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洲际酒店 洲际酒店集团介绍(中)P10.pdf

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1、 洲际酒店集团介绍洲际酒店集团介绍洲际酒店集团介绍洲际酒店集团介绍 ? ? 洲际酒店集团是全球客房数最多的酒店公司。在近?个国家拥有、管理或特许经营着超过? 家酒店逾 ?万间客房。? ? ? ? ? !#$? ? %!&$? ? $(?!#$ ? Hotel Indigo )+*,)?-?.)?/021435? Staybridge Suites and Candlewood Suites 67?8:92?;?=?ABCD-?EFG?HI?J4200K8?L M4N$O4PQRM4N$O4PQRM4N$O4PQRM4N$O4PQR2009S=T$US=T$US=T$US=T$UVWVWVWVW

2、 XZY?XZY?XZY?XZY? ?_Z?_Z?_Z?_Z XZY_ZXZY_ZXZY_ZXZY_Z 1 IHG abcXdY?abcXdY?abcXdY?abcXdY? 619,851 4,816 2 Wyndham Worldwide 585,189 6,976 3 Marriot International 543,505 3,077 4 Hilton Hotels 543,327 3,253 5 Accor 459,859 3,851 egf&h#i4jSmith Travel Research, k&lcm2009n1o ? 集团的组织构架集团的组织构架集团的组织构架集团的组织构架

3、 $?;?4pqr?s$t?u;vdE?F,w+xy5z?01$|4=?0:1?9=021?9.021v 0214pq$rs.$?vdG?H3372?$9:?78% :?=$021s$?d-?;+?=pq:vdG?H6799:?;?$?16% .$0214pq$rsv+GH2529:?$?6% ? g #d?ZZ? 158 c#?#&cc& 357 2d 1,319 d2d 2,018 Hotel Indigo 28 Staybridge Suites 167 Candlewood Suites 229 & 27 d=+ 4,303 2009n6og& Great Hotels Guests

4、Love ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 我们的愿景我们的愿景我们的愿景我们的愿景 |?EF?9=?|?$?2EF5z?|?3?5$94?2v 我们的策略我们的策略我们的策略我们的策略 $J?-?6?$01?9=?2?;v? =6? $? ?*6? ?;? 我们的价值观和行为方式我们的价值观和行为方式我们的价值观和行为方式我们的价值观和行为方式?Do the Right Thing: We always do what we believe is right and have the courage

5、 and conviction to put it into practice, even when it might be easier not to. We are honest and straightforward and see our decisions through. ?! #$%&(*)+*,.-/*012*34576*89!:;9*A?B6 Show we care: We want to be the company that understands peoples needs better than anyone else in our industry. This m

6、eans being sensitive to others, noticing the things that matter and taking responsibility for getting things right. CEDGFGHCEDGFGHCEDGFGHCEDGFGHI7JK7L!MN7OPQRST*=U.V*W9XN6ZY*?._QW9abc9def9?ghi?*=.j5k*l.mTn.o9?p.q6 Aim higher: We aim to be acknowledged leaders in our industry, so we have built a team

7、 of talented people who have a real will to win. We strive for success and value individuals who are always looking for a better way to do things. rGsEt?urGsEt?urGsEt?urGsEt?u?vvvvwM3xJZ4KELR!yz|7Z7!9*6MNx*?_!96 系统经营优势系统经营优势系统经营优势系统经营优势 $?;?|?-?E0rv?26?42GGABCD?v?924$?$EF)Z*?:9=?E?F?|?v ?HOTEL DISTR

8、IBUTION over 4,303 hotels 16W million stays a year Brand Portfolio 7 9! BRANDS LOYALTY PROGRAMME Priority Club Rewards over 4200 42 million members ; WEB PRESENCE 13 local language websites TOTAL GROSS REVENUE 2008 $19.1bn +7% 2008 System funds $1bn Annual system funds totalling RESERVATION SYSTEM 1

9、2!#7LZ call centres 15 Local language MARKET COVERAGE top $&%3( I6$&% in largest & developing in emerging markets SALES FORCE global sales team of more than 8,000 ()+* ?我们的品牌我们的品牌我们的品牌我们的品牌 ?$?;?ZG?H?:-,/.?=9G?10?243?51673?v Do You Live an InterContinental Life? 8:9;-? ACB#D!9FE+G*3*H9JI+K$&L+MN9?#H

10、xW+O#P+QRSTUL+VD6 The Place to Meet WX:YZ R#CU!9J3*HjhK$_-acb+dJefg#hi!+jk#l9!x#mWOUnpoq0|:r Relax. Its Holiday Inn st?uFv wvxzy| *?#+(M!0N7L+MNPb+d#&!i9+STUL+CUk#l+7:|6 Stay Smart : x+!9ZP#J9T+U&.6 +&F Curl Up4 +JNig9Jmk6 1p 25? 252p? 40 +N 68 N 100 #N 24 PQ 20 252 ? 199 20096+ 亚太地区的分布亚太地区的分布亚太地区的分

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12、20101 bRbRbRbRRbMbbMbbMbbMbR(RbbR(RbbR(RbbR(Rbbbbbb ? Hotels681010430204060AccorHiltonMarriottStarwoodIHG ANA 在日本创建最大的国际酒店集团在日本创建最大的国际酒店集团在日本创建最大的国际酒店集团在日本创建最大的国际酒店集团 ?H3W? 6?)?c?7s?P?G*)?8?V?45?7T?0?1V?)r80?1V4?5?0?1 !$#?IHG%z7t&(*)?+2008$?,$s3?l*)-,4?5p/.e6?01?/?$2)3?4?567?*7?8017+9:p ANA=?;*)IHG ANA?z?112X(Qs?7(4943mn?o)?ATIHGBCD?EIHG)FE?-25X?HG8623mn?oJI?K?7:?L?*)MN?O?-W ANA-InterContinentalPANA-Crowne Plaza ANA-Holiday Inn


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