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皇冠酒店酒店 酒店知识手册(中英)P17.doc

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1、Hotel Knowledge ManualPartition分类General Information 公共部分Rooms 房务部分Food & Beverage 餐饮部CARDS & BENEFITS 酒店用卡BEAUTIFUL XIANGFAN 城市信息FO 前厅HSKP 客房SEC 保安ENG 工程Total总计19371823618427152General Information 公共部分G1Q:Where is your hotel? 你们酒店在哪里?A:The hotel locates at No. 11 Changhong north road Xianfan. 答:酒店位

2、于襄樊市长虹北路11号。G2Q:What is the name of your hotel? 你们酒店的名称是什么?A:The hotels name is Crowne Plaza Xiangfan.答:襄樊万达皇冠假日酒店。G3Q:What are the hotel website and the E-mail Address? 酒店的网址和电子邮件是什么?A:The hotel website is , the E-mail Address isInform. Can I write that down for you?答:酒店的网址是,电子邮件是Inform,需要我写给您吗?G4Q

3、:What are the hotel telephone and fax number? 酒店的电话和传真号码是多少?A:The hotel telephone number is 0710-3288 866, the fax number is 0710-3288 899.答:酒店电话是0710-3288 866,传真号码是0710-3288 899。G5Q:What is the (structural) height of hotels building and how much area occupies the hotel? How many floors are there in

4、 your hotel? 酒店建筑高度是多少, 建筑面积事?共有多少层?A:The structural height of the hotel is 86.4 meter, nearly 42691 m2. There are total 21 floors. 19 floors are on the ground and 2 floors are below the ground.答:建筑高度是86.4米,建筑面积近42691平方米。共21层,地上19层,地下2层。G6Q:How many rooms of our hotel? 酒店共有多少间/套房间?A:303 rooms.答:共303

5、间/套。G7Q:How many parking seats in your hotel? 酒店共有多少停车位?A:More than80, including the -1, -2 basement and building around.答:80多个停车位,包括大楼外围以及地下-1和-2楼。G8Q:Who is the General Manager? 酒店的总经理是?A:Our General Manager is Mr. Roy Leung.答:总经理是梁炳权先生。G9Q:Whos the owner company? 酒店业主公司的名称是什么?A:Xiangfan Wanda Pla

6、za Investment Co.,Ltd.答:业主公司是襄樊万达广场投资有限公司。G10Q:Who is the Owners Rep & D.G.M.? 业主代表兼副总经理是?A:Our Owners Rep & D.G.M. is Mr. Andy Liu.答:业主代表兼副总经理是刘晓风先生。G11Q: What is our hotel vision? 什么是酒店的远景与使命?A: To be the leading international 5-star commercial hotel in Central China. To build the best employee re

7、lationship Employment Brand. To create the best practices of Guests Experience. To achieve the best Financial Return.答:成为华中地区一流的五星级国际商务会议型酒店。打造最佳雇主品牌,引领最炫的生活时尚,实现最优的业绩回报。G12Q:How is your hotel? 请介绍一下你们的酒店。 A:Its an international five-star hotel managed by IHG Hotels Group. IHG Hotels Group is one of

8、 most global company in the world, owns, operates or franchises more than 4,500 hotels and 650,000 rooms across nearly 100 countries and territories. 答:酒店是由洲际酒店集团管理的国际5星级酒店。洲际酒店集团是全世界最大的酒店管理集团之一,在将近100个国家和地区拥有、经营和特许经营4,500多家酒店,拥有客房数6,500,000间。G13 Q: How many brands are there in the IHG? 洲际酒店管理集团旗下都有

9、哪几个品牌?A: There are totally 7 brands in IHG, they are Intercontinental, Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn, Express by Holiday Inn, Staybridge Suites, Candlewood Suites, Hotel Indigo.答: 一共有7个品牌,洲际,皇冠假日,假日,快捷假日,Staybridge Suites, Candlewood Suites, 英迪格。G14Q: When and where was the first Holiday Inn hotel set u

10、p? 第一家假日酒店创始时间和地点分别是?Who is the founder of Holiday Inn? 假日酒店的创始人是谁?A: 1952. Memphis, Tennessee, America. Kemmons Wilson. 答:1952年,美国田纳西州孟斐斯。(美国人-)凯蒙斯威尔逊。G15Q: Which is the first Holiday Inn hotel in China? And open time? 中国的第一家假日酒店是哪年在哪开业的? A: Holiday Inn Lido Hotel, Beijing. It was founded in1984.答:

11、1984年,北京,北京丽都假日酒店。G16Q: What is the Winning Ways of IHG? 洲际酒店管理集团的五大制胜之道? A: Do the right thing, Show we care, Aim higher, Celebrate difference, Work better together. 答:做对的事,体现关爱,追求卓越,求同存异,协作共赢。G17Q: What is the IHG GHGL? 洲际酒店管理集团的“客人挚爱的杰出酒店”,该如何解释? A: “Great hotel Guest Love” is a guide to our acti

12、ons and a way of doing business. By “Steering Wheel” of 4 parts (our people, guest experience, responsible business and financial return), we measure where we are and where we should are. 答:“客人挚爱的杰出酒店”不仅仅是句口号,她指导着我们的行为,是我们经营的方式。通过“杰出挚爱轮”的四个部分(员工团队,客人体验,企业责任和财务汇报)来衡量我们的工作并指引我们努力的方向。G18Q: What is the

13、IHG commitment? How many hotels does it have in China? 洲际酒店管理集团的承诺是?目前在中国共有多少家? A: “Room to be yourself” including Room to have a great start, Room to be involved, Room to grow, Room for you. There are 135 hotels in China.答:洲际酒店管理集团的承诺是“尽炫自我”,包括:成功的开始,参与的机会,成长的空间,自我的空间。目前在中国的数量是135家。G19Q: What is th

14、e PC commitment? How many hotels does it have in China? 皇冠假日的品牌承诺?目前在中国有多少家? A: The place to meet. There are 35 hotels in China.答:会聚之所。目前在中国地区有35家。Rooms 房务部分(FO前厅部)RF1Q:Where is the internet access available in the hotel? 你们酒店哪些地方可以上网? A:Guest rooms are equipped with Wide Band internet access. There

15、 are equipped with wireless internet that Lobby Bar, Euro Bar, Meeting areas and Crowne Club Lounge。 答:所有客房配备有宽带网络接口。酒店大堂吧,欧罗吧,会议区域以及皇冠俱乐部都支持无线网络。RF2Q:Why do I have to pay deposit? 为什么我要付押金? A:For your convenience, the deposit is required to ensure your In-house consumption. 答:预付押金是为了方便您在酒店里签字消费挂帐。R

16、F3Q:May I have late check-out at 02:00pm? 我能延迟到下午两点退房吗? A:The C/O time is 12:00 at noon. If you require the late check-out at 02:00pm, please contact the Front Desk if the room is available and renews your room key. 答:酒店正常退房时间是中午12:00,如果您有需要可延迟退房至下午2:00,请联系酒店前台确认房间是否允许,同时更新房间钥匙。RF4Q:Where do I excha

17、nge the foreign currency? 酒店哪里可以兑换外币? A:The front desk in the lobby provides the currency exchange service, such as U.S. dollars, Japanese Yen, Hong Kong Dollar, Great Britain Pound, EUR. May I show you the way? 答:酒店大堂的前台提供外币兑换服务,有美元,日元,港元,英镑,欧元。需要我带您去吗? RF5Q:Do you provide computer rental service?

18、酒店提供电脑租用服务吗? A:The service is available in the business centre on the 3rd floor. The rental fee is RMB0.5/minute, at least 30 minutes. Meanwhile the laptop rental service is available in the business center. The rental fee is RMB60/hour and deposit needs RMB5000, only for in-house guest. Could I ass

19、ist you? 答:酒店3楼的商务中心提供这项服务。上网每分钟0.5元,30分钟起价。同时为住店客人提供手提电脑租用服务,租金每小时60元,押金5千元,需要我帮您联系吗?RF6Q:Where has the express mail service? 酒店哪里有快递服务? A:The Business Centre on the 3rd floor provides the express mail service. May I help you? 答:在酒店三楼的商务中心提供快递服务。需要我帮您联系他们吗?RF7Q:Where can I get the stamp? 哪里可以买到邮票?

20、A:Business Centre at the third floor provides the service. May I help you? 答:酒店三楼商务中心提供这项服务,需要我帮您去买吗?。RF8Q:Are there any rechargeable cards for a cell phone? 哪里能买到手机充值卡? A:You may ask Concierge at 1st floor for help. May I help you with that? 答:酒店一楼礼宾部可以帮助您。需要我帮您联系吗?RF9Q:Where can I borrow an umbrel

21、la? 我在哪里可以借雨伞? A:Umbrellas are available at the Concierge Desk in the lobby. May I ask them send one for you? And there is also an umbrella in the wardrobe in your room. 答:您在酒店一楼礼宾部能借到伞。需要我让他们给您送一把过来吗?而且,在房间的衣柜里,我们也为您准备了一把雨伞备用。RF10Q:May I leave any luggage in the hotel? 我是否能留行李在酒店? A:You may ask Con

22、cierge for help; its available for in-house guests. May I help you with your luggage? 答:酒店一楼礼宾部可以帮助您,他们能帮在住客寄存行李。需要我帮您寄存吗?RF11Q:Where can I get a map? 请问哪里有地图? A:The map is available at Concierge Desk and Front Desk in the lobby. May I get one for you? 答:您可以在酒店大堂前台或礼宾部获取。需要我帮您拿一张吗?RF12Q:Do you have

23、airport pick-up & drop-off service? 你们酒店提供接送机服务吗? A:Yes, our hotel provides limousine service for airport transfer. RMB300 for AUDI A6, RMB 350 for PREVIA. Would you like to make a reservation? 答:是的,我们酒店为客人提供接送机服务。奥迪A6 300元,丰田大霸王350元。请问您需要预订吗?RF13Q:Do you have car rental service? 你们有租车服务吗? A:Yes, it

24、s available according to the destination, car you require. Please contact the concierge for more details. 答:是的,该服务根据您租车的目的地、车型价格不同,礼宾部可以向您提供更多信息。RF14Q:Do you have shuttle bus to airport? 酒店到机场有无班车? A:Sorry, we dont have shuttle bus available to airport now. Would you mind to book a car with our conc

25、ierge? May I help you for that? 答:对不起!我们暂时没有班车去飞机场。如果需要订车,可以联系礼宾部。需要我帮你联系他们吗?RF15Q:Where can I use the house phone? 哪里有酒店内线电话? A:The house phone is available in the lobby, beside the Kiosk. May I show you the way? 答:内线电话在酒店大堂,精品店旁边。需要我带您去吗?RF16Q:Where is the toilet in the lobby? 大堂的卫生间在哪?A:Its on th

26、e left side of Lobby Lounge. Ill show you the way.答:卫生间在酒店大堂酒吧的左侧。我可以带您去。RF17Q:Is there a GYM in your hotel? 你们酒店有健身中心吗? A:The GYM is on the 5th floor. May I show you the way? 答:健身房在酒店的5楼。需要我带您去吗?RF18Q: Whats the service hour of Health Centre and service items? 健身中心服务时间是? 都有什么服务项目? A:The service hou

27、r of Health Centre is from 06:30am to 11:00pm,including various normal workout apparatus and yoga room. 答:健身中心服务时间为:从早上06:30到晚上11:00。拥有各种常规的健身器械以及瑜珈练习室。RF19Q: Do you have a swimming pool and open time? 你们酒店有游泳池吗?面积是多大?水深多少?营业时间是? A:The swimming pool is available on the 5th floor with an area of 161.

28、5m2 , and a height of 1.4m. Operation hour is from 06:30am to 9:00pm, and Should I guide you there? 答:酒店游泳池在5楼,面积是161.5平方米,深1.4m,营业时间是从早上06:30到晚上21:00。需要我陪您去吗?RF20Q: Can I have a Wake up Call? 怎样订叫醒服务?A:Please dial 0 for the Wake-up call service. 答:请您直接拨打“0” 到总机, 就可以预订叫醒服务。RF21Q: Do I have to pay fo

29、r the local call? 我需要付本地电话费吗? A:Yes, The local call is RMB 0.22/3min, over 3min is RMB0.11/min. 答:是的,本地电话前三分钟0.22元,超过三分钟每分钟0.11元。RF22Q: How to dial the IDD in room? 怎样拨打国际长途电话? A:You may dial 9 first, followed by the country code, and the area code, then the telephone number you require. 答:请您先拨“9”,然

30、后再拨国家代码、区号和电话号码。RF23Q: Whats the price for DDD/IDD? 国内/国际长途电话费用是多少? A:There are different charges for different destination. The cost based on the standard of China Telecom and plus 15% service charge. 答:不同的地区电话收费标准不同。我们是按照中国电信的收费标准另外加收15%服务费收的。RF24Q: Where to dial a DDD/IDD? 哪里能拨打国内/国际长途?A:The busi

31、ness centre on the 3rd floor provides the service or you may dial from your room.答:在酒店三楼的商务中心提供这项服务或您可以在房间内拨打。RF25Q: How can I dial room to room? 房间之间电话怎么拨打? A:You may dial “8” first, followed by the room number you require. 答:请您先拨“8”,然后再拨房间号码。RF26Q:How to call my room number from outside? 如何从酒店外打电话

32、到我的房间里?A:The hotels number is 0710-3288866. You may be transferred to the room by providing your name and room number. 答:请致电我们的总机0710-3288866,我们的接线员会根据所提供的房间号码转接到您的房间。RF27Q:Can you tell me about tomorrows weather forecast? 你能帮我查一下明天的天气怎么样吗?A:It will be *. You may also dial “0” to ask at anytime of t

33、he day. And you can also call 12121 the weather forecast bureau to check.答:明天的天气将是*。您也可以拨“0”询问,或直接拨打气象局电话12121查询。RF28Q:Where is the ATM? 请问自动提款机在哪里?A:Its on the first floor, beside the Kiosk. I can show you the way.答:在酒店1楼,精品店旁边。我可以带您去。RF29Q:How much for printing and copy? 打印和复印都是怎么收费?A:We charge RMB 10 per page for A4 B&W printing, RMB 15 per page for A3 B&W printing, RMB 20 per page for A4


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