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1、_公司近期的发展方向和发展战略_公司未来3 5年发展方向和发展战略_第二部分 公司管理层董事会成员名单序号职 务姓 名工 作 单 位联系电话1董 事 长2副董事长3董 事4董 事5董 事6董 事7董 事8董 事9董 事董事长姓名_性别_年龄_籍贯_学历_学位_所学专业_毕业院校_户口所在地_联系电话_主要经历和业绩_总经理姓名_性别_年龄_籍贯_学历_学位_所学专业_毕业院校_户口所在地_联系电话_主要经历和业绩_技术开发负责人姓名_性别_年龄_籍贯_学历_学位_所学专业_毕业院校_户口所在地_联系电话_主要经历和业绩_市场营销负责人姓名_性别_年龄_籍贯_学历_学位_所学专业_毕业院校_户口

2、所在地_联系电话_主要经历和业绩_财务负责人姓名_性别_年龄_籍贯_学历_学位_所学专业_毕业院校_户口所在地_联系电话_主要经历和业绩_其他对公司发展负有重要责任的人员(可增加附页)姓名_性别_年龄_籍贯_学历_学位_所学专业_毕业院校_户口所在地_联系电话_主要经历和业绩_第三部分 产品/服务产品/服务描述 (行业特点、竞争焦点、主要的技术指标和关键技术说明、 主要介绍产品/服务的背景、目前所处发展阶段、与同行业其它公司同类产品/服务的比较,本公司产品/服务的新颖性、先进性和独特性,如拥有的专门技术、版权、配方、品牌、销售网络、许可证、专营权、特许权经营等。) _公司现有的和拟申请的知识产

3、权(专利、商标、版权等)_公司是否已签署了有关专利权及其它知识产权转让或授权许可的协议等,如果有,请说明,并附主要条款_技术申请专利情况_产品商标注册情况_产品面向的用户有哪些种类 _、_、_、_、_、_、_、_、_、_产品更新换代周期_产品的售后服务和技术支持_产品销售成本的构成及销售价格制订的依据_产品形成规模销售时,毛利润率为_%,纯利润率为_%如果产品已经在市场上形成了竞争优势,请说明与哪些因素有关(如成本相同但销售价格低、成本低形成销售价格优势、以及产品性能、品牌、销售渠道优于竞争对手产品,等等)_第四部分 研究与开发公司已往的研究与开发成果及其技术先进性(包括技术鉴定情况、获国际、

4、国家、省、市及有关部门和机构奖励情况)_公司参与制订产品或技术的行业标准和质量检测标准情况_公司在技术与产品开发方面的竞争对手情况,以及公司为提高竞争力拟采取的措施_; 标识材料、部件架的物料名称; 材料、部件装箱时的摆放方法; 标识最高、最低库存量;予以公布 机器设备操作、保养、维护卡; 在计量表上标识上限和下限; 把所有的5S进展情况及时公告; 公布本部门5S方针、工作计划、 5S进度; 公布本部门5S改进前后的变化; 公布创新小组名称、项目、成功事项; 公布问题根源分析方法; 公布各部之间的流程关系,要具体、容易操作,任何人按同一标准做都会有同样的结果; 制定检查标准,予以公布。第六部分


6、习惯,增强员工执行力,把全体员工的智慧充分地挖崛出来,从而大限度地提升企业的核心竞争力。 编制:李湖波 2020-7-2 第 17 页 共 17 页 2、Why do you want to learn English?Have you ever really asked yourself why you want to learn a new language? Lets for the moment1 forget about the obvious: additional job skill, immigration, travels, studies aboard, academic

7、necessity, etc. Of course, these reasons are valid2 and motivate3 us to bury our heads in thick language textbooks and repeat after a monotonous4 voice on an audiocassette. But I believe we acquire a new language in order to effectively communicate with people not of our country and culture. Since 1

8、997, I have been part of a successful conversational English training program, Patrick English Network (PEN). The success of PEN lies in our belief that to fully embody5 a language, we must understand and embrace the culture of the language. Therefore we created an “ edutaining” (educational and ent

9、ertaining) curriculum6 that includes not only lessons on spoken English and listening comprehension but also fun activities such as singing, dancing, movies,and games,to enhance7 our students knowledge of American culture. Although most students support the emphasis on culture study, they often cons

10、ider the listed activities to be a “ waste of their time.” “ Singing and dancing are fun. But maybe we can do? Hmm? Fifteen minutes a day. Thats enough.” “ Why is that?” I ask. “ Because it doesnt help us with our English.” “ Then what would you rather do?” “ More free talk with foreign teachers.” T

11、he whole class shouts. I ask, “ And what would you like to speak to the foreigners about?” A student stands up. “ Doesnt matter. Anything. We want to make friends with them.” The entire class then nods in agreement. “ Make friends.” This conversation transpires8 in almost every class I teach. As alw

12、ays, I ponder the students response only to arrive at the same question. “ How to make foreigners want to speak to and be friends with you?” Though physical language is indeed an important tool of communication, what solidifies9 a healthy interpersonal10 relationship is a spiritual language.Think ab

13、out it this way. We are all surrounded by people who speak the same language as we do. But are we friends with every single one of them? No. Why? It certainly isnt because of an actual language barrier11. Instead it is our personal differences or a lack of a common ground that keeps people apart. No

14、w ask yourself, how did you choose your friends? Im sure it isnt because they speak the same dialect or language as you. You like your friends for the person they are. And the same logic12 should apply to everyone, including foreigners or Americans. How to make friends with people from a different c

15、ulture? The rules are as follows: RULE 1:Appreciate the Person Most Americans like to be recognized as individuals as someone special with unique characteristics and personalities. Therefore, never say, “ Youre from America so I want to be your friend.” Also dont imply that the reason why you approached them is because you wanted someone t


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