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1、1 / 7期中检测卷期中检测卷时间: 60 分钟满分: 100 分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分得分听力部分 (30 分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5 分)()1.A. whichB. whenC. why()2.A. SeptemberB. DecemberC. October()3.A. dancingB. shoppingC. swimming()4.A. pinkB. pickC. play()5.A. afterB. cleanC. contest二、听录音,根据所听内容连线。(10 分)1. Zhang Peng2. Oliver3. John4.Amy5. Lucy

2、A.B.C.D.E.a. springb. summerc. winterd. falle. autumn三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(5 分)()1.A. I often go swimming on Sundays.B. I sometimes go shopping on Saturdays.C. I often go for a walk on Saturdays.()2.A. At 7: 00 p. m.B. At 8: 30 a. m.C. In March.()3.A. She likes summer best.B. I like July best.C. I like spr

3、ing best.妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977162 / 7()4.A. Its in April.B. Its in October.C. Its in September.()5.A. I will sing a song.B. Im listening to music.C. I often play the pipa.四、听录音,填空完成短文。(10 分)I like 1._holiday very much. Its in January and 2._. Inwinter holiday, I can 3._ in the afterno

4、on, but I still have to dohomework. Sometimes I 4._ with my friends outside. I alsoenjoy theSpring Festival. I can visit my friends and we5._ together. I am happyevery day.笔试部分 (70 分)五、看图完成下列句子。(10 分)1. My fathers birthday is in _.2. Every weekend I _ _ _.3. Whats the weather like _ _?4. My mother l

5、ikes to _ _ with her friends.5. In autumn I will help the farmers _ _.六、单项选择。(10 分)妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977163 / 7()1.In China, spring is from _to_.A. October; DecemberB. April; JuneC. March; May()2.Do you want to _ with Lucy?A. go swimingB. go swimC. go swimming()3._ the singing contest

6、 in July, too?A.AreB. DoC. Is()4._ do you like June?Because Childrens Day is in June.A. WhichB. WhyC. When()5.Classes _ at 9 oclock.A. startB. workC. finishes()6.There _ lots of leaves in autumn. The leaves fall from the trees.A. isB. areC. am()7.Theyll _ to the mountain for a trip.A. goB. to goC. g

7、oing()8.Summer is her favourite _.A. monthB. dayC. season()9.You can go _ a picnic on Sundays.A. onB. byC. after()10.On this day, we eat mooncakes and watch the beautiful moon.Its _.A.American Thanksgiving DayB. MidAutumn DayC. May Day七、给下列问句选择正确的答语。(10 分)()1.When is your mothers birthday?()2.When d

8、o you finish class?()3.How many seasons are there in a year?()4.Which month do you like best?B.At 6: 00 p. m.C. Her birthday is in May.D. I will go to the Great Wall.E. I likeApril best.妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977164 / 7()5.What will you do next week?A. There are four.八、按要求完成句子。(10 分)1. I u

9、sually do my homework on Sundays. (对画线部分提问)_ do _ usually do on Sundays?2. I will take a dancing class. (用 often 改写句子)I_ _ a dancing class.3. We like to play music. (改为一般疑问句)_you _ to play music?4. When is Tree Planting Day? (根据实际情况回答)_5. at, do, home, usually, you, what, do (? ) (连词成句)_九、根据短文内容完成表格

10、。(12 分)Hello, Im Sarah. There is a family photo on the wall. The beautiful woman ismy mother. She is a doctor. Her birthday is in April. She likes to go shopping verymuch. She likes spring best. The tall man is my father. He is an English teacher. Helikes autumn best. His birthday is in October. He

11、likes to climb mountains. The littlegirl is me. My birthday is in December. I like winter best, because I can make asnowman with my parents in winter, and I can get “red packets” at Spring Festival. Ilike to listen to music.WhoBirthdaySeasons they likeThings they like to doSarah1._2._listen to music

12、MotherApril3._4._Father5._autumn6._十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10 分)Mr White and Mrs White live in a small house with their cat. Mr White likesfish very much. He often buys some fish and takes them home for dinner. But MrsWhite often asks her friends to have lunch and eat the fish. And she does not tell Mr妞妞

13、爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977165 / 7White. One day Mr White comes back home in the evening. And he cant find his fishagain(再一次). Mrs White says their cat eats the fish. Mr White is very angry(生气的). He takes his wife and the cat to the shop and weighs(称重量) the cat. He says toher, “You see, my fi

14、sh is one kilo(千克), and the cat is one kilo, too. My fish is here.Then where is my cat? ”()1.Mr White likes eating the cats fish.()2.Mrs White often eats the fish with her friends.()3.One day, Mrs White is angry with Mr White.()4.After having the fish, the cat is still(仍然) one kilo.()5.Mrs White oft

15、en buys and cooks fish for her family.十一、写作。(8 分)假如你是 Sam,请根据下面的图片提示,介绍一下自己的一天。要求: 1.以 “My day”为题。2. 语句通顺,句意连贯,不少于 5 句话。3. 必须包含图片所做的事情,可适当发挥。_妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977166 / 7期中检测卷期中检测卷听力材料:一、1.Why are you shopping today?2. My brothers birthday is in December.3. There will be a dancing con

16、test on Friday.4. I will play the pipa on the weekend.5. My mother asks me to clean my room.二、1.Zhang Pengs birthday is in fall. He usually has a birthday party.2. Oliver likes to eat ice cream. So he likes summer best.3. John will make a snowman with his sister in winter.4.Amy likes to pick apples

17、in autumn with her aunt.5. Lucy wants to go on a picnic with her friends. Her favourite season is spring.三、1.What do you often do on Saturdays?2. When do you eat breakfast?3. Which season do you like best?4. When is Chinas National Day?5. What will you do on Childrens Day?四、I like winter holiday ver

18、y much. Its in January and February. In winterholiday, I can watch TV in the afternoon, but I still have to do homework.Sometimes I play sports with my friends outside. I also enjoy the Spring Festival.I can visit my friends and we have dinner together. I am happy every day.答案:一、1.C2.B3.A4.C5.B二、1Cd

19、2Ab3Bc4Ee5Da三、1.C2.B3.C4.B5.A四、1.winter2.February3.watch TV4.play sports5. have dinner五、1.November2.clean my room3.in winter4.go shopping5. pick apples六、1.C妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:1900977167 / 72. C点拨: go swimming 去游泳,是固定搭配。3. C4. B点拨: 由答语可知提问原因,所以用疑问词 Why。5.A6. B点拨:leaves 是树叶 leaf 的复数形式,所以 the

20、re be 结构中的 be 要用are。7.A点拨: Theyll 是 They will 的缩写,will 后面用动词原形。8. C9.A点拨: go on a picnic 去野餐,是固定搭配。10. B点拨: 句意为“在这一天,我们吃月饼,赏美月,这是_”。所以选择 B 中秋节, A 选项是美国感恩节,C 选项是五一劳动节。七、1.C2.B3.A4.E5.D八、1.What; you2.often take3.Do; like4. Its in March.5. What do you usually do at home?九、1.December2.winter3.spring4.go

21、 shopping5. October6.climb mountains十、1.F2.T3.F4.F5.F十一、范文:My dayHello, Im Sam. I have a happy day. I have an English class in the morning.After class I wash my clothes. In the afternoon, I play sports in the park. Its goodfor me. I watch TV after dinner in the evening.妞妞爱学习更多免费网课请关注公众号 :妞妞爱学习 或微信:190097716


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