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洲际酒店 工程部政策(中英)P4.pdf

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1、Policy Number : TS 01 05 InterContinental Hotels Group Effective Date : 1/06/2005 Supercedes No. : ASIA PACIFIC - POLICY Prepared By : AP D&E Approved By : ENGINEERING BENCHMARK HOTEL POLICY ? Page 1 of 4 SCOPE This policy applies to all Owned and Managed InterContinental Hotels Group properties in

2、the Asia Pacific region. ?InterContinental? ?!#$&%()?*?+?,-/.0132 OVERVIEW 4?5 InterContinental Hotels Group has developed the Benchmark Hotel Program in an effort to improve the operational quality standards of their hotel products and engineering practices, and provide continuity in their quest to

3、 develop highly qualified hotel engineers. The program will assist hotels improve their performance, through highly qualified engineers and well presented and respected hotels. Benchmark Hotel engineers will then be able to assist with the anticipated hotel growth in the Asia Pacific region. The hot

4、el engineer and hotel will be considered a benchmark within both the group and the industry. 68791:1?;?A?B?CD0E?F?1.HG?I?,-?JDKL?M?;?N?O?P?;?. QR?S&THU?VO?WXY?.;?N/ZInterContinental?&?8_8U/7B?C8a;?a=?O?Pb2 c?d?e5b?f6?g?h8X1Y.H;?ND0g8X1.0ij?kZKT_91:1.Hl?m?no2 B?C?1?;?N?p?q6!?r#1?s/.U?V?t?u?vAZw?xy?z?

5、e5b?O?P.H;?N+?/.0?|?p?1+?1?s.0,-?l?mU1?2 To achieve the status of a benchmark hotel engineer should be considered a significant achievement and will be highly regarded within the organisation and in the industry. uaBC?BC/Z81;?N.HO?P?6t?u201?,-?=3(+?a?s?_?TXkt2 It therefore goes without saying that E

6、ngineering Benchmark Hotels are hotels that typify exemplary engineering operations, practices and standards within the InterContinental Hotels Group. Furthermore, they are hotels that have all the IHG engineering standards, policies, programs and procedures in operation at very high standards and a

7、re clearly used as an effective management tool by the engineer to increase staff and guest satisfaction. ?aZ0B?C?1?;?=?a1?InterContinental?H;?D?J+?;?B?C.as32ZB?Ca?a?*?aXB?Cu?.H?*IHG;?a,?-?B?C/D8DOPb?+?DK3(;?NL?p?6*?.0,?-?;?1?ZTgaX?;?k2 Additionally the hotel will reflect the presence of these opera

8、tional programs in its quality operation and standard of upkeep. ?/Z?|aa?3aa?*af?a?S.O?Pb?T+aa?B?C3.QRM2 The hotel and the engineer will be considered a combined unit, such that if the two part company then the status of “Engineering Benchmark Hotel” will need to be reviewed. ?p?;?N?61?.H?Z?1a1as/Z?

9、p?*?/.ZBC?G?I?,?-?13:t?a2 One of these hotels has been identified and defined as a benchmark hotel in each of the sub regions of the Asia Pacific region. They are located in Australia, Singapore and China will commence with two hotels. Please contact your regional engineer for details. Policy Number

10、 : TS 01 05 InterContinental Hotels Group Effective Date : 1/06/2005 Supercedes No. : ASIA PACIFIC - POLICY Prepared By : AP D&E Approved By : ENGINEERING BENCHMARK HOTEL POLICY ? Page 2 of 4 !?/#$?/#8 a*?a6B?C?Za?B?C?a?a?!D?3Z0wp?*?B?C?2 *?ZHa1?#$.0;?N?2 TRAINING GUIDELINES FOR BENCHMARK HOTEL ENGI

11、NEERS: ? In multiple ways, experience has been shown to be a valuable contributor to ones skills, knowledge and performance. In fact when managers are asked about those events that were most critical to their development, most identify on-the-job experiences that were generally challenging and linke

12、d to their possible failure as the most influential. ?/Z0;?l?q?a1GaaDi?+?.t?u/Y/2 &(+?q?d?/ ?6.H?Zl?-?6Z8.0;?l?8SD0 x?.H?s?q?8Zw?v2 Every newly hired Maintenance Manager, Chief Engineer or Director, Engineering that joins IHG is expected to spend at least one week training at one of the designated h

13、otels in their sub region before commencing their own engineering operation. This will enable them to experience first hand, the systems and procedures working efficiently and effectively and take back to their own hotel a detailed understanding of the engineering management requirements expected by

14、 the organisation. ?.H?*IHG;?l?-D1;?N?a?#.?y?z6.08O?PZ?f?;?;?2 . .0?!?#1$%1?&.H?(?*?.H;?)?k?/?2 To initiate the program the Benchmark Hotel Engineers will be selected by the Director, Engineering Asia Pacific from each sub region in 2005. The engineer will possess a quality operation and have demons

15、trated the skills and knowledge requirements to train future benchmark hotel engineers. ,?-?Z0B?C?1?;?Np2005.&!#;?a/?8#a102?0.H;?l?DK?B?C?1?;?N?O?P/.HGau?+?i?no2 Once the new engineer and has completed the week long training course and been certified competent by the training engineer a certificate

16、attesting to the newly acquired skills shall be issued. ;?N?E?q6.b?O?PDKl?O?P?;?N?4?5ZHp76(?8U?5?4Z43&BC?;?N.HG8u?2 After a period of 12 -24 months as a trained Benchmark Hotel Engineer and if all the programs and systems have been set up in place the engineer and his hotel will be recognised as a b

17、enchmark training hotel through inspection by the Regional Engineer. The qualified Benchmark Hotel Engineer can then train and certify the competence of new engineers to the organisation and existing engineers wishing to improve their performance and operation in the IHG Asia Pacific engineering pro

18、grams. ?BC?;?N?E?q?O?P?.12924;:/%Z0?*?O?Pb&%=a/DKl#$?;?N?AB?Z0z?P?;?N+?f?C6B?C?O?P?2 _?D;EBaC/?;aN?FHGJI?5.1;8NfTO8P8;4H;?;8N3DT+LK;M8cdIHG !?G?I?O?Pb?no. ?*?G?;?N/2 Policy Number : TS 01 05 InterContinental Hotels Group Effective Date : 1/06/2005 Supercedes No. : ASIA PACIFIC - POLICY Prepared By :

19、 AP D&E Approved By : ENGINEERING BENCHMARK HOTEL POLICY ? Page 3 of 4 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS ?N?O?N?O?N?O?N?O Benchmark trained engineers will guide, mentor and assist new engineers with their operating hotels and provide limited support on an ongoing basis. The benchmark engineer will train the new

20、 engineer in all of the Engineering Performance Outcomes. See Competency Evaluation Process. l?d?B?C?1?O?P.0;?N?F?;?N.0?,?-?g?h?PaDQ?RZK?*TS?.U?%?VW?Xu.Y2H?*?B?Ca1?I1/.H;?N?Z?G?I?,-?q?.H?*u?;?N.HO?P?;?/2 ?;?av?32 Details of all training times and topics must be recorded by the training engineer and

21、submitted with a recommendation to the regional engineer. Generally one weeks documented full time on the job training will be considered sufficient time to become familiar with the Engineering Programs. The competency levels achieved at the conclusion of the training period must be agreed by the tr

22、ainee and the training engineer together. _O?P?;?/.H;?N?a?b?*?O?P?cH+b/DK1Q d ?efgg#$?;?N/2hiZ?R?.?jb?O?P?kTM?4l?mnop?*?G?I?,?-3%q2 O?P?rsl?8.?D?El?+?O?P?;?N.tJd?f/2 The Benchmark Hotel Engineer will provide training as follows: BC?1?;?Nuv/.0O?P&%q?%Tw 1. Introduce the engineer to his team, operatio

23、n and conduct a site familiarisation. Introduce the trainee engineer to department Heads at a Department Head meeting or morning briefing. p?y?z?O?P.0;?=3DK?mn?z?/2 ?=3_?f?e?|?;?e;/?=3_/2 2. Introduce the engineer to the Benchmark Hotel Program and go over the training material, performance outcomes

24、 and read through the competency evaluation process with the engineer. 6(y?z?O?P.0;?N?x?y?B?C?1?O?PbDs?O?P?I/D?q?8DK?1c?;?av?2 3. Provide a soft copy of all the Engineering Operational Standards to the trainee engineer for reference throughout the week. Make available hard copies for training. 6y?z?

25、O?P.0;?B?C/.?ZHh?O?P%=ls2 g?h?O?P. ?*?Ls2 4. In line with the Performance Outcomes the benchmark engineer will guide the trainee engineer through each program in detail and then explain how the programs are operating in their hotel. The trainee will then witness the program documentation kept on fil

26、e, particularly PMM and FPMM. BC?;?Np?Z?q?z?P?;?N:?.b&%=?OPb%2zP;aN8pL?4bLaD?a/PMM +FPMM.1?d2 5. The Benchmark Engineer will train the trainee engineer in a hands on situation for each program or system. Each program will then be operated by the new engineer until both the Benchmark engineer and the

27、 trainee engineer feel comfortable with the individual programs. Policy Number : TS 01 05 InterContinental Hotels Group Effective Date : 1/06/2005 Supercedes No. : ASIA PACIFIC - POLICY Prepared By : AP D&E Approved By : ENGINEERING BENCHMARK HOTEL POLICY ? Page 4 of 4 BC?;?Np?36z?P?;?N?*b?,?-)?k32

28、z?P?;?*bZB?C?;?N?z?P?;?N?86/2 6. The benchmark engineer will log the hours spent training on each of the programs and submit to the regional engineer for review. Each program should have at least 3 hours training time logged as a minimum. The log can be a simple spreadsheet detailing the programs wo

29、rked on and hours spent. BC?;?N?a?b?&b?;?.0O?P?cDKp?gg8#$?;?N/2H3b.O?P/cE3;a2ab?f?&?.H=?D1K?C0O?Pb?+?O?PbH?/2 7. At the conclusion of the week the Benchmark hotel engineer will conduct the competency evaluation and the two will jointly agree on the achievement level for each program. O?Pr?Z0B?C?1?;?

30、N?z?P?;?N.H;?8v1:?DK?z?P?;?N?D?E.HO?P?q?D?E?2 8. The Benchmark hotel engineer will submit his evaluation and training log to the regional engineer and will recommend that the training engineer be granted the certificate of competency if the trainee meets the competency level required. BC?;?N?p?z?P?;

31、?N.?1+?O?Pab?g?g8#$?;?NZ?z?P?;?NaO?PBu?ZHef76(?8U5?432 WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE TRAINING? ?Ts?Ts?Ts?Ts A certificate of competency shall be issued shortly after the training and should be presented by the hotels General Manager at a Department Heads meeting or similar. At the conclusion of the trainin

32、g program, the trainee engineer will go back to his hotel and implement the systems prior to his hotel opening. The benchmark hotel engineer will be available for coaching and mentoring on an ongoing basis should the training engineer need more training. The Benchmark Engineer should stay in contact

33、 with the training engineer for at least the first few months after the training. Contact and coaching will then be on an as needed basis. E?q?O?P?Zp81l?-?=3l?-?f?f?e8U5?432 O?Pbar?Z0zP?;?NpL.0aK1?a?1a,-?)?kZT+6as?C?2 z?P?;?N?a;?=/DuWO?P?P?ZB?Caa;?aN?pT?g?ha;P2 aO?P?Eq?.H?:/%Z0B?C?;?N?z?P?;?NM?8ZT+/

34、0?P2 Details of the evaluation process can be found in the competency evaluation process documents.*?Zs?.H;?av?2 ENQUIRIES CONTACT?Ls?Ls?Ls?Ls Director, Design & Engineering InterContinental Hotels Group Asia Pacific 230 Victoria Street #13-00 Bugis Junction Towers Singapore 188024 Tel: 65 - 6395 6188 Fax: 65 6395 6085


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