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香格里拉酒店 餐饮标准第一部(中)【浦东】P50.pdf

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1、3. Food & BeverageCore Practices3. Food & BeverageCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范2011/9/301-Dear Shangri-La Ambassadors,亲爱的香格里拉大使们,We have created 88 Core Practices after examining “ all moments of truths” and we must utilize them at all times to create competitive advantage being efficient, 100% consi

2、stent and exceeding guest expectations and our guests are delighted each time we interact with them. Service is like love it is not the words that matters, its the actions. 充分审视“服务的关键时刻”后,我们制定了88核心准则。为“每时每刻令客人喜出望外”,并创造竞争优势,我们必须确保时刻落实88核心准则, 高效并持之以恒、超越客人期望。服务就如爱, 真情在于行动之中。Cetin Sekercioglu 施政延Vice Pr

3、esident / General Manager 副总裁 / 总经理2011/9/302Food & BeverageFood & BeverageCore PracticesCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范INDEX - 2 of 2 目录7.Banqueting 宴会厅8.C&P Rooms主席厅9.Kitchen厨房10. Stewarding管事部2011/9/303F&BF&BCore PracticesCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范1.1. Divisional Core Divisional Core PracticesPrac

4、tices部门核心规范部门核心规范CONTENT - 1 of 4 内容简介1. Quality of F&B 餐饮部质量标准2. Service Etiquette服务礼仪3. Product Knowledge产品知识4. Grooming仪容仪表5. Posture & Attitude姿势与态度6. Ownership主人翁精神2011/9/304CONTENT - 2 of 4 内容简介7. Greeting与客问候8. Giving Directions 给予指示或说明9. Outlet Manager部门经理10. Public Areas公共区域11. Crockery & L

5、inen器皿及布草12. Furniture & Fixtures家具及设备F&BF&BCore PracticesCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范1.1. Divisional Core Divisional Core PracticesPractices部门核心规范部门核心规范2011/9/305CONTENT- 3 of 4内容简介13. Floral Arrangements花式安排14. Guest Collateral客用品15. Temperature & Air温度及空气16. Music音乐17. Disabled & Elderly伤残及年迈人士18

6、. Safety & Security安全与保障F&BF&BCore PracticesCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范1.1. Divisional Core Divisional Core PracticesPractices部门核心规范部门核心规范2011/9/306CONTENT - 4 of 4内容简介19. SFSMS & HACCP香格里拉食品安全管理系统及危害分析和关键控制点20. Training培训21. Guest Feedback客人意见反馈22. 18Key Drivers18核心方针F&BF&BCore PracticesCore Pract

7、ices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范1.1. Divisional Core Divisional Core PracticesPractices部门核心规范部门核心规范2011/9/307Food and Beverages are always prepared according to recipe, served at the right temperature (hot served hot and cold served cold) and according to the preparation time. *食物和饮料必要按照菜谱准备。 服务于指定的正确温度 (热食要食,冷菜要

8、冷)及时间。1. Quality of F&B 餐饮部质量标准Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/308Service is attentive but not interruptive. Regular visits to the table are to be made but should be combined and not create disturbance. Never interrupt when guests are in the middle of a conversation.*服务要殷勤

9、但是不要打扰客人。要注意客人的需要,联合服务,减小打扰客人次数。不要打断客人的交谈. 2. Service Etiquette 服务礼仪Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/309Colleagues are knowledgeable about ingredients, serving times and preparation of each menu item and will be able to accommodate off-menu requests and alternatives. *员工对菜肴

10、的烹调方法,配料和时间要熟悉。同时能对菜单以外的要求也能作出建议 .3. Product Knowledge 产品知识Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3010Colleagues are meticulously groomed, neatly dressed, with clean, properly fitted and maintained uniforms, including nametag. *员工的仪表和制服要保持一丝不苟的整洁。佩带名牌而且保持端正。4. Grooming 仪容仪表Food &

11、 Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3011Colleagues always maintain a professional posture, gesture and demeanor in the guest areas of the hotel*员工在公共区域要保持站立姿势端正。Colleagues speak with guests and among themselves in an attentive, sincere, courteous and composed manner.*当员工与客人或员工谈话时,应使

12、用殷勤有礼的态度。5. Posture & Attitude 姿势与态度Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3012Colleagues possess thorough knowledge of the hotel and take ownership of guest requests, with no divisional boundaries of involvement / responsibility in ensuring guest satisfaction. Guest needs are li

13、stened to carefully and responded to in a warm, helpful and sincere manner.*员工对酒店应有丰富的知识和理解 。不论客人对任何一个部门有疑问都应尽力协助。仔细聆听客人的请求及用友善和真诚的态度给予帮助。6. Ownership 主人翁精神Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3013All guest are greeted in Chinese, according to the time of the day and by using t

14、he guests name (when known).*用中文问候语,按照适当的时间向客人问好。“Zao Shang Hao / Ni Hao / Wan Shang Hao, Mrs. Smith” *早上好/你好/晚上好,李先生。7. Greeting 与客问候Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3014When in guest corridors, guests are actively assisted in finding directions and escorted a minimum of 1

15、0 meters towards the desired location using an opened palm, instead of pointing to the direction.*当客人经过走廊时,员工应积极协助客人(陪同客人至少10米左右)用展开手掌来代替指点式的为客人指引方向.“Nihao Sir / Madam, may I help you?”“This way, Sir / Madam. Have a good day.” *先生/小姐 你好,有什么可以帮你吗?*先生/小姐, 这边请。祝你过得去快 。8. Giving Directions 给予指示或说明Food &

16、 Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3015The Outlet Manager is very visible and effectively engaged in service and supervision.*餐厅经理应经常与客人接触和给予员工指示。9. Outlet Manager 部门经理Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3016Colleagues ensure that the surrounding areas are al

17、ways clean, tidy and well maintained (including back areas). *员工应确保餐厅周围的环境整洁 (包括后勤地区)。10. Public Areas 公共区域Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3017All china, glass, cutlery and linens are in excellent condition, free of damage, wear or discoloration. *所有的瓷器,玻璃器具,餐具和餐布要保持良好状态,

18、不可有损毁或脱色。11. Crockery & Linen 器皿及布草Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3018Tables, chairs and banquettes are in good condition, free of notable damage and clean. 桌子和椅子应保持整洁和良好状态,不应有明显的损毁。12. Furniture & Fixtures 家具及设备Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3

19、019Floral arrangements are fresh, attractive and well maintained. *花卉装饰应保持新鲜和美观的状态。13. Floral Arrangements 花式安排Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3020Menus, posters, flyers and guest printing in general are to be in perfect condition and always properly displayed. *菜单,海报和宣传单张

20、应完好无损,摆放在适当的位置。14. Guest Collateral 客用品Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3021Temperature and air quality is comfortable and odor-free. *空气质数和温度要保持在舒适的状态,不应有异味 。PICTUREPhoto of air conditioning switch.15. Temperature & Air 温度与空气Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门

21、核心规范2011/9/3022Music is at a comfortable volume with a good sound quality and appropriate selection. *音乐保持在舒适的音量和良好的音质。餐厅应备有恰当的音乐选集。16. Music 音乐Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3023Disabled, elderly and children should always have priority over other guests.*给予伤残人士,年长人士及小孩优

22、先的照料。17. Disabled & Elderly 伤残及年迈人士Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3024Guests and Colleagues safety, security and privacy are never compromised.*顾及客人和员工的安全及隐私。18. Safety & Security 安全与保障Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3025Colleagues take ownershi

23、p and ensure that SFSMS & HACCP standards are always followed correctly to guarantee guest safety at all times.*员工要保持主人翁态度认真的贯彻食品卫生标准始终如一的确保客人的安全19. SFSMS & HACCP 香格里拉食品安全管理系统及危害分析和关键控制点Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3026Level 1, 2 & 3 employees take ownership, responsibi

24、lity and follow through that training is conducted with personal involvement to ensure that our colleagues are always well trained and developed.*1至3级员工尽责的参与培训,给予员工事业发展所需的指导20. Training 培训Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3027Colleagues collect guest feedback actively and us

25、e the Defect Tracking System to follow up diligently on service shortcomings with the g goal to maximize the guest experience.*积极的获取客人的反馈,并运用跟踪系统弥补服务中的缺点,将客人的利益最大化21. Guest Feedback 客人意见反馈Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3028Colleagues embrace and apply the 18 Key Drivers i

26、n their daily work routine and ensure that they become a foundation of our organization.*日常工作中贯彻并执行18条核心方针,将其作为我们团队组织的基本理念22. 18 Key Drivers 18核心方针Food & Beverage / Divisional Core Practices 餐饮部门核心规范2011/9/3029F&BF&BCore PracticesCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范2. Telephone 2. Telephone StandardsStandar

27、ds电话标准电话标准CONTENT 1 of 2 内容简介1. Answering a Call 接听电话2. Taking Reservations做预定3. Propose Promotions策划促销4. Repeat Reservation重复预定5. Fully Booked预订已满6. Offer Alternatives提供其他选择2011/9/3030F&BF&BCore PracticesCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范2. Telephone 2. Telephone StandardsStandards电话标准电话标准CONTENT 2 of 2

28、内容简介7. Unable to Confirm无法确认8. Putting a Call on Hold电话等候9. Transferring a Call转接电话10. Ending a Call结束通话11. VIP Reservations贵宾预定12. Handling Multiple Tasks处理多项客人要求2011/9/30311. Answering Calls 接听电话Telephones are answered within 3 rings in a courteous and pleasant manner with a smile in the voice. *电

29、话铃响三声内有礼貌地接起电话,并面带微笑。Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准2011/9/30321. Answering Calls 接听电话Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准Colleagues greet at the telephone in Chinese, identify their department, mention their first name, offer assistance and use the guests name (if seen on

30、 the digital display).*同事们电话中应用中文问候语 ,确定部门,提及自己的名字,提供帮助,并称呼客人的名字(如果可以在显示屏上看到)。“Ni Hao, F&B Reservations, this is Grace. How may I assist you, Mr. Smith?” *“你好,餐饮预定,我是Grace,有什么可以为您效劳吗,李先生?”2011/9/30332. Taking Reservations 做预定Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准Accurately record the day, d

31、ate, time of reservation and number of guests expected and ask if guest is a repeat guest. Ask the guest for seating preferences, identify guests needs / expectations and as for any special requests. *同事们应精确记录下客人的预定时间,日期,人数,询问客人是否是常客。客人会有座位喜好,确认客人的需要/期望和其他任何特别要求。2011/9/3034Food & Beverage / Telephon

32、e Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准Propose any promotion or signature dishes of the restaurant.*同事们应策划一些促销活动或餐厅的招牌菜。3. Propose Promotions 策划促销2011/9/3035Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准4. Repeat Reservation 重复预定For any restaurant bookings made, the booking has to be repeated to ensure that all deta

33、ils have been noted correctly.*对于任何餐厅的预定,必须重复以确保所有的详细资料是正确的。“Mr. Smith, may I repeat your reservation. Dinner for 2 persons at 7:00 pm on October 21 at our Jade Restaurant. We have noted that your wife cannot eat pork. *李先生,我能重复一下你的预定吗?10月21日晚七点,两位,在我们的翡翠36餐厅。我们已经注明你太太是不吃猪肉的。2011/9/3036Food & Bevera

34、ge / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准5. Fully Booked 预订已满In the event that the restaurant is fully booked, a sincere regret is expressed.*如果在餐厅满座的情况下,真实的说明并感到抱歉。“My sincere apologies, Mr. Smith, but there are no more tables available at this time / on this day. Would you like to try our (restaurant nam

35、e)” *“我感到非常的抱歉,李先生,但是现在/今天没有空位了。”您是否愿意去试一下我们(餐厅名字)2011/9/3037Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准6. Offer Alternatives 提供其他选择Colleagues should inform the guest on an estimated time when the next table becomes available or offer an alternate dining venue.*同事们应该告知客人一个大概的时间,什么时候会有空位或者提供一个可供选

36、择的用餐地方“There is a table available around 9:00 pm. Would that be alright for you? / May I offer you one of our other dining venues ?” *要到九点左右有空位。您觉得可以吗?还是让我提供您其他用餐地方。2011/9/3038Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准7. Unable to Confirm 无法确认When it is unable to confirm a reservation immediate

37、ly, colleagues ensure that the call is accurately recorded and the guest is called back within 1 hours.*当不能及时确认一个预定的时候,同事们需确保电话是被正确记录的然后在一个小时内打回电给客人。“Mr. Smith, please allow me to call you back in the next hour to confirm your inquiry / request.” *李先生,请允许我在一个小时内打回电给您,确认您的询问/要求2011/9/3039Food & Bever

38、age / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准8. Putting a Call on Hold 安置电话等候Ask for permission and wait for the callers response before putting a call on hold.*同事们在安置客人电话等待前需得到客人许可.“Excuse me, Mr. Smith, may I put you on hold while I look for Ms. Li, please?” *“对不起,李先生,在我寻找李先生的时候,我可以安置您的电话处于等待中吗?”2011/9/3040

39、Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准8. Putting a Call on Hold 安置电话等候Do not hold the call for longer than 30 seconds. When taking back the line that was put on hold, thank the caller for waiting.*不要安置电话等待超过三十秒。当电话被再次接回,要感谢来电人的耐心等待。“Thank you for holding, Mr. Smith.” *“谢谢您的耐心等待,李先生。”2011/9/

40、3041Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准9. Transferring a Call 转接电话Ask for permission and wait for the callers response before transferring a call. The person on the receiving end of the line is to be informed about the callers name and inquiry before putting the call through.*同事们在转接一个电话前

41、需得到来电人的许可。在接通前需告知接受者,客人的名字和询问内容。“Mr. Smith, may I transfer your call to Ms. Li now? Thank you. Please wait for a moment.” *“李先生,我现在把您的电话转给李小姐可以吗?谢谢,请稍等。”2011/9/3042Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准10. Ending a Call 结束通话When ending a call, thank the caller for the booking / inquiry made

42、 and offer further assistance. Do not hang up the phone before the caller does.*在通话结束时,感谢来电者的预定/询问并提供进一步的帮助。让来电者先挂电话。“Thank you for calling / your reservation / your inquiry, Mr. Smith. Please let me know should you need anything else. Have a good day / evening.” *“谢谢您的来电/预订/询问,李先生。如果您还有其他需要请告诉我。祝您有

43、个愉快的一天/夜晚。”2011/9/3043Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准11. VIP Reservations 贵宾预定Reservations of regular guests, VIPs and dignitaries are brought to the attention of senior management prior to arrival.*常客,重要人士和权贵高官的预定要首先接待并让管理层引起注意。2011/9/3044If guests approach the desk while associates

44、 are talking on the telephone, they have to be acknowledged by establishing eye contact with a smile to signal that they will be at their service shortly.*如果客人来到接待台,服务员正在接电话,他们及时建立眼神接触并保持微笑给予对方提示他们人员比较少。12. Handling Multiple Tasks 处理多项客人要求Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准2011/9/3045If

45、the telephone rings while associates are talking to guests and there is no other colleague who could pick up the phone, they excuse themselves in an appropriate manner to answer the call.*如果电话铃响时服务员正在和客人说话,周围没有其他同时可以接电话,服务员和客人说对不起然后去接电话。“Excuse me Mr. Smith, may I pick up this phone call? Ill with y

46、ou in a second.”*“对不起李先生,我可以先接听这个来电吗?”12. Handling Multiple Tasks 处理多项客人要求Food & Beverage / Telephone Standards餐饮部 / 电话标准2011/9/3046F&BF&BCore PracticesCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范3. Restaurants3. Restaurants, ,BarsBars & & LoungesLounges餐厅餐厅, ,酒吧酒吧, ,酒廊酒廊CONTENT - 1 of 6内容简介1. Table Set-Up设台2. Serv

47、ice Stations服务操作台3. Station Assignment区域分配4. Hostess领位台5. Greeting与客问候6. Asking for Reservation询问预定情况2011/9/3047CONTENT - 2 of 6内容简介7. Seating Preferences座位喜好8. Assisting with Coats辅助客人存放大衣9. No tables available餐厅客满10. Escorting带位11. Arrival at the table到达餐台12. Chair Assistance拉椅子F&BF&BCore Practice

48、sCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范3. Restaurants3. Restaurants, ,BarsBars & & LoungesLounges餐厅餐厅, ,酒吧酒吧, ,酒廊酒廊2011/9/3048CONTENT - 3 of 6 内容简介13. Serving Tea上茶14. Taking the Order 点单15. Up Selling促销16. Repeating of Orders重复点单内容17. Removal of Settings撤离多余餐具18. Single Diners单独用餐的客人F&BF&BCore PracticesCore

49、Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范3. Restaurants3. Restaurants, ,BarsBars & & LoungesLounges餐厅餐厅, ,酒吧酒吧, ,酒廊酒廊2011/9/3049CONTENT - 4 of 6 内容简介19. Towel Service上毛巾20. Beverage Service上饮料21. Wine Temperature葡萄酒温度22. Wine by the Glass杯卖葡萄酒23. Wine by the Bottle瓶卖葡萄酒24. Coffee & Tea Service咖啡及茶水服务标准F&BF&BCore PracticesCore Practices餐饮部核心规范餐饮部核心规范3. Restaurants3. Restaurants, ,BarsBars & & LoungesLounges餐厅餐厅, ,酒吧酒吧, ,酒廊酒廊2011/9/3050


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