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1、时间小火车 today yesterday last week第1页坐上小火车去旅游啦!-Leo和Lily,Tom 一起去第2页第一站:Camping儿童,你在野营期间做了哪些事呢?让我们一起往返想一下吧.第3页 play hide and seek pick up rubbish Wash outside第4页Interview 记者问记者问采采访题目目1.问题:Was camp fan?必定回答:Yes,it was great fun.否定回答:否定回答:No,it wasnt fun.2.问题:What did you do?回答:回答:We stayed in a tent.We c

2、ooked a meal.I planted trees.He cooked a meal.She washed outside.We played hide and seek.She boiled water.第5页儿童,让我们来做个研究吧从表中动词中,你能发觉什么规律吗?Is/am-was do/does-did stay-stayed cook-cooked play-played boil-boiled pick-picked wash-washed plant-planted open-opened哦,明白了,原来这些动作我都做过了做过了,现在我在给大家讲我做过这些事情。用我聪明头脑

3、想一想第6页现在就来考考你!Was camp fan?Yes,it()great fun.What did you do?We()in a tent.We()a meal.I()trees.He()a meal.She()outside.She()outside.We()hide and seek.She()water.Leo,你学,你学会了吗?会了吗?第7页第二站in the holidaysLeo,你假期过得怎样呢,玩开心吗?做了些什么事呢,能和我们分享一下你故事吗?这些用英语怎么说呢?第8页你假期玩开心吗?Did you enjoy your holidays?Yes,I did./No

4、,I didnt.你朋友Tom呢?还有 Lily?她会怎样回答?第9页让我们跟着Leo一起往返想一下他都干了些什么吧!第10页rode a bike swam in the sea 咔嚓,看看前两张吧!第11页 had a picnic went hiking咔嚓,再看看下面两张吧!第12页ate dim sum met my friend咔嚓!还有最终两张呢第13页儿童,假期过得真精彩呀!Exercise 练习练习动词原形过去式Is/amwasdodid riderodegowentswimswammeetmeteatatehavehad第14页What did you do?选词补全句子:

5、.had 2.went 3.swam4.rode5.met 6.ate 1.We _ in the sea yesterday.2.Two days ago,Tom _ hiking.3.I _ my friends last week.4.Lily _ a bike yesterday.5.We _ dim sum.6.We _ a picnic in the holidays.第15页描述故事给朋友们听:人称现在时过去时I am wasYou/we/they are wereShe/he/it is was Last year,I was 125 cm tall.This year,I a

6、m 130 cm.I was 24kg last year.I am 27 kg this year.第16页请听Leo 来描述Lily:.Lily was 124 cm tall last year.2.Shes 130 cm this year.3.Last year she was 22 kg.4.This year shes 25 kg.请用类似句型来描述Tom:第17页描述了身高体重,那我们再来比一比我们小时候故事吧!Tom:When I was one,I could walk.When I was three,I could throw a ball.When I was two

7、,I couldnt use a spoon.Lily和她姐姐:When I was one,I couldnt walk.When we were five,I couldnt skate.When we were seven,I could dive.第18页Leo,大家都介绍自己事了,你也来讲一讲吧,我想听听哦!依据以下列图片来说一下你自己吧第19页第20页 Read and matchI went _.picnic I met my _.friendsTom swam in the _.cinema.We went to the _.seaThey had a _.bikeYou rode a _.hiking连连看连连看第21页


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