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1、1 / 7期中检测期中检测卷卷时间:60 分钟满分:100 分听力(30 分)笔试(70 分)总分题号一二三四五六七八九十得分第一部分 听力(30 分)一 听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(5 分)二 听录音,选答语。(10 分)() 1.A. Im 13 years old.B. Im 1. 60 metres.C. Im 43 kilograms.() 2.A. My feet are bigger than yours.B. My shoes are size 36.C. My shoes are bigger.() 3.A. I clean my room.B. I

2、 watched TV.C. I am reading a book.() 4.A. It is great, thank you.B. It was good, thank you.C. I went there by car.() 5.A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I did.三 听录音,选择与你所听句子句意相同的一项。(5 分)() 1.A. Im heavier than my brother.B. My brother is heavier than me.() 2.A. My PE teacher is 1. 83 metres.B. My

3、 PE teacher is 1. 81 metres.() 3.A. My feet are smaller than Sams.B. My feet are bigger than Sams.() 4.A. Last Thursday John washed his schoolbag.B. John washed his clothes last Sunday.() 5.A. Jack had a cold and went to the hospital.B. Jack had a cold and stayed at home all weekend.妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众

4、号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977162 / 7四 听录音,选择正确的答案。(10 分)() 1. Gina is _ than Amy.A. youngerB. olderC. thinner() 2. MaybeAmy is _ metres.A. 1. 58B. 1. 63C. 1. 66() 3. Gina is the _ student in her class.A. tallestB. heaviestC. oldest() 4. Gina and Amy went to the bookstore _.A. yesterday afternoon B. last nigh

5、tC. last Sunday() 5. Gina and Amy saw a film _.A. in the bookstoreB. at homeC. in the cinema第二部分笔试 (70 分)五 单项选择。(10 分)() 1.Amy is taller than me, so Im _ than her.A. shorterB. olderC. thinner() 2. Lilys schoolbag is smaller than _.A. IB. meC. mine() 3. Sarah wants to buy some _ in the bookstore.A. c

6、lothesB. fruitC. magazines() 4. Kate _ her room the day before yesterday.A. doesnt cleanB. didnt cleanC. didnt cleaned() 5. We went boating in the park _.A. nowB. next weekC. last Sunday六 根据图片或句意提示,将对话补充完整。(10 分)1. _Im 1. 56 metres.2. _My shoes are size 36.妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977163 / 7

7、3. What did you do last Sunday?_4. Did you clean your room yesterday morning?_5. How was your weekend?_七 补全对话。(10 分)Mike:Hi, Sam. 1. _Sam: I didnt go out. I stayed at home all the time.Mike: Really? But yesterday was a sunny day! 2. _Sam: I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. I was so tired.Mike:

8、 Wow! You are a helpful boy! 3. _Sam: Yes.And I read some books. How was your weekend?Mike: 4. _I played basketball and climbed mountains with my friends.Sam: You really like sports!Mike: Yes. 5. _Sam: I will do more exercise tomorrow!Mike: Haha, lets do it together!A. So Im taller and stronger than

9、 you!B. What did you do at home?C. Where did you go yesterday?D. It was great!E. Did you watch TV?八 阅读短文,按时间顺序给下列图片排序。(20 分)My name is Judy. Last Saturday was a sunny day. In the morning I stayed at home andcleaned my room. I like doing housework because it makes me feel relaxed. In the afternoon,I

10、did my homework for two hours. After that, I watched some childrens shows on TV in theliving room. In the evening, I went to Lucys house. Her parents held a birthday party for her.Lucy is my best friend. It was her 12th birthday. I am one year older than her, but she istaller than me. At the party,

11、we had delicious food and played games. We had a good time.妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977164 / 7九 阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10 分)Sam is an office worker. One day Mr White said to him, “Sam, I want you to go toLondon tomorrow and meet Mr William in his office. ”Sam went to London by train. When he got

12、 to London, he thought, “The office isnt farfrom here. I can walk there. Ill find it. ” But after some time, he was still looking for it, sohe stopped and asked an old woman. She told him, “Go straight and turn right at the Italianrestaurant. You can see it on your right, next to the post office. ”

13、Then Sam found it.After a few days, he went to the same place, but he couldnt find the office again.An oldwoman came to him. It was the same woman. She said, “It was amazing! Are you stilllooking for that office?”() 1. Sam went to London by subway to meet Mr William.() 2. Sam went to Mr Williams off

14、ice on foot.() 3. Mr Williams office is next to the Italian restaurant.() 4. The first time an old woman helped Sam find Mr Williams office.() 5. The second time the old woman thought Sam was still looking for the office.十 书面表达。(10 分)假如你是 Jim,你的笔友 Jack 想了解你昨天(周六)的活动。请你根据下图给 Jack写一封信,介绍你的周六生活。要求: 信件应

15、包括图中的全部信息(可适当发挥), 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 不少于 50 词(信的开头和结尾已给出)。in the morningin the afternoonin the evening妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977165 / 7Dear Jack,How are you? Let me tell you about my activities on Saturday._How about your weekend? Please write to me and tell me about it.Yours,Jim妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号

16、 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977166 / 7期中测试期中测试卷卷听力材料:一、1.Amy is shorter than Judy.2. Tony is taller than Jack.3. My mum cleaned the room this morning.4. John saw a film at the cinema last night.5. Lucy read a book on the sofa yesterday.二、1.How heavy are you?2. What size are your shoes?3. What did you do yesterd

17、ay?4. How was your weekend?5. Did you drink tea with your uncle?三、1.My brother is 56 kilograms. Im 52 kilograms.2. My PE teacher is 1.83 metres.3. Sams feet are bigger than mine.4. John washed his clothes last Sunday.5. Jack had a cold and stayed at home all weekend.四、Amy and Gina are good friends.

18、Amy is 15 years old. She is older and taller thanGina. Gina is 1.63 metres, and she is the tallest student in her class. They like readingbooks together. Last Sunday, they went to the bookstore. They read a book about robots.They wanted to know more about robots, so yesterday afternoon they saw a fi

19、lm aboutrobots at home. It was interesting and they enjoyed it.答案:一、1.T2.F3.T4.F5.T二、1.C2.B3.B4.B5.C三、1.B2.A3.A4.B5.B四、1.A2.C3.A4.C5.B五、1.A点拨:根据题意“埃米比我高,所以我比她矮。 ” ,故选 A。2. C点拨:比较级前后对比项需为同一范畴,前者是名词所有格,后者需用与其妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977167 / 7对应的名词性物主代词,故选 C。3. C4. B点拨:根据时间状语 the day before ye

20、sterday 可知,该句时态为一般过去时,否定句中 didnt 后的动词需用原形,故选 B。5. C六、1.How tall are you?2. What size are your shoes?3. I stayed at home and watched TV with my father.4. No, I didnt. I read a book.5. It was good, thanks.七、1.C2.B3.E4.D5.A八、2413九、1.F2.T3.F4.T5.T十、范文:Dear Jack,How are you? Let me tell you about my acti

21、vities on Saturday.Yesterday was sunny. In the morning I cleaned my room and I was tired. Then I listenedto music in my bedroom. In the afternoon, I did my homework in the study.After dinner Iwatched TV for an hour. Then I read an interesting book and I liked it very much.Yesterday was a happy day. How about your weekend? Please write to me and tell meabout it.Yours,Jim妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:190097716


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