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1、期中期中检测卷检测卷时间:60 分钟满分:100 分听力(40 分)笔试(60 分)总分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一得分第一一部分听力(40 分)一 听录音,选出句子或对话中包含的单词。(10 分)()1. A. UKB. USAC. China()2. A. friendB. studentC. teacher()3. A. manB. womanC. girl()4. A. fatherB. motherC. grandfather()5. A. tallB. shortC. fat二 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10 分)()1. A. She is my friend.B. Hes

2、my teacher.()2. A. Im from the UK.B. Im from the USA.()3. A. Whos that boy?B. Whos that man?()4. A. Where are you from?B. Whos that woman?()5. A. Its short and fat.B. Its tall and thin.三 听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10 分)四 听录音,选择正确的答语。(10 分)()1. A. Im from Shandong.B. Hes from the USA.()2. A. Shes my

3、teacher.B. Hes my father.妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:190097716()3. A. Yes, she is.B. No, he isnt.()4. A. Thanks.B. Nice to meet you, too.()5. A. Wow! Its so tall.B. Wow! Its so small.第二部分笔试(60 分)五 判断下列每组单词画线部分的读音是(T)否(F)相同。(5 分)()1. A. bigB. giftC. milk()2. A. riceB. sixC. pig()3. A. redB. sheC. he

4、()4. A. catB. fatC. dad()5. A. faceB. handC. bag六 选词填空。(5 分)brotherlongbigtallmother1. She is my.2. Make your eyes.3. The elephant has anose.4. He is my.5. Look at the giraffe. It is.七 选择正确的答案。(10 分)妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:190097716()1. Hi, Lucy! Im _ the USA. What _ you?A. from;aboutB. about;f

5、romC. from;from()2. This is Mr Jones. _ is a teacher.A. SheB. HeC. We()3. The man is my _.A. sisterB. motherC. father()4. No, _. He is my teacher.A. he isB. he isntC. she is()5. It _ long legs.A. haveB. hasC. is八 为下面的句子选择相符的图片。(10 分)()1. Hi, Im from the USA. Where are you from?()2. This is Judy. She

6、s a new student.()3. The old man is Johns grandfather.()4. The monkey has a long tail.()5. Its a pig. It has a fat body.九 读一读,选出合适的答语。(10 分)()1. Where are you from?A. Nice to meet you, too.()2. Is she your mother?B. Im from Shandong.()3. Nice to meet you.C. OK.()4. Lets play a game.D. Guess.()5. Who

7、s that boy?E. Yes, she is.十 根据图片给下列内容排序。(10 分)妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:190097716()Wow! Its so tall.()Look at the bear.()It has a long nose and a short tail.(1 )Look at the elephant.()Ha! Its short and fat.()Look at the giraffe.十一 阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10 分)My name is Tim. Im a boy. Im from Australia. Im

8、6 years old. Im a newstudent. My father is a tall man. He is a teacher. He teaches English in our school.My mother is a beautiful woman. She is thin. She has big eyes and long hair. She isfrom the UK. My brother is Tom. He is 10 years old. He is short. He is a funny boy.I love my family.()1. Tim is

9、a _.A. boyB. girlC. teacher()2. Tim is _ years old.A. fiveB. sixC. ten()3. Tims father is _.A. fatB. tallC. short()4. Tims mother is _.A. tallB. shortC. thin()5. Who is Tom?A. Hes Tims father.B. Hes Tims brother.C. Hes ten years old.妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:190097716参考答案参考答案第一卷听力部分听力材料:一、1. Im A

10、my. Im from the UK.2. This is Miss White. She is a teacher.3. Whos that woman?Shes my mother.4. Is he your grandfather?Yes, he is.5. The giraffe is tall.二、1. She is my friend.2. Im from the USA.3. Whos that boy?4. Where are you from?5. Its tall and thin.三、1. Its small and thin.2. Its so big.3. She i

11、s my friend.4. Shes my mother.5.Amy is from the UK.四、1. Where are you from?2. Whos that man?3. Is she your mother?4. Nice to meet you.5. Look at the giraffe.答案:一、1.A2. C3. B4. C5.A二、1.A2. B3.A4.A5. B三、1. F2. T3. F4. T5. T四、1.A2. B3.A4. B5.A五、1. T2. F3. F4. T5. F妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:190097716

12、六、七、1.A2. B点拨:根据关键词 Mr Jones 可知选 B。3. C点拨:根据关键词 man 可知选 C。4. B5. B八、1. B2. E3. D4. C5.A九、1. B2. E3.A4. C5. D十、632145十一、1.A点拨:根据短文中的“My name is Tim. Im a boy. ”可知选 A。2. B点拨:根据短文中的“Im 6 years old. ”可知选 B。3. B点拨:根据短文中的“My father is a tall man. ”可知选 B。4. C点拨:根据短文中的“My mother is a beautiful woman. She is thin. ”可知选 C。5. B点拨:根据短文中的“My brother is Tom. ”可知选 B。妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:190097716


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