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1、听说训练7Part A模仿朗读听录音,模仿朗读短文,注意画线单词的发音。短文读两遍。It is hard to get people to think of a shark as anything but a deadly enemy.They are often thought to attack people.But they perform a valuable service for earths waters and for human beings.Yet business and sport fishing are threatening their life.Some shar

2、ks are at risk of disappearing from the earth.Warm weather may influence both fish and shark activities.Many fish swim near coastal areas because of their warm waters.Sharks may follow the fish into the same areas,where people also swim.In fact,most sharks do not purposely bite humans.They are thoug

3、ht to mistake a person for a sea animal.It is hard to get people to think of a shark as anything but a deadly enemy.They are often thought to attack people.But they perform a valuable service for earths waters and for human beings.Yet business and sport fishing are threatening their life.Some sharks

4、 are at risk of disappearing from the earth.Warm weather may influence both fish and shark activities.Many fish swim near coastal areas because of their warm waters.Sharks may follow the fish into the same areas,where people also swim.In fact,most sharks do not purposely bite humans.They are thought

5、 to mistake a person for a sea animal.答案:shark􀱷kenemy enmIattacktkvaluablevljblthreatening􀱺retnI􀱻disappearingdIspIrI􀱻influence InflnspurposelyppslIPart B听录音回答问题1.听第一段对话,并回答录音提问的第12题。对话仅播放一遍,注意做好记录。M:Betty,you speak several languages,dont you?W:Yes,I speak Spanish

6、and French.M:And what helped you most in learning those languages?W:Well,I studied both languages in high school,and Im still studying Spanish here at the university,but I think that travel has probably been the most help to me.You see,Ive been lucky that Ive lived in Europe.Believe me,I didnt speak

7、 very well before I moved there.M:Youre right.Practice is very useful.听提问,回答第1个问题。提问读两遍:Question 1:What language does the woman speak?Question 1:Answer 1:听提问,回答第2个问题。提问读两遍:Question 2:What does the woman think is the most help to learn the languages?Question 2:Answer 2:2.听第二段对话,并回答录音提问的第35题。对话播放两遍,注意

8、做好记录。M:Hello,Mary,why didnt you come to the party in Toms house?W:What party?I didnt know that!M:Tom invited us to take part in a party in his house last Saturday.Didnt he tell you about that through his Weibo?W:What is the Weibo?I have no idea about it.M:It is one kind of blog on the Internet and y

9、ou can use it to contact friends and share information very quickly if they are online too.W:I see.I thought that QQ could be enough for us to communicate,but you guys are using the Weibo as a new way to share information.M:Yes.We actually started to use it several months ago.Why dont you have one a

10、nd join us?听提问,回答第3个问题。提问读两遍:Question 3:Why didnt Mary come to the party?Question 3:Answer 3:听提问,回答第4个问题。提问读两遍:Question 4:How did Tom tell them about his party?Question 4:Answer 4:听提问,回答第5个问题。提问读两遍:Question 5:When did the man start using the Weibo?Question 5:Answer 5:答案:1.Question 1:What language do

11、es the woman speak?Answer 1:Spanish and French.Question 2:What does the woman think is the most help to learn the languages?Answer 2:Travel.2.Question 3:Why didnt Mary come to the party?Answer 3:She didnt know about it.Question 4:How did Tom tell them about his party?Answer 4:Through his Weibo.Quest

12、ion 5:When did the man start using the Weibo?Answer 5:Several months ago.Part C故事复述Sally always gets different kinds of information through her Weibo.One day her neighbor Ms.Green lost her little dog earlier in the morning of the same day when she was shopping in the supermarket.Ms.Green was crying

13、and missing her little dog so much.Sally decided to help Ms.Green to find the dog via Weibo.She asked Ms.Green to offer some pictures of that dog,and then she uploaded the pictures into her Weibo and asked for help there.Her friends connecting her Weibo spread the information via their Weibo.More an

14、d more people got to know the missing dog and they offered what they knew through their Weibo too.Sally collected all the information others offered and tried to answer questions people asked about the missing dog.Several hours later,one guy living near the supermarket told Sally that he saw a dog l

15、ying at the corner of the street outside the supermarket,and it looked the same as the missing dog.Sally ran out of her house and asked Ms.Green to go to the place and check.What a good result! It was the missing dog lying there.It was wounded in its legs and could not walk home.梗概:一天,Sally通过微博,帮助一位

16、邻居找回了丢失的小狗。关键词:Weibo(微博)via(通过)upload(上传)wounded(受伤的)(一)听第一遍,速记以下要点:1.邻居?2.怎样帮?3.结果?(二)听第二遍,速记以下细节,并做好复述准备:One day,Sallys neighbor Ms.Green So Sally Then Finally,(三)复述故事根据速记的内容口头复述故事。答案:One day,Sallys neighbor Ms.Green lost her little dog when she was shopping in the supermarket.She was so sad that

17、Sally decided to help her to look for the dog via Weibo.Sally uploaded some pictures of the missing dog and asked for help from her friends connecting to her Weibo.Her friends offered what they knew about the missing dog and Sally tried to answer questions people asked about the missing dog.Finally

18、one guy living near the supermarket said he saw a dog lying at the street corner outside the supermarket.Sally and Ms.Green went to check.That was the missing dog lying there with some wounds in its legs.Part D问题翻译1.我怎样才能拥有微博呢?2.怎样使用微博?3.人们为什么都使用微博了?答案:1.How can I have/get/own Weibo?2.How can we use Weibo?3.Why do people all use Weibo?


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