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1、2017-2018学年广东省广州市越秀区七年级(上)期末英语试卷一、语音辨别(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 10 分)请找出选项中划线部分的发音与所给音标相同的单词1/u/()AroundBcolourCcouldDfamous2/ei/()AleaveBbreatheCarea Dbreak3/g/()AageBgrammaCenergyDlarge4/()AmachineBschoolCcatch DChinese二.请找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的单词请找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的单词5After the classes end at 3:30,Tom,Jack and I

2、 take part in the school band practice A B C D6On a dry windy morning,I went up to the Baiyun Mountain to fly my kite high in the sky A B C D7Last Sunday,I had a picnic on a large seaside rock with my new friends of the Space Club A B C D五、单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)请在下列各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案7I love sta

3、ying in the forest because the grass _ fresh and the flowers _ beautiful()Abe,areBis,beCare,isDis,are8Sam usually _ his morning break at 9:50()AhaveBhasChavingDto have9I want to be _ English teacher when I grow up()AaBanCtheD/10一 _ colour do you like,green or blue?一 Blue()AWhichBWhatCWhoDWhose11My m

4、um is very busy so she watches TV()AoftenBmoreCseldomDalmost12 an ofo bike and two mobike herechoose oneOKI will ride this oneI like yellow better()AThere isBThere areCThis isDThose are13It is exciting _ my favorite football star Aubameyang in the airport()AseeBseeingCto seeDsees14Dont worryEverythi

5、ng _ all right soon()AbeBis going toCisDwill be15If you _ to bed earlier,you _ feel tired in the morning()Ago,do notBgo,will notCwent,did notDwent,are not16I _ do my homework,so my mum was very angry()AisntBdoesntCdidntDdont17MrWang teaches _ EnglishWe like _ class very much()Ame,hisBme,herCus,hisDu

6、s,her18Steven is _ at ChineseHe can speak Chinese _()Awell,goodBgood,wellCnice,goodDfine,well19My father likes football but he _ itHe only _ football matches on TV!()Aplays,watchesBdoesnt play,doesnt watchCplays,doesnt watchDdoesnt play,watches20The woman is very busy so she _ watches TV()AoftenBalw

7、aysCseldomDalmost21Beijing is one of the largest _ in the worldThere are many places _ interest there()Acities,ofBcity,forCcities,forDcity,of六、完形填空(共 10 个空格;每个空格 1 分;满分 10 分)22(10分)Have you ever planted some trees on Tree Planting Day?Every year,millions of people,both the old and the (41) ,plant a

8、lot of treesBut this may not be the best way to make our home a (42) placeLast week we visited a city in HebeiWe were all(43) to see a lot of tress burning near the hillsWe asked why,the workers there told us that the trees (44) soon after they planted themSo they burned them and cleaned the (45) fo

9、r planting new trees this yearWe found a card and it (46) ,I hope this tree will grow up with me to be the backbone (栋梁) of our (47) The workers said that it was(48) for us to plant more trees,but making them alive was more importantSome people now have a new idea that they can donate (捐赠) some (49)

10、 and let professionals (专业人员) plant and take care of the trees,because their knowledge about planting trees is (50) than the others and can do betterDo you think so?41AnewByoungCbusyDhardworking42AsmallerBwarmerCgreenerDlarger43ApleasedBhappyCsurprisedDexcited44AdiedBgrewCgoneDdisappeared45AstreetsB

11、buildingsCroadsDplace46AsaidBtoldCspokeDheard47AschoolBcityCvillageDcountry48AkindBcleverCimportantDinteresting49AwaterBmoneyCtreesDskills50AricherBfewerClargerDmore七、阅读理解(共 15 题, 每小题 2 分;满分 30 分)(10分)Once there was a man traveling in a villageAs he was passing the elephants,he suddenly stoppedHe sa

12、w a small rope (绳子) tie to the huge elephantsfront legIt was clear that the elephants could,at any time,break away from their ropes,but for some reason,they did notHe saw a man nearby and asked him why these animals just stood there and didnt try to run awayWell,the man said,when they are very young

13、 and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and,at that age,its enough to hold themAs they grow up,they still believe they cannotrun awayHow could it be?These animals could at any time be free from their ropesBut they stay at the same place just because they believed they couldntJust lik

14、e the elephants,many of us go through life believing that we cannot do something,just because we believe we cantWe should never give up trying in life51What made the writer stop when he was passing the elephants? AThe lovely elephantsBThe rope tied to the elephantslegCThe man talking to himDThe runn

15、ing elephants52Why do the elephants never try to run away? ABecause they think they cannotBBecause they are too old to do itCBecause they like their living placesDBecause they love their friends53How did the man feel after he heard what the man said? AHappyBSurprisedCAngryDFunny54Which of the follow

16、ing has the same meaning with the underlined phrasebreak away from? Arun awayBtravel aroundCthrow awayDtake a break55What is the best title for this text? AA Pleasant TripBElephantsFriendsCTryingDThe Elephant Rope23I enjoy learning about different places in the world,so I like Geography best A B C D

17、24People like taking a day trip during autumn because the weather is very nice A B C D25A lot of animals disappear because of the pollution,so we should protect them A B C D24(10分)Dear Mum,Today Im going to tell you something really specialI know you work very hard and feel tired every dayEvery time

18、 you come home and see the messy houseI know you are very angry with meBut you always say nothing and clean up the houseI always want to help you,but I have so much homework to doAfter I finish my homework,I feel like dyingI really wa nt to help you,but Im sotired tooI also want to tell you one thin

19、g that I love you so muchI usually talk back to you when you say that I dont study hard enoughBut in fact I just want you to praise ( 赞扬) me moreI will try my best to get good grades and get praise from my teacherSo dont feel frustrated (失望) about my grades,OK?I have made up my mind that I will stud

20、y harder and help you clean the houseI amserious this timeI will have my homework done faster so that I can have more energy to clean the houseI will watch TV less so that I can have more time to study and get good gradesAll these things are for one reason:I want to make you happy,MumI love you!With

21、 lots of loveSally56Why is Sallys mother angry with Sally when she comes back from work? ABecause she doesnt study hardBBecause she isnt good at EnglishCBecause she doesnt clean the houseDBecause she doesnt finish her homework57What does Sallys mother think about her? AShe is sorry for herBShe feels

22、 frustrated about her studyCShe thinks Sally studies very hardDShe thinks Sally is a bad girl58What does Sally want? AEnough moneyBEnough free timeCGood grades and praiseDEnough good food59Why does Sally want to do her homework faster? ABecause she will have enough time to watch TVBBecause she is in

23、terested in doing homeworkCBecause she has many important things to doDBecause she can have more energy to do some cleaning in her house60Which of the following is NOT RIGHT? ASally loves her mother deeplyBSally wants to make mother happyCSallys teacher feels frustrated about herDSally feels very ti

24、red after she finishes her homework25(10分)Sydney TowerAddress:100Market St,SydneyPhone:02 9333 9222Fax:02 9333 9203Open time:9:00amto 10:30pm(Saturdays to 11:30pm)Ticket:60 (for an adult) 30 (for a child under 12)Website:wwwSydneytowercomauHow to get there:train to Town Hall Station and a short walk

25、 along Market StreetHow to book tickets:by phone/fax or through the webAttraction:Sydneys best views are just the beginning!Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360views of our beautiful city61Sydney Tower is in Sydney AustraliaAthe busiest streetBthe biggest station

26、Cthe most beautiful parkDthe highest point62If you want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower,you cant Aemail sydneytowerhotmailcomBfax 02 9333 9203Csearch wwwsydneytowercomauDcall 02 9333 922263Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children (one 9years old and the other 11years old)He will pay

27、A.60B.90C.120D.15064Last Saturday Johnson went to visit Sydney TowerHe had to get down the tower Aafter 11:30pmBbefore 11:30pmCat 10:30pmDby10:30pm65The passage above is probably Aa piece of newsBa reportCa storyDan advertisement (广告)八、单词拼写(共 8 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 8 分)请根据下列句子中所给单词的首字母或中文提示写出所缺的单词在填写答题卷时,要

28、求写出完整单词(每空只写一词)26People in Britain often saysorryin their d life27It is important for us to p the Earth for our future28Michael r loves his mum,so he often helps her with the housework29We are going to r home at 3:30pmafter visiting the Space Museum30Look!The stars are shining b in the sky31A travel

29、 guide should p people with some useful information32Office hours are u from 9amto 5pmin Hong Kong33The room is too small,so there is hardly any s to put this big bed九、单词填空(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空共 7 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 7 分)34I know my grandma came here today because there are two (box) of eggs in the fridge35Bry

30、an,you are a big boy nowI believe you can finish the work by (you )36Before the heavy rain came,the ants (carry) the food to the tree hole37It will be a (sun) day tomorrow38Fang Fang often (go) to school at 7:30in the morning39Linda and Leo were very (surprise) because the rocket disappeared into th

31、e sky40There are many (beauty) buildings,bridges and ponds in the Yu Garden十、完成句子 (按提示完成句子,每横线只填一词,每空格 1 分,满分 10 分)41(2分)去年夏天,我参观了北京的一些名胜,例如长城、顾和园和故官博物馆Last summer,I visited some places of interest in Beijing the Great Wall,the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum42(2分)昨天珍妮病了,所以她不得不提早离开学校Jane was ill

32、 yesterday,so she leave school early43(2分)秋天的周末里,杰克经常会跟爸爸去放风筝Jack often with his father at weekends in autumn44(2分)如果你把大衣穿上,你就不会觉得冷了If you put on your coat,you cold45(2分)从地球到月球要花多长时间呢?How long will us to get to the Moon from the Earth?十一、看图写句(共 4 小题,86、87 每小题 2 分,88、89 每小题 3 分,满分 10 分)46根据图画提示,用所给的提

33、示词造句,每图最多不超过两句; 要求包括所有提示词,要注意语句通顺、语法正确、大小写及标点准确47(2分)the Spring Festival,people,relative,time,their,spend,usually,during,with 48(2分)a wonderful time,visitor,Hong Kong,from,every year,have,come to,all over the world 49(3分)the Earth,much pollution,people,today,thing,in the air,there be,protect,stop bu

34、rning,must 50(3分)I,spacesuit,on the moon,no air,there be,have to,breathe,wear,help,because 2017-2018学年广东省广州市越秀区七年级(上)期末英语试卷参考答案与试题解析一、语音辨别(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 10 分)请找出选项中划线部分的发音与所给音标相同的单词1(1分)/u/()AroundBcolourCcouldDfamous【解答】答案:Cround的音标是rand意思是圆的;colour的音标是kl意思是颜色;could的音标是kd 意思是能;famous的音标是fems意思

35、是著名的因此可知could中含有/u/故选:C2(1分)/ei/()AleaveBbreatheCarea Dbreak【解答】答案:Dleave的音标是li:v意思是离开;breathe的音标是bri:意思是呼吸;area 的音标是eri意思是地区;break的音标是brek意思是打破;因此可知break中含有/ei/故选:D3(1分)/g/()AageBgrammaCenergyDlarge【解答】答案:Bage的音标是ed意思是年龄;gramma的音标是rm意思是克;energy的音标是end意思是能量;large的音标是ld意思是大的因此可知gramma中含有/g/故选:B4(1分)/

36、()AmachineBschoolCcatch DChinese【解答】答案:Amachine的音标是min意思是机器;school的音标是skul意思是学校;catch 的音标是kt意思是抓住;Chinese的音标是taniz因此可知machine中含有/故选:A二.请找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的单词请找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的单词5(1分)After the classes end at 3:30,Tom,Jack and I take part in the school band practiceA A B C D【解答】答案:Aclasses的音标是klsiz;Jack 的

37、音标是dk;band 的音标是bnd;practice的音标是prkts;因此可知classes中的划线部分与其他三项不一样故选:A6(1分)On a dry windy morning,I went up to the Baiyun Mountain to fly my kite high in the skyB A B C D【解答】答案:Bdry 的音标是dra;windy 的音标是wnd;fly 的音标是fla;sky的音标是ska;因此可知windy 中的划线部分与其他三项不一样故选:B7(1分)Last Sunday,I had a picnic on a large seasid

38、e rock with my new friends of the Space ClubC A B C D【解答】picnic 的音标是pknk;rock 的音标是rk;Space 的音标是spes;Club的音标是klb;因此可知Space 中的划线部分与其他三项不一样故选:C五、单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)请在下列各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案7(1分)I love staying in the forest because the grass _ fresh and the flowers _ beautiful()Abe,areBis,beCare,is

39、Dis,are【解答】考查系动词句意:我喜欢呆在森林里,因为草是新鲜的,花儿是美丽的根据题干I love staying in the forest because the grass _ fresh and the flowers _ beautiful可知grass是不可数名词,所以用is;第二空flowers为复数,所以用are故选:D8(1分)Sam usually _ his morning break at 9:50()AhaveBhasChavingDto have【解答】考查一般现在时句意:山姆通常在早上9点50分课间休息根据题干Sam usually _ his mornin

40、g break at 9:50可知句子是一般现在时,主语是Sam第三人称单数,后接动词的第三人称单数形式故选:B9(1分)I want to be _ English teacher when I grow up()AaBanCtheD/【解答】a ,an ,the三者都是冠词a,an 是不定冠词,表泛指,译为一个,a用在辅音音素开头的单词前面;an用在元音音素开头的单词前,the是定冠词,译为这,那,这些,那些由我想当一名英语老师,是泛指中的一名,又English 是以元音音素开头的单词,故前用an由题干当我长大的时候我相当一名英语老师可知,故选:B10(1分)一 _ colour do y

41、ou like,green or blue?一 Blue()AWhichBWhatCWhoDWhose【解答】Which哪/那一个,哪/那一些是疑问代词,What什么是疑问代词, Who谁是疑问代词,Whose谁的是疑问代词哪种颜色which colour由题干你更喜欢那种颜色,绿色或蓝色?蓝色故选:A11(1分)My mum is very busy so she watches TV()AoftenBmoreCseldomDalmost【解答】考查频度副词句意:我妈妈很忙,所以她很少看电视Aoften经常Bmore更多Cseldom很少Dalmost差不多、几乎根据题干My mum is very busy根据题干My mum is very busy可知应说所以她很少看电视故


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