完全平行,这样才能确定以下所 6.The table which set up for meeting should be 有桌子 之间的距离相等 IBM table b.1.83米等于我们IBM桌子 c.此会议一般都是巡回展,或是新产品上 Note: a.Ensure the first l

18、ine table is in one line, 市,适合100-120人以上会议 to place position for another table 一张凳子距离(过道)中线3-4米AB1.5米1.83米教教室室型型摆摆台台(Class Room Style)要要求求: (如如图图七七) Request: (Picture seven) b.1.83m equate IBM table c.This style suit for exhibition or new product conference,suit for 100-120一张凳子距离(过道)3-4米中线1.5米剧剧院院式式

19、摆摆台台(Theatre(Theatre Style)Style)要要求求: (如如图图八八) Request: (Picture eight) 1.摆设剧院式会议只需要宴会椅子 1.Banquet chairs are reguire for set up theatre 2.第一排的椅子和舞台距离是3-4米 style conferenec 3.椅子摆放必须和舞台平行 2.The distance between the dance floor and the 4.横摆椅子时,椅子脚对脚要在 同一直线上 first line chair is 3-4 metres 在整个横摆时必须看椅子背

20、是否对齐(一般 3.The chairs set up must parallel with the dance floor 都已脚为准) 4.All the chairs feet must in the same line, and also 5.竖摆时要和第一排平行,并第一排椅子和 the back of chairs in the same line(base on the feet) 第二排椅子的距离是一张椅子的宽度 5.When we set up the chair in vertical, the following chairs must parallel with the

21、first line, between first and second line chair must have one chair注:a.每横排一组剧院式宴会椅子不宜超过10张 spare room b.两组横排之间的距离要保证1.5米 Note: a.Theatre style chairs every singal group can c.靠墙的宽度要保证0.6米以上 not over the pieces d.摆完台我们不管站在那个角度看,椅子 b.The distance between two crosswise group 都是一条直线 chair should have 1.

22、5 metres c.The distance between the chair and the wall showld have 0.6 metres d.After setted up the chair, ensure all the chair in one group is in one line矿泉水铅笔薄荷糖碟水杯纸垫和纸杯垫宴宴会会厅厅会会议议台台面面摆摆台台(Ballroom Conference Table Set Up)要要求求: (如如图图九九) Request: (Picture nine) 1.标准会议桌面摆台包括每人都必须要有标明 1.Standard conf

23、erence table set up should include 酒店标志的A4纸5张、铅笔一支、杯垫一个、 3pieces A4 papper with hotel logo,one pieces 水杯一个及3个人共用的薄荷糖盅和薄荷糖、 pencil, one coaster, one water goblet, bottle 及每人一瓶矿泉水 mineral water for per person three person share 2.每张桌子都是坐3个人,摆桌面的时候一般 sugar bowl and mint 都是从后面往前摆 2.One table can seat th

24、ree person, when we doing 3.薄荷糖盅里装薄荷糖必须6-8粒,放在会议 table set up is from back to forward 桌正中间,上沿距离会议桌1厘米 3.6-8 pieces mint in the sugar bowl, seton the 4.摆A4纸时必须与下边沿平行,并对齐椅子正 middle of the table, the sugar bowl is one cm 中间,铅笔靠在A4右边并与桌面平行,杯垫 away from the edge of the conference table 摆放在A4纸正中,杯子摆放在杯垫上(

25、如图) 4.A4 papper should parallel with the edge of the table, also respond to the chairs middle line, pencil set on the right side of the A4 papper,the coaster set on the top of A4 papper and the 注:a.摆台时所有的物品都要保证完好无损、 water goblet on the coaster(refer to the picture) 干干净净,没有涂改过的 b.摆台时所有的酒店的商标都要对着客人 No

26、te: a.Ensure all equipment in good condition,clean, c.摆台时每个客人的会议用品都要一致 free of mark b.All the logo or label face to guest c.Ensure all the set up for the guest is the sameAB 1.83米3-4米中线双双U摆摆台台(Double Ushape)要要求求: (如如图图十十) Request: (Picture ten) 1.双U内U和单U一样 1.The inside U of the double U shape is 2.外

27、UA和内UB的距离是1.83米,外U一般都是 the same with the singal Ushape 用IBM桌子来摆 2.The distance between outer UA and inside UB is 1.83 metre, outre U basiclly use IBM table to set up注:a.外U不可以连接如连接客人不方便进出 Note: a.Outer Ushape should not connect togather, b. 双U适合50-60人培训(一般不推荐) it is for guest convenience to pass b.Double U suit for 50-60 person training (normally dont recommend)


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