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豪生国际酒店 市场销售部标准操作程序(中英)P93.doc

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1、市场销售部标准操作程序豪生国际酒店Standard Operating Procedures-Sales & Marketing市场销售部标准操作程序POLICYNO.SUBJECT程序编号主题SM-SALES-001Hiring a New Staff SM-SALES-001雇佣新员工SM-SALES-002Look for a Sales Staff SM-SALES-002寻求新员工SM-SALES-003Select a Right Person SM-SALES-003正确选择员工SM-SALES-004File System SM-SALES-004文件归档系统SM-SALES-

2、005Change of File Information SM-SALES-005更新资料信息SM-SALES-006Trace System SM-SALES-006文件跟踪流程SM-SALES-007Corporate Rate Letter/Contract/ Thank You Letter to 1st Visit SM-SALES-007公司协议价/合同/初次拜访感谢信SM-SALES-008Group Definition Policy SM-SALES-008“团队”的概念SM-SALES-009Local Corporate Accounts Guarantee SM-SA

3、LES-009当地重要客户订房保证SM-SALES-010Group Handling Procedure SM-SALES-010团队接待程序SM-SALES-011Rooming List SM-SALES-011分房名单SM-SALES-012Corporate Group Handling SM-SALES-012商务团队接待程序SM-SALES-013Opening a New Corporate Account SM-SALES-013建立新的公司协议SM-SALES-014Executive Floor Rate Integrity SM-SALES-014行政楼层房价操作标准S

4、M-SALES-015Long Staying Policy SM-SALES-015长住房政策SM-SALES-016Travel Agent/Airlines Discount Policy SM-SALES-016旅行社/航空公司折扣政策SM-SALES-017Commission Entitlement SM-SALES-017佣金分配政策SM-SALES-018Travel Reservation Procedure SM-SALES-018旅行社订房操作程序SM-SALES-019Group Sell Guidelines SM-SALES-019团队销售指南SM-SALES-02

5、0One Month Group Forecast SM-SALES-020一月内团队销售预测SM-SALES-021Three Month Group Projection SM-SALES-021季度团队销售预测SM-SALES-022Daily Sales Call Report SM-SALES-022每日电话销售报告SM-SALES-023Weekly Sales Plan SM-SALES-023每周销售计划SM-SALES-024Responding to Fax/Email SM-SALES-024传真/电子邮件的回复SM-SALES-025Response Time to L

6、eads and Enquires SM-SALES-025客户询问的回复时间规定SM-SALES-026Meeting Group Space Release Policy SM-SALES-026团体会议的预订确认SM-SALES-027FIT Discount Guidelines SM-SALES-027散客折扣价格制定SM-SALES-028Upgrade Policy SM-SALES-028客房升级政策SM-SALES-029Guest Walk PolicySM-SALES-029超额预订时客人安排政策 SM-SALES-030Suite Reservation Policy

7、SM-SALES-030套房预订政策SM-SALES-031Defaults of Contract Terms SM-SALES-031合同条款不履行时的处理政策SM-CS-001Inside Business HoursSM-CS-001内部操作流程SM-CS-002Outside Business HoursSM-CS-002对客操作流程SM-CS-003Mice Booking ProcedureSM-CS-003会奖旅游预订程序SM-CS-004Meeting Check inSM-CS-004会议团队报到SM-CS-005Welcome MeetingSM-CS-005欢迎团队到店

8、SM-CS-006Meeting Check outSM-CS-006会议团队离店SM-CS-007Mandatory Follow upSM-CS-007结束后跟进SM-RS-001Reservation Office HoursSM-RS-001预定部工作时间SM-RS-002Reservation FormSM-RS-002预订表格SM-RS-003Making New ReservationSM-RS-003接受新预订SM-RS-004Amendment ReservationSM-RS-004修改预定的程序SM-RS-005Reservation CancellationSM-RS-

9、005取消预订的程序SM-RS-006Confirmation Letter/SlipSM-RS-006确认函/单SM-RS-007Reservation Form FilingSM-RS-007预定表格存档SM-RS-008Arrival ReportSM-RS-008预抵报表SM-RS-009No ShowSM-RS-009预定未抵达SM-RS-010Reservation Procedure with Credit Arrangement SM-RS-010有信用担保的预定程序SM-RS-011Reservation Procedure without Pre-approved Cred

10、it Arrangement SM-RS-011无信用担保的预定程序SM-RS-012Guarantee ReservationSM-RS-012担保预定SM-RS-013Guarantee Reservation PolicySM-RS-013担保预定政策SM-RS-014House Use Room and Complimentary Room SM-RS-014自用房及免费房预定Standard Operating Procedures-Sales & Marketing市场销售部标准操作程序SM-MC-001Advertising Graphics and Standards SM-M

11、C-001广告的图像和标准SM-MC-002Directory AdvertisingSM-MC-002分类广告SM-MC-003Collateral Printing Requisition SM-MC-003附属品印刷申请SM-MC-004Photography RequisitionSM-MC-004摄影师的雇佣SM-MC-005Public Relations Related Event Bookings SM-MC-005公关活动预订SM-MC-006Media RelationsSM-MC-006媒体关系SM-MC-007Photography / Artwork Producti

12、on SM-MC-007影像/美术作品的制作Appendix 附录001Sales and Marketing Glossary of Terms市场销售部门专用术语表Sales and Marketing Glossary of Terms 市场销售部门专用术语表The following is a set of “terms” often used within the Hospitality Industry. Please use this list to refer to when referencing unfamiliar words or phrases encountered

13、 on a daily basis.以下是一组经常用于服务行业的专业术语,在日常工作中遇到陌生词汇和短语时请参考以下术语表格。Hotel Glossary 酒店术语表 Adjoining Rooms 毗邻房Two or more hotel rooms located side by side without private connecting doors.两间或两间以上左右相邻的酒店房间,房间内部无相互通道。American Plan (AP)美式房价A hotel rate that includes a bed and three meals.一种包括了一房晚及三餐餐费的房价形式。Be

14、st Available最有利状况(1) A reservation pledging a principal (a) to provide some sort of accommodation and (b) to upgrade the client if possible,当一项预定产生时,A承诺订房同时B承诺如果可能将为客人办理客房的升级。(2) A request for a reservation meaning “Ill take anything you have, but Im willing to pay for your best.” 一种预定包含着下面这种含义“贵酒店提

15、供的所有服务我都感兴趣,但是我只需要贵酒店做得最好的房间安排。” Check-in 入住The hotel day usually starts at 6:00am, however, occupancy of rooms by arriving guests may not be possible until after the established check-out time. Guests are required to sign hotels registration card. 酒店营业中“一天”的概念一般指从早上6:00开始,然而只有在当日确定的结账时间以后抵店的顾客才能入住

16、客房。客人必须签署客房入住登记卡。Check-out 离店All guests should advise hotel cashier upon departure and follow the agreed-upon procedure for payment. 0 If room is required by guest beyond hotels posted check-out time, approval must be given by hotel management. 所有客人在离开酒店前都必须根据协议程序付款并办理离店手续。如果客人要求的离店时间在酒店规定的离店 时间之后,必

17、须经管理人员同意之后方能办理。Commercial/Corporate Rate商务/公司协议价格The rate agreed upon by a company and the hotel for all individual room reservations.酒店和公司达成的关于单间房间预定的房价。Confirmed Reservation预定确认An oral or written statement by a supplier (a carrier,hotel, car rental company, etc.) That he has received and will hono

18、r a reservation. 由供应商(公司,酒店或者是汽车租赁公司等等)口头或书面承诺将遵守预定的行为。Oral confirmations have no legal worth; even written or telegraphed confirmations have specified or implied limitations. 口头承诺并不具备法律效力,即便是书面或者电传的确认也存在一定特殊情况和隐含的限制条件。For example, a hotel is not obligated to honor a reservation if the guest arrives

19、 after 6:00pm unless late arrival Is specified. However, if the reservation is guaranteed, then that hotel is obligated to honor it. 比如预定条款中说明下午6:00以后房间预定将不被保留,那客人在下午6:00以后到达酒店,酒店将不必遵守 预定房间承诺,但是如果是预付款预定,酒店就必须遵守预定承诺。Department Head 部门总监Date 日期General Manager 总经理Date 日期Standard Operating Procedures-Sa

20、les & Marketing市场销售部标准操作程序Connecting Rooms 连通房Two or more rooms with private doors permitting access from one to the other without use of hotel corridor. 两间或两间以上的房间相互之间有连通门,客人可以不必通过酒店走廊而在该些房间内相互进出。 Continental Plan大陆房价A hotel rate that includes bed and continental breakfast.一种包括一房晚及一份大陆式早餐的酒店房价。Day

21、Rate 日房房价A special rate for non-overnight use of a hotel room. Usually good only between 6:00am. and 5:00pm. 因为不在客房过夜而享受的一种酒店特惠房价,通常是指早上6:00到下午5:00间的时段内入住酒店客房。 Sales 107Denial 拒绝客人A guest has a reservation and we have no room left. In this case, we must make accommodations for the guest elsewhere:当客

22、人已经事先预定,但抵店时酒店却没有房间,酒店就必须为客人在别处订房:6:00pmSuggest another hotel that has vacancies.下午6点以后建议客人到别处有空房的酒店入住GTD ReservationWe must take care of charges for one night at another comparable hotel and pay for one long distance telephone call. GTD预定酒店需要免费为客人在相同等级的酒店订住一房晚,另还应为客人免费提供长途电话一个 Deposit Reservation 押

23、金式预定A reservation for which the hotel has received cash payment for at least one nights lodging in advance and is obligated to hold the room regardless of the guests arrival. Most commercial hotels do not feel obligated to refund deposits unless reservations are cancelled at least 48 hours in advanc

24、e. 酒店接受了以至少一房晚价格的现金作为押金的事先客房预定,就应在任何情况下都为客人保留预定房间,不 论客人抵店与否。大多数商务型酒店都不返还预定押金,除非客人提前至少48小时取消预定。Cancellation policies at resort hotels vary and should be verified in advance.旅游度假型酒店的预定取消政策可以变更,可以事先查证。Double 双床房Loosely, any hotel room for two persons; more specifically, a room with a double bed. A room

25、 with two smaller beds is a twin. 任何能宽松容纳两位客人的酒店客房;更明确的概念是有双人床的客房叫双人房。两张小床的客房被称作双床 房。Double-Double 双双床房 (Twin double)(两张双人床) Room with two double beds. 放置了两张双人床的房间。Double-Occupancy Rate 标准房价格 The full price of a room for two people. 能容纳两位客人的客房全价。 Efficiency 公寓小套间An accommodation containing some type

26、 of kitchen facility.带有一些厨房设备的酒店房间。European Plan (EP) 欧式房价A hotel rate that includes bed only; any meals are extra.一种包括仅包括一个房晚的房价,三餐都需要另外付费。Family Plan 家庭房价Special family rate policy of hotel, which usually provides that no charge is evied for child or children (under a specified age) sharing room w

27、ith parents. 酒店出台的家庭特惠房价政策,通常允许一个或几个在规定年龄以 下的小孩免费随父母入住客房。Familiarization Tour 职工专门旅行计划A complimentary or reduced rate travel program for travel agents and/or airline employees that is designed to acquaint them with specific destination(s) or to stimulate the sale of travel. 针对旅行社员工或者航空公司员工专门开展的免费或者降

28、低一定费用的旅行项目,目的旨在让这些员工熟悉某 一个或某一些专门的旅游目的地,从而刺激由他们参与进行的旅游销售。Free Sale 自由销售The practice of permitting the confirmation of a specified number of reservations (within specified dates) without reference to the principal for confirmation. 是指不考虑订房确认所需的因素而承诺确认一定数量房间(通常有明确标注日期)的行为。 Gross/Commissionable Rates 佣金

29、房价Rates for rooms that are booked by retail or wholesale travel agents for which the hotel agrees to pay the booking agent a booking commission (usually 10%). 由旅行社零售商或者批发商预定酒店客房,酒店按照协议以一定比率(通常10%)返还给对方佣金时的客房价 格。Group Rate 团队房价Specific room rate for a group agreed upon by the hotel and group in advan

30、ce (with a minimum number of rooms).由酒店和团队事先达成协议(通常有团队定房基数限制),团队能在酒店入住时享受的特惠房价。Guaranteed Payment Reservation 预付款预定A hotel reservation secured by the guests agreement to pay for his room whether he uses it or not. Payment is usually guaranteed by a company, travel agent or tour wholesaler who has an

31、 established credit rating with the hotel. 客人同意无论是否实际入住都按规定交纳房费的客房预定形式。这类预定通常由在酒店存有担保金的公司,旅 行社或旅游批发商来完成预付款。High Risk Accounts 高风险客户Those which are more likely than others to turn into a skip. These accounts should be watched closely. Report any unusual activity to the General Manager. 专指那些比其他客户更有可能跑

32、单的客人,对该类客户应该注意其动向,任何异常情况都应及时向总经理汇报。108 Howard Johnson Tool Box SalesHospitality 会客间A hotel suite, parlor or studio engaged for the entertainment of those attending a convention or similar meeting.酒店的套间,会客室或者专门房间,用来供参加会议或类似活动的客户休息娱乐使用。Hotel package 酒店包价A package offered by a hotel, sometimes consisti

33、ng of no more than a room and breakfast, and other times, of transportation, room, meals, sports facilities and other components. 酒店提供的包价优惠,有时是指一房晚和一份早餐,有时是指酒店客房和交通,餐饮,住宿,体育设施和其他 优惠的打包政策(包价)。Housekeeping Report 房务报告A daily report completed by the housekeeper of the status of every room in the hotel.

34、 There are Five categories of room status: 由房务部工作人员每日负责填写的一种酒店各客房的状态汇报,房态状况分为以下五个方面:Ooccupied (facilities used and baggage possible stayover) O入住状态(房间设施已经使用,行李在房内,客人有可能在客房过夜) VVacant (room not used, not baggage)V无人状态(房间未被使用,无行李)NBNo baggage (facilities used, probable check-out) NB无行李状态(房间设施已经使用,可能已经

35、离店) SOSleep out (room not used with baggage)SO未过夜状态(房间未使用,有行李)OOOut of order (usually for maintenance) OO维修状态(通常处于维修阶段)This report Is the most important tool used by the front desk to verify the accuracy of the room rack.该报告是前台用来核实实时房态的最重要依据。Housing Bureau 房务办公署An organization, often government spon

36、sored, which acts as a clearing house for accommodations, particularly for conventions and other large meetings. Often established on an ad hoc basis during major tourist events to maintain a registry of private accommodations to supplement an areas regular lodging industry. 一种由政府发起组织的机构,专门在大型会议举行的时

37、候参与客房入住调节的工作。通常在开展大型旅游活动 项目的特殊时期建立起来,用以地区正常旅游住房行业的补充,负责维持个人入住客房的登记和预订工作。Junior Suites 小套间A large hotel room with a partition separating the bedroom and sitting area. 被分隔成卧室和起居室两部分的 一间酒店大客房被称做小套间。Net-Rate 净价A wholesale rate to be marked up for eventual resale to the consumer.以批发价格为基础,用来卖给所有最终消费者的标价价格

38、。No show 未到达Guest with confirmed reservation who does not arrive and whose reservation was not cancelled.客人之前确认了预定,然后却在未取消预定的情况下没有到达酒店的状况。Occupancy Rate 入住率The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of room nights sold to the total offered for sale by a hotel or group of hotels.一种通常用百分比形式标出的一家或几家酒店的实际销售客

39、房数量与可供销售客房数量的比率。Parlor会客厅A living or sitting room not used as a bedroom. In some parts of Europe called a salon.一间不用来当作卧房使用的起居室,在一些欧洲国家中被成为沙龙。Porterage 行李运送服务Baggage handling service. The client on a tour which includes porterage should not have to carry his luggage or pay the person who does. 运送行李的

40、服务项目。如果顾客要求的酒店服务中已经包含了行李运送服务,顾客就可以享受免费的专人行李 运送。Pre-registration 预先入住登记Room assignment and the filling out of registration Cards prior to a guests arrival. Often used for convention, meeting and tour guests. 是指在顾客抵店前已经为顾客办理了客房分配和入住卡填写手续,通常是为会议或旅游顾客提供该项服务。Quad四人间A room occupied by four persons. 能容纳四位顾

41、客入住的客房。 Rack rate 门市价The official charge as established and posted by a travel principal: not usually used by tour operators.根据旅游法规制定并宣布的官方正式价格;通常不在旅游经销商的实际经营中使用。Run of the House Rate 均价A flat price at which a hotel agrees to offer any of its rooms to a group. 酒店和团队达成协议,酒店将以统一的价格向团队提供酒店任一房型的房间。 Samp

42、le 样板房A display room for showing merchandise with or without sleeping facilities.专门用来展示酒店客房产品的房间,可以包括寝具也可以不包括。Sales 109Service Charge 服务费(1) A specified percentage of a hotel bill (usually somewhere between 10% to 20%) assessed against a guest; in return the guest presumably is relieved of the respo

43、nsibility of tipping. 酒店消费帐目表上列出的除实际消费金额之外另加的10%-20%的服务费用,客人可以在支付该服务费后免除支 付小费。(2) a fee charged to a client by a travel agent in addition to the commissions paid to him by his principals.旅行社除收纳佣金外另向客人收取的额外服务费用。Single单人间Any facility or reservation to be used by one person. 房间和设备都专门用以单人入住的客房名称。 Should

44、er Period 平季A calendar period between a peak season and an off season, usually favored by a promotional rate, lower than peak and higher than off season. 除开酒店经营旺季和淡季以外的时间。通常在此时段内推出比旺季梢低同时比淡季梢高的酒店优惠促销产品价 格。Studio 多用间A hotel room with a couch or couches that convert into beds. may be used as a parlor

45、or a bedroom.放置了一张或多张沙发床的酒店客房,该类房间可以用做卧室,同时也可以用做会客室。Suite 套间A parlor connected to one or more bedrooms. When requesting a suite, always designate the number of bedrooms needed. 包括一间或多间卧室和一间起居室的酒店客房。在顾客要求入住套间时,需根据顾客要求卧室的数量来分配套 间。Twin 双床房Room for two guests with two single beds. 内摆放了两张单人床供两人使用的酒店客房。 T

46、win Double双双床房Room for two, three or four people with two double beds. 放置了两张双人床,可供2-4人使用的酒店客房。 Adjacent 邻近房Rooms which are side by side.相互邻近的客房。Down and out 附楼房Rooms on the first floor on the outside of the building.主楼一楼外的附楼客房。King 大床房Room with a king size bed, not a king leisure.指放置了大床的客房,并非豪华大床房。F

47、olio系统The form on which the continuing balance of a guests charges are recorded. 一种即时记录顾客实时房费变化 状况的表格系统。King Leisure 豪华大床房A room with a king size bed and special decor, including oversized lounge chairs or sofa bed and special amenities. 放置大床,拥有超大的休息室躺椅或沙发床及一些其他客用设施,经过精心特别装修的客房。On change 正在清理This refers to a room which is not clean and ready to sell. 说明该房间正进行打扫清理工作,完毕后立即可以出售。 Over 无房If re


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