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1、?教?英语?必修第二册?教?英语必 修第二册English普通高中教科书上海教育出版社上海教育出版社?教?英语必修第二册普通 高 中教 科书English上海教育出版社主 编: 邹为诚副 主 编: 李伟英编写人员: 陈德江 詹 玲 董亚男本套教材项目编辑团队总 编 辑: 程 林 责任编辑: 黄 艳 吕 晔 特约编辑: 戴思泉 陈峤琦 Johan Uusitalo装帧设计: 赵志文 张淇萌美术编辑: 朱博普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第二册上海市中小学 (幼儿园) 课程改革委员会组织编写出 版 发 行 上海教育出版社有限公司地 址 上海永福路 123 号邮 编 200031印 刷 上海中华印刷有限

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3、 12315 声明按照 中华人民共和国著作权法 第二十五条有关规定, 我们已尽量寻找著作权人支付报酬。著作权人如有关于支付报酬事宜可及时与出版社联系。上海教育出版社?的?学们?本?为?修第二?, ?有?核心主? (No limi?s、 Roads ?o edu?a?ion、 P?o?ess?、 ?ie?emen?s) 。?学们在这?主?语?的引?展?写?的?。本?教材?单?组成, ?单?有?, ?的?内容和学?方? ? 是单?的核心内容, ?中的主课文?建了一?的学?平?, 供?学们研?文?的?内容和语言?点。?学们?据此?生?际, ?展?写的?交际?, 全面提高语言能力、 ?, ?文?内?,

4、 提?文?意?和学?能力。 ? 是 普通高中英语课程标准 (2017 年版) (? 课程标准 ) 所?定的?语?学?内容, ?中的语?范?展示了语?的?点, ?后的语?作学?帮助?们建立?范和?的语?, 发展有?的语?用能力。 ? 分为?力?和?语?。?力?有?的?准?, ?学们准?分, ?力学?的成?大 ? ?语?和?力?依, 为?学们?了?的?机会。 ? 为?学们提供了发展写作能力的机会。在教师的?, ?学们?根据?提示研究范文在内容、 语言和文本编?方面的?点, ?后?展?立的写作?。 ? 提供了?的优秀中华文?和?国家及地?的文?内容。?学们通过学?这些内容, 理?的文?和文?点, 提

5、?文?意?和文?较能力, ?对中国文?的自?, 树立家国?, ?人?的理?, ?价值?、 ?传?和能力?者?为一?。本?有一?视频学?, ?含?的语言和文?内容, ?学们通过视?学?, 能?有?地提? “?英语” 的能力。本套教材?有?点? ?课程标准 提?通过?提高语言学?能。为此, 本套教材含有大?的?语言交际?,有助于?学们?改进学?方?, 主?、 积?地参?作?究的学?中?。 ? ? ? ? ? ?的学?标和准?的自我?价是? “教学?” 一?的重要?。本套教材为?学们提供了两?助学工? ?1? 单?始?的 “学?标” 提出了?的学?内容和期?成的学?果; ?2? 单?的自我?价?帮助

6、?学们准?地?价自?的学?成果, 并据此?一?的学?标。成?的英语学?要建立在?有力的?机、 ?理的学?方?和持?的?力?上。?学们在?的学?中, 积?参?交际?, 用?心和?心?成?。?学们学?成?!华东师范大学高中 英语 编写组2020 年 6 月致?上海教育出版社2Self-assessment (p. )Roads to educationC Listening and speaking (p. )Listening: Playing gamesSpeaking: Conducting a survey about playD Writing (p. )Writing a for an

7、d against essay on how long an English class should be E Cultural focus (p. )Reading: “The Geography Lesson”Video: An American high schoolB Grammar activity (p. )The verb-ing and verb-ed forms as the attributiveA Reading and interaction (p. )Reading: An experiment in educationMini-project: Proposing

8、 the best way of studying Focus on language: Phrasal verbs with prepositions1Self-assessment (p. )No limitsA Reading and interaction (p. )Reading: Blame your brainMini-project: Conducting a survey about risk-takingFocus on language: Pronoun referencing; adjectives ending in -ing or -ed B Grammar act

9、ivity (p. )EllipsisC Listening and speaking (p. )Listening: The fear factorSpeaking: Talking about common and uncommon fearsD Writing (p. )Writing an article to describe a person you admire E Cultural focus (p. )Reading: Eyewitness account: Scotts HutVideo: Extreme sports in Queenstown上海教育出版社Appendi

10、cesVocabulary (p. )Proper nouns (p. )Glossary (p. )Grammar reference (p. ) 4Self-assessment (p. )AchievementsA Reading and interaction (p. )Reading: An excerpt from The Old Man and the SeaMini-project: Having a class discussion about challenges in life and how to deal with themFocus on language: Nou

11、ns and adjectives with the same rootB Grammar activity (p. )The to-infinitive as the adverbial C Listening and speaking (p. )Listening: Whats the greatest achievement in human history?Speaking: Talking about the achievements of successful peopleD Writing (p. )Writing an opinion essay on PE classesE

12、Cultural focus (p. )Reading: A false startVideo: Top spin3Self-assessment (p. )Progress?A Reading and interaction (p. )Reading: Going globalMini-project: Conducting an interview about globalization Focus on language: Verbs of statisticsB Grammar activity (p. )The verb-ing form as the adverbialC List

13、ening and speaking (p. )Listening: Selling dreamcatchersSpeaking: Discussing a business idea D Writing (p. )Writing a formal email to make enquiries about an English course in the UK E Cultural focus (p. )Reading: All you need to know about EnglishVideo: World English上海教育出版社上海教育出版社C Listening and sp

14、eaking Explain common and uncommon fearsD Writing Write a description of a person you admire using appropriate language and format A Reading and interaction Identify reasons for teenagers risk-taking and reflect on your own behaviour B Grammar activity Use ellipsis correctly in the given contextE Cu

15、ltural focus Retell the story of Scotts Hut Describe one extreme sport in QueenstownObjectivesNo limits1上海教育出版社Pre-reading activity1 Look at the photos on pages 6 and 7 and discuss statements ad with your classmates. Do you agree with them?a Small children take more risks than teenagers. b Boys take

16、 fewer risks than girls.c Teenagers often take risks when they want to be part of a group.d Seventeen-year-olds take more risks than younger teenagers.2 Look at the title and subheadings. Predict what the passage is about.a Studying the brain b Visiting a theme park c Taking risksIts a fact: many te

17、enagers take more risks than children and adults. The question is, why? Check out the latest studies and think about what you can do about it.The “wow” factorHave you ever been on a roller-coaster ridea? How did you feel when you got off? Excited? Amazed? This is the “wow” factor, the feeling of ple

18、asure we get when we take and survive a risk. Scientists know that a brain chemical called dopamineb causes this feeling of enjoyment. What has dopamine got to do with you? Well, some scientists believe that dopamine levels are sometimes lower in teenagers than they are in children. This means that

19、some teenagers might need to take more risks to get the same “wow” factor.51015yourBlamebraina a roller-coaster /rRWlR0kRWstR(r)/ ride ?过? b dopamine /dRWpRmi:n/ n. ?16 No limitsA Reading and interactionA Reading and interaction上海教育出版社Note: This passage is heavily adapted from a section of Blame My

20、BrainThe Amazing Teenage Brain Revealed by Nicola Morgan. The author is not responsible for the wording of this passage. For a clear understanding of the science, readers should refer to the original book.202530354045a frontal cortex /frVntl 9kO:teks/ (?) ? “I just felt like it”Have you ever done so

21、mething dangerous or frightening without thinking about what happens next? When an adult asks a teenager, “What were you thinking of when you did that?” a common reply is, “I just felt like it.” But the question misses the point, because the point is that the teenager might not have been thinking at

22、 all! The teenager didnt plan to take a risk: it just “happened”. A few years ago, scientists made a surprising discovery: the teenage brain goes through many physical changes, and some parts of it develop later than others. The last part to fully develop is the frontal cortexa. This is the area of

23、the brain which allows us to do things such as controlling feelings and making good decisions.Pressure from friendsHave you ever taken a risk to impress your friends? Even teenagers who are not usually big risk-takers may suddenly do something dangerous because they want to show off or fit in. If yo

24、u look at statistics, boys often take more risks than girls, perhaps because they dont want to look bad in front of their friendsthough girls dislike that too. Boys are more likely not to wear seat belts, more likely to get into an argument or a fight, and more likely to smoke and drink. But is taki

25、ng risks really the best way to get people to respect, notice and like you?What you can doTheres no easy solution, but try to make good choices and be independent. Dont get pushed into doing things by your friends. You can get your dopamine fix in lots of other exciting ways. Roller coasters, skateb

26、oarding and surfing will all give you the same “wow” factor. And if youre around 17, stop worrying, because your brain has reached the point where you can more easily make wise decisions. Youve survived up until now, so youve achieved a lotwell done!1No limits 7上海教育出版社Comprehension work 1 Read the p

27、assage and answer the questions.(1) How do teenagers feel when they have taken and survived a risk? (2) What causes the feeling of enjoyment according to the writer? (3) Why do teenagers take more risks than children and adults? (4) What are teenagers probably thinking of when they take risks? (5) W

28、hy do some teenagers become risk-takers? (6) What are the writers suggestions for teenagers? 2 Read the summary below and fill in each blank with a suitable word based on the language of the passage. You may change the form if necessary. The passage explains the reasons why teenagers usually take mo

29、re risks than children and adults, and offers some suggestions on how to deal with teenage problems. Scientists believe that teenage risk-taking is closely related to the levels of a brain 1 called dopamine, which causes feelings of 2. Teenagers are found to have 3 levels of dopamine than children,

30、so they have to take more 4 to experience the same excitement. Scientists also believe that teenagers are more likely to do 5 things without thinking about the results due to the 6 changes in their brains. Their frontal cortex is not fully 7, so their ability to make good decisions is limited. Press

31、ure from friends is the third factor that turns teenagers into 8: they have a strong need to look good in front of their friends. They also try to earn 9 from their friends by doing dangerous things such as fighting or not wearing seat belts. Experts suggest that there are no easy 10 to these proble

32、ms. Teenagers should try to make good decisions, act independently and find safe sources of excitement.18 No limitsA Reading and interactionA Reading and interaction上海教育出版社Sentences in the passageStrategiesMy understanding(1) . some scientists believe that dopamine levels are sometimes lower in teen

33、agers than they are in children. (2) Even teenagers who are not usually big risk-takers may suddenly do something dangerous because they want to show off or fit in.(3) Boys are more likely not to wear seat belts, more likely to get into an argument or a fight, and more likely to smoke and drink.(4)

34、But is taking risks really the best way to get people to respect, notice and like you?Deep reading 1 The writer uses a number of communicative strategies to make the ideas convincing and reasonable. Work in pairs. Study strategies ad, match them to sentences (1) (4), and give reasons. Pay attention

35、to the words in bold. You may use the example below to help you.a To choose a good source and use the present tense to indicate that the information is reliable, and that it is a general truth. b To use certain words to suggest that the current information is true to some extent. c To use certain ex

36、pressions to invite readers to join in a dialogue with the writer.d To suggest that readers use their own judgement about an issue.Scientists know that a brain chemical called dopamine causes this feeling of enjoyment.You may ask and respond like this:A: What do you think of this sentence? B: Here,

37、the writer clearly shows that this is an important piece of information. But Im not sure about what strategy she used. What do you think?A: From what I can see, its strategy is a. Using the word “scientists” here means it is a good information source.B: I agree. And the present tense of the verb “ca

38、use” suggests that the information is true. 1No limits 9上海教育出版社2 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.(1) Do you think taking risks is the best way to get people to respect you? Why or why not? (2) What is your impression of those teenagers who do dangerous things? Why? Mini-project Conducting a

39、survey about risk-takingYou are going to do a survey on teenage risk-taking. Interview at least three classmates by asking the questions below and note down their answers. What is the greatest risk you have ever taken? How did you feel? Will you do it again? Why or why not? Fill in the table and sha

40、re your findings with the class.NameGreatest riskFeelingsReasons to do / not to do it again Wang LiA roller-coaster rideHe was afraid at first. Then he was excited.He will do it again, because he thinks it helps him become braver and builds up his confidence.110 No limitsA Reading and interactionA R

41、eading and interaction上海教育出版社Focus on language 1 Read the passage again. Find out what the pronouns in bold in the passage refer to. (1) This (line 8) (5) it (line 29) (2) they (line 15) (6) This (line 30) (3) that (line 22) (7) they (line 35) (4) it (line 26) (8) their (line 37)2 Find the adjective

42、s ending in -ed or -ing in the passage. Then write them in the blanks.(1) Which adjectives describe how someone feels? (2) Which adjectives describe what someone or something is like? 3 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrases below. take the risk make a decision respect . for bl

43、ame . for show off be responsible for get into check out (1) The report the management the worsening water pollution. (2) The police believe that she might have helped the thief a, so they are her story. (3) Young people these scientists what they have done for their country, and many see them as ro

44、le models. (4) When I go into town with my children, I wont of leaving them alone, even for a short time.(5) One should think a bit longer about the advantages and disadvantages before .(6) Yesterday they an argument about whom to invite to the party. (7) An interesting detail in the story is that t

45、he two girls were rather unhappy about having nowhere their new hats. As a result, their mother decided not to cancel the trip. (8) “Who this terrible mess?” the manager asked his team. a thief /Pi:f/ n. 小?1No limits 11上海教育出版社Ellipsis Ellipsis is the act of leaving out some parts of a sentence. Who

46、would like to go swimming with me on Sunday? I would like to (go swimming with you on Sunday). (You dont have to repeat the words in brackets.) a Ellipsis can be used to avoid repeating information after modal verbs and other auxiliary verbs. b Ellipsis can also be used to avoid repeating informatio

47、n after certain verb structures that are followed by the to-infinitive. 1 Read the transcript of a TV show. Find out what information the speakers left out in parts 16. Match them to grammar rules a and b. Grammar reference 1 (p. 87) Presenter: Today on Challenges we are talking to climbing instruct

48、or Marco Black about young adventurers and the risks they take. So Marco, why are adventurers becoming younger? Marco: Well, people have already explored most places on Earth. Theyve climbed the highest mountains, theyve visited the driest deserts and theyve travelled across the sea. Today, it isnt

49、a race to be the first any more; its a race to be the youngest. Sixteen-year-old Jordan Romero is a good example. Presenter: How many mountains has Jordan climbed? Marco: Well, hes climbed the seven highest mountains in the world, including Qomolangma. Presenter: When did he climb Qomolangma? Marco:

50、 Several years ago, in 2010. Presenter: And how old was he then? Marco: Only 13 years old! Presenter: Thats an amazing achievement! 1Im surprised that his parents allowed him to. Marco: Well, actually his dad climbed with him. Presenter: Oh, OK. But surely he must have been afraid. Marco: 2Why would


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