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1、.2015北京高考英语听力Text1W: What kind of music do you like?M: I enjoy nearly all kinds of music, especially country music and classical music. What about you?W: I like Rock music.Text2W: May I help you?M: Yes, please. Does this sweater come in yellow?W: No, we dont have it in yellow, only in red and blue.M

2、: OK, Ill take the red one.Text3W: Do you want to pay by credit card, sir?M: Oh, can I use my travelers check, please?W: Sorry, sir. We dont take travelers checks.M: Then Ill have to pay cash.Text4M: Are you ready to go now?W: Wait a minutes, I need to find my keys.M: Arent they in your pocket?W: No

3、. Let me see, I remember putting them on the table this morning.M: Oh, there they are. They dropped off onto the floor.Text5M: Hi, whats the homework for the literature class? I missed it today.W: We are supposed to read chapter four.M: Great! Ive read it when I was studying in the library last nigh

4、t.W: Wow, lucky you! You can watch the football match tonight.M: That is right!Text6M: What is my schedule for tomorrow, Lisa?W: Well, your flight leaves from Heathrow at 7:10 am from Terminal 2, and arrives in Frankford at 8:40 am.M: And then?W: Then you can take the shuttle bus into town.M: Oh, ye

5、s, of course. And the meetings, when do they begin?W: The meetings will start at 10:00 am, and end at 3:00 pm, with a short lunch break. After the meetings, you will have some time for afternoon tea. Your flight back will leave at 5:00 pm, it gets back here at 6:30 pm.M: That is fine. Then Ill be ab

6、le to have dinner with my wife.Text7W: May I help you?M: Yes, please. Im a new student, and I want to borrow some books.W: Sure. What books do you want?M: Are there any biographies of George Washington?W: Let me check it for you on the computer? Oh, there are five of them.M: Can you tell me where th

7、ey are?W: Of course. They are in the biography section, in row 3.M: Oh, thank you. Are there any French novels?W: Yes, I think so. They are over there in row 7. That is where our foreign language section is.M: And the magazines?W: They are in row 5.M: OK, thank you. By the way, how many books can I

8、borrow at a time?W: Two at most and you can keep them for three weeks.M: Thank you. Ill borrow two biographies today.W: OK, go in and get them. Bye for now.M: Bye.Text8W: Hello, Sunny Sports Center. How can I help you?M: Hello. Id like some information about your sports center.W: Well, weve got a ve

9、ry good gym with all the latest equipment, a swimming pool, a football ground, three basketball courts, and so on.M: Sounds great.W: Then what sports are you interested in?M: Well, I like basketball very much.W: And how often will you use the center?M: I suppose about two or three times a week.W: OK

10、. Look, I can send you the information about the center.M: Great! One more thing, can you tell me your opening hours?W: No problem. Tuesday to Friday, 7:30 am to 10 oclock at night. Weekends, from 9 am to 9 pm. But we do not open on Mondays.M: I got it. Thank you, bye!W: You are welcome!Text9Good mo

11、rning, everyone! And a very warm welcome back! I hope youve enjoyed your holidays! For those of you who I knew, my name is Mary Smith, and Im the headmistress of this school. Id like to start our new term with a few notices. First, Id like to introduce two new teachers, Ms Woods, our new music teach

12、er, and Mr. Williams, our new French teacher. Lets give them a warm welcome. Now, Ill talk about some of the activities for this term. After school clubs, well start in week2. But the baseball club, well start in week4. And, there are several new clubs, too. The dance club will meet on Mondays, and

13、the chess club, on Wednesdays. Finally, Id like to remind you that there will be several parents evenings during this term. Year 7, we will have one in September, Year 8, in October, and Year 9, in November. Thats all I want to say. Thank you for your atte动力电池自动建设项目 可行性研究报告 动力电池自动建设项目江苏X X新材料科技有限公司编

14、制工程师 范兆文二零二零年 第6页目 录第一章 总 论11.1项目概要11.1.1项目名称11.1.2项目建设单位11.1.3项目建设性质11.1.4项目建设地点11.1.5项目负责人11.1.6项目投资规模11.1.7项目建设规模21.1.8项目资金来源21.1.9项目建设期限21.2项目承建单位介绍31.3编制依据31.4编制原则41.5研究范围41.6主要经济技术指标51.7综合评价6第二章 项目背景及必要性分析72.1项目提出背景72.2建设项目的提出82.3项目建设必要性分析92.3.1积极响应我国新时期绿色发展理念号召的现实举措92.3.2顺应我国动力电池自动快速发展的需要102.

15、3.3发展新型产业是经济可持续发展战略的要求102.3.4加快动力电池自动产业的发展是促进转型升级的迫切需要112.3.5提升企业竞争力水平,有助于企业长远战略发展的需要122.3.6增加就业带动相关产业链发展的需要122.3.7促进项目建设地经济发展进程的需要122.4项目建设可行性分析132.4.1政策可行性132.4.2市场可行性162.4.3技术可行性162.4.4管理可行性172.5分析结论17第三章 行业市场分析183.1我国本行业发展前景分析183.2我国此行业发展状况分析193.3我国动力电池自动发展趋势分析203.4我国动力电池自动行业发展现状分析213.5本项目产品市场前景

16、分析223.5.1动力电池自动223.5.2动力电池自动分析243.6市场分析结论26第四章 项目建设条件274.1地理位置选择274.2区域投资环境274.2.1区域位置概况274.2.2区域地形地貌条件284.2.3区域气候条件284.2.4区域交通区位条件284.2.5区域经济发展条件29第五章 总体建设方案305.1总图布置原则305.2土建方案305.2.1总体规划方案305.2.2土建工程方案315.3主要建设内容325.4工程管线布置方案325.4.1给排水325.4.2供电345.5道路设计365.6总图运输方案375.7土地利用情况375.7.1项目用地规划选址375.7.2

17、用地规模及用地类型37第六章 产品及技术方案396.1主要产品方案396.2产品标准396.3产品价格制定原则396.4产品生产规模确定396.5项目产品生产工艺406.5.1工艺设计指导思想406.5.2 项目产品生产工艺流程40第七章 原料供应及设备选型427.1主要原辅料消耗427.2主要设备选型427.2.1设备选型原则427.2.2主要设备明细43第八章 节约能源方案448.1本项目遵循的合理用能标准及节能设计规范448.2建设项目能源消耗种类和数量分析448.2.1能源消耗种类448.2.2能源消耗数量分析448.3项目所在地能源供应状况分析458.4主要能耗指标及分析458.5节

18、能措施和节能效果分析468.5.1工业节能468.5.2节水措施468.5.3建筑节能478.5.4企业节能管理488.6结论48第九章 环境保护与消防措施499.1设计依据及原则499.1.1环境保护设计依据499.1.2设计原则499.2建设地环境条件499.3 项目建设和生产对环境的影响509.3.1 项目建设对环境的影响509.3.2 项目生产过程产生的污染物519.4 环境保护措施方案519.4.1 项目建设期环保措施519.4.2 项目运营期环保措施529.4.3环境保护措施评价549.5绿化方案549.6消防措施549.6.1设计依据549.6.2防范措施559.6.3消防管理5

19、69.6.4消防措施的预期效果56第十章 劳动安全卫生5710.1 编制依据5710.2概况5710.3 劳动安全5710.3.1工程消防5710.3.2防火防爆设计5810.3.3电力5810.3.4防静电防雷措施5810.4劳动卫生5910.4.1防暑降温5910.4.2照明5910.4.3防烫伤5910.4.4噪声5910.4.5个人防护5910.4.6安全教育及防护59第十一章 企业组织机构与劳动定员6111.1组织机构6111.2劳动定员6111.3人力资源管理6111.4福利待遇62第十二章 项目实施规划6312.1建设工期的规划6312.2建设工期6312.3实施进度安排63第十三章 投资估算与资金筹措6413.1投资估算依据6413.2建设投资估算6413.3流动资金估算6513.4资金筹措6513.5项目投资总额6513.6资金使用和管理68第十四章 财务及经济评价6914.1总成本费用估算6914.1.1基本数据的确立6914.1.2产品成本7014.1.3平均产品利润7114.2财务评价7114.2.1项目投资回收期7114


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