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1、第三学时Using LanguageReading, listening and speaking根据课文“I Have Seen Amazing Things”,从每题所给的四个选项中选出正确答案。1Why does the space station spin slowly in space?ATo prevent itself falling onto the ground.BTo look more beautiful.CTo imitate the pull of the earths gravity.DTo get away from the pull of the earths

2、gravity.2How do the space citizens send their messages?ABy using typewriters.BBy sending letters.CBy sending emails.DBy using a “thoughtpad”3Which will take the place of the workers in the 31st century?AThe robots.BThe manufacturing machine.CThe waste machine.DThe spacemen.4It can be inferred from t

3、he passage that in the 31st century_Ano rubbish will be producedBthe environment will become betterCthere will be no desertDpeople can use plastic bags without limits答案:14CDABPart AReading Aloud模仿朗读下面一段话,并注意语音语调。Our third stop shows the changes/ that have happened to work practices. Manufacturing no

4、 longer takes place on the earth/ but on space stations like this one. A groupof engineers programme robots to perform tasks in space. The robots produce goods/ suchas drugs, clothes, furniture, hovering carriages, etc. There is no waste, no pollution and no environmental damage! However, the compan

5、ies have to train their representatives to liveand workin space settlements. They have to monitor the robots and the production. When the goods are ready/ theyre transported by industrial spaceship back to earth.Part BRole Play情景介绍:李强向导游询问太空站的有关信息。角色: Li Qiang和the guide任务: (1)请你扮演李强, 根据中文提示提出问题。(2)请

6、你的同学扮演导游,根据课文内容回答你的提问,然后你们互换角色进行口语练习。 Q1: 在太空站人们怎样发送信息?_Q2: 我怎么看不见垃圾箱?_Q3: 太空人怎样处理垃圾呢?_Q4: 太空站上可以从事制造业吗?_Q5: 什么人从事制造业呢?_答案:Q1:How do the space citizens send messages?A1:They use thoughtpads to send each other messages.Q2:Why cant I see any dustbins?A2:Because there are no dustbins here.Q3:How do the

7、 space citizens deal with rubbish?A3:They use a giant machine.The machine swallows all the rubbish available and turns the rubbish into several grades of useful things so that nothing is wasted and everything, even plastic bags, is recycled.Q4:Is there manufacturing on the space station?A4:Yes, of c

8、ourse.Q5:Who does the work?A5:Engineers programme robots to perform tasks in space.Part CRetelling请用自己的话复述课文, 你可以参照上述问题及其答案。关键词:visit, space station, thoughtpad, rubbish, manufacturing_答案:Li Qiang pays a visit to the space station.The guide tells him that space citizens use thoughtpads to send each

9、other messages.Li Qiang can see no dustbins there because people there use a giant machine which swallows all the rubbish available and turns the rubbish into several grades of useful things so that nothing is wasted and everything, even plastic bags, is recycled.Manufacturing takes place on space s

10、tation instead of on the earth, but human beings only programme robots to perform tasks in space.Besides, no factories will produce any waste.So there is no pollution and no environmental damage.How wonderful the future world is!1My first visit was to a space station considered the most modern in sp

11、ace.我首先参观的是一个太空站,这个站被认为是太空中最现代化的地方。词语链接consider v认为,考虑considerate adj.体谅的,体贴的consideration n考虑的事情C,关心Uconsider that. 认为consider doing sth.考虑做某事consider.to be/as认为是(用于被动句中)即学即练翻译下列句子。(1)我们考虑了他的建议。_(2)我认为那消息不正确。_(3)他正考虑出国留学。_答案:(1)We considered his advice.(2)I considered that the message was wrong.(3)

12、He is considering studying abroad.2.there is a system where the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.有一个系统,在这个系统里,根据生态学原理,所有的垃圾得以清除。dispose of sth.去掉,清除, 销毁,应付,解决We should realize the difficulties of disposing of nuclear waste.我们应该认识到清除核废物的难度。This seemed to have disposed of their arg

13、uments.这似乎解决了他们的争论。using the principles of ecology是现在分词短语作方式状语。如:He came running all the way.他是一路跑过来的。3They have to monitor the robots and the production.他们要监管机器人及生产过程。monitor n班长v监视,检查即学即练翻译下列句子。我们的班长帮助老师监管宿舍。_答案:Our monitor helps the teacher to monitor the dormitory.4长难句结构分析(1) an_exhibition_of_th

14、e_most_uptodate,主语)_inventions_of_the_31st_century,)分析:本句使用了倒装结构。里面有31世纪最先进发明的展览。(2)if the user does not think his or her message clearly,,状语从句)an_unclear_message_may_be_sent),sdo5(表语从句) 分析:if条件句在表语从句中充当状语,an unclear message may be sent是表语从句中的主句。唯一的限制是如果使用者没有清楚地考虑他/她的信息,那么不清晰的信息或许就被发送出去了。一、单词拼写1It i

15、s one of legality construction contents to make _(市民) know and obey law.2She is a _ (打字员) in a publishing firm.3May I have the _(接收人的) name,address and phone number?4Take the bag of rubbish out to the _(垃圾箱),please.5He is a famous professor of _ (生态学)in our college.答案: 1citizens2.typist3.receivers4.

16、dustbin5.ecology二、词语活用用与consider相关的词语完成下列小段落。Mary 1._(正考虑)marrying Jack and her parents are very glad because Jack 2._(被认为)one of the 3._(最体贴的)men in his company.Besides, Jack is capable and careful.4._(综合考虑各方面的情况), Mary thinks Jack is the very man she wants to marry.答案:1is considering2.is considere

17、d to be/as3.most considerate4Taking everything into consideration三、运用所学的语言基础知识,完成下列短文 His whole morning 1._ (被占据) with the meeting and his head ached when it was finally over. Just at that time, the assistant came in and 2._ (提醒) him that it was time for him to meet the customer at the airport. Look

18、ing at his watch, he 3._ ( 突然站起来) and rushed out of his office into his car. Worried about 4._ (留下不好的印象) the customer, he 5._ ( 加速) his car on the way but got there some minutes late. Among all the people 6._ (在四面八方), he 7._ (看见) the customer who was waiting for him, 8._ (没有) patience. He hurried to the man, thinking of the coming holiday.答案:1was taken up2.reminded3.jumped to his feet4making a poor impression on5.sped up6in all directions7.caught sight of8.lacking


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