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1、第五单元过关检测(时间:90分钟满分:120分)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ADoctors in hospital emergency rooms(急诊室) often see accidental poisonings(中毒).A frightened parent arrives with a child who swallowed a cleaning liquid.Or perhaps the harmful substance is a medicine

2、.Or it might be a product meant to kill insects.These are common causes of accidental poisoning.In cases like this,seek medical help as soon as possible.Save the container of whatever caused the poisoning.And look on the container for information about anything that stops the effects of the poison.S

3、ave anything expelled from the mouth of the victim.That way,doctors can examine it.Millions of people know how to give abdominal thrusts(腹部按压)to save a person choking on something trapped in the throat.The American Red Cross says a rescuer should first hit the person on the back five times between t

4、he shoulder bones.If the airway is still blocked,the Red Cross suggests pushing hard five times along the victims abdomen.You can do these abdominal thrusts by getting directly behind a sitting or standing person.The Mayo Clinic health centers suggest several steps if bleeding (出血) is severe.First,i

5、f possible,remove dirt from the wound and press on it with a clean cloth or piece of clothing.In the past,people were advised to stop severe bleeding with a tourniquet(止血带).But experts now say tourniquets are dangerous because they can crush(挤压) major arteries and nerves.If a wound seems infected,le

6、t the victim rest.Physical activity can spread the infection.Treat the wound with a mixture of salt and water until medical help arrives.To learn more about first aid,ask a hospital or an organization like the Red Cross or the Red Crescent Society for information.Training may be offered in your area

7、.If you know first aid methods,you can be calmer and more helpful in case of emergency.1.What does the underlined word “expelled” mean?A.Came out.B.Took up.C.Went away.D.Got down.答案:A提示:词义猜测题。根据画线部分语境可知,保存好从受害者嘴巴里排出的东西,以便医生检查。2.If there is severe bleeding,you should .A.cover the wound with a tourniq

8、uetB.clean the wound and try to stop bleedingC.treat the infected wound with saltD.help the victim do physical activity答案:B提示:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“First,if possible,remove dirt from the wound and press on it with a clean cloth or piece of clothing.”可知答案。3.Where can you learn more about first aid?A.A hospit

9、al or the Red Cross.B.A hospital or a magazine.C.The Red Cross or a patient.D.The Red Crescent Society or a book.答案:A提示:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“To learn more about first aid.for information.”可知答案:。4.From the passage,we can know.A.now people still use a tourniquet to stop bleedingB.the container of poison is

10、 not helpful to doctorsC.rest can do good to a wound infectedD.abdominal thrusts are for the unconscious答案:C提示:推理判断题。根据第二段可知,带中毒的人去医院,要带着毒药的容器等,所以B项错误;根据第四段可知,以前用止血带,但医生说那对血管不好,所以A项错误,根据第三段可知腹部按压是治疗喉咙堵塞窒息的人,不是晕倒的人,可知D项错误。C项正确。B(导学号51960068)Kristy,28,a cook in La Gross,often wondered what shed do in

11、a life-threatening situation.On August 29,she got her answer.While she was driving on a road,a big truck hit its head on a pickup car.The pickup car burst into flames.Kristy rushed out and ran to the pickup.Two farmers,Dean Berhard,51,and his brother Donald,44,were inside.When she got close,Kristy c

12、ould see the unconscious driver.The other man was under the passenger seat.Kristy said,“The smells were sickening.I was afraid the truck would blow up and kill us all.”The driver of the big truck was struggling to open the passenger door,so Kristy rushed to the drivers side.Finally they opened the d

13、oor.She reached in,seized the driver and,to her horror,felt her hands sink into his chest.She quickly dragged the man to safety on the roadside,then hurried back.As Kristy stared down the ditch (水沟) with the passenger,the pickup blew up.She jumped on top of him and they both rolled to safety.When th

14、e police arrived a while later,Kristy started crying,“I want my mum.” In fact she cried for the next three months.Today the two farmers,each the father of two children,are good friends with Kristy.To show their deep appreciation,they bought her a ring with nine diamondsone for each member of their i

15、mmediate families,and the ninth for her.5.In which order did Kristy do the following things?a.Carried Dean and Donald to safetyb.Rushed to the pickupc.Surprised herselfd.Saw the truck hit on the pickupe.Got out of her carf.Wondered what shed do in dangerA.e,d,b,a,c,fB.d,e,b,a,f,cC.f,d,e,b,a,cD.f,c,e

16、,d,b,a答案:C提示:细节理解题。先根据文中第一句确定排在第一位的应为f句;再根据故事的时间和逻辑顺序确定排在第二位的为d句。故正确答案为C项。6.When coming to save Donald and Dean Berhard,Kristy never thought that she .A.could have any help from othersB.would be successful in saving both of themC.might be killedD.would be tested in a dangerous situation答案:D提示:细节理解题。

17、由第一句 “Kristy,28,a cook in La Gross,often wondered what shed do in a life-threatening situation.”可推知答案为D项。7.Which of the following best shows Kristys true heroism?A.She did not feel terrified at the accident.B.She protected herself as well as the two brothers from harm.C.She put her life “on the line

18、” to save others.D.She was regarded as a member of Deans and Donalds families.答案:C提示:细节理解题。解答本题的关键在于理解选项C中 “on the line”的含义。on the line相当于in time of danger。put ones life on the line的意思是“冒生命危险”。8.Kristy cried because she .A.was badly woundedB.had never experienced such a situationC.was too excited at

19、 the resultD.regretted not putting out the fire答案:B提示:细节理解题。由首句 “Kristy,28,a cook in La Gross,often wondered what shed do in a life-threatening situation.”可知,她从未经历过如此可怕的事情,精神受到刺激,因此哭了起来。C(导学号51960069)First aid doesnt take long to learn but can help to save lives.However,therere many misunderstanding

20、s about first aid.Below are the “most popular” first aid misunderstandings and some information on what you should do.You should put butter or cream on a burn.The only thing you should put on a minor burn is cold waterkeep the butter for cooking.Put the affected area under cold running water for at

21、least 10 minutes.Severe burns require special care to prevent infection.If you cant move a limb,your bone must be broken.If you can move a limb,it cant be broken.The only accurate way to diagnose(诊断) it is to X-ray it.The best way to treat bleeding is to put the wound under running water.If you put

22、a bleeding wound under running water you wash away the bodys clotting agents(凝血剂) and make it bleed more.Instead,push on the wound.Nosebleeds are best treated by putting the head back.If you put the head back during a nosebleed,all the blood goes down the back of the airway.Instead,advise the person

23、 to put his head forward to allow the blood to flow out of the nose.Ask the person to press the end of the nose and breathe through his mouth.If someone has swallowed poison,you should make them sick.If you make someone sick by putting your fingers in their mouth,the things that come up may block th

24、eir airway.Also,if the poison burnt on the way down,it will burn on the way up.Get medical advice,and if possible,find out what poison was taken,at what time and how much.You need lots of training to do first aid.What you mostly need is common sense.You can learn enough first aid in a few minutes to

25、 save someones life.You need lots of expensive equipment to do first aid.You dont need any equipment to do first aid.There are lots of ways to get anything you need in a minute.9.The author intends to .A.remind readers of the importance of first aidB.warn readers of some mistaken ideas about first a

26、idC.show readers how to treat a patient correctlyD.tell readers not to misunderstand first aid答案:B提示:主旨大意题。根据文章第一段可知,本文是告诫读者一些急救知识的误区。10.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Cold water is the best thing to cure a burn.B.The only way to heal a broken bone is by an X-ra

27、y.C.Different burns should be treated in different ways.D.Washing a wound may make it heal faster.答案:C提示:推理判断题。根据第二段可知,轻微的烧伤可以用冷水冲洗,严重的必须采取特殊措施,故选C项。11.If your nose bleeds,you are advised to .A.put your head back as soon as possibleB.raise your head to stop the bleedingC.put your head forward and pr

28、ess the end of your noseD.put your hands up as high as possible答案:C提示:细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Instead,advise the person to put his head forward to allow the blood to flow out of the nose.Ask the person to press the end of the nose and breathe through his mouth.”可知,应选C项。12.If someone has taken some poison,youd

29、 better .A.try to make him sickB.get help from a medical bookC.give him something to drinkD.get the details about the poison he has taken答案:D提示:细节理解题。根据第六段中的“.if possible,find out what poison was taken,at what time and how much.”可知,获得一些详细情况对紧急救助吞食毒药者有很大帮助。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处

30、的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(导学号51960070)What to do in a fireFire drills are a big part of being safe in school.But what if there was a fire where you live?Would you know what to do?Talking about fires can be scary because no one likes to think about people getting hurt.13Know your way outAn escape plan can h

31、elp every member of a family get out of a burning house.14 So its important to learn and remember the different ways out of your home.Its a good idea to draw a map of the escape plan.Stay lowIf you can see smoke in the house,stay low to the ground as you make your way to the exit.15 Youll breathe le

32、ss smoke if you stay close to the ground.Smoke naturally rises,so staying low means you can crawl(匍匐行进)under most of it.Ask for help16 You can do this from an open window or call 119 if you have a phone with you.Never hide under the bed or in a closet.Then,firefighters will have a hard time finding

33、you.17Its great to talk about emergency plans,but its even better if you practice them.Having a fire drill at home gives everyone a chance to see how they would react in a real emergency.Your family should practice this drill at least once a year.A.Home drillsB.Preventing firesC.But you can feel les

34、s worried if you are prepared.D.Smoke from a fire can make it hard to see where things are.E.Once youre out,do not go back in for anythingeven pets.F.If you cant get out fast,because of fire or smoke,youll want to yell for help.G.In a fire,smoke and poisonous air hurt more people than the actual fla

35、mes do.答案:1317 CDGFA第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(导学号51960071)John and Mary had a nice home and two lovely children,a boy and a girl.John had a good 18 and had just been asked to go on a business trip to another city and it was 19 th

36、at Mary needed an outing and would go along too.They 20 a reliable woman to care for the children and made the 21,returning home a little earlier than they had planned.22 they drove into their hometown,they found a home in flames.Mary said,“Oh well,it isnt our fire;lets go home.”23 John drove closer

37、 and exclaimed,“That home belongs to Fred Jones who works at the plant.He wouldnt be 24 work yet.Maybe there is something we could do.”John drove up and stopped and they were both 25 to see the whole house in flames.A woman on the lawn was in hysterics 26,“The children!Get the children!They are in t

38、he basement.”27 Marys protests,John grabbed the water hose and soaked(浸湿) his clothes,put his wet handkerchief on his head and 28 for the basement which was full of 29.He found two nearly suffocated(窒息的) children and after carrying them to safety,he asked how many more children were 30 there.They to

39、ld him two more and Mary 31 his arm and screamed,“John!Dont go back!Its 32!That house will cave in any second!”But he shook her off and went back by 33 his way down the smoke-filled hallway and into the room.It 34 a long time before he found both children and started back and at last when they came

40、out into the 35 and fresh air,he found that he had just 36 his own children.It turned out that the baby-sitter had 37 them at this home while she did some shopping.18.A.job B.familyC.wife D.boss答案:A提示:由后文可知他被派去出差,又与前文的幸福家庭相对,可知此处应该说的是好工作,故选A项。19.A.knownB.believedC.decidedD.hoped答案:C提示:决定(decide) 约翰的

41、妻子也需要一起去。其余三项不符合语境。20.A.askedB.hiredC.intendedD.reminded答案:B提示:夫妻俩要离开,应该会雇用(hire)一个人照顾孩子。intend“意欲,打算”;remind“使想起”。21.A.preparationsB.promiseC.decisionD.trip答案:D提示:与前文的“.had just been asked to go on a business trip.”相呼应,故选D项。22.A.BeforeB.AsC.OnceD.Since答案:B提示:当他们开车回家时,发现一幢房子着火了。as意为“当时”,引导时间状语从句,故选B

42、项。before “在之前”;once“一旦”;since“自从以来”。23.A.AndB.SoC.NowD.But答案:D提示:前后为转折关系。24.A.offB.onC.out ofD.at答案:A提示:be off work为固定搭配,意为“下班”。句意:按理来说他还未下班。25.A.heart-brokenB.conscience-strickenC.horror-strickenD.poverty-stricken答案:C提示:当他们开车过去停下后,他们都吓坏了,发现整个房子都在着火。horror-stricken“吓坏了的”,符合语境。heart-broken“心碎的”;consc

43、ience-stricken“内疚的”;poverty-stricken“非常贫穷的”。26.A.coughingB.screamingC.whisperingD.laughing答案:B提示:这种情况下,草坪上一个妇女应该是正歇斯底里地大叫。scream“(因伤痛、害怕、激动)而尖叫,大声叫”。cough“咳嗽”;whisper“低声说”;laugh“笑”。27.A.Apart fromB.In case ofC.Instead ofD.In spite of答案:D提示:句意为“尽管玛丽反对,约翰仍抓过水管,浸湿衣服,把湿手帕盖在头上”;in spite of “尽管”,符合句意。apar

44、t from“除此之外”;in case of“万一”;instead of“代替”。28.A.reachedB.searchedC.dashedD.sent答案:C提示:情况紧急,约翰应该是冲到了地下室。dash “冲,猛冲”,符合句意。29.A.smokeB.darknessC.childrenD.danger答案:A提示:发生了火灾,地下室里应该是充满了烟(smoke)。30.A.upB.awayC.outD.down答案:D提示:从地下室救上两个孩子后,他应该是问下面(down)还有几个孩子。31.A.pulledB.tookC.grabbedD.held答案:C提示:由后文玛丽所说的

45、话可知她应该是抓住(grab)他的手臂,不想让他再冒险下去救人了。32.A.dangerousB.uselessC.overD.stupid答案:A提示:由后一句“这房子随时会坍塌”可知,此时应该是危险的(dangerous)。33.A.pushingB.feelingC.jumpingD.moving答案:B提示:在浓烟滚滚的屋子里,他应该摸索着走。feel ones way “摸索着走”,符合句意。34.A.meantB.sparedC.spentD.seemed答案:D提示:在他找到孩子并返回之前仿佛(seem)花了很长的时间。mean“打算,意味”;spare“节省,分出”;spend


47、分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(导学号51960072)First aid is of 38.(important) in our life.There is no doubt 39. it is necessary to know some knowledge of first aid as dangers lie everywhere and accidents happen from time to time. If a person has an accident,he needs medical care before a doctor can 40.(find).But in the process of first aid,41. the injured will be properly treated 42.(depend) on your knowledge of first aid.As 43. famous journalist,Yansong leads a very simple life.But he not o


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