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如何进行片段教学 (2)ppt课件.ppt

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1、es people _ angry for years about a small problem.()A.sayC.forget D.find 答案:B只有stay可以接形容词作表语。38.They wont make new problems _ you.()C.out D.for 答案:Dmake problems for sb.“为某人制造麻烦” 。39.Dont forget to follow your teachers _ in a lab.()C.explanations答案:A本题考查名词的不同含义。A、B、C、D四个选项的含义分别为:指示、指引、解释和介绍。结合句意,A项符

2、合。40.What should you do if a friend says _ you dont like?()A.anythingC.nothing D.everything 答案:B.情景交际:补全对话,每空一词(15分)Man:This morning Im talking with a very 41._ young man,Jimmy,the Bike Boy Jimmy is the boy 42._ fixes up old bikes and gives them 43._.Good morning,Jimmy.Boy:Good morning.Man:So,Jimmy,

3、tell our listeners what you do.Boy:Well,44._ you just said,I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants.Then I 45._ 46._ the bikes and 47._ them 48._ to kids who dont have enough money to buy their own bikes.Man:Thats 49._.What 50._you the idea?Boy:I guess I 51._52._ my father.Hes always helping people

4、._you.Boy:I guess so.But now 55._run out of money to buy old bikes.Man:Oh,thats too 56._.Boy:Yeah,I need to 57._58._59._some way of 60._money or Ill have to stop.答案:41. generous42. who43. away44. as45. fix46. up47. give48. away49. fantastic 50. gave51. take52. from53. proud54. of55. Ive56. bad57. co

5、me58. up59. with60. getting.完成句子(15分)A.翻译句子(10分)61.我一直在努力地让他振作起来已经20多分钟了。Ive been trying to _ him _ for twenty minutes.答案:cheer,up62.你可以跟他谈谈,帮他走出目前的困境。You can _ him _ by _ with him.答案:help,out,talking63.跑了好长的路,汽车没油了。After a long run,the oil was _ _ _ the car.答案:run out of64.非常感激您的帮助,钱会被好好利用来帮助残疾人的。Y

6、our hlep is _ _ and the money will be _ _ to help disabled people.答案:greatly appreciated,well used65.想想为什么别的人做了让你发疯的事情。Think of _ other people do things _ make you mad.答案:why,thatB.请你选择正确的汉语(5分)66.Do as the Romans do. A.今日事,今日毕。()答案:E67.Do it now.32【深圳电信力铸公共事业升级“引擎” 】 .33【深圳网通中秋启动亲情连线】 .34【河南网通加强 SP 客服热线管理】 .34国际同业 .34【软银等八家公司合组 WiMAX 运营商】 .34【英特尔与 KDDI 建合资公司竞购日本 WiMAX 牌照】 .


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