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1、第五单元检测试卷二、听录音,给下列句子排序。(读两遍)(12分) ( )Look at my new jacket. ( )This is your T-shirt. ( )How nice! ( )Its great. ( )What colour is your jacket? ( )Look at me.三、听录音,选择正确的答案。(读两遍)(10分) ( )1. Look at the new Askirt Bcap Cjacket ( )2. Look at your ( )3. This is a T-shirt. A. red Bmy Cyour ( )4. She is my

2、( )5. They all look_ . ww w. Anice Bgreat Cred四、在四线格上正确书写下列单词并写出中文。(10分)六、根据情景选择合适的英文表达。(可多选)(10分) ( )1你想让别人看你的短裙,你说: ALook at my skirt. BThis is my skirt. wwW . CI.ook at me. ( )2.你赞赏对方的衣服时,你说: AHow nice! BYes. CIts nice. ( )3.你想询问夹克衫的颜色,你说: A. What colour is it? BIts red. CWhat colour? ( )4.你向别人介绍

3、自己的新帽子时,你说: A. This is my new cap. B. What colour is the new cap? CMy new cap is nice. ( )5.你向别人介绍你的父亲时,你说: A. This is my father. BHes my father. CThis is my mother.七、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. -Is he your father? - (不是的) A. Yes BNo ( )2. She is my aunt,_. A. Miss Hu BHu Miss ( )3.“Your father”的妻子是_。 Asister

4、Bmother ( )4. -See you, Miss Li. - A. See you BOK ( )5-Look my cap. -Its great. A. at Bto 八、判断下面的中英文是否一致,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(12分) ( )1. Look at my jacket. 看我的夹克衫。 ( )2. This is my new cap. 那是你的新裙子。 ( )3. They are all great. 他们都很好。 ( )4. She is my sister, Alice. 她的我的妹妹,海伦。 ( )5. Good evening, Miss Wang. 晚

5、上好,王先生。 ( )6. Your skirt is nice. 你的短裙很好看:-九、将下列句子重新排列,组成一段7整的对话。(8分) 1Good morning. 2Look at my family. 3He is my father. 4This is me. 5How nice! 6Look at my new skirt. 7And this is my mother. 8. Good morning, Jane. ww w.十、从方框中选出下列各句的答句。(6分) ( )1. This is Wang Bing. ( )2. Look at my new cap. ( )3Goodbye. ( )4. What colour is it? ( )5Good evening. ( )6. Are you Bobby?十一、根据对话内容,回答问题。(6分) A:Hello,Helen. B: Hello,Joe. A: Look at my new T-shirt. B: Oh,its red. How nice! ( )1. Joes T-shirt is Anew Bnow ( )2.A is A. Joe BHelen ( )3. What colour is the T-shirt? A. Red. BNew.


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