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1、CMYCMMYCYCMYK22天搞定剑桥商务英语-高级扉页.pdf 1 2017/7/31 16:49:55本书结合编者多年商务英语培训经验,以帮助学习者“学习词汇、记忆词汇”为编写宗旨,全面收录了剑桥商务英语中级考试所需掌握的全部商务关键词汇,其内容涉及国际贸易、国际金融、国际会计、国际运输、国际商法、保险、银行、经济、营销、物流、企业管理、商业服务等,旨在帮助广大考生顺利通过考试,加深对商务领域的了解,提高英语学习能力。本书体例新颖,编排独特。在编写过程中,打破了传统的字典式词条编排法,以“Day”为单元编排词条。 全书将词汇划分为22天, 即刚好一个月的备考时间, 帮助考生合理地安排学习

2、方案 ;为使考生能够“快、准、牢”地掌握词汇,每个词条后均附有国际音标、词性、释义、商务应用及商务搭配, 其中商务应用和商务搭配均来源于商务实景, 能切实有效地帮助考生在商务场合应用。同时,本书对高级词汇进行了分类整理,将单词分为核心词汇、基础词汇和偏难词汇,考生在熟记核心词汇之后,可以夯实基础词汇,并对偏难词汇有所了解。本书适用对象广泛,是一本非常实用的英语学习和备考用书。图书在版编目(CIP)数据22 天搞定剑桥商务英语.高级词汇 / 朱航荻主编.北京:机械工业出版社,2017.5(多样式攻克)ISBN 978-7-111-56877-3. 2 .朱 .商务英语词汇-自学参考资料 .F7中

3、国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2017)第 108548 号机械工业出版社(北京市百万庄大街 22 号 邮政编码 100037)策划编辑:唐绮峰版式设计:悠米兹 责任编辑:唐绮峰 责任印制:李 昂三河市国英印务有限公司印刷2017 年 8 月第 1 版第 1 次印刷184mm260mm19.25 印张544 千字标准书号:ISBN 978-7-111-56877-3ISBN 978-7-89386-137-6定价:49.80 元凡购本书,如有缺页、倒页、脱页,由本社发行部调换电话服务网络服务服务咨询热线:010-88361066 机 工 官 网:读者购书热线:010-68326294 机 工

4、 官 博: 书 网:www.golden-封面无防伪标均为盗版 教育服务网: 前 言 剑桥商务英语考试并没有给出官方的词汇大纲,也没有对各级别的单词进行明确的界定,这使得剑桥商务英语考试的考生在词汇记忆的时候无从下手。由于对商务英语专业知识的欠缺,对商务语境也不熟悉,很多考生明知词汇的一般释义,却不知其商务释义,平时也没有注重商务常识方面的学习,结果在考试中丈二和尚摸不着头脑,不知该如何解答。其次,诸多考生在对剑桥商务英语考试进行复习时,由于只能抽时间复习,对词汇的重复记忆有限,只能记住词汇的大致释义。再有就是,市面上充斥着诸多剑桥商务英语考试词汇书,都是将一般释义和商务释义混淆在一起,加大了

5、剑桥商务英语考试考生对词汇记忆的难度。为了解决上述考生遇到的问题,我们编写了本书,旨在:(1)将词汇分为核心、基础和偏难 3 个层次,有效地降低词汇记忆的难度;(2)将词汇纳入 22 天的学习方案中,帮助考生快速记词;(3)给出专业的商务释义、商务应用例句和翻译以及商务搭配,帮助考生拓展商务知识。本书具有以下特色:1.学习者参与编写策划我们在本书的策划阶段, 特别邀请了商务英语学习者参与, 并在充分听取他们对词汇学习需求的基础上,推出了本书的基本构架。如为解决学习者熟悉字母 A 的词条,而徘徊于字母 C、P、R、S、T 等停滞不前的状况,我们打破了传统的字典式词条编排法,以 Day 为单元编排

6、词条。在编写过程中,我们又请学习者对书稿的内容进行试读,以最大限度地体现本书以“学习者学习、记忆词汇”为出发点的编写宗旨。2.内容权威本书所有的英语单词、商务应用及翻译、商务搭配等全部来源于对历年考试真题的分析,并结合商务语境及多部词典中的商务用法汇编而成,这些词汇都在商务语境中频繁用到。3.词汇全覆盖本书内容涵盖了商务环境下所涉及的各个环节的单词, 涉及国际贸易、 国际金融、 国际会计、 国际运输、国际商法、保险、银行、经济、营销、物流、企业管理、商业服务等,还涉及商务工作中的日常事务性词汇,如安排组织会议、招聘、求职面试、讨论公司架构、经营策略、接待外宾、商务旅行等。4.词条恰当分类整理我

7、们以多年的剑桥商务英语考试为依据,对商务英语词汇的出现频率进行了统计和推敲,并整理分为3 类,即核心词汇、基础词汇和偏难词汇。这种编排突出了学习、记忆的重点,使学习者从使用频率最高的词汇着手,直到领会式掌握词汇的学习。考生可以在掌握核心词汇记忆的同时,夯实基础词汇的应用,并对偏难词汇进行大致的了解。5.精炼商务词义,商务应用及商务搭配助考商务常识及商务语境下的词汇应用一直是剑桥商务英语考试的核心点,也是考生在词汇记忆时的一个难点。对于这一点,本书在编写之初就简化了考生日常熟知的释义,而是偏重商务释义,力求有效地减轻剑桥商务英语考试考生的记词负担。除商务词义外,单词在商务环境中的用法也是剑桥商务


9、用。由于时间有限,书中不足之处在所难免,望广大考生及专家批评指正。朱航荻2017 年 4 月 目 录 前言DAY 01 . 001DAY 02 . 013DAY 03 . 025DAY 04 . 038DAY 05 . 050DAY 06 . 063DAY 07 . 076DAY 08 . 090DAY 09 . 103DAY 10 .117DAY 11 . 131DAY 12 . 145DAY 13 . 158DAY 14 . 171DAY 15 . 184DAY 16 . 197DAY 17 . 209DAY 18 . 221DAY 19 . 234DAY 20 . 248DAY 21 .

10、 261DAY 22 . 274索引 . 287Day 01 001DAY01You have to believe in yourself. Thats the secret of success.人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。Chaplin核心词汇 15 商务应用及翻译150/1107商务搭配abandon.bndnvt. 放弃,抛弃;委 付;撤回(在法院的索赔要求)After careful deliberation, it was agreed to abandon the project. 经过慎重考虑,大家同意放弃这个项目。The claim was abandoned with

11、 the permission of the court. 经法庭许可,索赔要求已经撤回。abandon ones idea放弃自己的想法abandon oneself to沉湎于,陷入abeyance.bejnSn. 中止,搁置;(所有权等的)未定The decision is in abeyance until the returns from holiday. 那项决议在他度假回来之前一直搁置着。 be in abeyance 暂停,未定leave an abeyance 暂搁keep (hold) in abeyance暂不实施abnormalb.n:m()|adj. 反常的,异常的W

12、e do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. 我们认为这样的反常现象不会持续很久。abnormal phenomena异常现象abnormal behavior异常行为abolish.b|jvt. 废除, 废止 (法律、 制度、 习俗)Instead of abolishing the estate tax, why not reform it? 与其废除遗产税,为什么不对其进行改革?abortive.b:tjVadj. 无结果的;失败的We had to abandon our abortive attempts. 我们

13、的尝试没有成功,不得不放弃。prove abortive 终归失败001002003004005002核心词汇 614 商务应用及翻译150/1107商务搭配abstainb.Stejn vi. 戒掉;弃权(from)The leader asked his workers to abstain from voting. 那位领导人要求工人们放弃选举。He abstained from speaking at the meeting. 会上,他默不作声。abstain from voting放弃表决abstentionb.Sten()nn. 节制;弃权An abstention is not

14、regarded as a veto.弃权不视为否决。voluntary abstention自愿弃权abstention from voting 弃权,不投票abstract.bStrktn.(谈话、文章、报告等的)摘要 adj. 抽象的 vt. 摘要,提炼The search engine searches through 13 million abstracts from marketing journals. 搜索引擎从 1300万条营销杂志的摘要中进行搜索。The manager asks me to abstract a lengthy report. 经理要求我节略冗长的报告。i

15、nformative abstract信息摘要in the abstract 抽象地;理论上;概括地abstract thinking 抽象思维abundance.bndnSn. 丰富,充裕There is an abundance of commodity supplies on the markets. 商品供应充足。 in abundance大量的,丰富的a year of abundance 丰年accordance.k:dnSn. 一致;和谐;给予She was dismissed in accordance with the companys usual disciplinary

16、procedures. 按照公司的一般纪律程序,她被解雇了。We should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions. 我们应当根据具体情况做出决定。accordance society和谐社会accordance cost 符合成本in accordance with依照;与一致 account.kauntn. 账目;账户;赊购,赊销账 vi. (数量上、比例上)占;记账;说明Does the bank charge a fee for setting up the account? 在这家银行开立账户要收费吗? The

17、accounts show we have spent more than we received. 账目表明我们支出多于收入。 saving account储蓄账户;存款账户account information账户信息private account 个人账户accountant.kauntntn. 会计员,出纳Tomorrow is the day of reckoning; the accountant will tell me what my profits were and how much tax Ill have to pay. 明天就是算总账的日子,会计师会告诉我有多少盈利,该

18、交多少税。 chartered accountant注册会计师assistant accountant助理会计accumulate.kju:mju|ejtvt. 积累,积聚 vi. (逐渐)增长,增加We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds. 多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。 The deadline for repayment passed, and interest charges began to accumulate. 偿还款项的截止日期已过,利息费用开始增加。accumula

19、te strength积蓄力量accumulate evidence收集证据accustomed.kStmdadj. 通常的,习惯的,按照风俗习惯的v. 使习惯于He is accustomed to hard work. 他习惯于做艰苦的工作。get / become accustomed to变得习惯于accustomed averages 运输费;酬劳费 average accustomed 小额费用;照常规办理单独海损免赔额006007011008012009013010014Day 01 003核心词汇 1522 商务应用及翻译150/1107商务搭配acquire.kWajvt.

20、(指公司的) 收购;获得(合法使用某物或进行某活动的权利);取得,掌握Last year the company acquired its smaller rival for $6.9bn. 去年该公司以 69 亿美元收购了规模较小的竞争对手。We should acquire more firsthand information.我们应当取得更多的第一手资料。acquire an asset 收购资产acquire shares 收购股份acquire power 获取权利acquisition.kWj.Zjnn. 收购;被收购的公司The financial terms of the ac

21、quisition are not being disclosed. 财政的收购条款没有被披露。The company has made 20 acquisitions since 1998.自 1998 年以来,该公司已收购了 20 家公司。acquisition price 购置价格 acquisition cost 购置成本addition.djnn. 加,添加,增加物In addition to his salary, he has a bonus of 25 yuan per month. 除工资外,他每月还有二十五元钱奖金。The freighter carries a few p

22、assengers in addition to its cargo. 这艘货船除了货物之外还载有一些乘客。 port addition 港口附加费addition of assets 资产扩充in addition to 除之外;此外additional.djn|adj. 附加的,补充的We shall have to extend the payments over an additional period. 我们得把付款期再推延一段时间。As demand increases, businesses hire additional workers to increase output.

23、由于需求增加,企业雇佣更多的工人来增加生产。additional outlay 额外开支an additional tax 附加税the additional regulation补充规定address.dreS n. 地址,住址;网址 vt. 写姓名地址;演说;称呼 (某人)We require details of your name and address. 我们需要你的姓名和地址的详细信息。Our website address has changed.我们的网址已变更了。address book 地址簿permanent address永久住址actual address有效地址ho

24、me address 家庭住址addressee.dre.Sj:n. 收信人,收件人Original mail returned in the absence of the addressee. 收信人不在,原件退回。When delivering must have the addressee signature. 送交时必须有收件人签名。adjunct.d3ktn. 附件,助手adj. 附属的This course will be an important adjunct to the professional training. 这门课是职业训练的重要的辅助课。adjunct profe

25、ssor 副教授adjunct account 附加账户administerd.mjnjStvt. 管理;实施;执行The manager of the personnel department has the responsibility to administer the staff of the company.人事部经理有责任管理公司职员。They had the right to administer their own internal affairs. 他们有权料理自己的事务。administer justice执法,执行审判administer arbitration管理仲裁0

26、15018016019017020021022004核心词汇 2331 商务应用及翻译150/1107商务搭配administrationdmjnjS.trejn n. 行政管理;施行;执行;行政部门,管理当局The company built a new HQ to centralise their administration. 公司建了新总部把管理集中起来。Who is in charge of the administration of your company? 你们公司的行政工作由谁负责?administration of the fund资金管理banking administr

27、ation 银行管理economic planning administration 经济计划管理administratived.mjnjStrtjVadj. 管理的,行政的He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice. 他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值一提。administrative assistant 行政助理administrative budget 行政预算administrative cost 管理费用administrative expenditure行政开支 administratord.m

28、jnjStrejtn. 管理人,行政官,财产经理人His constant vacillation made him an unfit administrator.他经常的优柔寡断使他不适于当行政官。system administrator系统管理员associate administrator 副行政官;首席助理(部、处长的)adventured.Ventn. 商业投机,冒险And a start up is a little bit like, its a pretty extreme adventure like federal express. 初创公司的起步阶段有点像冒险,正如联邦快

29、递那样。put in adventure 使冒风险adverse.dV:Sadj. 不利的,敌对的,相反的An adverse economic forecast will stimulate action intended to falsify it. 不利的经济预报将会刺激人们做出使预报失灵的行动。adverse balance 贸易逆差adverse selection 逆向选择adverse factor 不利因素advertisementd.V:tjSmntn. 广告The product became a best-seller through costly print and t

30、elevision advertisements. 凭着昂贵的印刷及广告宣传,该产品成了畅销货。 commercial advertisement商业广告classified advertisement分类广告advertising.dVtajZjn. 广告业;广告The advertising department has overrun its budget three years in row. 广告部的开支已经连续三年超过预算。Extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article. 大规模的广告宣传能引起对

31、某一商品的反常需求。 commercial advertising商业广告advertising budget 广告预算consumer advertising消费者广告affinity.fjnjtj n. 密切关系;吸引力,亲和力A house design should have some affinity with the surrounding architecture. 房屋的设计应与周围建筑在一定程度上谐调。 affinity card公益卡,慈善信用卡affirmationf:.mejnn. 断言;证实;批准Dont take such a quick rise as affir

32、mation that you are smarter than the overall market. 不要断言你比整个市场更聪明而去追涨。affirmation letter 确认书affirmation of contract 批准合同make an affirmation 断言023026029024027030025028031Day 01 005核心词汇 3240 商务应用及翻译150/1107商务搭配ailing.ej|j adj.(指企业等)处境困难的,每况愈下的This deal would offer the best possible pick-me-up to the

33、towns ailing economy. 这笔交易对该镇每况愈下的经济是一服最好的强心剂。 The finance of our company is involved in a ailing situation. 我们公司的财务陷入了困境。ailing economy 病态经济allege.|ed3vt. 宣称,断言This Group and others allege that such patents are wrongly awarded. 该集团和其他组织宣称,授予这样的专利是错误的。allege about 谈及accusation allege 指控alliance.|ajn

34、Sn. 联盟,联合The two parties entered into a defensive alliance with each other to win the election. 这两个政党结盟以争取在选举中获胜。tariff alliance 关税联盟economical alliance 经济同盟strategic alliance 战略联盟allocate.|ukejtvt. 把(正式)划归, 把 (正式)拨给;按计划分配,配置I feel that we should allocate some money to improve the companys recreatio

35、nal facilities. 我感到我们应该分配一些钱用于改进公司的娱乐设施。 allocate resources 分配资源allocate funds 拨款allocate shares 分配股份allocation.|u.kejnn. 拨款权,拨款;分摊,分配The whole question of the allocation of resources will come up for review next week. 有关资源分配的全部问题下周将被提交审核。financial allocation 财政拨款additional budget allocation追加预算addi

36、tional allocation 增拨allocation of funds 资金分配allotment.|tmntn. 分配物,配额,分配;配股The strategic allotment and the on-line offering will adopt fixed price offering. 战略配售和网上发行将采取定价发行的方式。additional allotment 额外分配budget allotment 分配预算approved budget allotment核定预算分配数alternative:|.t:ntjVn. 二者择一,供替代的选择 adj. 二者择一的T

37、hey have no alternative but to resign collectively. 他们除了集体辞职以外是别无选择了。alternative proposals替代方案alternative energy 替代能源alternative fuel 代用燃料amass.mS vt. 积累,积聚(尤指财富)The capitalists amass great wealth by exploiting workers. 资本家剥削工人而积累了巨额财富。amassed a fortune 积累财富amend.mend vt. 修正,修订(法律、法律文件等)Please amend

38、 your L/C to allow partial shipment and transshipment. 请修改你方信用证,允许分批装运和转运。amend letters 修改信用证make amends for补偿;赔偿损失032035033036034037038039040006核心词汇 4148 商务应用及翻译150/1107商务搭配amendment.mendmntn. 修改,修正案,订正单The exporter may request an amendment. 出口商可以要求改正。Your plan needs some amendment before it can be

39、 made public. 在公布之前你的计划需做若干修改。 amendment of contract合同的修改tariff amendment运价表订正单amenity.mj:njtjn. 生活设施;便利设施The hotels amenities include a gym, a terrace and two restaurants. 旅馆设施包括一个健身室,一个露天平台和两家餐厅。general amenity一般休憩设施public amenity公共便利设施amicable.mjkb|adj. 友善的,和平的The parties may resolve the contract

40、 dispute by amicable settlement or adjustment. 当事人可以通过和解或者调节解决合同争议。We should settle a question in an amicable way.我们应该用友好的方式解决问题。amicable settlement和解;友好解决amicable action 合意诉讼amicable relations 友好关系amount.maunt n. 数量,总额 vi. 总计,等于We gave them two tons over and above the amount agreed to. 除了洽定的数量,我们还多

41、给了他们两吨。 actual amount 实际金额aggregate amount 总金额amusement.mju:Zmntn. 娱乐,消遣The clerk regarded him with benevolent amusement.这个职员好心而又饶有兴趣地看着他。amusement operations娱乐设施amusement park 游乐园analysis.n|jSjSn. 分析,验定,分析结果The analysis of a problem is the starting point for its solution. 分析问题是解决问题的基点。 We have carr

42、ied out a preliminary analysis of potential takeover targets.我们对潜在的收购目标进行了初步分析。correlation analysis相关分析financial ratio analysis财务比率分析industry analysis产业分析market analysis市场分析analyst.n|jStn. 分析员;分析师We spoke with a market analyst who advised us not to invest. 我们咨询了一位市场分析师,他建议我们不要投资。a market analyst市场分析

43、员an investment analyst投资分析员annex.nekSn. 附件,附录 vt. 并吞,附加Any annex is the integral part of this contract. 本合同的一切附件均为本合同的有效组成部分。They ask to annex a clause to a contract.他们要求在合同中附加一条款。annex listing 附件清单annex memory附加存储器041044047048042045043046Day 01 007核心词汇 4950 商务应用及翻译150/1107商务搭配announcement.naunSmntn

44、. 宣告,公告The announcement was greeted with much hilarity and mirth. 这一项宣布引起了热烈的欢呼声。 official announcement正式通知;官方消息 results announcement业绩公布anticipaten.tjSjpejtvt. 预期,占先;预支 vi. 预测We anticipated our competitors by getting our products onto the market first. 我们赶在竞争对手之前,先把产品推向市场。anticipate payment 先期付款ant

45、icipate ones income预支收入anticipate interest结息期前预计利息基础词汇 16 商务应用及翻译130/684商务搭配abate.bejtv. 减轻,减弱,减少He will abate part of the price if you ask him to. 如果你请求,他将减少一部分的价格。 Its much more paying to abate a price than to increase it. 减价要比加价合算得多。The three-year recession showed no signs of abating.为期三年的经济衰退没有丝

46、毫缓和的迹象。abate tax 减税abatement.bejtmntn. 减少,降低,贬值;撤销;废料To increase foreign trade the government is planning an abatement of tariffs. 为增加对外贸易,政府计划降低关税。 price abatement 降价noise abatement 噪声控制pollution abatement减轻污染abide.bajdvi. 持续;经受住 vt. 遵守;忍受,容忍Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to ab

47、ide by his decisions. 不管他正确与否,我们都得服从他的决定。abide by the contract遵守合同 abide by the law 遵守法律 absolveb.Z|V vt. 免除,解除 They agree to absolve us from our obligation. 他们同意免除我们的责任。absolve tax 豁免税捐absolve cleaning 免洗absolve a person from blame 赦免某人absorbb.S:bvt. 兼并,合并,吞并;承担(费用),账户之间的分摊转账;占用The company will abs

48、orb all the costs. 公司将负担一切费用。We will not absorb these charges. 我们不能承担这些费用。absorb the small companies 兼并小企业be absorbed by被吞并,为所吸收abuse.bju:Z n. 滥用;陋习;弊端vt. 滥用;辱骂What went on here was an abuse of power.这里所发生的事是一种滥用职权的行为。Ill not abuse your hospitality and your kindness. 我不会辜负你的热情招待和好意。abuse ones privil

49、ege滥用特权049050001002003004005006008基础词汇 713 商务应用及翻译130/684商务搭配acceptk.Septvt. 接受;同意, 认可;承兑 vi. 同意,承担We are in two minds whether to accept the proposal. 我们对是否接受这一建议犹豫不决。Weve received an order from him, but we are not going to accept it. 我们收到了他的一份订单,但是我们不准备接受。 accept a note 承兑票据accept order接受订货;接价盘acce

50、pt the blame承担责任acceptancek.SeptnSn. 接受, 同意, 认可;承兑,认付(票据等)Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing. 请书面确认你接受这项提议。The documents will be available on your acceptance of the bill of exchange. 票据承付后单据有效。delivery against acceptance 承兑交货documentary acceptance跟单承兑bank acceptance 银行承兑commerci


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