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1、第四学时Grammar观察领悟观察领悟下列句子,找出其规律并熟读。1Worried_about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.2Wellknown for their expertise,his parents company,called “Future Tours”,transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.3The capsule began swinging gently sideways as we lay relaxed and dreami

2、ng.4Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.5Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.6Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.7Deeply touched,I thanked him again and again.8Caught in a heavy rain,he was late for work again.自我总结动词的过

3、去分词具有副词、形容词的特征,分词或分词短语在句中可作_、_,还可作_等。答案:状语;定语;表语一、过去分词(短语)作状语过去分词(短语)作状语可以表时间、原因、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等,它的逻辑主语通常就是句子的主语,过去分词与主语之间是动宾关系。1作时间状语。相当于一个时间状语从句。Once published,the dictionary will be very popular.(Once publishedOnce it is published)一旦出版,这本词典将大受欢迎。2作原因状语。相当于一个原因状语从句。Lost in thought,I didnt notice wh

4、at was happening outside.(Lost in thoughtBecause I was lost in thought)由于陷入沉思,我没注意到外面发生了什么事情。3作条件状语。相当于一个条件状语从句。Given another hour,I can also work out this problem.(Given another hourIf I am given another hour)如果再给我一个小时,我也能把这道题算出来。4作让步状语。相当于一个让步状语从句。Beaten by the opposite team,we didnt lose heart an

5、d encouraged each other.(Beaten by the opposite teamThough we were beaten by the opposite team)虽然被对方的队打败了,但我们并没有灰心而是相互鼓励。5作方式或伴随状语。可以转换成一个并列句。The old man got on the bus,supported by a girl.(supported by a girland was supported by a girl)(方式)在一位姑娘的搀扶下,老人上了公共汽车。【注意】(1)过去分词作状语时,其前面可以带有相应的连词,如when,thoug

6、h,although,as if,as though,if,unless,until,once等,表时间、让步、条件、方式等。If (I am)invited,I will attend the wedding of my friend.如果受到邀请,我会参加我朋友的婚礼。(2)过去分词与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,即表被动;现在分词与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,即表主动。Asked why he was late,he cried.被问到他为什么迟到时,他哭了。Looking out of the window,I saw some students playing ther

7、e.我朝窗外望去,看见几个学生在那边玩耍。(3)过去分词(短语)作状语时,分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语要一致。If caught,the thief will be punished by the police.小偷如果被抓,会受到警方的处罚。(4)有些过去分词已形容词化,作状语时表示人的状态。常见的有:satisfied,surprised,interested,moved,worried,pleased,disappointed等。Disappointed at the examination results,the girl stood there without saying a wor

8、d.因为对考试结果很失望,小女孩站在那儿一句话也没说。二、过去分词作定语1一般来说,过去分词作定语时含有“完成” 和“被动” 的双重意义。但要注意不及物动词的过去分词常表示“完成” 的动作,而不表示“被动” 意义。如:boiled water(开水);fallen leaves(落叶);risen sun(升起的太阳)等。My parents are both retired teachers.我的父母都是退休教师。2单个的过去分词作定语时,一般放在被修饰词之前,也可后置。往往可用定语从句代替。spoken English英语口语iced beer冰镇啤酒fried chips炸土豆条Hurr

9、y up,there is only a little time left.快点,时间不多了。Things seen are mightier than things heard.眼见为实,耳听为虚。3过去分词表示的动作通常发生在谓语动词之前或表示与句中谓语动词相应的经常性动作。All the windows broken have been repaired.所有坏了的窗子都已经修理好了。He is a teacher loved and respected by his students.他是一个受学生喜爱和尊敬的老师。一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1Well _ (manage),his

10、business soon took off.2The woman scientist entered the room,_ (follow) by her assistants.3_ (weaken) by successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe.4_ (support) by a girl,the old man got off the bus.5_(take) 30 minutes before each meal,the medicine is very effective against the illness.6_(face

11、) with the increasing unemployment,many people went on strike in most of the European countries.7_(warn) that the Youth Olympic Games might be delayed due to severe air pollution,our government has made a promise to Jacques Rogge that they will spare no effort to settle the problem.8What surprised m

12、e most was that there appeared a _ (surprise)look on her face on hearing the unexpected news.9The book _(refer) at the meeting is popular among teenagers.10_ (offer) great help, I can get rid of all the difficulties.答案:1managed2.followed3.Weakened4.Supported5Taken6.Faced 7.Warned8.surprised9referred

13、10.Offered 二、翻译下列句子,注意过去分词的用法1下定决心要戒烟,约翰把剩余的香烟都扔到垃圾箱里了。_答案: Determined to quit smoking,John threw all the remaining cigarettes into the garbage can.2在接受警员问话的时候,那个被绑在椅子上的年轻人坚持说自己是无罪的。_答案: When questioned by the police officer,the young man tied to the chair insisted that he was innocent.3一直在沉思,那个被安排坐

14、在第一行的学生没有听到教授的话。_答案:Lost in thought,the student seated in the first row didnt hear a word the professor said.4一旦被建好,这座15层的楼就会挡住射入我房间的阳光。_答案:Once completed,this 15storeyed building will block the sunlight coming into my room.5在第一次介绍给客人的时候,这种先进的产品就立即受到欢迎。_答案: When first introduced to customers,this ad

15、vanced product was wellreceived at once.6他们当中有一些人,生长在那个小村子,从未见过火车。_答案: Some of them,born and brought up in that small village,had never seen a train.三、语法填空1_( absorb) in his novel, Tome didnt notice his teacher coming to him.“2._(tell) many times to study hard, why are you still wasting your time?”

16、the teacher said angrily, 3._(glare) at Tom.“Sorry, Mr. Wang. 4._(not know) what to do, I just want to keep quiet in class, 5._(kill) my time.” 6._(hear) his words, the teacher left more angrily without saying anything. 7._(surprise), his classmates all stopped studying and looked up at Tom, 8._he w

17、as always considered a hardworking boy. “Its nothing special,” Tom explained, 9._(put) the novel in his bag. “Isnt it good 10._us to read more?” Then he began to do his homework.答案:1Absorbed2.Having been told3.glaring4.Not knowing 5.killing6.Hearing7.Surprised8.because9.putting10.for四、单句改错1The probl

18、em discussing yesterday at the meeting is important to all of us._2Exhausting after the journey,little Tom soon fell asleep._3My sister Lucy bought a computer producing in Indonesia._4At present,English is the main subject teaching here._5Attracting by the beauty of nature,the couple decided to spend another three days in the countryside._答案:1discussingdiscussed2ExhaustingExhausted3producingproduced 4teachingtaught5AttractingAttracted


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