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人教新课标版 地理必修3 知识总结.doc

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1、time, the British had not feared invasion(入侵), it would have been completed. Recently, there has again 8 great interest in the idea of a Channel Tunnel. If it 9 , it will connect (连接) Britain to Europe for the first time in 10 .V.根据短文内容选择最佳答案 Yao Ming, the center of the Chinese National Mens Basketb

2、all Team, served the Huston Rockets in the 2002 NBA. The 2.26 m, 120 kg center becomes the first one to come from a foreign team.Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother was a center and captain of the Chinese National Womens Team. His father played basketball, too.Yao Ming is wi

3、dely known in China. He came to be a very important basketball player inChina Basketball Association (联赛). Its short for CBA. During the 20002001 season, he got 27. 1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental (东方) Sharks in every match. Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in November, 2002. He said this was

4、a new start in his basketball life. He would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve himself.Sport analyst (分析家) Bill Walton said, “Yao Ming has the potential (潜力), the capability(能力) of changing the future of basketball.” 1 The Houston Rockets is name for a team.A. table tennis B. volleyball

5、C. basketball D. golf2 Both Yao Mings father and mother were.A. football playersB. basketball playersC. the centers of the Chinese National TeamD. the Captains of the Chinese National Team3 Yao Ming in CBA during the 20002001 season.A. does well B. is good C. was good D. did well4 Yao Ming the Houst

6、on Rockets in November, 2002. A. did his best to join B. was well-know inC. became a member of D. took part in5 Sport analyst Bill Walton thought Yao Ming was able to _.A. learn from the NBA B. change the future of basketballC. improve himself D. become the captain of the Houston RocketsVI.写作If my f

7、riend is going to travel to a strange city next week, what should she do before leaving? 参考答案I. 1. increasing, challenge 2. bother 3. energetic 4. public 5. confident 6. divided 7. plenty 8. separated 9. touch 10. nervousII. 1. If, knew 2. gains, will gain 3. in the slightest 4. If there were no, ne

8、ither; nor 5. without permissionIII. 1.C 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.F 6.BIV. 1. across 2. possible 3. would serve 4. above 5. double 6. for 7. entered 8. been 9. is built 10. historyV. 1.C 2. B 3.D 4.C 5.BVI. One possible version; First she should look at a map to see where the city is. Then she should telephone

9、 to find out the plane or the train times. Next she should pack some clothes and any other things she may need. Fourth, she should buy a map of the city at the airport or the train station. Finally, call a taxi to take her to the airport or the train 新课标第一网不用注册,免费下载!三 蜡烛【教学目标】 1、把握老妇人这个人物形象,分析其行动描写

10、,深层次体会人物的思想感情。 2、揣摩语言,着重品味关键性语句的丰富意蕴及表达作用,提高理解能力。 3、了解反法西斯同盟各国用血肉凝结的深厚情谊,激发学生追求和平,消除战争的正义情感和责任感。 【教学重点】 把握老妇人这个人物形象,体会人物的思想感情。 【教学难点】 探究这篇通讯感人的艺术效果是如何产生的。【知识链接】1、 题目解读在反法西斯战争中,一位南斯拉夫母亲把一生中惟一珍爱的东西结婚蜡烛,献给了一个苏联青年。这一幕将永远留存在热爱和平的人们的记忆里。 2、 作者简介: 西蒙诺夫(1915-1980),苏联作家。生于军官家庭。1938年毕业于高尔基文学院。1942年加入共产党。1939年

11、任军事记者,以后一直从事战争题材的创作。西蒙诺夫的作品大多描写二战时期的苏联,在战时有很大影响。他曾多次在苏联的各项文学奖项中获奖,可以堪称苏联文学史上的一代宗师! 3、背景介绍:1941年6月,纳粹党控制西欧后,德军侵略苏联,破坏了双方1939年签定的条约。德军长驱直入苏联,围攻列宁格勒和斯大林格勒。苏联损失惨重,百姓生活困苦。 德国以为胜利在即,但俄罗斯人坚决抵抗。俄罗斯寒冷的冬天冻死了很多毫无准备的德国士兵。1943年1月,德军在斯大林格勒战败,90000多名德国士兵成为俘虏。虽然战争仍然持续两年,但这是纳粹党末日的开端。 同年,苏联红军迫使德军退回边境,最后把他们逼到柏林。接着在194

12、4年6月,随着同盟军度过地中海,攻入意大利,期待已久的“第二战场”终于开辟。 1945年5月,德国投降。 苏联在第二次世界大战中损失非常惨重。国民受到德军残酷对待,约有几百万平民伤亡。【自主学习】1、给加点的字注音并根据拼音写汉字。瓦l( ) 精疲力ji( ) f晓() 揣在怀里( )颤巍巍() 鞠躬()2、下面两个句子中,填入空白处的最恰当的词语是( )。 一枝蜡烛,旁边还有生锈的洋铁片给它挡住了风,在坟堆上着柔和的光芒。蜡烛快点完了,烛芯快要给蜡泪淹没了,但是那一朵小火花依然在。 A、闪耀 闪烁 B闪耀 闪耀 C、闪烁 闪烁 D闪烁 闪耀3、这篇通讯写了一位饱受之苦的老妇人,的动人事迹,赞美了,讴歌了的深厚感情。4、说说下列加点词语好在哪里。(1)方场上散布着几辆烧毁了的坦克和铁甲车,有德国人的,也有我们的。()老妇人想了半天,从她那惟一的衣袋里摸出件什么东西来,揣在怀里,慢慢地爬出了地窖。 【合作探究】5、文中对一些内容进行了不


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