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洲际酒店 酒店突发事件手册(英)P94.pdf

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1、E EMME ER RG GE ENNC CY Y MMA ANNA AG GE EMME ENNT T P PL LA ANNDDE EV VE EL LOOP PMME ENNT T G GUUI IDDE EInterContinental Hotels Group?Hotel Emergencies-2-Hotel EmergenciesEmergency Response Team.3Emergency Management Plan.9Fire Emergencies .12Floods.26Hurricane/Typhoon.29Tornadoes/Windstorm.38Win

2、ter Storms.40Re-Opening After Evacuation Due to Storms.42Earthquakes.44Structural Collapse and Explosions.51Food Contamination.52Terrorism.53Bomb Threats.54Evacuation Procedures.62Arson.64Civil Disturbances, Pickets & Protests.66Strikes.68Kidnapping.72Extortion.74Nuclear Emergencies.75Biological/Che

3、mical Emergencies.76Mail Threats & Suspicious Substances .90SIX CONTINENTSSM HOTELSHotel Emergencies-3- Emergency Response TeamThe primary responsibility for protection of persons and property from injury and loss during anemergency belongs to the General Manager. Often they can best meet this respo

4、nsibility throughthe establishment of an Emergency Response Team (ERT). The ERT can then be charged withidentifying, planning for and responding to emergencies. The ERT should:Evaluate Risks and Exposures to the hotelAid in fire preventionTrain staff in emergency proceduresRequire periodic safety an

5、d security inspections of the hotelEnsure the maintenance and availability Life Safety equipmentHelp ensure the authorities are notified in a timely fashion.Provide preliminary first aid and fire fighting effortsProvide for the safe evacuation of guests and employeesProvide for the safe relocation a

6、nd transportation of guestsSecure hotel assetsEvaluate and report lossesRestore operations in a timely mannerEmergency Organization StaffingThe number of employees assigned to the ERT on a full-time or part-time basis will depend on localconditions, including the availability and response time of th

7、e emergency agencies. In smallerhotels, the ERT may consist of the General Manager and the Chief Engineer or the engineer onduty.The ERT will not be successful unless it receives management support, adequate training andequipment.Additionally, on each shift there should be employees trained in first

8、 aid and the use of fireequipment as well as instructed on what to do in case of an emergency.In some hotels, these employees may be considered part of the ERT, but in general, the employeesselected for the ERT should be selected with the idea of forming teams within departments that mayrespond to a

9、n emergency at anytime, anywhere in the hotel. It is desirable to have one team madeup of persons from engineering. The Chief Engineer or his assistant should be a member of theERT.Every person who is a member is expected to perform physical duties, i.e. fight a fire, lifting,climbing, etc. All memb

10、ers should be available for duty at all times, or in accordance with aprearranged schedule.Hotel Emergencies-4-Hotels operate 24 hours a day and the selection of ERT personnel should take into account theavailability of employees during periods of reduced staffing. It is important to select persons

11、fromall shifts in order to provide adequate coverage at all hours, and that periodic checks are conductedto be sure that the rotation of personnel or changes in assignments have not depleted the ERT onany one shift.Selecting a Emergency Organization DirectorThe General Manager should designate the E

12、RT Director. The Director should be given fullsupport from management. Responsibilities of the Director should be clearly defined andunderstood by the hotel staff.ERT Director should meet the following criteria:Technical competency in the fields of fire protection, hotel life safety and security sys

13、tems,fire fighting and emergency planning.Proficiency as a trainer.Ability to direct the activities of others.Duties of the Emergency Response Team DirectorOrganize the ERT, maintain a full roster of personnel, and provide plans of action to meetemergency situations in the hotel.Determine the number

14、 of persons to be placed on the various teams of the ERT on all shifts.Conduct regular scheduled meetings with the ERT in order to provide special informationand discuss problems with regard to the hotels loss prevention program.Attend the hotels Safety and Security Committee meetings.Arrange for ac

15、tual fire, bomb threat and evacuation drills at least two (2) times per yeardesigned to train the ERT members under varying conditionsPeriodically inspect all of the hotels life safety and security systems to assure propermaintenance and supervise the testing of these systems.Make monthly inspection

16、s of the entire hotel with the General Manager in conjunction withthe security program. Copies of the inspection report should be filed with the Secretary ofthe Safety and Security Committee.Provide cooperation to local authorities.Emergency Response Team Directors/SupervisorsAssistant ERT Directors

17、Assistant ERT Directors should be appointed by the General Manager to assist the ERT Directorand to act as director during the Directors absence. The Assistant Directors should have similarqualifications and duties as the Director. The Director and the Assistant Directors should try not tobe absent

18、from the property at the same time.Team CaptainsThe Director should appoint Captains of various teams within the ERT who will supervise theindividuals in their team. These individuals should be capable of taking charge during anemergency.Hotel Emergencies-5-Phase OneIn Phase One the ERT should be pr

19、epared to aid the victims, relocate guests and notify seniormanagement and Risk Management of the emergency.Providing AidNotify emergency response agencies, such as the police, the fire department, and medicalservices of conditions at your hotel.Locate any injured persons and provide first aid withi

20、n your ability to do so. Victimsshould not be moved unless their lives are in danger or there is a possibility of additionalinjury.Cooperate with emergency personnel as they arrive in providing any assistance they mayneed. Be prepared to respond to requests made by medical personnel, as they may nee

21、dyour assistance if there are large numbers of victims. Employees who have been trainedin CPR and first aid should be available to assist. Basic first aid materials, towels andblankets should be provided to the emergency personnel for use in helping victims.Relocating GuestsUpon the advice of profes

22、sional emergency personnel, evacuate the hotel and relocateguests to an area away from the endangered zone. Hotel staff should assist guests inmoving to this pre designated relocation center. At that time the ERT should be preparedto implement the transportation and housing plans established for suc

23、h purposes. If it isnecessary to move guests away from the hotel, make arrangements for guests to makecalls to relatives. The hotel may wish to arrange for the hotel to pay for these calls.Assign management personnel to monitor the relocation of guests away from the hotel,including the relocation of

24、 injured guests. Use the materials in the emergency responsekit (guest identification tags and roster) to keep track of each relocation. These recordsshould be turned over to the General Manager.Assign key staff employees to assist guests and employees at the relocation center.Account for all guests

25、 and employees who were present at the hotel at the time theemergency occurred. Pertinent records for employees should be obtained from the hotelspersonnel director. Guest records should be obtained from front desk personnel.To secure guests belongings and protect company assets, security may have t

26、o beincreased around the endangered zone. Contract security may be used is necessary.Initiate and coordinate procedures to secure guests personal effects. If guests have beenremoved from the hotel, the guest room doors should be double locked. Security shouldconduct frequent patrols of the hotel.It

27、may be necessary to remove belongings from guestrooms. Inventory guest belongings (use twoemployees) and store belongings in a secure location. The General Manager or his designeeshould maintain the key to this location.Hotel Emergencies-6-Phase TwoIn this phase the ERT should establish an operation

28、s center, arrange for communications,establish emergency security, shut down utilities/inspect for structural integrity, and makearrangements for communicating with the media.Hotel Operations CenterIf for safety reasons the hotel cannot be occupied, a hotel operations center should be establishedclo

29、se to the emergency area as soon as possible following the evacuation of the hotel. This willallow the ERT to continue managing and controlling the emergency while ensuring thecontinuation of the hotels business. If necessary, the center should be staffed and open 24 hoursa day. The Manager on Duty

30、should remain in the operation center to coordinate hotel operationsand communicate with local authorities and senior management.CommunicationsContact the Telephone Company and arrange for installation of multiple telephones.Obtain several two-way radios for managements use.Staff the communications

31、center with sufficient hotel personnel or temporary employeeswho are knowledgeable enough to answer guests and employees questions.If necessary, lease or purchase cellular phones. (Remember that in an emergencytelephones at the hotel may not be in service. It may be possible that pay phones will bew

32、orking while internal hotel phones will be out of service. Also, there is a possibility thatphone calls may be placed out of the area but calls may not be able to be made into theaffected area.)Continue to communicate the status of the hotel emergency to senior management.Establish necessary staffin

33、g requirements and communicate work schedules to hotelemployees.Emergency SecurityIn cooperation with local authorities, immediate steps should be undertaken to survey theproperty and provide security for guests, employees and company assets.Increase or recall all staff security personnel. Establish

34、 a schedule by which security isprovided 24 hours a day. Establish patrol patterns that will provide coordinated securityof the hotels perimeter and buildings.Hire an outside private security contractor to provide additional services as required.If necessary, erect barriers around the affected area

35、to control access to it.If the hotel has been evacuated, begin coordinated security of the hotels perimeter,buildings, and any outside material. If the building structure is damaged or will be out ofservice for an extended period, it may be necessary to erect fencing around the hotel.Establish a bad

36、ge identification system for all persons who may require access to theproperty. This system would allow security to identify employees and outside individualswho have a need to be in and around the emergency area. Hotel employees should weartheir nametags as identification.Establish a policy as to w

37、ho has the authority to enter the affected area and furnish thisinformation to security. Only those individuals should be allowed to enter the affectedHotel Emergencies-7-area. Records should be maintained by security of the name, date and time of the entryand exit of all individuals.Utilities/Struc

38、tural IntegrityIn the event of structural damage these additional items should be considered:Have the hotels engineering staff shut down the hotels utilities and HVAC system.Contact the electric company, gas company, and water department. Ask for inspectionsby their employees to confirm the integrit

39、y of the hotels systems.Contact an electrical contractor to install temporary lighting and emergency generators, ifnecessary.Conduct a visual inspection of the building structure for any damage. Later, it may benecessary for a structural engineer to conduct an in-depth inspection.Communications with

40、 the MediaRefer to Communications with the Media Section of this Loss Prevention Manual forinstructions on communicating with the media, or contact the SIX CONTINENTS HOTELSCommunications Department.Establish a location away from the emergency area where media representatives can assemble.Establish

41、a rigid timetable for dispensing information or holding news conferences.Phase ThreeIn this phase the ERT will arrange for an investigation of the emergency incident, conductmanagement reviews of the actions being taken, and conduct a review of your emergency plan toaccommodate unforeseen losses.Eme

42、rgency InvestigationPrepare a report on the emergency that includes the following information:What happened?Where did it happen?When did it happen?How many people were reported injured, deceased or missing?What is the physical condition of the property?Witnesses to the emergency should be interviewe

43、d and their information included in the report.The report should be sent to the hotels senior management as soon as possible.Hotel Emergencies-8-Once senior management has received the report, the ERT should determine what their responseto the emergency is and coordinate with them to ensure that the

44、 proper resources are mobilizedto help manage the emergency.Also, note that major hotel emergencies will usually involve agencies from all branches ofgovernment (local, state, federal). Space should be made available to accommodate agenciesinvolved with the emergency.Once the property has been relea

45、sed by the local authorities, the ERT should prepare to take overits security by:Closing the facility or isolating damaged areas.Fencing in the entire property or damaged areas.Plan for both short-term and long-term investigations of the emergency. Each investigating entityinvolved with losses to th

46、e hotel will need space in which to work as well as the followingarrangements:Meeting roomsFood serviceRestroomsSecretarial and support staff (numbers will depend on the magnitude of the incident)Communications (telephone and two-way radio)Separate accounting systems for both the emergency and insur

47、ance purposesComputers to manage data and provide word-processingBlueprints and plans of the hotels physical plantEmployee assistance (such as where they can be located and when they will be needed towork)Fax access to supplement telephone communicationManagement ReviewDuring the first 72 hours foll

48、owing the occurrence of the emergency, schedule meetings with theERT at least three times a day to ensure that all assigned duties are being carried out. After thefirst 72 hours, continue to meet at least daily or as often as circumstances require.Add or restructure job duties or functions as requir

49、ed by the current situation. Continuemeetings and critiques as long as emergency conditions exist.Plan ReviewUnexpected issues that will require your attention will emerge as additional losses to the hotelare discovered after the initial crisis. The ERT should reevaluate the emergency plan toaccommo

50、date for these issues.Hotel Emergencies-9-Emergency Management PlanNatural emergencies, although infrequent, do happen and the ERT should be prepared for them.Depending upon its location, a hotel may have to cope with earthquakes, floods, tidal waves,hurricanes/typhoons, tornadoes, windstorms, power


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