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卡尔森酒店(丽笙酒店) 市场营销部标准操作手册SOP(中英)P172.doc

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1、市场营销部标准操作手册卡尔森酒店(丽笙酒店)Radisson Hotels and ResortsCalrson Hotels Worldwide - Asia Pacific目录(Contents)01、业务查询的处理和跟进Handling of Sales Leads/Enquiries02、宴请Entertainment03、升级/特别房价Upgrades/Special Rates04、Delegation of Authority: Pricing授权:价格05、Group Booking Form团队预订表格06、Distribution of Master Contract 合同

2、分发07、House Tour 酒店参观08、Sales Department Files销售部的文档资料09、Trace System追踪系统10、Travel Expenses Claim & Reports差旅费用报销及报告11、Core Selling Initiatives积极销售12、Telephone Answering Techniques电话接听技巧13、Solicitation Goals争取生意的目标a14、获得预订Inventory Types 15、房间总量类型Filing System16、文件归档系统Confirmations17、预订确认Special Bill

3、ing Requests 18、特殊的账单结算要求Advance Deposits19、提前预付定金Travel Agency Commissions 20、旅行社返佣Standards 21、标准Family Plan22、家庭计划Travel Industry Discounts23、旅游行业的折扣 Upselling 24、增值销售Special Requests/Guest History 25、特殊的要求/客户历史Suite Controls 26、套房的控制Worldwide Reservations Centre27、全球预订中心 Forecasts 28、预测Reservati

4、ons Pick-up Report 29、预订确认报表Yield Management 30、业务管理Hotel Information 31、酒店信息Guaranteed No-Show Billing 32、担保预订未到的账单Menu Policy Issuing / Printing33、菜单的打印条例Artist Job Request34、美工工作申请SUBJECT:Public Relations Monthly Activity Report35、公关部月工作报告SUBJECT:Handling of Journalist Group36、接待记者团队Official Stat

5、ements/Interviews Conducted37、声明/访谈This policy applies to all guests in the hotel premises with camera or video 38、camera.客人在酒店内使用照相机和摄像机的制度39、Inventory Check清单核对40、Artist Monthly Report美工月度报告41、SUBJECT:Media Call 媒体拜访42、Monthly Press Luncheon每月媒体午宴43、Press Releases 新闻稿44、Hotel Donations 酒店捐助45、Publ

6、ic Inquiry公众问询46、Collateral Production印刷品制作47、Advertisement Insertion广告48、Barter Agreement串换合同49、Paper Clipping剪报50、Direct Mailing直邮51、Distributing Letters信件发布52、Corporate Design Guideline设计标准53、Advertising Policy广告制度54、Hotel Information酒店的信息 55、Response to Inquiry客人询问的应对 56、Banquet Event Order宴会活动安

7、排表57、Group Resume Sheet 团队安排表58、Banquet Event Order Meeting宴会活动安排的内部协调会议59、Pre - Convention Meeting预先会议60、Catering Meeting Agenda会议的议程61、Catering Marketing Plan宴会市场计划62、Catering Pace Report宴会追踪报告63、Lost Business Report流失生意的报告64、Booking Report预定的报告65、Call Report电话销售的报告66、Blocking Space场地的预定67、Space R

8、elease场地的释放 68、Function Space Release宴会场地放回69、Function Food Prices and Authorization宴会价格授权70、Radisson Money 丽笙酒店钞票SUBJECT: Handling of Sales Leads/Enquiries 业务查询的处理和跟进Task: S&M 001 Effective Date: Dec 16 2008Objective: 目的 The Sales & Marketing Department is responsible to handle and follow-up on lea

9、ds/enquiries on pure rooms and 10 rooms or above related meeting/catering group business. 市场营销部负责处理和跟进客房及含10间或以上客房的会议团队。Procedure: 内容 1. All leads/enquiries are to be passed on to the Director of Sales & Marketing who will then assign a respective sales person to follow-up together with name card if

10、 available.所有的业务查询连有关的名片将由市场营销总监统一分配给各销售人员进行跟进。2. Should guests inquire on room rates; offer only the current applicable promotional rates.如客人询问房价,应只提供当前已制订的促销价格。Prepared By:Approved By DGM: Approved By GM: Standard Operating Procedure Sales & Marketing SUBJECT: Entertainment 宴请Task: S&M 002 Effecti

11、ve Date: Dec 16 2008Objective: 目的 To set forth the guidelines which must be followed when in the action of entertaining hotel clients.为销售人员在酒店款待客人设立指导方针。Client entertaining is encouraged as a vital component to the sales process. Client entertaining on property most often involve a restaurant experi

12、ence at one of three meal periods. Recommendations for a successful experience include:鼓励在酒店内款待客人是销售过程一个重要的环节。在餐厅中任何一餐的宴请将使客人亲生体验到酒店的卓越服务。成功的体验包括:Procedure: 内容 1. Sales person to pre-plan the event with indication in the Weekly Sales Plan. Select the meal most appropriate for the client and yourself

13、.销售人员在每周的销售计划中注明和客户约定的日子,挑选的餐厅/菜肴必须适合双方。2. Make a reservation in the outlet. Speak with the restaurant manager and waitress/waiter prior to the clients arrival. Let them know the purpose of the entertaining, how it will affect them and future business prospects. Encourage them to greet the client by

14、 name.在客人到来前预订好餐厅, 并让餐厅经理和服务人员了解招待此次客人的目的和对未来生意的意义。鼓励他们用客人的名字主动与客人打招呼。3. Make recommendations. Do not consume alcohol before the client does. Do not talk revenue under the influence.为客人推荐餐厅的特色菜肴,不要主动点酒类饮品除非客人需要。不要在酒精的影响下谈论酒店收益。 4. When signing the bill, information on name of account, name of client

15、, purpose of entertaining, sales persons name must be clearly indicated.在签单时,须清楚填写被招待的公司名字,客人姓名,宴请理由,宴请场所及销售人员姓名。Prepared By:Approved By DGM: Approved By GM: 11SUBJECT: Upgrades/Special Rates 升级/特别房价Task: S&M 003 Effective Date: Dec 16 2008Objective: 目的 To provide guideline for sales person on exten

16、ding upgrade or special rates.为销售人员向客人制定升级或特别房价提供一定的指导方针。Procedure: 内容 Sales persons are required to seek the approval of the Director of Sales & Marketing prior to extend special rates/upgrade.销售人员需事先获得市场销售总监的批准才能向客人提供特别房价或免费升级。Prepared By:Approved By DGM: Approved By GM: SUBJECT: Delegation of Aut

17、hority: Pricing 授权:价格Task: S&M 004 Effective Date: Dec 16 2008Objective: 目的 Delegation of authority and empowerment can only be practiced if all Sales Personnel are familiar with the market condition and understand the rates structure.只有在所有的销售人员熟悉市场情况并明白价格机构的基础上,才可以对销售员进行授权。Procedure: 内容 Rooms 房间1.

18、Corporate Rates 公司协议价 Sales persons are authorized to negotiate corporate business based on the approved corporate rate structure in accordance to the volume of business.销售员根据客户的生意量及被批准的公司价格机构,销售人员可被授权与客户谈判价格。 The Director of Sales & Marketing must approve special negotiated corporate rates. Sales p

19、ersons must obtain all necessary information pertaining to the particular corporate account such as nature of business, competitor used and rates, potential amount of business for the hotel. All these information must be obtained in order for the Director of Sales & Marketing to determine rates.特殊公司

20、协议价格必须得到市场销售总监的批准。销售人员必须获取客户公司所有必要的信息如:生意的种类,使用哪些竞争酒店及价格,能为酒店带来的潜在生意量。必须获得这些信息来帮助市场营销总监来决定协议价格。 The Director of Sales & Marketing must sign all Corporate Rates Agreements.市场销售总监必须签署所有的公司价合同。2. Wholesale Rates 旅行社批发价 Sales persons must first identify the nature of the agent, wholesale or retailer.销售员

21、必须先确认代理商的种类,批发商还是零售商。 Sales persons are authorized to negotiate wholesale business based on the approved wholesale rates structure in accordance to the volume of business.销售员被授权在批准的旅行社批发价基础上根据生意量的大小与批发商进行价格谈判。 For Ad hoc promotional/special packages, sales person must obtain detailed information suc

22、h as duration of the promotion, target market, mode of promotion in order for the Director of Sales and Marketing to work on a special Ad hoc rate.为了制定特别价格,销售人员必须收集详细信息,如促销期,目标市场,促销模式,给市场营销总监制定特别价格的提供。3. Ad hoc Rates 特别一次性价格 The Director of Sales & Marketing will set special ad hoc rates in accordan

23、ce to on-the-book forecast occupancy in order to secure an occupancy base. These ad hoc rates will be fluctuated and will be changed.市场销售总监将根据酒店预计入住率来制定统一的特别价格,以确保酒店的基本入住情况。这些特别价格可根据具体情况变动。 The Director of Sales & Marketing will brief all sales persons on the ad hoc rates with the bottom line set.市场

24、销售总监将告知所有的销售人员特别价格的底线。 A 12-month Rolling ad hoc rates table will be updated for sales persons.销售人员需要更新一份12个月的一次性房价表。4. Catering 宴会销售All sales persons are to sell only the approved Banquet prices set by the Hotel. Special request shall be directed to the Director of Sales & Marketing who will work w

25、ith the Executive Assistant Manager (F&B) to determine the price.所有的销售人员须使用经酒店批准的酒店宴会价格。特殊价格将由市场营销总监与行政副经理(餐饮)协商决定。Prepared By:Approved By DGM: Approved By GM: Standard Operating Procedure Sales & Marketing SUBJECT: Group Booking Form 团队预订表格Task: S&M 005 Effective Date: Dec 16 2008Objective: 目的 1 To

26、 provide guideline on when and how to issue a Group Booking Form.为何时及如何制定团队预订表提供指导方针。2 A Group Booking Form will be issued if:团队预订表格将在以下情况用: It is a Series Group with more than 10 rooms.超过10间客房的系列团体。 An Ad hoc group with more than 10 rooms.超10间客房的一次性团体。 A Residential Meeting group with more than 10

27、rooms.超10间客房的会务团体。Procedure: 内容 1. Sales coordinator will raise a Group Booking Form should the group falls into one of the above mentioned.如果此团队符合以上其中一种性质,销售协调员将制定团队预订表格。2. The Group Booking Form will be issued to the Reservation Department to block rooms once the proposal is signed and returned to

28、 the Hotel under “New Reservation”.一旦客户签还酒店发出的报价协议, 注有“新预订”的团队预订单会被发到预订部。3. Once confirmation received from the other party, a revised Group Booking Form will be raised indicating “Confirmation”.当酒店收到客户的确认后,销售部将分发注有“确定”的团队预定单。4. Should a Group booking is cancelled; the Group Booking Form will indica

29、te “Cancellation”.如团队预订被取消,团队预订表格上将被注明“取消”字样。5. All amendment pertaining to the particular group must be amended by Group Booking Form. Verbal amendment is not accepted unless the Amended Group Booking Form follows it.所有团队信息的更改必须以团队预订单为准,在任何情况下口头的更改将不予接受,除非同时制定相应的团队预订变更表。6. Each time an amendment is

30、 made, the Group Booking Form must be completed with all updated information. Under no circumstances only partial information is indicated assuming the other department will read from the previous Group Booking Form.每次更改,都需要在团队预订表中完成所有的信息更新。其它部门将不会在之前的团队预订表中只读取部分正确信息。 7. The Group Booking Form must

31、be approved and signed by the DOSM.所有团队预订表格必须由市场销售总监签名批准。Prepared By:Approved By DGM: Approved By GM: 13Standard Operating Procedure Sales & Marketing SUBJECT: Distribution of Master Contract 合同分发Task: S&M 006 Effective Date: Dec 16 2008Objective: 目的 To provide guideline on distribution of signed co

32、ntract received from either travel agent or corporate account.为分发由公司或旅行社回签的合同而设立指导方针。Procedure: 内容 1. Sales Department will create an account profile with PCR code or IATA no. in the Sales & Catering System once a master contract is sent. The profile will contain all relevant information pertaining

33、to the particular account.一旦协议/合同发送后,销售人员将在电脑的销售和宴会系统中设立该客户的档案。档案包括此客户所有的相关信息和资料。2. Upon receipt of the master contract proposal regardless of signed or unsigned, the Reservation Manager should create rate code in the Sales & Catering system. This is to avoid miscommunication should a booking reques

34、t came in before the acknowledgment of the master contract.预订部经理在收到已签或未签的合同后,首先在电脑系统输入该客户的资料及房价代码。这是为了避免按客户在签回合同前订房而带来的错误传达。3. Once the acknowledgement received by the Sales Department, it will be copied to ONLY the Financial Controller and Front Office Manager, who will then share with other concer

35、ned departments. This is to protect the interest of the hotel.当客户签回合同后,销售部只将复印件给财务总监和前台经理,他们将和其他相关部门共同使用。这是为了保护酒店的利益。4. With the exception of General Manager and Executive Director, nobody is allowed to borrow or remove any file or master contract from the Sales & Marketing Department. 除了总经理和行政总监以外,

36、任何人都不可从市场销售部借/取任何档案/合同。Prepared By:Approved By DGM: Approved By GM: 14Standard Operating Procedure Sales & Marketing SUBJECT: House Tour 酒店参观Task: S&M 007 Effective Date: Dec 16 2008Objective: 目的 To provide guideline on how to conduct a professional house tour.为执行一个专业的酒店参观而提供指导方针。Procedure: 内容 1. Be

37、fore making an appointment with a guest, sales person should check the hotel reservation status to make sure that guest rooms and function rooms are not occupied when showing to the guest.在与客人约定日期前,销售人员必须先确认当日客房及会议室的预订状态,确保在参观酒店时相关设施没有被使用。2. Make an appointment with the guest at a time which is conv

38、enient for both parties.约定一个双方都方便的时间。3. Design the inspection routes and places and personally check these places prior to guests arrival to make sure that no obstacle is on the way.在客人到来前,销售人员必须亲自检查参观路线及场地,以免发生任何人为的尴尬场面。4. Get the show room keys from Front Desk and try to arrange all rooms on the s

39、ame floor.从前台取得客房钥匙,尽量安排在同一楼层。参观所有类型的客房。5. Prepare name card, note pad and hotel brochure and promotional flyers.准备好名片、笔记本及酒店宣传印刷品。6. To welcome the guest in the lobby on time, exchange name card and greet the guest by name and title.准时在大堂恭候客人到来;见面时须称呼客人的姓名和职位,并交换名片。7. Advise the guest on route to s

40、how and encourage questions from the guests.告诉客人将要参观的路线并鼓励客人发问。8. When showing the guest rooms, to start from the low category and then move to higher category.参观客房时,由基本房型开始,再依次参观其他类型客房。9. Before entering the guest room, push the doorbell first to make sure that there is nobody in the room.进入客房前必须先按

41、门铃以确定房中无住店客人。10. Explain to the guest the specific features and functions of the facilities and equipment in the room including fire and security equipment.向客人介绍客房的特色和设备包括防火,安保等。11. On the way to the next destination, introduce hotel others facilities such as F&B outlets, Fitness Center and Business

42、 Centre etc.在到下一个参观地的路上,向客人介绍餐饮,健身中心及商务中心等其他设施。12. When inspection is completed, invite the guest to have a drink in the lobby lounge (if it is convenient for the guest).参观完毕后,邀请客人到大堂酒廊喝杯饮料(如果客人方便)。13. Ask for the feedback of the hotel and take a note of the comments. Check with the guest if there i

43、s any forthcoming business for the hotel. At the same time distribute hotel brochure and promotional flyers.向客人询问他的感想并做好记录,同时询问客人近期内是否有生意/合作机会并把酒店宣传资料交给客人以供参考。14. See off the guests to the main entrance.将客人送至酒店大门口。15. Record the event using the Opera S&C System and follow up if there is any business

44、.在电脑中输入整个参观活动的纪录,并及时跟进潜在的业务机会。16. Without the prior permission of the Hotel Management, no one is allowed to take the guest to the back of the house in the hotel.在没获得酒店管理层的批准前,任何人不可将客人带入酒店后台。Prepared By:Approved By DGM: Approved By GM: 16Standard Operating Procedure Sales & Marketing SUBJECT: Sales Department Files 销售部的文档资料Task: S&M 008 Effective Date: Dec 16 2008Objective: 目的 Organization is key to a sales department running smoothly. This section addresses the information and the procedures which are necessary to maintain an efficient and successful sales effort. 井井有条对销售部非常重要。这部分将对


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