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1、www.jobs.ac.uk Career Planning for PhDs ebook Tweet this ebook, share on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ Activities health and social work (13%); manufacturing (9%); R non-HE education (6%) and public administration (5%). Research academic and commercial A common route into academic research is to gai

2、n a postdoctoral research post or fellowship after completing your PhD. These are generally contracted posts for a determined length of time and will either be an advertised post on an existing research programme or in the form of a fellowship award to fund your own research in a particular area. Th

3、ese posts are usually seen as stepping stones into a permanent post at a university or in industry. A permanent academic post usually takes the form of a lectureship, which also involves teaching. Permanent research-only posts are rare in universities, but do also exist in research institutes or oth

4、er organisations affiliated with universities. Industry research positions for science graduates are found in sectors such as energy, technology, pharmaceutical and biological sciences and are advertised on jobs.ac.uk and in publications. Author: Sara McDonnell 2www.jobs.ac.uk Career Planning for Ph

5、Ds ebook Tweet this ebook, share on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ Careers in academia This section focuses on steps you can take to make the transition from PhD to first post as an academic researcher or lecturer. Teaching at your institution If you have decided to stay in academia it can be challen

6、ging to make the transition from student to member of staff, but many scholars do find that their institution is able to offer them part time teaching while they find a more permanent academic position. It is a good option because you will be familiar with the department and the way things are done

7、and perhaps will already have teaching experience there and so will have less to prepare initially. Because people there know you they are more likely to help you to makeup a portfolio career, for example doing some teaching while working for a permanent member of staff as a research assistant. On t

8、he down side staying at the same institution can be restrictive for your career. It will mean that your range of experience is narrower; you will only know how things work at that one institution and you will only have experience of teaching on a limited number of courses. It is also easy to get int

9、o a comfort zone, which is hard to get out of, because it is hard to break out of familiar territory and set off on something new. If it doesnt look as though a more permanent and secure job is going to come up at your institution any time soon, it is worth making the break to move the next step up

10、the career ladder. Part-time temporary teaching elsewhere If there are no full-time, permanent positions around then its worth looking for part time work in other universities. Your supervisor can help with this because academics often contact each other looking for temporary staff to help out for s

11、hort periods of time, and often these positions are not advertised publicly if they are to be hourly paid. You may have responsibility for only one unit or class but it will still allow you to present a broader CV to future employers and you will learn a great deal from working with new colleagues a

12、nd seeing how administrative and management matters work at a different institution. Taking on roles such as this one can result in practical difficulties such as travelling to and from another institution, often at some distance from your home. It can seem as though you are spending a lot of money

13、getting this job and earning very little, but it will pay off in the end in terms of career development even though financially it may not be hugely beneficial and may actually be somewhat challenging. Further reading: How to Develop a Portfolio Career in Academia 3www.jobs.ac.uk Career Planning for

14、 PhDs ebook Tweet this ebook, share on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ Post-docs Of course if you can get a postdoctoral research fellowship somewhere this is an ideal first job: it gives you the chance to boost the research and publications side of your CV while working alongside researchers at the t

15、op of their game. It also gives you some measure of financial security, for a few years at least. However, post-doctoral fellowships are extremely competitive sometimes with hundreds of applicants from across the world applying for one position. Junior Research Fellowships (JRFs) at Oxford and Cambr

16、idge regularly come up but these are the most difficult to get as they are the most sought after. If you had external funding for your PhD and have had a flawless record of submitting your PhD on time, and already have some publications to your name then you have more chance of being considered. If

17、you and your supervisor have been experts at networking then you also might stand a good chance at this stage. If the researcher seeking a postdoc knows you and your work then he or she is more likely to give the position to you than someone approaching them totally out of the blue. If you are able

18、to travel a long way to get this position and will even consider moving overseas then this also improves your chances. If your aim is to win a postdoc position then its important to have a plan B as well. It might take you months of waiting before you do land that position. Further reading: How to g

19、et your academic work publishedCV building for the future Having finished your PhD and passed the viva the last thing you want to do is immediately get down to more research. It used to be possible to take a break after your PhD before coming back to it with fresh eyes later. However, in todays comp

20、etitive climate that really isnt the case. You need to start work on publications and future plans straight away. Perhaps your PhD would make a great book; if so, start looking around for publishers immediately. If not, then think about breaking it down into articles or smaller reports. You also nee

21、d to think about going to conferences to keep your research profile high. Being successful at this stage of your career is all about having the drive to push forward even during times when you may be struggling financially or when permanent, secure jobs are not available. Realistically it may take y

22、ou several years before you land that dream job and so dont let those years slip by while being unproductive. Make sure you can show an employer that you have been building your CV, doing research, publishing and developing your teaching portfolio, even while maybe struggling to make ends meet. Auth

23、or: Dr Catherine Armstrong 4www.jobs.ac.uk Career Planning for PhDs ebook Tweet this ebook, share on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ From PhD to first post in academia This section shares insights from the stories of three early career researchers outlining how their PhD subject and the skills gained

24、helped them to gain a first post in academia. The quotes and insights are taken from case studies generously provided by Caroline a Lecturer in English Language Studies at the University of Birmingham, Monna a Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology at the University of Northampton and Mich

25、elle a Researcher in the Centre for Health and Wellbeing Research at the University of Northampton. The value of contacts and networking It is who you know, as much as what you know to stand out in a competitive job market and it is therefore essential to network and build contacts during your PhD.

26、Experience, skills and attitude It is important to demonstrate in a CV or at interview that you have the relevant experience, skills and attitude for the role. Ensure that you think strategically to build up the skills prospective employers will be looking for. Caroline is a lecturer in English Lang

27、uage Studies at the University of Birmingham where she completed her PhD entitled A Corpus Linguistics Study of SMS Text Messaging . Monna is a senior lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology at the University of Northampton. Her PhD was entitled Psychological Rehabilitation from Sport Injury: Issu

28、es in the Training and Development of Chartered Physiotherapists. Michelle is a researcher in the Centre for Health and Wellbeing Research at the University of Northampton. Her PhD focussed on the (in)accessibility of leisure spaces as experienced by teenagers who used wheelchairs. Author: Jayne Sha

29、rples “I think that if you are considering applying to work in academia talking to as many people as possible is the best thing you can do. I was often told that networking was a really important part of hearing about potential employment opportunities but I would take it a stage further than that.

30、Hearing about the roles that other people do really helps you to frame the kind of job that would and would not work for you. ” (Michelle) “It also helped that the department knew me from my PhD days and that Id gained experience at the Open University. ” (Caroline) “I think that during the PhD, I d

31、eveloped number of key skills vital to my current role: organisational skills, people skills, communication skills, problem solving skills, administrative skills, willingness to work long hours and team working skills. In addition, I believe my love for research, self-motivation and hunger for knowl

32、edge has really helped not only to complete the PhD, but in my role as a senior lecturer. ” (Monna) “I think that the key things that helped me to succeed at interview above research knowledge/skills were communication skills and evidence of having worked with a range of different groups. Whilst I w

33、as completing my doctorate I did a number of work placements, from researching in third sector organisations to acting as a consultant to local authorities alongside some part time lecturing. This gave me the opportunity to apply what I was learning and I think that those experiences combined with m

34、y doctorate gave evidence that I could manage quite a varied workload and liaise effectively within and across different organisations. ” (Michelle) 5 THESISwww.jobs.ac.uk Career Planning for PhDs ebook Tweet this ebook, share on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+ New PhDs - going overseas in search of a

35、n academic career It may come as a shock; you have finally finished the PhD after years of working on your thesis, you have taught part-time, presented at several conferences and have contributed to a peer-reviewed journal or two, only to find there is no job waiting for you in academia. The time la

36、g between finishing a PhD and securing an academic position can be as unsettling as it is frustrating for those whose sole objective is to be an academic. This, however, may be the period to do soul-searching by asking yourself whether it is time you moved outside of your current place of abode. Man

37、y new PhDs in Western Europe and North America are now being told to be prepared to move overseas if they want to improve their chances of securing an academic role. Brett L. Shadle, an Associate Professor of history at Virginia T ech, USA, says the decision to move abroad would obviously depend on

38、the person and what their ultimate goals are. “But, the way things are now, a new PhD needs to be open to many different kinds of jobs both in and out of academia and in and out of their home country, ” he says Dr Shadles sentiment is shared by Anne Schumann who believes it is perhaps the best time

39、to savour academic life overseas. Dr Schumann finished a PhD last year at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. She moved to South Africa for an academic career and she is currently working as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She

40、 says if you decide you want to stay in academia after your PhD and are willing to go overseas, it is important to factor in your personal circumstances. Dr Schumann also advises that you should 待教学工作和完善课堂教学资料八大件,同时制定“整改操作流程”,教学秘书进行考试课试卷分类整理工作,系主任进行监督,相应的任课老师落实每一份试卷的资料完备性(九大件:复查表,审核表,试卷 AB,试卷 AB 答案,平时成绩,成绩登记表,试卷 分析,考场情况,学生考卷)。国际商学院首先通过教职工教学工作会议、党政联席扩大会议等会议反复强调检查内容、工作要求和进度安排,提高所有老师对整改工作的重视程度, 而后通过具体的检查实施方案,进一步明确工作任务和时间节点,最后根据学院实际,编印教学


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