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国际酒店前厅管理手册Front Office Reception-RM-FO-Rec-23-03 前厅部台风应急方案typoon.doc

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国际酒店前厅管理手册Front Office Reception-RM-FO-Rec-23-03 前厅部台风应急方案typoon.doc_第1页
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国际酒店前厅管理手册Front Office Reception-RM-FO-Rec-23-03 前厅部台风应急方案typoon.doc_第2页
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国际酒店前厅管理手册Front Office Reception-RM-FO-Rec-23-03 前厅部台风应急方案typoon.doc_第3页
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1、国际酒店前厅部操作手册前厅部Front Office前台服务程序LOCAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES国际酒店管理资料手册International Hotel Management Information Manual前台是展示酒店的形象、服务的起点。对于宾客来说,酒店大堂前台是接触我们酒店的第一步,是对酒店的第一印象,是非常重要的。 制定前厅部标准运作程序手册的目的制订本手册是为了说明酒店管理前厅部标准运作的政策和程序,确保前厅部运营及管理工作的一贯性。向前厅部工作人员提供日常工作及培训的指导。使前厅部员工了解前厅的作用,了解前厅运作及管理的政策和程序。LO

2、CAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES本地标准操作程序LSOP No.:RM-FO-GS-22-03Effective Date:Division:Rooms办公室Revised Date:Section:Front Office前厅部Prepared by : Approved by 批准人:_SUBJECT:Front Office Typhoon Emergency Plan 前厅部台风应急方案_OBJECTIVE目的:Ensure Front Office am bassador strict follow Front Office Typhoon Emer

3、gency Plan前厅大使根据部门运作需求严格执行前厅部台风应急方案POLICY政策:Ensure hotel operation smooth running during typhoon period. Reduce and avoid any damage of hotel loss. 确保台风期间酒店运作顺利进行。减少和避免台风灾害给予酒店的损失。Ensure we comfort our guest to let them feel safe.确保安抚客人,以致使客人感觉酒店是安全的。PROCEDURES 程序: 1. Inform the guest (strictly acco

4、rding the instruction received by GM/RM) about the forecast. Put notice board in the lobby and updated time to time depending on the situation. 通知酒店客人有关天气预测情况(要严格按照总经理或驻店经理的指示)在酒店大堂设置告示牌,时刻更新台风最新情况。2. Prepare the plan (according the occupancy) to move the guests in the odd or even room as per the ex

5、pected direction of typhoon impact (the typhoon change the direction during his action). 由于台风天气风向的改变,应依照当时住房率,制定好计划来转移酒店受台风影响房间的客人。3. Delivery to the guests the recommendations issued in case of typhoon impact. 根据台风影响程度的大小,向酒店客人说明情况。4. GSM has to check to closure of all the windows in the lobby area

6、 (include lobby corridor area and group check-in lounge). During the typhoon impact, it has to be controlled that no guests or associates stand near the windows. In case of wind over 103-117KM/H nobody has to stay in the public corridors or in the lobby (as risk of glass chips). If necessary, the pe

7、rson has to stay in the area opposite of the actual wind direction. 宾客服务经理要查看大堂区域(包括大堂走廊区域及团队接待处)以保证所有窗户都关闭。在台风天气影响期间,确保每位客人及员工都不靠近窗户。如果风速超过每小时103-117公里,要确保所有人都不接近公共走廊或大堂区域,以免被玻璃碎片划伤。如果情况严重,所有人都必须暂时停留在与台风实际风向相反的区域。5. The transportation has to provide to park the cars / buses far from the high trees.

8、 Buses can be used to make barrier for cars. All the cars / buses has to refilled in advance. All the drivers have to be on call. 所有车辆都必须停靠在远离高大树木的地方。大巴车可以给小汽车提供遮蔽作用。所有车辆都必须提前加满油,所有司机都必须随时代命,做好准备。6. The golf buggy has to be recovered indoor. 高尔夫球车必须停靠在室内。7. All the cash flow has to be kept in a safe

9、 places, like Front Office前厅部 safe deposit box, its should decided by Front Office前厅部 Manager and Financial Controller.所有流动现金都必须放置在安全的地方,如前厅部保险箱,具体位置应由前厅部经理及财务总监共同讨论决定。8. 10 well charged emergency torches are kept with Delight To Serve为您服务中心应准备好10个充好电的应急手电筒。9. 2 sets of rain coat and rain boots are

10、kept in Concierge store room 礼宾部行李房应准备好2套雨衣及雨鞋。10. Chief Concierge or most senior Concierge Shift Leader has to on duty and control the flight information. The information should be posted in the lobby and also distribute to Resort management once updated. 礼宾部经理或礼宾部主管必须在岗,随时掌握航班信息。航班信息要张贴在大堂并通知酒店各部门

11、航班更新情况。11. GSM and Delight To Serve are responsible to handling all the guest require and complaint. 宾客服务经理同为您服务中心一起负责处理所有客人的要求与投诉。12. The Coaster and cars should be stand by right after the flight back to normal and provide chargeable Airport transportation service to all in-house guests only. The

12、price should be decided by Resident Manager and Front Office前厅部 Manager. 一旦航班恢复正常,必须准备好车辆只为酒店客人提供接送机服务。具体价格由驻店经理及前厅部经理决定。13. Front Desk Supervisor is accountable to print back up report (Arrival Report, Departure Report, In-House Report, VIP Report, and Vacant Rooming List) at least once 2 hours or

13、depending on the situation. 前台主管,至少每隔两个小时或依情况而定,要负责打印出反馈报告(包括客人抵店报告,客人离店报告,住店客人报告,VIP客人报告及空房名单)。PS: Typhoon Route Forecast Link: 台风路径预测链接 http:/www.hko.gov.hk/contentc.htmReviewed by 审核人: Approved by 批准人: _ Division Head部门主管 General Manager总经理酒店管理手册前厅、客房、餐厅、人事、保安、工程、营销、行政、总经办开业、入职、招聘、设计、程序、标准、SOP酒店管理之家


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