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1、2015 年 12 月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解12015 年 12 月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解Part Writing结构框图:一、第 1 段描述图片,并指出图片寓意社交网站对我们的日常阅读产生了重要影响。二、第 2 段从正反两方面论述社交网站对阅读的影响。三、第 3 段总结全文意见不统一不足为奇,提出个人观点并给出原因。The Impact of Social Networking Websites on ReadingAs we can see from the picture,a pair of lovers is discussing about reading

2、. To our amusement, the boy sayshis favorite book is Facebook. While the picture is seemingly humorous and ridiculous, it is thought-provoking onsecond thought, intending to inform us that the social networks have exerted an important impact on o ur dailyreading. Opinions vary when it comes to the i

3、mpact of social networking websites on reading. Some-people insistthat social networking websites provide large collections of information at great speed and stimulate our readinginterest. On the other hand, some people claim that it is a common phenomenon that youngsters spend too muchtime reading

4、on social networking websites, and it is these websites that make teenagers have less opportunities ortime to read traditional books.There is a saying goes like this,“Every coin has two sides”. So there is no surprise that there are differentopinions on the impact of social networking websites on re

5、ading. However, I, as a college student, am convincedthat it is necessary for us to read on social networking websites, but it is also of greater necessity for us to readtraditional books, because social networking websites are just tools and a heavy dependence on them will bringmore harm than good.

6、PartListening Comprehension1.听力原文:W: Wow, what a variety of salads youve got on your menu! Could you recommend somethingspecial?M: Well, I think you can try this mixed salad. We make the dressing with fresh berries.Q: What does the man mean?【精析】C)。语义理解题。女士发现这家饭店的沙拉多种多样,于是请男士给她推荐点特别的,男士向她推荐了混拌沙拉,因为这道

7、菜的调料是用浆果制作而成。由此可知,是特殊的调料使得这款沙拉很吸引人。2.听力原文: W :I was talking to Mary the other day and she mentioned that your new consulting firm is doingreally well.M: Yes. Business picked up much faster than we anticipated. We now have over 200 clients.Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?【精析】B

8、)。语义理解题。女士说她前几天碰到了 Mary,从 Mary 那里听说男士的新咨询公司现在很是成功;男士表示的确如此,他的生意发展得比他们预想得都好,现在已经有超过两百名客户了。由此可知,目前男士的生意相当成功。3.听力原文:M: Do you know where we keep flash discs and printing paper?W: They should be in the cabinet if there are any. Thats where we keep all of our office supplies.Q: What does the woman mean?【

9、精析】C)。弦外之音题。对话中男士问女士是否知道 U 盘和打印纸放在哪儿了,女士说如果还有的话,应该都放在柜子里了,因为他们所有的办公用品都放在那里。由此可知,女士的意思是男士应该能在柜子里找到他所需要的办公用品。4.听力原文:W: The print in this dictionary is so small. I cant read the explanations at all.M: Let me get my magnifying glass. I know I just cant do without it.Q: What does the man mean?2015 年 12 月

10、大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解2【精析】A)。事实细节题。对话中女士对男士说词典里的字太小了,她根本就看不清那些释义;男士说他要去拿放大镜,没有放大镜,他也没法看东西。由此可知,男士得用放大镜才能看清东西。5.听力原文:W: Im considering having my office redecorated.The furniture is old and the paint is chipping.M: Ill give you my sister-in-laws number. She just graduated from an interior design academy

11、and will give afree estimate.Q: What is the woman considering?【精析】 A)。事实细节题。女士对男士说她正考虑重新装修办公室,家具旧了,墙上的漆都开始剥落了;男士说他可以把弟妹的电话给女士,因为他弟妹毕业于室内装修学院,可以给女士免费进行评估。由此可知,女士正在考虑的事情是重新装修办公室。6.听力原文:W: We have a full load of goods that needs to be delivered. But we cant get a container shipanywhere.M: Thats always

12、been a problem in this port. The facilities here are never able to meet our needs.Q: What are the speakers talking about?【精析】D)。综合理解题 。对话中女士对男士说他们有一大批货物需要运走 ,但怎么也找不到集装箱船只;男士表示在这个港口,此类问题一直存在,港口的设施根本满足不了他们的需求。由此可知,两人讨论的是港口缺乏集装箱船只的问题。7.听力原文:W: Why didnt Rod get a pay raise?M: The boss just isnt convinc

13、ed that his work attitude warranted it. She said she saw him by the coffee machinemore often than at his desk.Q: What are the speakers talking about?【精析】B)。推理判断题。对话中女士奇怪为什么 Rod 没有涨工资,男士说那是因为老板觉的他的工作态度有问题 ,老板说她在咖啡机边看到 Rod 的时间比她看到 Rod 在办公桌前办公的时间还要多。由此可知,对话中的两人正在讨论他们的同事 Rod。8.听力原文:W: The hotel called,

14、saying that because of a scheduling error, they wont be able to cater for ourbanquet.M: I know an Indian restaurant on the High Street that offers a special dinner for groups. The food is excellentand the room is large enough to accommodate us.Q: What does the man suggest they do?【精析】C)。请求建议题。对话中女士对

15、男士说酒店打来电话,说由于日程安排出了问题,他们不能承接宴会了;男士马上说他知道在 High Street 有一家印度餐馆, 可以为团体客户提供特殊待遇, 那里的食物很棒,房间也足够大。由此可知,男士的言外之意是说他们可以把宴会的地点改在他所推荐的印度餐馆。9-12.听力原文:M: Hello, Jane.W: Hello, Paul.M: Please come in. Im just getting ready to go home. (9)Susan is expecting me for dinner. I wanted to be on timefor a change.W: (10

16、)Look, Im terribly sorry to drop in at this time on Friday? Paul, but it is rather important.M: Thats OK. Whats the problem?W: Well, Paul, I wont keep you long. You see there is a problem with the exchange rates. The Indian Rupee hastaken a fall on the foreign exchange market. (11) You see there has

17、 been a sharp increase in Indians balance ofpayment deficit.M: I see. Thats serious,isnt it.W: Well, as you know, there have been reports of unrest India, and the prospects for the Rupee look prettygloomy.M: And thats going to affect us, as if we didnt have enough problems on our hands.W: So I thoug

18、ht it would be wise to take out forward exchange cover to protect our position on the outstanding2015 年 12 月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解3contracts.M: Just a minute. Forward exchange cover? Now what does that mean exactly?W: Well, it-means that JO Motors enters into a commitment to sell Indian Rupees at the pr

19、esent rate.M: I see. And how will that benefit us?W: Well,JO Motors wont lose out if the Indian Rupee falls further.M: What will it cost, Jane?W: A small percentage, about 1% and that can be built into the price of the bike.M: Well, I dont suppose there is much choice. All right, Jane, lets put it i

20、nto action.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. What do we learn about the mans daily life?10. Why did the woman come to see the man?11. What makes the woman worry about the Indian Rupee?答案详解:9. B)。细节推断题。对话中男士与女士见面时,男士告诉女士,他正要回家,Susan 正在家里等他回去吃晚餐。for a change 这一表达方式

21、所表本的意思是“变换一下”,既然男士今天要按时回家与家人一起共进晚餐,也就可以推测出他大多数时候是不按时回家吃晚餐的。10. D)。目的原因题。对话中女士说她很抱歉在周五的这个时间来找男士,但她的事情非常重要,对话中并没有提到“紧急”,因此排除 C),同时可以确认女士来找男士的目的就是要告诉男士一件重要的事情。11. D)。事实细节题。对话中女士提到,印度卢比的汇率在外汇市场出现下滑,因此印度的收支逆差急剧增加。Conversation Two12-15 听力原文W: Charles, among other things, you are regarded as one of the Ame

22、ricas great masters of the Bluesa musicalidiom does essentially about loss, particularly the loss of romantic love. Why does love die?M: (12)People often get into love affairs because they have unrealistic expectations about somebody. Then whenthe person doesnt turn out to be who they thought he or

23、she was, they start thinking “maybe I can change him orher.” That kind of thinking is a mistake. Because when the dust settles, people are going to be pretty much whatthey are. Its a rare thing for anybody to be able to change who they really are. And this creates a lot of problems.W: At 62, you con

24、tinue to spend a large percentage of your life touring. What appeals to you about life on theroad?M: (13)Music. I dont especially love life on the road, but I figure if you are lucky enough to be able to do whatyou truly love doing?Youve got the ultimate in life.W: Whats the most widely-held misconc

25、eption about the life of a famous musician?M: (14)People think its all glamour. Actually we have the same trouble as they do. Playing music doesnt meanlife treats you any better.W: How do you feel about being recognized everywhere you go?M: Youd think Id be used to it by now. (15)But I still find it

26、 fascinating. You go to a little town in Japan, wherenobody speaks English, yet they know you on site and know all your music. Im still amazed by the love peopleexpress for me and by music.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. What does the man say about most peopl

27、e when they get into love affairs?13.What does the man say about himself as a singer on the road most of his life?14. What do most people think of the life of a famous musician?15. How does the man feel whenever he is recognized by his fans?12、A)。事实细节题。对话中女士问男士为什么情不能永葆活力,男士说人们陷人恋爱关系时,往往都对2015 年 12 月

28、大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解4他人抱着一种不切实际的期待,如果对方与自己想象的不一样,则希望对方能够为自己而改变,可实际上,人们很难真正改变。13、D)。推理判断题。对话中女士问男士,他已经 62 岁了,还经常到处走动,是什么吸引着他一直行走在路上,男士毫不犹豫地说是音乐促使他前行,他认为如果一个人有幸能去做他自己真正喜爱的事情,他就触碰到了生活的极致。由此可见,男士所做的正是他自己喜欢做的事情。14、 C)。细节辨认题。对话中女士问男士人们最容易对知名音乐家所产生的错误概念是什么,男士明确地说,人们认为知名音乐家的生活只有光辉,这是不对的,生活对他们并不比对待普通人更加仁慈。15、B

29、)。观点态度题。对话中女士问男士走到哪儿都会被人认出来的感觉如何,男士说,按说他应该已经习惯了这种感觉,但事实是,他依然感觉十分惊异,他举了一个例子,他曾经到过一个日本小镇,那里的人根本不会英语,但却一下子就认出他来,还通过音乐与他交流。fascinating 和 amazed 的意思相似,都表示“惊异的,惊喜的”。Section BPassage One16-18 听力原文Changing technology and markets have stimulated the team approach to management. Inflation, resource scarcity,r

30、educed personnel levels and budget cuts have all underscore the need for better coordination in organizations.Team management provides for this coordination. Team management calls for new skills if personnel potential isto be fully realized. (16) Although a team may be composed of knowledgeable peop

31、le, they must learn new waysof relating and working together to solve cross-functional problems. When teams consist of experiencedemployees from hierarchical organizations who have been conditioned to traditional organizational culture,cooperation may not occur naturally. It may need to be created.

32、(17)Furthermore, the issue is not just how the teamcan function more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization or society that it supposedlyserves. A group of individuals is not automatically a team. Therefore, team building may be necessary in order toimprove the groups perfo

33、rmance. Casey, an expert in this field, suggests that the cooperation process within teamsmust be organized, promoted and managed. He believes that team corporation results when members go beyondtheir individual capabilities, beyond what each is used to being and doing. Together, the team may then p

34、roducesomething new, unique and superior to that of any one member. For this to happen, he suggests the multi-culturalmanagers exhibit understanding of their own and others cultural influences and limitations. They should alsocultivate such skills as toleration of ambiguity, persistence and patience

35、, as well as assertedness. (18)If a teammanager exemplifies such qualities, then the team as a whole would be better able to realize their potential andachieve their objectives.Questions 16 to 18are based on the passage you have just heard.16. What should team members do to fully realize their poten

36、tial?17. What needs to be considered for effective team management?18. What conclusion can we draw from what Casey says?答案详解:16、B)。事实细节题。短文中说,虽然团队当中可能有些人的确非常博学,但他们也应该学会与团队中的其他人员共同协作,形成良好的合作关系并能一起解决冋题。17、A)。细节辨认题。短文中提到,问题不仅仅在于应该怎样让团队更高效地工作,还应该让团队与它所服务的公司或社会融合在一起。18、D)。推理判断题。短文中提到按照 Casey 的看法,如果团队经理能够

37、展示出他所提到的各种素质,整个团队就能够更好地发挥潜力,实现目标。也就是说,团队经理应该具有某些特定的素质。Passage Two19-21 听力原文2015 年 12 月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解5In early 1994, when Mark Andreessen was just 23 years old, he arrived in Silicon Valley with an idea that wouldchange the world. (19) As a student at the University of Illinois, he and his friend

38、s had developed a program calledMosaic, which allowed people to share informationon on the World Wide Web. Before Mosaic, the Web had beenused mainly by scientists and other technical people, who were happy just to send and receive text. But withMosaic, Andreessen and his friends had developed a pro

39、gram which could send images over the Web as well.Mosaic was an overnight,success. It was put on the universitys network at the beginning of 1993. And by the endof the year, it had over a million users. Soon after, Andreessen went to seek his fortune in Silicon Valley. (20)Oncehe got there, he start

40、ed to have meetings with a man called Jim Clark, who was one of the Valleys most famousentrepreneurs. In 1994, nobody was making any real money from the Internet which was still very slow and hardto use. But Andreessen had seen an opportunity that would make him and Clark rich within two years. Hesu

41、ggested they should create a new computer program that would do the same job as Mosaic but would be mucheasier to use. Clark listened carefully to Andreessen, whose ideas and enthusiasm impressed him greatly. (21)Eventually, Clark agreed to invest three million dollars of his own money in the projec

42、t; and to raise an extra 15million from venture capitalists who were always keen to listen to Clarks new ideas.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. What do we learn about Mosaic?20. What did Andreessen do upon arriving in Silicon Valley?21. Why were venture capitalists

43、 willing to join in Clarks investment?答案详解:19、D)。事实细节题。短文一开始就提到,Mark 和他的朋友开发了 Mosaic,它可以允许人们通过网络在全世界范围内共享信息。20、B)。事实细节题。短文中说 Andreesen到硅谷,就与硅谷的著名企业家 Jim Clark 进行了会面。21、A)。目的原因题。短文最后一部分说,Clark 不仅自己投了资,还为 Andreessen 找了风险投资家,他们之所以愿意为 Andreessen 投资,主要是 因为他们热衷于 Clark 的新想法。PassageThree22-25 听力原文Advertisin

44、g informs consumers about the existence and benefits of products and services and attempts to persuadethem to buy them. (22) The best form of advertising is probably word-of-mouth advertising which occurs whenpeople tell their friends about the benefits of products or services that they have purchas

45、ed. Yet virtually noproviders of goods or services rely on this alone, but use paid advertising instead. (23)Indeed many organizationsalso use institutional or prestige advertising which is designed to build up their reputation rather than to sellparticular products. (24) Although large companies co

46、uld easily set up their own advertising departments, writetheir own advertisements and buy media space themselves, they tend to use the services of large advertisingagencies. These are likely to have more resources and more knowledge about all aspects of advertising andadvertising media than a singl

47、e company. It is also easier for a dissatisfied company to give its account to anotheragency than it would be to fire its own advertising staff. The client company generally gives the advertising agencyan agreed budget, a statement of the objectives of the advertising campaign, known as a brief and

48、an overalladvertising strategy concerning the message to be communicated to the target customers. The agency createsadvertisements and develops a media plan, specifying which media will be used and in which proportions. (25)Agencies often produce alternative ads or commercials that are pre-tested in

49、 newspapers, television stations, etc. ,in different parts of the country before a final choice is. made prior to a national campaign.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. What is probably the best form of advertising according to the speaker?23. What does the speaker s

50、ay is the purpose of many organizations using prestige advertising?2015 年 12 月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解624. How do large companies generally handle their advertising?25. What would advertising agencies often do before a national campaign?答案详解:22、C)。细节辨认题。短文开头提到,最好的广告形式就是口口相传,也就是人们会把自己认为不错的产品或服务向朋友推荐。23、B)。


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