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1、ENGLISH义务教育教科书英语四年级下册义务教育教科书英语四年级下册(三年级起点)(三年级起点)全国价格举报电话:12315定价:5.35元中 国 河 北 教 育 出 版 社加拿大 DC加拿大国际交流中心合作编写ENGLISH义务教育教科书英语四年级下册(三年级起点)亲爱的同学们,新学期开始啦!这学期我们将学习更多的有关学校生活的内容,学习如何介绍自己、表达自己的喜好,学习数字、月份以及如何描述天气,并了解一些节日的名称。同学们,你们喜欢什么节日?你们能用英语说这些节日吗?你们肯定都喜欢交朋友,有很多的兴趣和爱好。你们想向自己的朋友做一下自我介绍吗?那就开始我们这学期的学习吧!在学习中,你们

2、要注意在词语与相应事物之间建立联想,多运用。这样,你们能说和能写的东西就会更多!这套教材每个单元中都有一篇有趣的故事,书后面还有更多呢。你们一定要认真读哟!同学们,在英语学习中,你们一定要多参与,遇到问题主动向老师或同学请教,对所学内容要主动复习和归纳。相信你们一定能出色地完成学习任务!致 同 学CONTENTSUnit 1 Hello Again! 1Unit 2 Days and Months 17Unit 3 All about Me 33Unit 4 My Favourites 49Words in Each Unit 65Vocabulary 67Reading for Fun 73

3、 1UNIT 1Lessons 16Hello Again! 2Lesson 1:How Are You?Lesson 1 How Are You?1A new teacher2341Hello! Im your new teacher! Welcome back to school!Hello! My nameis Jenny. Hello, Jenny! You can call me Mr. Wood.Hi, Mr. Wood! My name is Danny. Nice to meet you.Nice to meetyou, Mr. Wood!Nice to meet you, t

4、oo.Nice to meetyou, too. 3Draw, say and write.43Steven, these are my friends.His name is Danny. Her name is Kim.Hello, Danny! Hello, Kim!21Jenny, this is Steven. He is a new pupil.Hello, Steven! How are you?Very well,thank you.2A new friendHello! 3Lets do it!Fine, thanks.And you?This is my friend. H

5、er name is.My Friend 4Lesson 2 Is This Your Pencil?1My pencil box2Whose pencil is this?This is my new pencil box. Whats in it?32Is it Stevens pencil?No. Its not his pencil.Is it Kims pencil?No. Its not her pencil.Is this your pencil, Jenny?No, it isnt.penpencilrulercrayon 1 5 4Whose pencil is this?I

6、ts Dannys pencil!Wheres mypencil?Look and write.3Lets do it!Whose is this?Is this his pencil? Yes, it is.Whose is this?Is this _ _? _, _.Whose is this?Is this _ _? _, _.KimsLi MingsDannys 6Lesson 3 Where Are They?2Where are they?1Danny is between the desk and the chair.1My classroomThis is my classr

7、oom. What can you see?blackboarddeskchairschoolbag 723The schoolbag is _ the desk.The book is _ the pencil box.The crayons are _ the pencil box.The pencil is _ the pen and the ruler.The chair is _ the desk.The schoolbag is on the desk.The book is in the schoolbag.The crayons are under the desk.Jenny

8、 is beside Kim.Kim is beside Jenny.Look and write.3Lets do it! 8Lesson 4 How Many Books Are There?1Dannys game 123456How many books are there on my desk, Jenny?One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. There are eight books.Lets put eight books on the eight books. How many books are there on m

9、y desk now?Sixteen!Lets put twenty-nine books on the sixteen books. How many books are there?One book!Oops! 92NumbersMatch and colour.3Lets do it! 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine10 ten11 eleven12 twelve13 thirteen14 fourteen15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19

10、 nineteen 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety100 one hundredCan you say the numbers from thirty to forty?Yes! Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two. 10Lesson 5 Where Is Danny?1In front of, behind 2Where is Danny?12Where is Danny? Hes in the classroom. Hes in front

11、of Steven. Hes reading a book.Where is Jenny?Shes on the playground.Shes behind Danny. Theyre playing a game.in front ofbehindLi Ming is in front of the tree.Li Ming is behind the tree. 114Letters and sounds ea oomeatreadzooschoolbreadsweaterbooklook seathreadmoonwoodTry to read.Pair work. Look and

12、say.3Lets do it!1235674Where is Danny?He is beside the box. 12 12Lesson 6 Little ZekeStory timeZeke is a little, little boy. Emma is a girl. She is Little Zekes friend.Sometimes, Little Zeke puts an apple on the teachers desk. In the morning, Mrs. Jones finds the apple on the desk.But Little Zeke ha

13、s only one friend Emma. He hides in Emmas desk.Emma has many friends. Tom, Nan and Jane are her friends.What does Little Zeke do? He helps Emma.Where is my pencil?Here it is.Emma, is this your apple?No. Its not my apple.345 13 Little Zeke wants to help Tess. He wants her to feel happy. He writes to

14、her.A new girl, Tess, comes to Emmas class. She feels sad and afraid. She hides behind her books.Now, Little Zeke has two friends Emma and Tess.Tess finds Little Zeke in her desk. She finds him in her pencil box. She is so happy.Hello. My name is Emma. Whats your name? Hello!Hi!6789 Read and talk Wh

15、o is Little Zeke? What does Little Zeke do? 14Again, Please!1243Hi, Kim. Where is Danny?He is in the classroom.Hi, Danny. This is Steven. He is my new friend.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.Whats this? Is this your toy bus?No. Its my new pencil box.1Listen and talk.Oh, its my crayon. A crayon

16、 is under the desk. Whose crayon is that? 15234114401. Jenny is _ Danny.2. Steven is _ the bike.3. Kim is _ the tree.4. The red bike is _ the blue bike.5. The school is _ the library and the restaurant.6. The blue bike is _ the red bike.2Listen and circle.3Look and write.in front ofonbesideunderbehi

17、ndbetweenWord List2332 16There are sixteen books.Where is Kim?a. How many books are there? b. She is on the playground.c. Its Kims ruler. d. Fine, thank you.Whose ruler is this? SpeakingReadingWritingListeningAt schoolAt homeTotal starsI am.A1012B79C164Read and match.5How am I doing?This is my frien

18、d, Danny.How are you? 17UNIT 2Lessons 712Days and Months 18Lesson 7 Months of the Year2Lets sing!1Months of the yearTwelve Months1=D24Ja- nuary, Fe- bruary, March, A- pril, May, June, Ju- ly, August, Sep- tember, Oc- tober, No-vember, December. Twelve months make a year.January February March April

19、May June July August September October November December These are the twelve months of the year. Whats your favourite month? 19214Lets play!Whose birthday is in July?My birthday is in July, too.Bingo!July, April, December!My birthday is in July.Group work. Ask and answer. Then write.3Lets do it!Jan

20、.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJun.Jul.Aug.Sept.Oct.Nov.Dec.KimDannyJul.Apr.MayJuly, April, May!Jul.Oct.Sept.Jan.Apr.Feb.Mar.MayDec.Listen and write. 20Lesson 8 First, Second, Third1 1. one first 2. two second 3. three third 4. four fourth 5. five fifth 6. six sixth 7. seven seventh 8. eight eighth 9. nine ninth10

21、. ten tenth11. eleven eleventh12. twelve twelfthLi Ming is the first.The girl is the second.The boy in red shortsis the third.This is a race.NumbersLets say them together! 21Pair work. Match and say.2Lets do it!JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecembersixthfirstsecon

22、dninthfourththirdeleventhseventheighthtwelfthtenthfifthJanuary is the first month.Lets say the months of the year. 22Lesson 9 When Is It?1When is New Years Day?January the first is New Years Day.When is the Spring Festival? It is in January or February.International Workers Day is May the first.This

23、 is Childrens Day.It is June the first.Teachers Day is Septemberthe tenth.When is National Day?October the first.123456 23When is your birthday?My birthday is May 20.Pair work. Make and say.2Lets do it!When is Childrens Day?It is June 1.12 24Lesson 10 Rain and Sun1What is it?2This is the sun. The su

24、n is hot.Do you see the cloud and the rain? Look at the wind.This is snow. Snow is cold and white.143I like rain and snow. What about you? 252Lets sing!The Month Song1=E44Janu- ary, Febru- ary, one and two.I like to play in the snow with you.March, A- pril, three and four.Clouds and rain! Close the

25、door!May, June, five and six.Flow- ers bloom for us to look. Ju- ly, Au- gust, seven and eight.Heres the beach. The sun is great! Sep- tem- ber, Oc-to- ber, nine and ten.Leaves and wind, school and friends. No-vem- ber, De-cem- ber, the year is done.Lets sing a- gain from num- ber one. 26Lesson 11 H

26、ows the Weather Today?1Rainy and sunny35421It is cold and snowy.This is a sunny day. Its warm.Its cloudy.It is rainy. Its windy. Its cool.2Hows the weather today?12What day is it, Li Ming?Hows the weather today?Its warm and windy.Its Tuesday. 27434Letters and soundsHows the weather in December?Its c

27、old and snowy.Hows the weather in July?workwordirurerorfirstthirdnurseThursdayteacherdriverdirtyTry to read.furdancer worldHows the weather in Kunming?Pair work. Look and talk.3Lets do it!CityLanzhouXianChangchunBeijingIts rainy.Its hot and sunny.WeatherKunming 28Lesson 12 Mr. Moons Birthday Story t

28、ime January says, “I am the first.” February says, “The Spring Festival often comes in February.”Mr. Moon doesnt have a birthday.May says, “The flowers are beautiful in May.” June says, “Childrens Day is fun.”March says, “The weather is warm and sunny in March.” April says, “There is rain, and trees

29、 are green in April.”Which month is the best for my birthday?Me!1234I am the best month.Me! Me!No! We are the best!How about me? 29 September and October say, “Its nice and cool in September and October.”July and August say, “We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday!”Mr. Moon says, “My birthd

30、ay can be in every month! In every month, I will be big and round!”November and December say, “We are the eleventh and twelfth months. We are cold months. You can play in the snow. Its fun.”5678 Talk and act Which month do you like best? Why? Act out the story.We are the best!Wait!We are the best!Hm

31、m. I know. 30Again, Please!4321Today is my birthday. When is your birthday, Li Ming?Its nice and cool.I like October. Our National Day is in October.Hows the weather in October in China?1Listen and talk.I like October, too. I can eat some birthday cake.My birthday is October 10. 311231. Teachers Day

32、 is in _.2. The boy in red shorts is the _.3. June is the _ month of the year.4. I like the cloud and _. 5. Hows the weather? Its _ and _.6. In January, its _ and _.42Listen and tick.3Look and write. 32SpeakingReadingWritingListeningAt schoolAt homeTotal starsI am.A1012B79C164Read. Tick or cross.5Ho

33、w am I doing? Its a windy day. Its sunny. National Day is October 1. Its the sixth month of the year. 33UNIT 3Lessons 1318All about Me 34Lesson 13 How Old Are You?1Im eleven years old.324How old areyou, Danny?Im nineteenyears old.No, youre not! Youreeleven years old!Okay, okay!Im eleven!How old arey

34、ou, Steven?Im tenyears old.When is yourbirthday?My birthday is December 17.117 3556Danny!How old are you?Im ten.When is yourbirthday?December 17.Steven is ten. His birthday isDecember 17.Ask and answer. Then write.2Lets do it!October 52!Okay, okay! Mybirthday is July 25.When is yourbirthday, Danny?S

35、tevenDecember 17ten 36Lesson 14 Are You Short or Tall?1How tall are you?Lets get towork, class!345How tall are you?I dontknow.Youre 1.4metres tall.Im 1.4metres tall.How tall are you?6Im 3.1 metres tall.Kim, youre the first!12No, Danny. Stand on your feet, please.Danny, youre the second. How tall are

36、 you?78 3791011Oh. Okay, Mr. Wood.How tall am I?Youre 1.3 metres tall.She is 1.3 metres tall.1234Group work. Measure and say.2Lets do it!How tall am I?You are 1.4 metres tall.How tall are you?I dont know.He is 1.5 metres tall.Shes tall and hes short. 38Lesson 15 Where Do You Live?1Where do you live?

37、I live in a house beside the park.Whats your address?1234My address is 135 Ninth Street.Where do you live, Steven?Whats your address?My address is 942 Ninth Street.I like that restaurant! Me, too!No. Its near the Mr. Donut Restaurant!Is that near the cinema? 39Read and f nd. Then draw and say.2Lets

38、do it!LibraryRestaurantSupermarketSchoolParkTiyu StreetZhonghua StreetWhere do you live?My house is near the supermarket. Its far from the school. Can you find my house? Heping Road 40 Lesson 16 How Do You Go to School?241Do you walk to school?13How do you go toschool, Steven?By car. My daddrives me

39、.Do you walk toschool, Danny?No. I ride my bike!Jenny, how do yougo to school?I go to school by bus. I live far from the school.How do you goto school, Kim?I live near theschool. So I go to school on foot. 412Lets chant!How do you go to school?By bus, by bus.How do you go to school?By bike, by bike.

40、How do you go to school?By car, by car.How do you go to school?On foot, on foot.Pair work. Ask and answer.3Lets do it!Do you walk to school?No, I go to school by bus. How do you go to school?I. 42Lesson 17 What Do You Like to Do?121What do you like to do?I like to playping-pong.Jenny likes to fly ki

41、tes, but Steven likes to play ping-pong.34I like to play with my toys.Kim likes to play with her toys, but Danny likes to play computer games.I like to fly kites with my friends.I like to play computer games. 43Lesson 17 What Do You Like to Do?3Letters and soundsTry to read.classgrassouowarasshouse

42、cloudycowbrownMarchfarmouseglassflowerstarTalk, draw and write.2Lets do it!What do you like to do?Me My Friend I like to watch TV._My friend likes to _._ 441234Lesson 18 Maddy the MonsterHello. My name is Maddy. I am a girl. I am a monster. I live in a very big house with my big family.This is Anna.

43、 She is my friend. She lives in a house on Park Road.Anna is eleven years old. I am ninety-nine years old. I am older than Anna.Anna is 1.5 metres tall. I am 5 metres tall. I am taller than Anna. All monsters are very very tall.Im not old. Im a young monster.Youre 5 metres tall! Thats tall! Im only

44、1.5 metres tall.Im not tall. Youre short!Oh. Ninety-nine! Thats old!Story time 457856My address is 100 Monster Street.Anna and I live far from the school. How do we go to school? I go to school by bus. Anna goes to school by monster.I sit at my very small desk at school. I read my book. My teacher i

45、s Mr. Scott. I listen to my teacher. I am a good pupil.I like to play basketball. Its easy because I am very tall.Anna likes monsters. She is my best friend.How tall?How do they go to school?How old? Read and write 46Again, Please!4321Hi, Danny. How old are you?Im 11 years old.When is your birthday?

46、Im 1.4 metres tall. How tall are you, Danny?Im 1.3 metres tall.By bike.1Listen and talk.How do you go to school, Danny?My birthday is July 25.Where do you live?I live in a house near the school. Whats your address?My address is 942 Ninth Street. 47Name:Age:Height:Address:I am en years old.I am 1.4 m

47、eres all.MeName: Luo LiAge: 10 years oldHeight: 1.4 metresAddress: 158 Tiyu Street2Listen and circle.3Look and write.My address is 158 Tiyu Sree.1threethirtythirteen21.4 metres 1.5 metres 1.6 metres3buscarbike4fly kitesplay ping-pongplay with toysMy name is Luo Li. 48Im 1.4 metres tall.My birthday i

48、s September 16.My school is near the park.I go to school by bus.SpeakingReadingWritingListeningAt schoolAt homeTotal starsI am.A1012B79C164Read and match.5How am I doing? 49UNIT 4Lessons 1924 My Favourites 50Lesson 19 My Favourite Colours1Favourite colours34My favourite colour is brown.Whats your fa

49、vourite colour?Green is myfavourite, too!They like green. Their favourite colour is green.1We like blue. Our favourite colour is blue.My favourite colour is green.Its my favourite, too.Blue is my favourite colour.2 512My favourite colour is _.2 2 2Lets sing!Colour 1 yellow. Colour 2 red. Colour 3 bl

50、ue.My favourite colour is orange. Whats your favourite colour?Colour and say.3Lets do it!Red, Yellow, Blue and Green Stand up1=F24Red, yellow, blue and green stand up. Red, yellow, blue and green turn around. And green is my fa- vou- rite. Red, yellow, blue and green sit down.What colour is a/b/c/d?


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